I'll know if this elf is good or not just by touching it

Chapter 365

Huge Laplace?

Su Bai thought about it and immediately guessed something.

"No, this sudden snowstorm is also..."

Dean Xiao nodded in acquiescence.

"The power of those people is much greater than I thought

..." "And the damage caused this time is much more serious than everyone imagined

..." "Many countries along the coast have been affected, and it is not only the quasi-heavenly king who participated in the battle this time..."


The trainers who have received this title are each at the top of the pyramid of their respective realms.

Everyone is a big person who stomps his foot, and their country will tremble.

Originally, Su Bai thought that Dean Xiao would explain the seriousness of this matter to him very seriously, but who would have thought that this lazy little old man directly told Su Bai that this time he only needed to hold the bench and grab the melon seeds to watch the play.

"We came to the meeting this time to watch the live broadcast of the heavenly kings, and then nag two words by the way..."

Su Bai blinked his eyes and said that the sauce is purple?

People are desperate, they are here as melon-eating masses?

Dean Xiao looked at Su Bai's immature face and smiled: "We have done everything we can..." "

The battle of the heavenly king can be called a fight between the gods, just like the old man and me, it is useless to go to both."

Although Dean Xiao said very sadly, according to Su Bai's inquiry and investigation during this time, he found that this little old man was still very dick when he was young.

When he was young, he was even hailed as a candidate for the Heavenly King.

At that time, he must have had great ambitions, but he got older, or encountered something back then, so he was reduced to going to a small place to be an unknown dean.

The source Li Beitao also said that he didn't know that there was such a number one person in the southern city area, and if it weren't for Su Bai, he didn't know when this little old man would be hidden...

Looking at the little old man dean walking in front with his negative hand and the same walking posture as the dumb king, Su Bai couldn't help but feel that his cheap teacher was quite interesting.

When entering the venue, although the gatekeeper was slightly stunned because of his age, there was an invitation letter from Wu Jasmine, and Dean Xiao was next to him, and after waiting for the reaction, he immediately bent down respectfully to invite Su Bai to enter the venue, and did not dare to snub the slightest during the period.

There are very few quasi-kings in the southern urban area.

This time, in addition to Dean Xiao and Su Bai, who attended instead of Wu Jasmine, there was only an old man and a couple, and a pair of grandchildren.

The old man and his wife, Dean Xiao, knew each other.

Among them, the old man and Dean Xiao seemed to have a very iron relationship, and after meeting, the two little old men quickly chatted and chatted.

As for the ancestors and grandchildren, the old one was an old lady with gray hair, but high spirits, and very competently dressed.

The old lady has a very good temperament, and it can be seen from the outline of her bones that she was a beauty when she was young.

Next to her is her granddaughter, tall, with a playful ponytail, not powdered, but her youthful appearance is full of aura.

On her shoulder is a foam millet that matches her temperament.

One person and one pet, two pairs of big smart eyes are looking around at this time.

It was somewhat surprising to see that in addition to her young man in the venue, there was actually a young man.

"Grandma, when are we going back? It feels a bit boring here. "

The girl is beautiful, and her voice is sweet and pleasant, even if she complains, she sounds like a green sponge bird.

"Kiraki la~" The

foam corn rat around him also learned the owner to complain there.

The old lady spoiled and comforted the girl, asked her to be patient and so on.

The old ladies are not the original residents of this southern city, and this time they also stayed here by chance because of the blizzard.

At first, the Southern City Alliance was also very surprised to find that there was such a big guy on their territory, and it happened that a meeting was held here, so they invited her over by the way.

Hearing a voice from behind, Dean Xiao and the other two quasi-heavenly king old couples also stopped talking.

Smile over and greet the old lady.

They are actually curious about when this southern city will have another quasi-heavenly king.

You must know that the quasi-heavenly king is not a mass production machine.

Sometimes there is not one for years, even decades.

The southern urban agglomeration is also a small place, so there have always been only a few of them.

Among them, Dean Xiao was only recently willing to appear.

The old lady has a very elegant demeanor, and when she opens her mouth, she gives people the feeling of having seen the world.

Dean Xiao and the old couple, Quasi-Heavenly King, immediately understood that this old lady was probably someone from the central city area of the Elf Alliance.

However, they are all quasi-kings, and they are all people of the same age, and most of the merit and fame have also been put down, and they can talk more or less when they sit down.

The content of these quasi-heavenly king old people naturally cannot be like the old men and women in the park in the previous life, just talk about topics such as "pension", "children", "have you eaten" and so on.

Most of them are talking elf about academic issues.

The older generation may have a slightly backward view of elves, but they can learn from experience.

Learning is endless, and Su Bai listened vigorously on the side.

The girl suddenly came over and patted Su Bai's shoulder.

"Hey, you came with your grandfather too?"

Su Bai: "? "

Who is my grandfather?

Seeing Su Bai's dumbfounded look, the girl thought it was quite interesting, and chuckled softly: "Look, you hear the same as the real thing, they say you can understand?"

Su Bai nodded: "It's okay."

"They're talking about high-level materials to enhance elf moves, and the way to identify the level of elf materials, it's still too early for you, and I'm listening to it."

Su Bai: "..."

"How many levels are you elf?" Anyway, idle and bored, when I first came in, I happened to see a vacant battlefield in the next room, or should we go there for an elf battle?

Su Bai pointed to the conference table in front of him and said that it is not a big idea to leave casually now, right?

The girl took Su Bai's wrist and walked to the next door: "Ouch, you are not a quasi-heavenly king, it's okay to leave for a while."

While pulling Su Bai, the girl did not forget to inform her grandmother.

The old lady glanced at her granddaughter and asked Dean Xiao with a smile.

Dean Xiao smiled and said, "Go, I'll call you at the beginning."

Su Bai pondered: "Okay, come back soon."

The old lady was slightly stunned, and this felt like saying something to someone who also needed to attend the meeting.

This was certainly not said to her granddaughter... So that's what it said to the little boy?

The old lady's expression suddenly became subtle.

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