I Won’t Accept Your Regrets

Chapter 68:

The smile that hung like a mask on Lisa's lips was blown away now. By this time, she could no longer hide her hostility inside.

Now I am convinced of this.

Lisa hates me.

But why?

No, the main thing is since when?

Looking back, I felt this way even when she just returned to the Empire.

That year I turned in everything and left, so what the hell?

Here she smiled brightly again, as if there was nothing between us.

"So I was wastedly afraid that His Majesty would treat Lady Croft badly. But I am very happy for you. My congratulations."

"His Majesty will not give offense to Duke Croft, so it means that I will not be left behind."

With a wide smile on my lips, I raised my cup of tea.

The whole atmosphere of tea drinking was now different from the original.

When I first stepped into the gazebo, most of the guests were waiting for my shame, but now I feel a mixture of their favor and envy.

So, contrary to all Lisa's plan, the game turned in my favor. A strange silence fell in place.

Putting down the cup, I saw Vishteyn staring at me with a sparkle in her eyes.

Now even she was trying to look nice.

When I laughed harshly in her eyes, Vistein's face turned red again.

Ah really. She was so easy to play with.

At this time a servant hastily approached Lisa. All attention was now riveted on his appearance.

"What's the matter?"

"Milady, I have just received word from the Imperial Palace. It is said that His Highness the First Prince got hurt during a fencing lesson."


Lisa got scared and jumped up from her seat. For the first time I saw how fear overshadowed her gentle face.

"Today's tea party seems to end on that note. I'm sorry."

Throwing this remark, she ran away from the flower garden without looking back.

I was also worried by what I heard.

Whatever our relationship was, I was also a mother.

"Was His Highness Crown Prince Edmund injured in training?"

"That's impossible."

"He's the only heir, isn't he?"

The only heir…

At this comment, I felt strange.

"He will be all right. Darling, don't worry. You just haven't seen how much His Majesty cares for Edmund. He will be immediately surrounded by the best doctors."

As if it was addressed to me, Vistein now looked at me.

As if she wanted to say: Lisa has Edmund, and honoring you by the Emperor is an empty phrase.

These unsaid words only caused me a slight smile, instead of disappointment.

I dealt with Lisa, who would tirelessly intrigue and grab my throat with pleasure. Whereas Vistein, compared to that one, was just an annoying child.

"I have a lot of worries too. See you next time."

I threw a smile to Vistein, got up and left the garden.

* * *

"Your Majesty, Marquis Paren has arrived."

Raymond stuck his head out of the pile of papers.

"Let him in."

When the butler opened the office door, Raymond got up from the table.

Marquis Paren, who had just entered the office, wanted to make a proper greeting, but he was interrupted.

"I don’t need ceremonies. Come here and sit down."

Raymond sat down first on the sofa, and the Marquis sat down on the right. The Emperor said to the butler:

"Everyone is waiting outside the door. Don't let anyone in unless it's urgent."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Marquis Paren and the Emperor were left alone.

"What is the progress in the investigation?

"The investigation went smoothly, as Count Barten, of his own free will, laid out all the evidence to us, including Metas's letters and the money sent to him."

"What about the other defendants?"

"Not a single proof of connection with Marquis Sios. I searched the whole house of Barten, but it was empty."

"So, the main thing is left behind the scene…"

"And here, I think, we are forced to end the investigation into the case of Count Barten."

Raymond frowned.

If we close the case now, we won't be able to catch Sios by the tail.

A strong pretext was needed to remove him from the post of prime minister.

"I need more details."

"Since Count Barten pleaded guilty and gave us all the evidence, I have nowhere else to dig. I’m sorry, Your Majesty."

Marquis Paren bowed, regretting his unsatisfactory result.

"It’s not your fault. Since Count Barten pleaded guilty right at the trial, they must have had plenty of time to clean up all the evidence. In the end, it was me who overlooked Marquis Sios."

"But why did Marquis Sios suddenly attack Croft like that? I’m confused, but there were no good reasons. Do you have any guesses, Your Majesty?"

"No. I don’t know. I hoped that Count Barten would indicate the reason."

Duke Croft wasn’t greedy for power.

The only guess is the ‘Empress Lisa’ project… And this is strange, because Ellie filed for divorce and disappeared, but Sios still decided to dig a hole for the Duke.

There was a fog in the Marquis Paren’s blue eyes, as if he was deeply thinking about something.

"Hmm… This is really strange, Your Majesty. Is it possible… I mean… I want to say."

After a little pause, he continued slowly.

"Marquis Sios wasn’t targeting Duke Croft."

Not the Duke?

"Perhaps his true target is someone else who will also suffer losses from the collapse of the ducal house."

Raymond's eyes changed dramatically.

"You mean… Is it me?"

Duke Croft was his right-hand man.

If the Duke were removed from politics, the Emperor's power would also be shaken.

"I'm not sure about that. I just named what I see as likely."

"If he thought up a coup, then why?"

It was madness to take revenge on me for not elevating Lisa to Empress.

"He wants to take my throne."

Raymond's black eyes gleamed coldly.

If the Sios family really had this in mind, there was one reason.

Take away the imperial power.

Edmund was his only child.

If you wait a little longer, Edmund will still become Emperor, but the patience of Marquis Sios was fading.

It was obvious that if young Edmund became Emperor right now, his maternal grandfather and prime minister would gain enormous influence in the country.

And right now, Sios' ambition wasn’t conspicuous just because he focused all his efforts on one person, Duke Croft.

It turned out Raymond had warmed a viper next to him.


Raymond turned to the Marquis.

"Could you please provide me with a decent place to stay?"

Raymond looked at him in surprise.

After all, Marquis Paren was trying to get away from the capital and back to the estate.

"Are you serious?"

"If Marquis Sios really has such disrespect for His Majesty… How can I vegetate on the estate?"

Marquis Paren smiled.

Marquis Paren is the one who was once called the Emperor's left hand. He was as reliable as Duke Croft.

"As soon as the investigation into Barten's part is over, I will appoint you Marshal."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Marquis Paren bowed.

"But one more thing, Your Majesty. While I was at the palace, I heard a story. Is it true that you ordered an official statement regarding Duke Croft?"

"That’s true. It will be tomorrow."

"You know that openly favoring an individual nobleman is inappropriate."

"Duke Croft is my right hand, and not some ordinary nobleman."

"But how amusing it all turns out, Your Majesty. Lady Croft will appear in your application…"

Marquis Paren continued cautiously:

"Since Your Majesty hasn’t yet elected a new Empress, I want to ask you: do you think you will return Ellie?"

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