I Will Touch the Skies – A Pokemon Fanfiction

Interlude – Forums



This chapter is heavily inspired by the forum posts in Borne of Caution and Worm.


Welcome to the League Circuit Forums! The best website to get any League/Circuit related news!


Gyms → Oreburgh → Roark

Topic: What the f*ck is wrong with Roark?

Original Poster: Francis_Fletcher (Verified Trainer)

Date: 25th September 20XX


There’s a serious problem going on in Oreburgh for this year’s circuit, and I’m tired of pretending it isn’t. This is the second time I’m challenging Roark, and I lost again. Pardon my Kalosian, but this is fucking bullshit. I had a Monferno and a Buizel and he still beat me by using his Onix. This is only my second year on the circuit, and he’s fighting me like I own a damned Garchomp. I’ve heard a lot of trainers complaining both online and in Oreburgh that the difficulty is on another level, so I think we need to get together and send some sort of complaint to the League or something, otherwise this year is screwed for all of us. The worst part is I’ve heard on other boards that the other gym leaders are doing the same thing. I’m willing to hear out any other ideas.


►Brodie_Atkinson (Verified Trainer)


You’re right, but the assholes that got off easy by fighting a Geodude and a Rhyhorn will all pretend that this is a skill issue. There’s a serious discrepancy between the better trainers that have to fight Graveler, Onix, Cranidos and the weaker ones that get easy opponents. That’s why I’ve been saying that gyms should have a standardized team for each gym badge a trainer has, and none of this wishy-washy ‘I pick who the hell I want against you’ shit. I won after my second attempt, but I live in Oreburgh, and I feel like I wasted a lot of time waiting for the two weeks here. Meanwhile, the weaker trainers get an advantage. It’s like the world’s turned upside down.




Seems like the tears are flowing early this year. How about you just get good?


►Brodie_Atkinson (Verified Trainer)


Lmao guys we just found Roark’s alt.




Nah, I just think you’re pathetic.




Looking forward to months and months of salt from these forums. Inject that shit right into my veins!


►Narita_Akira (Verified Trainer)


Can we make this thread trainer only? Get these trolls out of here.


►Nancy_Courbet (Verified Trainer)


I think our time here will be more productive if we talk strategies instead of complaining and giving these trolls attention. I’ve lost twice now, but Roark used Rhyhorn twice against me, and I found a pretty consistent strategy to use against it. It’s kind of dumb and angry all the time, and it’s really slow, so if you use something fast that can move sideways really quickly, it’ll struggle to hit you. Regarding Rock Polish, you can try to counter it with something like Quick Attack because Rhyhorn is kind of bad at turning abruptly, but if it catches you, you’re royally screwed.


►Julia_Rykard (Verified Trainer)


What about something that flies? It should be unable to reach, and you can attack it from a distance.


►Francis_Fletcher (Verified Trainer)


That’s just a bait. Have you not done any research? That Rhyhorn knows Smack Down, and if that hits your Pokemon, you’re done. Nancy’s strategy seems safe. The best strategy against Rhyhorn is evasion. Anyone got anything for Onix? 


►Nikita_Doyle (Verified Trainer)


I’ve fought Onix only once and I managed to faint it. The thing with Onix is that even with the type advantage, the sheer size of that monster will just negate everything you try to set up on the field. Distance is meaningless, dodging is harder, and it can take hits for days. What I found is that it seems particularly weak to ground type moves and ground type Pokemon in general. Hit it with a Bulldoze, a Mudshot, or a Mud Bomb and it’ll go down really quick. If you don’t take it down fast enough, it’ll just Screech your team into submission.


►Francis_Fletcher (Verified Trainer)


Alright, so if I don’t have a ground type, I lose? You’re basically telling me to ‘just get a ground type, lol’. There aren’t any good ones around here, and teaching a Geodude Bulldoze will take an entire month.


►Nikita_Doyle (Verified Trainer)


I gave you advice. Take it or leave it.


►Cole_Kennedy (Verified Trainer)


Does anyone know how to beat Geodude if all I have is a Bidoof?


►Francis_Fletcher (Verified Trainer)


Man, get the hell out of here.




