I'm Ge Xiaolun! The practice of Devouring the Starry Sky was exposed

Chapter 65

The information on the blue panel continues, and each line of text is unknown to everyone who is looking at the blue panel.

Their eyes and hands were moving.

Every number, every number, is introduced into their brains in a split second, because it is too shocking.

(The Black Dragon Mountain Empire is called a medium-civilization universe country!)



Medium civilization cosmic country.

At this moment, Divine Keisha once again sat up from her throne.

For Kaisha, the Black Dragon Mountain Empire was already a territory that he couldn't reach, and this could only be called a medium-civilization universe country.

Angel Hiko also looked at Kaisha with a shocked face.

"Queen, when I introduced the entire Blue Silver Empire before, I once thought that the Silver Silver Empire was the entire universe, but I didn't expect that the Blue Silver Empire was just a primary civilization universe country. "

"Then a Black Dragon Mountain popped up, the empire of this Black Dragon Mountain, the empire contains so many primary civilization universe countries, it is enough to shock me how big is this universe? Now it is actually said that the Black Dragon Mountain Empire is only a medium civilization universe country. "

"Does that prove that there will be a higher universe or a higher universe on the Internet?"

Faced with Angel Yan's question, Divine Kaisha didn't know where to solve it, because his knowledge was limited, and he didn't know how shocked he would be when the information that broke out on the blue panel would be.

"Hiko, do you feel too small at this moment?"

"It seems that I was right to marry you to Ge Xiaolun before. "

Hearing this, Hiko's face flushed with a hint of redness, and he didn't say anything more, but his eyes were still staring at the blue panel.

For fear of missing any of this information.



"Ato. "

On Demon One, Morgana called out to Ato.

"The Queen is here. "

At this time, Morgana was a little sad, he was shocked at first, and then he thought of his insignificance, and he became inexplicably sad.

"Have you seen it? Where we can't even touch the screenwriter, in the Devouring Starry Sky Universe, it can only be called a country. "

"And it's only a medium-civilization universe country, which proves that there will be a high-civilization universe country in the future. "

"What's the point of saying that we demons and angels have been fighting for so many years?"

Atto was also very unconfident at this time, because after watching so much information, even Atto's inner 12 hearts were flooded with earth-shattering waves.

He used to feel that the fight was for freedom, for the fall, for the queen.

But at this moment, Atto really didn't know what kind of existence he was in this universe.

When the Devouring Starry Sky cultivation panel announced the stellar set before, it was just an effort, and Atto could be said to be the most shocked that he didn't express it.

But think about it again at this moment, in the universe that devours the starry sky.

Or in their universe, their region or even the entire galaxy, and even what they think of as the known universe is nothing more than a small primary-cosmic kingdom.

And when he knew that there was a more powerful Black Dragon Mountain Empire, Atto thought that it was the whole picture of the entire universe, but he didn't expect it.

The Black Dragon Mountain Empire was actually just a medium universe country.

Then he, a creature living in more than a hundred primary universe kingdoms below the middle universe country, is really extremely small, not even dust.



In the galaxy, Ruoning scolded Hua Ye like a dirt dog at this time!

"Hanaya, didn't you say that you are the Lord of the Heavenly Palace, didn't you say that the entire universe is for you to soar? "

"In this universe, you are a fart, you only have to keep getting stronger now, you have a chance to do everything you say. "

Hua Ye sneered twice, to be honest, he was a little desperate at the moment.

But he, who has always loved pretending, put it on again.

"Hehe, the universe is so big, I thought he Ge Xiaolun was so good before, if we can escape to the bigger universe, Ge Xiaolun, can we do it?"

"Sooner or later, I, King Hua Ye, will come here again and let those little skirts kneel on the ground and sing conquest to me. "

Ruoning didn't want to expose him, so he could only shake his head helplessly.




Karl, the Grim Reaper.

Looking at the information that appears on the blue panel, there are countless ideas in my mind.

And the biggest idea is.

How many gods in the universe are there who study death like him?

No, it shouldn't be called a god.

The moment the information of the Black Dragon Mountain Empire was exposed, Karl, the god of death, was deeply shocked. He felt small and felt the ultimate fear, which was nothing more than a title.

It seems as if any force is the ultimate fear for him, because in the universe they are nothing, not even the universe is fully understood.

But now the information on the blue panel once again confused him.

That's why I think so much, after all, the Black Dragon Mountain Empire can only be called a medium-civilization universe country, so what about going up, how big should the universe be on the Internet? How many Death Reaper Carls will there be in that universe?



Earth at the moment!

Huaxia high-level conference room!

