I Won’t Accept Your Regrets

Chapter 45:

"The earliest information about trade caravans appeared only a year ago. It’s hard to believe that the deal between the kingdoms was concocted in just a year. It just means that someone set it up retroactively."

"People all think it's the Duke's handiwork."

Lumont said with a deep sigh.

"Yeah. The Duke's seal is on the lump sum agreement, which is irrefutable proof."

This fact was tested by magic, and it was the true father's seal.

"…My father couldn’t have done it by mistake. This is really strange."

"Right. The Duke is known for his honesty. Even if he had bad intentions, he is not a fool to leave such obvious evidence in plain sight," said Lumont, holding his breath at the end.

"I suspect the evidence was laid out to make it easier to find. In your right mind, if you intend to commit an atrocity of this magnitude, the first step is to destroy all evidence."

Right. If my father had dared to commit fraud, he would not have left any evidence at all.

"The problem is that all the evidence we have points to the father."

"The seal wasn’t fabricated."

After all, the results of the checks and the last words of Metas…

The newspapers were bombarded with provocations and anger day after day.

Little by little, not only nobles, but even ordinary people began to suspect fraud.

"Newspapers usually run with the support of noble families."

The more I delve into this matter, the more I am convinced.

There was a conspiracy among the nobles against my father.

"Lumont. Find out which newspaper is writing the most evil articles about my father. And which family has invested the most in their business."


"There is only one thing left to do: find out what has become of the ducal seal. My father always kept his seal in his study, but how then…"

The drawer in his office was protected by magic. If it weren’t my father's fingerprints, it would have been impossible to open. Therefore, it is unlikely that the seal was stolen from the office.

"…Good. Can we find out who visited the ministers on the day the documents were sent? Perhaps there is a clue if we take a close look at what happened that day?"

"The investigators have already checked everything that day… If something strange happened there, they wouldn't have found it?"

"They are biased against my father. Or is it possible that they are also conspirators? Check everything yourself, as scrupulously as possible."

"Don’t worry about it."

"Oh, and during your investigation, please find out if no one suddenly left the ministry or took a long leave."

"Why is this?"

"With the exception of Metas, all those people worked with my father for a long time. Because my father is not one of those who are scattered by reliable people."

‘If someone took my father’s seal to substitute… it must have boded well for them.’

"Okay. I'll find out everything. But, Ellie, are you still going to the estate?"

"No. Now it will be too dangerous."

The knights will be on their guard after my previous sortie.

Today we are very lucky, but it would be better for me to never get into such a drama.

Because magic instruments can’t change the voice. The Emperor seemed to suspect something.

He could even guess who I was.

Better to stay out of their sight until he finds proof that he clears the Duke's name.

"Instead, I’d like to send a letter… You will need to work it out."

"If this is a letter, then no problem. It will be much easier and safer."

Lumont smiled happily, letting me know how much he believes in himself.


"Have you more wishes?"

"Oh, one more thing. Please find out what business Metas was doing."

As much as I think about it, everything seems to revolve around him.

"I wonder how he even got into the officials. But I can't believe that he was a real organizer."

It is impossible that a sensible person like my father would entrust all important matters to just one person.

“And the main thing that arouses suspicion is his sudden death. I made inquiries and found out that he was interested in a ship leaving the Empire shortly before his death.”

"Right before his death?"

"Yes. A man who was about to die would not have sailed to foreign lands."

I frowned at Lumon's words.

I suspected something was wrong even when I read that he died, leaving a note shifting all the blame on my father.

Did Viscount Metas really commit suicide? I don’t think so.

Viscount Metas was only one performer.

"You seem to have the same idea as me."

"The death of Metas is not suicide. They killed him and left a forged note."

"But the problem now is that I can't even guess who is behind all this."

I am no longer an Empress and no longer a threat. And my father was a person who was not greedy for power.

Who will get better because my father is being executed?

"I'm not sure yet, but there is a small clue."


"I mean, Metas's recent past. He is said to have attended the academy, although his family was short on money. By the time he graduated from the academy, he also bought a small mansion in the capital."

"…Someone sponsored him."

"Yes. And if we find out who… maybe there will be our clue."

I can’t say that an unnamed patron is behind this conspiracy, but there is a possibility.

"If you find out, report immediately."

"Then I think we'll be done with this. They're already waiting for Ellie."

Lumont looked at the door and smiled.

Then I noticed who he meant.


The door opened slowly. He was embarrassed to be caught eavesdropping.

"It’s okay. You can come in."


The door opened and Carlisle ran up to me with a bright smile.

Carlisle looked at me and then at Lumont, who was sitting in front of me.

"Oh, yes, you don't know uncle Lumont."

Lumont smiled as gently as possible at Carlisle, who had wide eyes and a wary expression.

"This is the uncle who works with your mom. Say hello."

"Good morning…"

"Nice to meet you. If you want something from the market, you can always tell me."

"My mom said to be careful…"

Carlisle muttered. It seems that I firmly instilled in him that if strangers offer him sweets, he should not follow them.

"Oh no, that's not what I mean…"

Lumont was embarrassed, and Carlisle, meanwhile, grabbed my hand.

I laughed and stroked Carlisle's head.

"Carlisle, he's not a bad person. Don't be careful."

"Is he like uncle Jed and uncle Jeremy?"

"Ah… um."

Jeremy's name suddenly popped up and I froze.

"Then okay."

Carlisle smiled and said.

As Lumont laughed and talked to Carlisle, Jeremy's face loomed in my mind.

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