I'm Aquaman in Marvel

Chapter 9 The Legendary Atlantis

"Eh..." Arthur woke up leisurely. He tried to open his eyes and looked at the surrounding situation. Fortunately, he was still on the bottom of the sea and did not fall into the magma of the trench volcano.

Arthur only felt severe pain all over his body, as if he was about to fall apart. This was the first time Arthur felt such pain since he crossed.

Arthur lay motionless on the seabed, absorbing the energy from the sea and regaining his strength.He found that this sea area can absorb far more energy than the previous sea area, and he was very happy.

After an hour, Arthur finally stood up. Although he was still a little weak, he could move freely.

Arthur didn't know where he was swept by the vortex, and there was no difference between the surrounding environment and the previous seabed. The seabed was full of black rocky mountains, which felt very hard.There are also some strange fish, very ugly, but they all glow.Arthur felt very miraculous. Arthur even saw white shrimps in the crevices of the rocks, which also emitted a faint silver light, which was very beautiful.

Arthur tried to communicate with them, but found that they only had simple thinking and could not tell Arthur the information he wanted.

Arthur swam in one direction. He felt a mysterious force calling him in that direction. It was the force he felt before. Arthur wanted to see what it was.

Arthur kept moving forward, and suddenly he saw that there seemed to be light in the deep sea ahead, how could there be light on the bottom of the sea?He swam towards the glowing area, turned around a rocky mountain and finally saw the glowing "thing".

Arthur was shocked by the picture in front of him. There was a huge building in front of him, it should be said to be a huge city.

The city is very huge, and its architectural style is also very special. It is a bit like a temple in Athens. There is a huge entrance at the entrance of the city. The building on it looks like a huge conch. There are also sculptures of various fish in the city. The buildings are colorful. Because it is covered with colorful coral reefs, there are two huge sculptures at the door, which are two giants with a man on the upper body and a fish on the lower body in armor holding a trident.

"It's unbelievable!" Arthur was stunned by the buildings in front of him. He didn't expect such a huge building on the bottom of the sea, and it seemed that there were a lot of creatures around the building.

Could this be the legendary Atlantis?But isn't Atlantis from the DC comics?Marvel World too?

Well, Arthur has never read Marvel comics, only watched movies, and the building in front of him is indeed the mysterious kingdom of Atlantis under the sea.

Arthur has always regarded himself as an Atlantean, and he is the king of the sea. As a result, Arthur didn't know how he felt when the real Atlantis appeared in front of him.

"Okay, let's go and have a look first." Arthur swam towards the mysterious Atlantis.

Slowly approaching the huge building, he realized that the building was bigger than he thought, and Arthur also saw a lot of people on the main road of the building.

"Atlanteans!" He didn't expect that there were Atlanteans in the Marvel world.

Arthur hid behind the stone and secretly observed the Atlanteans in front.

Their skin was blue, and their hair was either blond or red.They can live freely under the sea.

Their clothes are also very gorgeous, and the clothes on their bodies are shining like fish scales.Male Atlanteans wore little or no shorts, while women wore very flamboyant clothes.

There are also pairs of soldiers patrolling around the city, wearing bronze armor and holding tridents in their hands.

It seems that it is a bit difficult for Arthur to sneak into the city. Arthur's skin color is obviously different from theirs, and if he sneaks in, he may be spotted at a glance.

Just when Arthur sneaked around the patrolling soldiers to see if there was any way to get into the city, someone shouted from behind.

"Stop! Who are you!" Terribly, Arthur found out that it was an Atlantean, and there was a silver strange fish next to him, which looked like a scout, and he was discovered by this strange fish.

The Atlantis scouts saw Arthur's appearance and warned loudly, "It's land humans! Land humans invade!"

Following the scout's loud warning, several groups of soldiers came out from the side, outflanking Arthur.

Seeing that the situation was wrong, Arthur rushed out quickly with all his strength.

"Grab it, don't let him get away!" The Atlantis soldiers behind him chased after him.

Arthur, who was running away, suddenly felt a sense of danger behind him, he suddenly turned to the side, and an energy beam formed by a stream of water rubbed against his body and shot towards him.

Arthur turned his head and took a look. It turned out that the trident in their hands could shoot water energy, just like a laser cannon. Arthur was full of envy, what a good weapon.

I saw Arthur constantly jumping from left to right, with a dozen soldiers behind him chasing closely, and the trident in his hand continued to shoot energy water cannons, Arthur could only dodge flexibly.

"Continuing like this is not an option." Arthur's body hadn't fully recovered, and the soldiers behind him were pressing hard. If he continued like this, he would be caught by them sooner or later.

Arthur gritted his teeth and suddenly turned around, rushed towards a soldier, knocked him down with a punch, and rushed towards another soldier.

Arthur was like a tiger entering the flock, but none of the soldiers who fought against him could survive a round.

The surrounding soldiers also saw Arthur's strength, and distanced themselves from Arthur with water cannons to attack Arthur.

Arthur fought and retreated, but these Atlanteans couldn't get rid of them like a gangrene, and they kept water cannoning "kite" Arthur, Arthur was very annoying.

Arthur, who was constantly fighting, saw a large group of Atlanteans coming from a distance, and there was also a leader.

I only heard the leading man say: "Get out of the way, let me deal with him!"

The surrounding soldiers stopped attacking upon hearing his order, raised their tridents and shouted in unison: "The king is invincible! The king is invincible! The king is invincible!..."

Arthur was speechless for a while. Unexpectedly, the king of Atlantis was summoned. At this time, Arthur carefully observed the king in front of him.

I saw that the man in front of him was different from other Atlanteans. He had white skin and black hair. He was about 25 years old and looked very young. He looked no different from normal humans.

"Who are you?" Arthur was very surprised by the human-like Atlantean in front of him.

"I, Namor McKenzie, am the king of Atlantis. Who are you? How can land humans come here?" Namor asked.

"My name is Arthur, you can all live under the sea, why can't I come?" Arthur joked.

"I know who you are now, you are that traitor's bastard!" Namor looked at Arthur and said fiercely.

? ? ?Arthur is full of question marks?traitor?Evil species?

"I'm going to catch you and throw you into the bottomless abyss!" Namor looked at Arthur with a hideous expression.

Holding the silver trident, Namor stabbed towards Arthur at a fast speed.

Arthur turned sideways to avoid the stab, grabbed the trident that was stabbing him, and kicked Namor in the chest.

This kick sent Namor flying, and the trident fell into Arthur's hands.

Arthur glanced at the trident in his hand and threw it vigorously at Namor.

Namor dodged the blow, and the trident sank deep into the rocky mountain.

Namor pulled out his trident and fired a water cannon at Arthur. Namor's water cannon was much more powerful than ordinary soldiers.

Arthur looked at the energy coming from the lasing and felt the danger. Arthur dodged, and the energy hit the rocky mountain behind him. A huge hole was blown out of the rocky mountain, which shows the power of the water cannon. so big.

Arthur looked enviously at the trident in Namor's hand. It's a good thing. It can be used for melee combat and long-distance. There was no response, and he couldn't use the trident.

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