I'm a Stingray?

Chapter 294: Guilt

The amount of blood that had spread across the waters, was truly large. It was no secret that this weird new light that Osira unleashed, had managed to cause such tremendous damage.

And at this point, the black-grouper was happy to be clueless regarding just where all this power came from. Because regardless, this result was just amazingly powerful!

However, there were a couple of other details that no sane animal would be able to ignore!

The shark's head... well, it had a large hole in it. This hole was perhaps a foot wide, but that wasn't the most important portion to focus on.

Simply since the other details of this wound, were far more horrific! This hole that had been punctured on the shark's head, was two feet deep!

And if enough thought was given towards the overall result, such a wound shape accurately matched, the fatty pole-shaped light, that Osira had shot out of her mouth!

Which only managed to make the situation feel more amazing, although it still proved heavily horrifying!

These details pointed out that this new-light was tough enough, to effortly punch such a hole against the enemy's head. But at the same time, the impact wasn't powerful enough to blow up that same head!

The thought of such brutal elegance could put anyone into self-confliction!

All-and-all, this result was certainly one that no one ever expected; be it from this team, or the opposing one! They were all utterly baffled, and weren't quite sure how to feel about this.

Well, apart from Osira. She was quite satisfied with the landed attack, and her aura was for once blooming with joy!

But the utter confusion and pain that came along with this weird shot, was quite difficult to ponder. Just why should it hurt so much?

Regardless of how confusing this whole situation was, there still stood a detail that only managed to make this situation more difficult to comprehend.

In other words. Right after the bloody mist had fiddled away across the salty waters, another grand detail could be noticed on the carcass.

The body seemed entirely dried out of blood! As if thousands of leeches had attacked at once, and fled once their wishes had been fulfilled!

There wasn't even a drop of blood near or around the shark's wound. No no, the whole beast had been reaped out of such crimson substance!

It was an interesting scene indeed. Because these great-whites naturally seemed pale already. But with the influence of such reckless power, the shade of pale was almost incomprehensible!

However. While most were staring at the carcass with either surprise or worry, Timothy had done his work against another shark that he had latched on a bit earlier.

And one would say that the scene he had managed to cause, was almost as horrid in comparison to what the black-grouper had just inflicted.

The shark's nose had many holes in it, its eyes were poked out too, completely rendered out of use.

And there had to be at least over a hundred stab wounds across the whole facial area, a third of which were inflicted against the target's brain!

Blood had coated every wound to be spoken of, and the barbaric stingray was as well covered with this crimson painting.

Through this kill alone, the hero had been able to release every bit of stress that his heart carried. And right now, he felt quite exhausted.

The grief he felt for Dana was immeasurable, but rage itself had managed to leave his conscious thanks to the collision itself.

But due to all the panic that this shark had gone through, they ended up swimming nearly a hundred meters away from the battlefield!

So Timmy began feeling a bit of guilt thanks to that. Because his team was already out-numbered, before and after attacking these sharks.

Necessarily, him leaving the battlefield only meant that the rest of his friends, had to carry along the burden of this bloody battle on their own backs!

Which was why he began swimming as fast as he could towards the battlefield. The hero pushed forward even though his stamina was spreading painfully thin!

Yet regardless of everything that was going on, the system still found her little pocket of time, and used it to assert a few notifications.

[Thanks to the great-white-shark that you have just killed, you've received six-hundred system points as a reward]

[That carcass wasn't exactly full-grown, so naturally that was why you got tens of points less]

[Total system points = Three-thousand-three-hundred -and-twenty-three]

[Your creativity streak had been broken, so you won't be receiving a bonus for tricky kills. Control yourself next time]

Even though anger had fiddled away from his noggin, just a moment ago. Sentences like this had managed to bring a tenth of that rage, back here to grow.

He wanted to yell at the system, and probably unleash a few curses against it for the first time as well. But that felt quite exaggerated.

So the sea-disk simply continued swimming towards the battlefield, and wholeheartedly hoped that his friends were okay.

Just a minute after, he reached the very place that his fins had been working beyond bounds to reach.

And the scene that he met with here, had only managed to make him heave out a sigh of relief!

What remained of his group, were quite healthy and still forceful towards the dilemma. They seem to have handled themselves well, and right now there were only two-living sharks in the battlefield!

Perhaps three would have remained, but Gerlach had leaped against one of these fat beasts and caused an instant kill.

Such a result was quite impressive. Because currently, this old man was not using the powers that an unfinished version of the holy-tar had given him.

Instead, the geezer was just inflicting damage with the aid of the natural strength he was born with!

However. Now, since there were only two more enemies to slaughter, Timothy managed to build up just a couple more points of stamina in order to charge forward.

What gave him motivation a bit more, was the fact that over twenty enemy carcasses were littered across the underwater battlefield!

It truly managed to raise his ego, he almost forgot that one of his friends was nothing but a pile of bones right now.

And within a moment, he reached the enemy and was just about to collide. But one problem began unravelling itself, thanks to the very same confidence!

The carelessness that came with it, has ultimately led to a vicious bite, that had been inflicted by the very same enemy!

This shark was only five-feet long, but was quite fat as well; so just how much damage could this wretched shark inflict?

Timothy's right fin was the portion that endured all of this damage.

And it became even worse, after the enemy shook the hero a few times across the waters, before tossing him a few meters away!

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