I'm Not the Isekai Hero

Chapter 6: Magic and Weapons

I arrive at a shop just off of the main road with a dirt floor, a sign out front simply calling itself 'Bydel's Blackshop'. The front is clean but old, and not painted like many of the other places around.

I step inside, ducking under the low doorway and give my eyes a second to adjust to the low light. A small desk with a till sits on my right, and a large plethora of weapons lines the wall to my left. In the back behind a table littered with tools is an active furnace and a rythmic clang! rings out every second or so from the same location. I can just barely see a figure hunched over behind the table and the periodic spatter of sparks. I cough to get their attention and a surprisingly light and kind voice calls out, "Just a minute". I sit there, looking around at the collection of weapons until the clanging stops and I hear a sizzle before the figure finally stands up. It is a owling animen to my surprise. His wings are not just folded, but tied with a soft string behind his back, and he wears a loose shirt with the sleeves rolled up and baggy pants that are bound at the ends, both made of a tough material. His stature is shorter and skinny, but his exposed forearms and neck show toned muscle under the dark feathers.

I tower over him despite my own skinnier/toned body, not because he is short but mainly because I am taller compared to most other creatures, and he walks up front to greet me. He puts his hand out, which I shake, as he introduces himself, "Well hello there, I'm Bydel. I han't seen you around here before but what can I do for ya?" His voice comes out soft and clear, punctuated with the periodic click of his beak.

I begin to speak when he stops me as his head tilts at the sight of my Hero's token. "Why I'll be, you're the hero if I'm not mistaken, my pardons for not recognizing you right away. I cut you off my apologies, what business does the hero have of this humble shop?"

"I'm here for a temporary weapon, one that I can use until I can afford a better one. I'm not sure if you've heard but it seems I have lost my memories, including anything relating to fighting. I would like to be specific but I'm not sure what weapon would best suit my fighting style or what my fighting style even is. I apologize if this is a tall order for a blacksmith" I say somewhat hurriedly. I am a bit nervous about lying like this, but part of it is true. I've always used a magic rifle before this, but the enemies I will be fighting as the hero can't be taken down with a rifle. I will need a melee weapon of some kind, but I've never really used one before.

Bydel clicks his beak and says, "Hmm, it is a bit difficult to suggest a weapon to someone who doesn't now how they fight, but you've come to perhaps the only animan that could determine something like that. I've had so many warriors come through my door in my time that I have a bit of a knack for knowing what weapon someone's body is suited for by now. My personal magic helps a bit too. Is there any chance you could remove that armor to let me get a good look at ya?"

My excitement is cut short and I'm a bit nervous about the prospect. However, remembring that the Gods said only my helmet couldn't be removed, along with the likelihood that very few people would be able to tell my toned body from the hero's, I hesitantly nod. "I have to keep my helmet on for personal reasons, but I can take off the rest of my armor." I say slowly.

He shakes his head, his feathers ruffling, "Oh no worries, my apologies if I was uncouth in inferring you remove all of it if you have something you don't want others to see, I'm sure you have a good reason for that, I should have phrased that a bit better. Sure, I can still tell. For the process I'll need you to suppress your mana though if possible so I can get a good feel for your musculature and potential growth, please sit right here and we can get started." He says. I nod and sit on the small metal stool. I exhale, close my eyes, and focus on my mana as if it was a pool, gathering it from all the corners of my body and containing it within my core. I can hear Bydel walking slowly around me, his claws scraping up the dirt every so often. A light covering of mana, similar to a feeling of a light scarf, drapes on my body and begins to slowly seep into my muscles.

All is going well, but as he continues walking around me, I can feel the mana I have gathered begin to build in pressure against the walls I have created. My breathing becomes labored and I ask, "Almost there?" Bydel clicks his beak and says, "Almost, just a little longer." and continues circling, his tail occasionally sweeping over my feet.

I've underestimated the amount of mana I have received as the Hero, and it begins to leak out of my core. I hurriedly sweep the tendrils back in, but more and more appear. I've never had this much mana before, and I have barely had a chance to really inspect my own reserves since I became the hero. I was thoroughly practiced as suppressing my own mana before, but this is too much for me. I have also not been using it as of late, and it has begun to become restless from the lack of use. The mana begins seeping out faster and faster before I finally hear Bydel say, "Done." and I release it.

A gust of mana sweeps throughout the shop, blowing items off tables and ruffling Bydel's feathers as it blows a golden glow out the windows and door. I open my eyes and look up to a shocked owl face staring at me, somewhat dazed and perhaps amazed at what just happened. "That was, incredible Hero. I've never seen such mana in pure form before. But what was the cause of it" He asks warily.

I stand up, rubbing the back of my helmet and putting my armor back on over the underclothes, "Sorry, I also have forgotten a lot of what I learned about controlling my mana, I couldn't hold it in much longer and it kind of burst out. I didn't break anything did I? I can use the money I have to fix anything instead of buying a weapon." I offer sheepishly.

He shakes his head, smoothing down his feathers, "Oh no no no no! Fret not! If my things could break from a mere wind gust then they were unworthy to be of use anyway. I appreciate the refreshing demonstration, even if it was caused by a lack of control. Back to the matter at hand, I feel I have a good idea of what weapon might suit you Great Hero, please give this a try." He says, pulling something from a box under the display shelves.

I take it and am surprised to see what looks like a halberd with a short handle on it. The spike on top resembles a long dagger and the blade on the side is shaped to connect to the spike in a curved line that resembles a crescent moon. I try a few short slashes and stabs with it in the air, getting use to the weight of the weapon. I pause and Bydel comes over and presses a button on the handle. The handle suddenly extends and it becomes a proper halberd. I spin it around, trying a few other of the very limited amount of moves I am aware of in fighting with such a weapon. Despite my awkward execution of such, the weapon feels good, light but powerful, and well balanced. I retract the handle and inspect the blade, admiring the pattern on the uniquely shaped edge.

I pause and turn towards Bydel who is looking at something near the register. His head turns 180 degrees as I shuffle my feet and I cough before saying, "This seems expensive, I'm not sure I can afford this."

Bydel turns his body around and approaches me, "Oh, no problem at all. This is only a prototype I made for fun one day, I never actually intended to sell it. You can have it for cheap because of that. On top of getting the Hero's discount of course" He says with a happy click, winking one of his black eyes at me. He gestures for me to follow him to the register and after typing a few things in says, "That will be 20 pieces of silver please."

I open the pouch Aluli gave me, and count out 20 pieces. There are still around 40 left, so I should be able to get provisions too. A major bargain for a weapon regardless.

"I really can't thank you enough," I say as I hand over the 20 pieces. He shakes his head, "Just make sure to come back if you want to upgrade! I would be happy to make you a proper version of it next time, for the right compensation of course" he says happily. I purchase a sheath for the weapon too, hooking it on my back before leaving the store. I store my bag of coins as I walk, I have about 30 pieces of silver left which can probably get me a few single use talismans and a bit of food for the road. I'll need it if I want to do any quests with the guild.

The sun is still high in the sky and I hum as I walk throughout the side streets, perusing the shops. As I am about to pass a side alley however, a male Echinda suddenly slithers out in front of me, dressed in hunting attire with a dagger in hand. I sense two more behind me and carefully adjust my stance. What now?!

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