I'm Ge Xiaolun! The practice of Devouring the Starry Sky was exposed

Chapter 61

In fact, it's not just Divine Keisha who thinks so, everyone who is watching the video at this time feels that the stellar star is already amazing.

Fraser's natives, even at this time, have already worshiped stellar-level gods as true gods!

After all, there is the power of the realm, there are special attributes, and there is also the power of the law.

Coupled with that, for ordinary people, even a lifespan that they dare not dream of.

Looking at the entire universe, this is definitely the strongest of the strong!

They all want to see how the star, the pinnacle, fights

I want to see how brave the true God in their minds is, and whether it is really immortal and immortal.



What I didn't expect was that the slap in the face always came so quickly, and a few big words appeared on the blue panel in the air.

(Stellar sets are barely able to make ends meet in the universe, and most of the stellar powerhouses will be hired as bodyguards!)

(If there is no big family, a stellar-level powerhouse who is not fixed as a bodyguard may also be caught in the universe market and become a slave!)



In the high-level conference room of the Chinese Kingdom of Earth.

All the high-ranking officials of Huaxia Kingdom turned pale at this time.

"Lao Du, this is impossible, what a powerful existence the stellar level is, the golden horn giant beast that was just the first order of the stellar level in the video just now could almost destroy the planet at that time!"

"Such a strong man is only worthy of being a bodyguard or a slave in the universe, just kidding!"

"No way, it's absolutely impossible!"

Ducao also found it incredible.

Ducao has lived for so many years, but since the fall from this leaderboard, everything has been flooding his brain.

He even felt like his brain was running out of steam.

If what the blue panel says is true, how terrible that world must be.

"No, Lao Du can't wait, you must immediately contact Ge Xiaolun and let him serve as the chief instructor of our earth in this regard!"

"The time for the release of this ranking is too slow, and in the process of releasing it, if the cultivation method is really announced, then the other forces in the universe will definitely be far ahead!"

"Angel civilization, tens of thousands of years ahead of the earth!"

"The demon civilization is also ahead of the earth, nearly 10,000 years!"

"The Burning Sun Star civilization is even ahead of the earth, more than 60,000 years!"

"Their technology, everything they know is beyond our earth, even if the earth has your help, but the speed will definitely not be as fast as theirs!"

"Then the earth will be in danger!"

"We can't wait, we don't have time to wait any longer, it's too uncomfortable, like a stellar-level powerhouse can only be reduced to slavery in the universe, so what are we ordinary people!"

"A slave in the universe can destroy the earth when he comes to the earth, so what if the real god comes!"

Dukao understands the thoughts of the people of the earth, and also understands the thoughts of these leaders, who say and do for the future of the planet and for the continuation of humanity.

As shown in the previous video, Hong and Thor are also sacrificed for the sake of the earth and humanity.

"Chiefs, I know your feelings, but this matter cannot be rushed. "

"And you have to believe that the group of children from the Super Divine Academy, the group of children from the Male Soldier Company, they are the same as you think, and they will try their best to keep Xiao Lun. "




At this time, the Super Divine Academy Male Soldier Company!

As if he had been stimulated by some kind of stimulus, Liu Chuang stretched out his hands.

"Get me up quickly. "

"The strength of a stellar-level powerhouse is unimaginable, even if I grow into a Nuoxing God of War, I'm afraid I only have such strength at most. "

"But even so, they can only become slaves in the universe, what about ordinary people, what about those unarmed ordinary people?"

"Don't look at me Liu Chuang, I used to be a gangster, but what I did was a small evil, and it was just for the brothers. "

"When the time comes for the survival of the country and the survival of the earth, no one loves this ball more than me. "

"What is that little Brother Lunlun, the Lord of the Universe, right?"

"Either you just take me and take me as a slave, or else, or you just teach me how to cultivate, I can't stand it, I can't stand it. "

If it weren't for the fact that no one even knew that he had joined the male army, this person who usually looked like a gangster would sacrifice to such a point for the sake of the earth.

At this moment, many people were worried, worried that Ge Xiaolun would suddenly get angry.

But how could Ge Xiaolun be angry?

Isn't it human nature to give your life for your planet, for your race?



The major forces of the universe are also talking about it at the moment.

Demon Queen Morgana: "Is there any mistake that the extremely strong planets were treated as slaves by the universe before, but this is a stellar level." "

"Just that kind of destructive power, that kind of lethality, the existence that can kill this queen 100,000 times. "

"In the universe, he can only be used as a slave or someone else's bodyguard. "

"How terrifying is the starry world, and what will happen if our demon legion descends to devour the starry sky?"

What happens when an army of demons descends to devour the starry sky.

Do you still need to think about it?

