I'm in Naruto God's Eye

Chapter 275 Life and Death

Cheng Baifeng knelt down while touching Naruto's head, talking softly.

"Naruto, I know you feel sorry for Gaara's death, and also disgusted by your identities as Jinchuriki.

But, what you don't know is that Gaara has befriended his inner Kazuo.

They are already partners who depend on each other and accompany each other.

He no longer dislikes his identity as a Jinchuriki, I think Gaara must be very sad when the tail of his body is taken away.

So, Naruto.Humans and tailed beasts can coexist peacefully.What is wrong is not you Jinchuriki and Tailed Beast, but this world.

People don't understand tailed beasts, which lead to countless tragic tragedies.

So, you who are determined to become Hokage, are you willing to change the world?Would you like to be a person who can understand each other with Tailed Beast?Are you willing to use your own actions to change people's perceptions of Tailed Beast and Jinchuriki?

Although Gaara is dead now, he will always be alive in the future, watching you create a world where humans and tailed beasts coexist peacefully. "

Listening to Cheng Baifeng's words, Naruto gradually regained some energy, and then had a trace of fighting spirit.

"Create a world where humans and tailed beasts coexist peacefully, so that tragedies don't happen again? I think that's what Gaara wants to see.

Mutual understanding with Tailed Beast, I am willing to try!I am also willing to work hard for this goal!Together with Gaara's share! "

Cheng Baifeng looked at the revived Naruto, smiled in relief, and rubbed his fluffy hair.

"Everything changes because of me, so let the world change because of me again."

Cheng Baifeng squatted in front of Gaara, flipped his wrist and took out a fried egg, and looked at Grandma Chiyo with a smile.

"Since I have the title of a legendary businessman, if I don't do some legendary things, it will appear that my title is not worthy of the name.

Tivat fried eggs, 1000 million sincerity, no second price, remember to settle the money when you go back. "

Cheng Baifeng opened Gaara's mouth and fed the fried egg into it.Give Gaara a smooth throat and let him eat the fried egg into his stomach.

Even though this is just an ordinary fried egg in Tivat Continent, its effect is extraordinarily powerful.

The moment the fried egg entered Gaara's stomach, he regained his breathing and heartbeat, opened his eyes and woke up faintly.

"Huh? Didn't I die, and my soul entered the paradise? I also met my mother and talked with her for a long time. Could it be that those are all illusions?"

Cheng Baifeng smiled and helped Gaara up.

"Those are not illusions. You are indeed dead. I used treasures to bring you back to life."

Gaara didn't feel depressed when he heard that he really died once, but he was relieved.Raise your left hand and lower your head, gently looking at the sand surrounding it.

"It turned out that all that was not an illusion. I really saw my mother. But why can't I hear the sound of the end?"

Cheng Baifeng told Gaara what happened after he was in a coma, because Gaara was not injured physically, and he recovered almost after a short rest.

Gaara stood up and bowed to everyone, thanking everyone.

"It made everyone worry, I was able to come back to life, thanks to everyone's efforts. Thank you very much!"

At this time, Naruto also recovered his sunny personality, smiling and patting Gaara on the shoulder.

"I did my best to save you. I'm hungry now. You have to treat me to dinner when you go back!"

Gaara looked at Naruto's hearty and sunny smile, the feeling of losing a friend in his heart became much better, and he nodded with a smile.

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