The high-level Huaxia executives who were previously bent on the safety of the earth were also shocked by this information to one of the Huaxia high-level executives.

He stood up abruptly, his expression a little distracted.

"What are our names? We are called Huaxia Country, and there is also a beautiful country next to it, a kimchi country, a beautiful country, and a beautiful country. "

"For us, this is the country, but in the universe, our entire galaxy is just a very small existence. "

"Comrades, what does this mean? Black Dragon Mountain Empire Black Dragon Mountain. The Empire may be something that we can't study for tens of thousands of years. "

"But such an incomparably huge universe in our eyes, a boundless universe in our eyes, can only be called a country in the entire universe, and it is also a primary civilization universe country. "

"The earth is too small, we are too small, Lao Du, I take back what I just told you, you are right. "

"Although we live on the earth, we can't decide the future of the earth, whether this planet will exist, not that we can have the final say, what will happen to this planet in the future, and we can't stop it. "

"From the perspective of the whole universe, those gods divide a ball, it's like dividing a cake, it's not a big deal. "

Although these words are all facts, they are said at this moment.

It's so cold, it's so chilling.

At this time, another high-level Chinese executive stood up.

"I said Lao Liu, don't say such frustrating words, although what you said is true, but we still have the conditions to fight for it. "

"I watched the video in the blue panel carefully just now, and the young man named Luo Feng seems to be also the person who devours the starry sky and the earth. "

"He can become a stellar-level powerhouse and can buy the earth, so why can't the earth in our current universe?"

"As long as we have a strong enough god, the earth will be safe, at least in the entire galaxy, in the entire territory of the Blue Silver Empire. "

"And those Black Dragon Mountain Empires and other primary civilization universe countries on the Internet should not be interested in our ball. "

"I believe that one day we earthlings will be able to become the masters of the entire earth, and we will no longer be divided by the so-called gods!"

"And what we have to do now, to increase our understanding of the universe, to our understanding of the unknown, will be helpful for the planet, for all of us, in the future. "

After an impassioned speech by the top level of Huaxia, everyone's confidence was once again pulled back, yes, fate should be in their own hands.

Knowing the whole picture of the universe is nothing more than expressing awe of the universe and awe of the unknown, but it does not mean giving in, let alone accepting fate.



At this moment, Zhao Xin, a soldier of the Super Divine Academy, seemed to have taken a stimulant.

Zhao Xin is also a pure warrior, he doesn't know much about these things in the cosmic dimension, and he can't express any opinions except for saying a few words.

At this moment, he was just wondering if he would be able to fully understand this universe if he had a lifespan of 10,000 years after reaching the stellar level.

Thinking about it, Zhao Xin seemed to have a brain that suddenly hit the iron.


"I haven't figured out until now that the Black Dragon Mountain Universe is actually just a country, so should there be a country master?"

"Then the Black Dragon Mountain is up, it shouldn't belong to any country, it should be the entire universe. "

"Definitely, but I'm more curious now about what kind of existence this lord of the Black Dragon Mountain Empire is?"

Everyone looked at Zhao Xin like fools, but no one paid attention to him because they were all digesting the information on the blue panel.


...... (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

On the blue panel, information about the universe that devours the starry sky continues to be exposed.

(Further up is the Higher Universe Country, such as the Qianwu Universe Country attached to Black Dragon Mountain!)

(There are more than 100 million galaxies under its jurisdiction, and more than 1,000 medium-civilized universe countries like the Black Thunder Mountain Empire!)


...... []

The Black Dragon Mountain Empire was already big enough, but I didn't expect that an even larger universe country would appear now.

Moreover, the Black Dragon Mountain Empire is just one of more than a thousand primary civilizations.

That's a lot of information......

Everyone's expressions were sluggish at this time.

The sky is on the seventh.

At this time, Divine Kaisha recorded this information like a student, and deliberately calculated the detailed figures.

"Incredible, really incredible, now this Qianwu Universe Country has been called a high-civilization universe country, it should be the largest universe. "

"No, wait, why is it called the Universe Country? Both the previous Black Dragon Mountain Empire and the current Qianwu Universe Country have a national character. "

"Does that mean there is a lord?"

Thinking of this, Divine Keisha was suddenly stunned.

After watching it for so long, she figured out this truth, that is to say, those universe countries before also had the existence of national masters.

Stellar is nothing more than a mix of food and clothing in the universe.

Then the masters of these universe countries should be the youngest of them, and they are all the masters of the universe.

What kind of existence is that?

Divine Kaisha didn't dare to think about it anymore, but his brain was more active, and at this moment it seemed that he had received some kind of sublimation, and he seemed to think of something, and the whole person was shocked.