Ato, who was next to him, spoke without saying a word.

"Queen, if you come, you will probably be sold to the universe and reduced to playthings. "

"Someone weaker than you may buy you. "

"Yes Actually, I've been watching it for so long and summed up one thing, that is, the world that devours the starry sky is actually very similar to our concept, absolute loyalty, depravity and freedom. "

"Although it is very dark, there are countless strong people, and the development of civilization is also very rapid. "

In a word, survival of the fittest. "

"The weak will yield to the strong, and the strong will yield to the powerful. "

"Maybe the queen was right at the beginning. Only absolute loyalty, depravity, and freedom dominate the universe. Supreme order. "

Such a simple truth, Morgana has long understood, you have long understood it.

But at the moment, Morgana was thinking, could he really accept such a world?



And at this moment Angel Nebula.

Tianji Wang Hexi saw all this.

Even the voice of the speaker has become much quieter.

"The stellar level can only be used as a slave in the universe, that is to say, the Devouring Starry Sky cultivation system, although the stellar level surpasses the fourth generation of gods in terms of strength, but in terms of level, it is not even a second generation. "

In fact, He Xi is not wrong to understand it this way.

Angel Nebula for all the angels.

Almost all of them are second-generation gods.

And even so, they will be respected and even called gods when they go to any of the universes.

Only a few generations of gods will be controlled by some big powers, and become bodyguards or slaves.

That is to say, aside from the fact that the ability is not strong, if they are only differentiated according to the level, the stellar level is equal to the generation of gods in their current universe.

The cosmic level is equal to the second generation, and the immortal level is equal to the third generation......

In this order, it is necessary to gain enough power and supreme power in the Devouring Starry Sky.

The ability must be at least above the universe level, and if you want to reach the status of Divine Kaisha in the universe, you must at least be the master of the universe.

If you look at it this way, Divine Kaisha went to the universe that devoured the starry sky, and she really only deserved to be a plaything.

It's terrifying, that means that if all of their current universes are cultivated by devouring the starry sky law, then in the future, these gods they are now will be reshuffled.



Just when everyone hasn't figured it out yet, and there are even a lot of people who don't believe it.

A screen appears on the screen next to the blue panel.

In the picture, Luo Feng went to the Black Star for the first time and bought slaves.

I saw Luo Feng look left and right after he walked in.

Then he said directly to an alien.

"What level of slaves do you have here!"

"Distinguished guests, all the efforts on this floor are from the first to the ninth order of the planetary level!"

"These efforts are absolutely loyal, and once you buy them, they will do their best to help you and keep you safe!"

"And before they grow up to be domain masters, it is absolutely impossible for them to have a rebellious heart!"

"You see that this is a fighting nation here, and their blood is full of fighting genes, so it can be said that you can't buy him and suffer a loss, and you can't be fooled!"

"Those over there, the women of the merman clan are generally very beautiful, you can buy two and go back to serve you!" (read violent novels, just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The alien looked flattering, hoping that Luo Feng could buy a slave from him.

But were they really slaves? In those containers were people one by one.

Although their appearance is a little strange, judging from their body structure, it should be considered a Kamigawa body!

After Luo Feng looked left and right, he seemed to be pondering something.

"Do you have any stellar slaves here?"

Hearing Luo Feng's words, the alien seemed to have been beaten with chicken blood, and he was very excited.

"Honorable guest, are you sure you want to buy a stellar set or a slave of a star or above, that price is not cheap!"

Luo Feng didn't even think about it.

"I'm sure!"

"Okay, please follow me to the second floor, there are some high-level slaves here, most of their strength is from the first order of the star to the ninth order of the star, and there are also cosmic level above!"

"If you buy it, they can definitely go sideways on some small planet!"

"Please rest assured, 100% of the slaves we sell will not have any relatives alive, they are all strong in the universe, but with the collapse of their civilization, they can only come here!"

"So about revenge, the enemy and the like are impossible to happen, if there is really a fish that slips through the net, we will also do a good job of after-sales service for you!"

Luo Feng nodded, and then walked in front of a burly stellar star-level powerhouse!

"It's ......"

"Hello VIP, this is a stellar seventh-order powerhouse!"

Luo Feng nodded.

"They are of the Wumeng tribe and have extremely strong physical fitness, even if you don't give them food, it's fine. "

At that time, Luo Feng said lightly.

"Then buy them all as slaves of the Black Alliance Clan, and ask for three Spiritual Masters of the Black Alliance Clan's stellar level of the fifth order or above. "

"There are also three Black Dragon Clan stars and spiritual masters above the seventh order!"

"In addition, there are a thousand planetary peak spiritual masters. "

This is where the scene stops.



Sun Star.

