I'm a Stingray?

Chapter 304: Azelaq's realm (2)

"Aren't you a god? You shouldn't need any help, you're supposed to be able to make problems disappear." Timothy was swift to remind.

It was easy to notice a bit of discomfort on this silver lady's face, and she was quick to excuse herself. "It's not that simple. I am powerful, but not to the point of being able to create or destroy an entire planet. The context of that volume is often stereotyped."

Able to catch up, the young man questioned. "So you're not a god. Just some overpowered ghost?"

"A bit like that," She finally agreed.

But felt inferior too, so she had to add. "But compared to most mortals, I definitely am a god."

"No you're not," The young man boldly disagreed.

After noticing that he could not be convinced, Azelaq decided to move along. "I will not have this conversation with you. Will you prove of aid to me or not?"

His sense of superiority had grown bigger, so he urged to assert. "What will I get out of it?"

As an uncomfortable smile spread across her face, the fine beauty asked. "You love the silver screaming power, don't you?"

As his eyes bulged open in excitement, he agreed. "Hell yes!"

That was when this self-proclaimed god felt more competent. She felt sure that power itself could be used as a tool to leverage.

So such an advantage, was slowly converted to her use. "How great would it be to unlock another secret that unapologetically surrounds this power, and more..."

"More?" He questioned, feeling utterly clueless.

"Yes, I can give you other powers." The silver woman assured, with a slow nod.

Timmy felt convinced enough, so he could agree. "I will help you then,"

Since he agreed, the silver goddess herself, could swiftly shift towards the deal. "Okay. You may have not noticed, but my very existence is cursed. And you can do something to fix that."

Judging from the aura of such a sentence, the only thing he could figure out was not related to anything peachy.

And he didn't exactly shy away in expressing such a train of thought, "You want me to kill you? Stingrays can't do that, right?"

"You can't kill me," She instantly stated, as hope began fiddling away from her mind.

"Oh," The young man followed along, partially disappointed.

With a string of hope, Azelaq decided to point out. "But you can free my soul."

"What do you mean?" He had to question, because he felt quite puzzled.

This decent woman understood that it would take a lot of effort to explain the whole context. So she halted for a moment, and picked out way after way regarding how to decipher this topic.

Eventually she found a plausible point to start at, but it surely turned the conversation towards another direction. "See, at a certain point of time. The earth was far different."

With quite a bit of excitement, he yelled. "Like, there were dragons and stuff?"

"No," She stated, and felt almost hopeless at this point.

"Oh," Timothy sighed, as he dwelled in disappointment.

"The world was far dumber back then, primitive even. But there were far more opportunities to achieve tremendous powers," She added, as explaining such a portion seemed appropriate.

Right after she decided to assure, "And I did exactly so. But some people disagreed with my ways, and wanted to lock me up forever."

With a few strings of emotions attached, she sighed. "Eventually, they won."

Such a statement needed more context, and she was quick to provide it. "My body is hidden underwater right now, locked beyond reach."

Right at this moment, the hero had to intervene with a question. "When did this happen?"

Confusion struck the latter, and she began mumbling. "I don't know. It may have happened yesterday, maybe it happened tomorrow? Or ten thousand years ago? Maybe it didn't happen at all..."

Tim became even more confused than her after that point, so he had to be sure. "So did they really lock you up, or not?"

After trying to recall key memory points, the latter could only answer. "They probably did, or they should have at least."

And then it was important to get to the main point, so she slightly shifted topics. "For a very long time, I had no idea how to free myself from these shackles."

To prove that point, it was important to lay another foundation of information. "There were countless cults of humans who worshiped me, a very long time ago."

And such a statement had to cooperate with a few other key explanations, "They even built me a shrine near my prison, in dead stone's path. That place lies in ruin now, and it's over-encumbered by the sea waters."

After pondering this information over, the hero managed to figure out a key detail that was hidden behind this history.

And he boldly asked a question with the aid of that same detail, "Your shrine wasn't in the sea that long ago?"

"No, it was in dry land." The latter answered, utterly unbothered for such a fact.

As shock managed to strike his conscience, the young man had to shout. "You're like a million years old now!"

Such a statement felt partially offensive, so she had to lightly contradict. "Maybe not that much, but I am old..."

Before the thought of age could be added more comments on, she swiftly shifted towards the main topic.

By simply explaining, "Anyway. I figured out how to free my soul, but I can't do it without someone's assistance."

Eager to seek power for himself, Timothy had to ask. "What am I supposed to do?"

"Kill as many fish as you can, in my name..." the latter demanded, her tone striking strong once more.

But most importantly, she used that same tone to unleash another command. "And seek dead stone's path, I will give you the other instructions after you find my corpse..."

Of course such a location was utterly unknown. And he had no clue where to even start looking for it, all he knew was that such a location was hidden under water.

But before he could even ask anything regarding such a topic, he witnessed the entire luscious green field disappearing by the passing second; along with his mental clarity.

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