I'm In Marvel, Intercept Gwen At The Beginning

Chapter 052

It has been circulated on the Internet.

Spider-bully, Spider-man, Ghost spider and Daredevil, became villains.

Especially after the Bugle Daily report, the keyboard warriors entered the land and began to output.

"I've known for a long time that these people are not good people."

"Spider Bully? Who would be a good guy with that name?"

"It is recommended to arrest directly."

"Go to hell, you monsters!"

"These monsters must be captured and wiped out."

"Monster, take off the hood and surrender yourself."

Faced with such remarks, Peter and Gwen will inevitably be affected.

The two just want to do good and help others.

When encountering such a thing, it will indeed feel a little bit lost.

Although some people defended them, such voices were quickly drowned out.

On the Internet, there are more and more remarks against several people.

In the office apartment of "Heroes Daily", Bella has already prepared articles and evidence.

However, Bella was not in a hurry and did not release these things immediately.

Instead, prepare to wait.

When the popularity is high, and when the other party has the chance to win, the news can be released.

Su Yi doesn't know Bella's plan, but Su Yi trusts Bella very much.

Just wait for Bella to make a move, and the situation will be reversed.

The discussion on the Internet never stops.

George has already taken the evidence and found his boss Tom.

"Boss, this is a piece of information given to me by Spider-man and others last night. I took a look, and the hostage was not made by them, but by someone inside us."

"Some of us have been corrupted by money."

As soon as Tom heard this, he immediately closed the door.

This problem is very serious.

George still believed in his boss, and handed the USB flash drive to Tom.

Tom looked serious.

Get out your computer and check its contents.

Seeing the contents, it really wasn't made by Spider-man and the others.

Seeing this person, he immediately fell into deep thought.

"is this real?"

"Now it seems that they are. They don't like to use guns, and they believe in their own super abilities."

"Then, does anyone else have this information?"

George spread his hands, "It should be, they will definitely have a backup."

Tom fell silent. It seemed that this matter could not be concealed.

"George, is it possible that a super-ability user pretended to do it? You should know that a super-ability user has all kinds of magical abilities."

"In the video, the spider bully wasn't there, maybe he was in disguise."

George had a bad feeling in his heart.

According to last night's records, it was indeed the person himself who went to the scene.

As for the spider bully disguise, he hadn't seen this Ability before.

Even if the Spider Bully has this ability, why would he do it?

His boss, Tom, was so anxious to blame Spider-man and others.

Is there any problem behind this?

Could it be that Tom has also been corrupted?

"George, you have been on vacation recently."

George couldn't believe that he had been suspended.

George is also a smart person, but he is just worried, how many people around him are honest people, or are they all corrupted?

George could only nod helplessly, "Okay, I'll rest."

"Wait, George, leave the gun and the USB drive behind."

George thought about it, knowing that Spider-man and others still had a backup, and he had a copy himself, so he didn't worry about the video being completely destroyed.

"Give you."

George left the workplace in a huff. Outside the door, looking at his uniform and the place where he worked, George felt a little uncomfortable.

George could only wait patiently, waiting for the day when he would come back again.


Time passed until noon.

Everyone basically agreed that Spider-man and others are the sinners.

This is you, Hero Daily has finally released the news.

An article, and several video recordings.

Because of Tony Stark and everyone's attention to superhero, although Hero Daily has just started, it has a lot of followers.

Before, many people left messages in Hero Daily, thinking that it was unreasonable for Hero Daily to identify Spider-man and others as superheroes.

At this moment, I finally waited for a response.

Incomparably clear video can be seen clearly.

When the enforcers arrived, Spider-man and the others were ready to leave.

At this time, a gunshot caught the attention of the three of them.

Three angles of view, clear and clear.

It is not Spider-man and others who do all this, but the insiders.

"Water? They didn't do it."

"I just want to know, what happened?"

"I'm a little confused. Is this person really an insider? Why did he shoot?"

"Oh Maggah, it turns out that we wrongly blamed Spider-man and others."

"This is too outrageous."

"So this insider has been corrupted by money?"

"I don't trust them to protect us anymore."

Many netizens fell silent after seeing the iron-clad evidence.

The land key fairy back then can only turn around and find other people.

George is also paying attention to this matter at home all the time. He just wants to know how his boss Tom will deal with it.

Facing the swarm of reporters and media, Tom chose to respond.

"About this matter, I just want to say that it was not done by our people."

"Super Ability users can do whatever they want in this city."

"What you see must be true?"

"Perhaps, someone with a super ability disguised his identity."

"Perhaps, it is the super ability that controls him."

"Super Ability is the root of all this anxiety."

"We should resist these super-abilities, so that our city can be safe."

Tom's words, point the finger at Spider-man and others.

And the reporters were also asking questions frantically, but they didn't answer them.

Bella was among them, feeling extremely angry.

This kind of answer clearly wanted to protect his own people.

No inquiries at all, no one answer.

If the person who appeared at the scene was not one of us, where was that person then?

If it was him who appeared, then he was under control.

None of these crucial questions have been answered.

Because, they didn't ask at all.

However, there are still people on the Internet who were deceived by Tom's answer.

They also chose to believe that Spider-man and other talents are the root of everything.

Moreover, Su Yi and others could not prove their innocence.

Unless, take off the mask completely and show people your true colors.

And such a result would be very dangerous.

Back at the newspaper, Bella continued to work.

In response to Tom's speech, Bella chose to post a question again.

Some rational netizens began to think seriously and made judgments.

And some people who don't have their own opinions are already preparing to boycott superhero.

Su Yi noticed this and felt a little worried.

The Avengers alliance has not yet been established, is the superhero registration act coming?

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to think so much."

"At least, the Hero Daily is very well-known now. I am afraid that Jin Bing will also notice this newspaper, so I should pay more attention to it."

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