Pan Zhen looked at all this and opened his mouth wide.

"Stellar is really a slave, and it can be purchased in bulk. "

"This guy bought a thousand planetary-level ninth-order spiritual masters at one time, and another six stellar-level spiritual masters. "

"What does this amount to? It means that he immediately assembled an incredibly powerful legion. "

"The lowest strength of each one is the peak of the three generations of divine bodies. "

"And there are six of them who are stellar-level powerhouses above the fifth order, you must know that the golden-horned giant beasts that appeared in the previous picture are only stellar-level first-order. "

Pan Zhen didn't dare to imagine what kind of existence such a huge force and such a powerful strength would be if it was placed in the known universe.

Not to mention how strong the person who bought the slave is, that is, the slaves under his hands, each of them can become a master god, which means that this universe will be ruled in the fastest time.

Of course, Pan Zhen is even more curious, why is there still a place where slaves can be sold in the Devouring Starry Sky Universe?

And it seems that there is more order here, as if someone is in charge, could it be a more powerful existence, managing this territory, and capturing those stellar powerhouses here as slaves?

"General, if we have so many strong people at the same time, what will happen to our Burning Sun Civilization?"

Pan Zhen just said eight words lightly.

"The sun does not fall, and the country will be forever. "



And at this time Fraser.

These fame on Feraze know too little about ability or something, and they don't know how strong the Starry Sky Devouring cultivation system is, they only know that these people who have been reduced to slavery are gods.

At this moment, their faith was close to collapsing, and for them, the stellar powerhouse had already reached the true god.

But at this moment, they were incomparably great in their minds, even surpassing the angels, and the gods who existed actually became slaves, which was a big blow to them.

The people of Fraser were in a daze at this time, and they didn't know how to face their future lives.

Fraser had only had a few demons visit before, so what if such a god came?

And such gods can be sold as slaves, so what are they?



Heaven is on the seventh!

The angel was cold and could not sit still anymore.

"The queen actually really has a stellar slave, and this guy bought so much at once!"

"With so many strong people, the combined strength may be stronger than the strength of several of our Angel Nebulae!"

Indeed, there are so many strong people, if they are placed in the known universe, it is definitely the existence of everything that pushes horizontally.

However, Queen Keisha's focus is not here, he has been paying attention to the stellar level, he has really become a slave, and according to the content on the video, it seems that there is a cosmic level.

I saw her say lightly.

"I really didn't expect that even the universe level would become a slave, how terrible and powerful the world that devoured the starry sky was!"

At this time, several high-ranking angels on the side hurriedly comforted them.

"The queen may not be as powerful as she thinks!"

"Maybe the gap between the stellar level and the universe level is not big, otherwise how could a person who is extremely strong in the universe become a slave!"

Divine Keisha didn't continue to speak, he was now desperate to know what was going on.

At this moment, she was completely fascinated by this Starry Sky Devouring Cultivation System.

This may really be the future of the entire universe.



At this time, the fear in Karl's heart was once again increased.

Ever since Karl, the god of death, knew that even if he was an illusion, it was impossible for him to live under the hands of a stellar powerhouse, he had been in despair.

And now seeing that the universe-level will actually become a slave Karl, the god of death, is like seeing something incredible.

Karl, the god of death, is the greatest scholar of the known universe except for the Captain of Space, and he is absolutely convinced that the gap between the stellar and cosmic levels must be huge.

For example, the planetary level and the stellar level are the same, and neither of the two planetary level peaks has played a single stellar level first order.

That means that there may be dozens, and the stellar level can't beat the cosmic level.

But even so, the cosmic level is still reduced to slavery.

It's not the ultimate fear and what it is!



Hua Ye in the galaxy at this time had already turned gray because of the continuous recording of those battles, and the scenes and materials were pale, and the skin on his face became a lot more wrinkled.

After such a long period of hard work, Hua Ye has already seen through the apprentice-level cultivation method!

He originally thought that he would be able to cultivate the cultivation system that devoured the starry sky in advance immediately, but when he saw the back, that sense of despair and helplessness made Hua Ye's whole person want to die.

Somewhat frantic, he pointed to the huge screen and blue panel in the galaxy.

"Ruoning, did you see it? I'm not mistaken, this is a fake, Zhuang!"

"No way, it's absolutely impossible!"

"A stellar-level powerhouse can use the power of the law, and the power of the realm can destroy the existence of a planet at will, and he is actually a slave!"

"And it's sold in batches!"

"This is not outrageous enough, the most outrageous thing is that even the universe-level can only be reduced to slavery in the world that devours the starry sky!"

"But I haven't even learned the apprenticeship level yet!

"If you don't learn, this king won't learn, what is your love!".

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