I Won’t Accept Your Regrets

Chapter 94:

The prestige of the Sios family was shaken by this whole story.

People had no choice but to wonder why it was the Marquis had meetings with Duke Drua, who was hostile to the Emperor.

Lisa ran away from our party with her son, as if running away from a fire.

There was a lot of talk around about the appearance of the Drua’s heir, who was rumored to be dead.

Platinum hair and amber eyes. An appearance in which there is nowhere to see the blessings of the first Emperor. Ideal ground for stirring up gossip.

Newspapers will be full of juicy details for a long time.

Be that as it may, thanks to that pocket watch, our little game turned in my favor.

Now even the nobles who stood alongside the Marquis will be forced to reconsider their priorities.

"Lumont writes, in the salons now many are wondering why Marquis Sios met with Duke Drua… Marquis Sios will now go into deep denial?" Jed asked, frowning.

"No. He won't. Probably, soon some seedy rag will release a paid article, repeating ‘how everything really was’."

"Sios will try to throw dust in his eyes."

"But we really don't have any proof that Marquis Sios colluded with Drua. His Majesty can’t punish the Marquis without proof."

It's not that Jeremy got the iron clues, and that Marquis Sios is having a hard time getting out of it.

He only said that Sios and Drua were up to something.

"According to Lumont's report, the small landowners loyal to the deposed Emperor were gradually approaching the capital year after year," Jed interjected cautiously.

"But he also writes that they don’t meet with Sios directly. They probably met in secret, just like Duke Drua. First of all, we need to find strong evidence."

My father nodded at this and asked:

"But doesn't Raymond know about it? Did you talk to him after all?"

Raymond has also recently suspected Marquis Sios.

He’s a smart man, so he noticed inconsistencies in the Sios’ behavior.

My father was Raymond's closest ally, but that was not enough for me to give him all the details now.

"We haven't discussed it yet, but I think he sees everything perfectly."

"Please be careful with the Drua family. His Majesty despises their family, therefore, if you don’t stay aside, bloody winds can blow."

"I know," I said to my father.

"And you really decided to send Carlisle to the academy?"

Having made the decision not to leave the Empire, I told my father that I would send Carlisle to study.

Then he said nothing, but having met Carlisle in person, he was no longer happy with this choice.

"I think this is the safest way."

"I'd rather take… no."

The father immediately fell silent.

Even if he didn’t finish, I understood the main point.

"Don't send him to the academy, Carlisle will stay here and be the next Duke."

It’s not that I hadn’t knew it. But no matter how you look at it, this is a dangerous decision.

I don't know what the reaction will be from Raymond.

And Raymond now… If he finds out about Carlisle’s existence, he will move his mind even further.

If the truth is revealed, then a bloody battle for the throne will begin.

The mere thought of a new war was striking.

"I don’t want to let Carlisle go either… But now it’s safest for him to leave the Empire."

"And which academy did you look?"

"I think there is a good option in the Lund Kingdom. Plus, the place is familiar to Carlisle. In addition, there is an academy that is associated with the academy where I studied, so I will inquire about admission there."


My father threw it to me with a displeased face.

As the heavy silence fell, Carlisle's voice rang out.


After taking a bath, Carlisle jumped up and hugged my father. The heightened atmosphere quickly relaxed.

"I can't do it, help me with the puzzle!"

Carlisle grabbed his grandfather by the hand to see if he wanted to help.

My dad smiled too, as if he liked the idea, hugged Carlisle and headed to the playroom, while I turned to Jed.

"Jed, can you find out the earliest admission date to the Lund Kingdom Academy?"

* * *

"They dare to write such an article!"

Marquis Sios screamed and hit the table hard. Lisa, who was standing at his desk, shrank from the blow.

[Resurrection of Duke Croft from the ashes and foolish choice of Marquis Sios. How is Marquis Sios related to Duke Drua?]

Lisa scanned the newspapers spread out on her desk.

Among them, the most provocative line attracted attention.

"Foolish choice?! Isn't it clear that the choice isn’t mine! Do you dare to tease the Marquis?!"

Marquis Sios vigorously poured out his anger.

Lisa looked at such manifestations with cold eyes.

"There is no one to blame. Except for you."


The Marquis turned his head to Lisa. Her green eyes were threatening, even though she stood still.

"I always told you. Be careful with Duke Drua. And you left with him an item with the crest of the family. Even a child understands this."

"I don’t know where they got my watch from! They must have been stolen by that nutcase!"

"Yes. And my father is to blame for not being careful with the Drua’s heir!"

Lisa raised her voice for once.

After Ellie returned, things were going awry for them.

The silly mistakes of her father and the inaccessibility of Ellie, who came back completely different, all this put on Lisa's nerves.

Marquis Sios, surprised by Lisa's cry, shuddered and involuntarily stepped back.

"No matter how many mistakes I make, it doesn’t give you the right to raise your voice to your father…"

"It's too late to teach me manners. His Majesty was also at the party that day. Now he will definitely suspect us," Lisa said quietly.

The Marquis was confused by the shining eyes opposite.

Lisa looked particularly harsh these days, although she never showed open hostility.

Lisa, looking at the embarrassed marquis, took a deep breath in order to suppress her anger.

Either way, she didn’t have much affection for her father.

When she sailed away to a new life as a concubine in the western kingdom, she got rid of the last family ties.

Now Marquis Sios was nothing more than a knight to her, who would be her shield. For the time being.

Just like the Marquis once used it.

And given the insults she endured at the party through Marquis Sios’ stupidity of, she wanted to confiscate her father's title right now, but she still needed him.

Also, since he’s her blood and flesh, it will look bad now.

But she could no longer stand and look at the watch on the table, because now it cut her eyes so badly.

Lisa took her pocket watch and threw it violently against the wall.

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