"The Cosmic Pinnacle Genius Tournament is right, how did I forget this, these universes exposed by the information released now are all because of the Cosmic Pinnacle Genius Tournament!"

"What a grand game it is in the Universe Peak Talent Competition. "

"Isn't it possible that each galaxy can only send one strong man?"

But when Divine Kaisha thought of this, the whole person shook his head, if each galaxy sent a strong man.

The number of powerhouses in the pinnacle competition is already countless.

But if that's not the case, what is the selection system for the pinnacle?



Demon OneWhen Morgana saw this information, she was stunned.

"The Universe of Advanced Civilization, the Universe of Dry Witches. "

"This king has never heard of it, before this king just thought that the universe we know was too small, but now it seems that this is not only small, if it is placed in the entire Qianwu universe country. "

"The galaxy we're in isn't even a speck of dust, so we probably can't see it at all. "

"Then according to the Devouring Starry Sky cultivation system, what level do you have to reach to be able to soar in this universe?"

Now that the Devouring Starry Sky Cultivation System has revealed the strength of the stellar ninth-order powerhouses, the speed of the stellar ninth-order has already surpassed their limits.

This seems to them to be very fast. However, when they learned about the metaverse, they found that such a speed, if placed in such a large universe, may be no different from a turtle crawling.

That is to say, if you want to see the whole picture of the universe, if you want to be enslaved, if you want to become a strong person, you must at least reach the cosmic level, and you must be at the peak of the universe.

Even so, the peak of the universe should spend all the time soaring through the universe before he can see the entire Qianwu Universe to the end.

This is no longer a crushing of strength, this is simply a crushing of cognition and knowledge.

Morgana was constantly recording all the information about the Qianwu Universe.

"Atto told all the demons, calculate how many planets of the 230 classes live in the Qianwu Universe Country?"

"It shouldn't be too difficult for you, I'll give you five minutes. "

What kind of joke is five minutes of time?

At this moment, Atto looked at Morgana with a questioning expression.

"Queen, what are you going to do with these planets?"

"What are you doing watching and playing...... I reminded myself every day how small I was, and no matter if the Starry Sky Devouring Cultivation Method could be announced in the universe in the future, I couldn't forget everything I had seen today. "

"Divine Kaisha probably doesn't have time to fight us, and in the next time, this queen will concentrate on cultivation, and one day the queen of Japan will take you to the universe. "

Traveling the universe is right, Morgana, the king of demons, originally dreamed of spreading freedom and fear, but now his dream has become smaller, and it seems to have grown.

If it would take hundreds of millions of years to spread the dream of freedom and fear, then the universe of Voyage Bay is estimated to take more than 10 billion years with the current Morgana.

"Female ...... Queen, you mean what you say. "

"Nonsense, what is our purpose? is freedom, if we can't survive in our own universe, how can we talk about freedom, rest assured, one day I, Morgana, will lead you to travel the universe. "

"Presumably, by that time, all of us will have improved, maybe in addition to the Devouring Starry Sky cultivation system, there may be a stronger cultivation system, after all, there are so many cultivation systems in every space, space, and every universe. "

"Maybe when we reach the end of the universe, we will still be able to find the parallel universes, two-dimensional universes, and so on that the previous space principal said. "

"Go, if you can't figure it out, I'll tell you not to eat tonight. "

Morgana spoke the most stern words, the gentlest words.

That's right, this is Morgana, this is the Demon Queen, who seems to be evil but is actually as soft as a woman.

And this is also the reason why his demon army has always been willing to follow him.



Immediately after that, the blue panel in the air once again appeared with new text.

(The Qianwu Universe is a human universe!)

(The lord of the Qianwu universe is the lord of the human universe!)



"Lord of the Kingdom!"

Inside the Male Soldier Company of the Earth Super Seminary.

Zhao Xin opened wide, and his mouth looked incredulous.

"This Nima is really a country, and there is still a lord of the country. "

"And the human universe country, what do you mean?"

"Could it be that this Qianwu Universe Country, there are so many galaxies and so many planets, most of them are human beings. "

After talking to himself, Zhao Xin suddenly became excited.

"Sure enough, human beings are the creatures that rule the entire universe, and all beast phantoms go to TMD. "

"If this is calculated, then there are no aliens in the entire universe, because the big data of the entire universe is dominated by human beings, and there are compatriots everywhere. "

Ge Xiaolun didn't talk, but he felt that Zhao Xin was too naïve.

(The Qianwu Universe is only one of the thousand and eight human universe kingdoms!).

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