Trainers → Cecilia_Obel → Megathread

Topic: Everything about Cecilia Obel

Original Poster: League_Account_Official (Bot)

Date: September 1st 20XX


(Showing page 67/102)




I can’t believe that this girl had a dragon all along, and it was right in front of our eyes! I should have known her family would have pulled all the stops to get her to win. People this year might as well give up, the victor’s already obvious.




Not only does she have a dragon, but she can fucking control it too. My dad is a breeder who’s worked with multiple dragon types over his career and he’s said that Deino are almost impossible to train unless you know exactly what you’re doing.


►Ashton_King (Verified Trainer)


Well, she has her brother to ask questions to, so that’s not a problem.




Hydreigons are even worse. Her brother has one, and it’s so aggressive that he can only let it fight for battles against insanely high skilled opponents, otherwise it’ll just kill whoever it's fighting. 




Yeah, I’ve looked him up after seeing her gym battle against Roark. Each head can use a different attack at the same time. Imagine fighting something that throws out a Hyper Beam, a Dragon Pulse, and a Fire Blast at you. Good luck.


►Gabriel_Webb (Verified Trainer)


Please keep the conversation in this threat related to Cecilia Obel only.




Well talking about this girl without talking about her family is impossible at this point. Going up against her is like going up against all of them.




That Slowpoke was no joke either. Any speculation about what her third member might be?


►Morgan_Franscescoli (Verified Trainer)


Well, the only lead I can think of is that she didn’t use it against Roark, so maybe it doesn’t have a type advantage. Or maybe she just came so prepared that she had a grass type waiting in the back. Seems pretty foolish to speculate, it could be anything.




Fair enough, I’m just curious af. I get chills every time I watch her battle.


►Rosie_Marshall (Verified_Trainer)


I still think that she got lucky Chase Karlson took down Roark’s Onix right before her battle. It might have been a different story otherwise.




She’s insane, but that’s not all. That squad she’s traveling with? All rich kids with Pokemon with incredible potential. Emilia Lussier has a Beldum, Justin Gardner has a Sandile, Pauline King has a Charmander. And do you know what that mother fucker Louis Bianchi has, other than an incredible amount of wealth? A fucking Gible.




You’re fucking with us




No, check out their other threads and the videos of their fight against Roark. Everyone’s going crazy over them.


►Gabriel_Webb (Verified Trainer)


Again, keep this thread on topic.


►Emerson_Shaw (Verified Trainer)


Fucking carpetbaggers and privileged assholes. I had no expectations for myself but I’m still disappointed. 




Trainers → Grace_Pastel → Megathread

Topic: Everything about Grace Pastel

Original Poster: League_Account_Official (Bot)

Date: September 1st 20XX


(Showing page 6/6)




Y’all are ignoring the fact that her Frillish is a lot stronger than you give it credit for. That Bubblebeam is no joke, and they clearly worked hard on it. Give her credit where credit is due, for Arceus’ sake.


►Sonya_Hladik (Verified Trainer)


Sorry that I don’t fawn over some trainer who just got a lucky evolution when she was about to lose. Obviously, that never happens to me, so I’m forced to wait two weeks to try again, but the most unskilled people always get rewarded with luck.




Alright but I also watched your battle and you’re clearly just a worse trainer lmao cope and seethe. 


►Sonya_Hladik (Verified Trainer)


Well at least I’m doing something with my life instead of sitting at home all day and simping for random trainers. 




I’m not even fifteen yet, you dunce. I couldn’t go if I even wanted to.


►Hakeem_Kante (Verified Trainer)


Let’s not get heated and stay on topic. Yes, her Togepi evolving at a pivotal moment probably affected the outcome of the battle, but like Madcarr said, her Frillish is good, and battles will always have a little bit of randomness to them.




At the very least I’m glad we got to see Carbink. Roark doesn’t seem to use it much, and it was valuable information for trainers to get.


►Mark_DeTore (Verified Trainer)


Yep. I honestly forgot he even had one. I’ll be looking over the footage tonight.


►Sonya_Hladik (Verified Trainer)


You’ll still lose. Enjoy this thread while it lasts. The girl was obviously a nervous wreck and she’s not going to get very far. I’m gonna leave before I get muted by the mods.




No one cares.




Trainers → Denzel_Williams → Megathread

Topic: Everything about Denzel Williams

Original Poster: League_Account_Official (Bot)

Date: September 1st 20XX


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►Samuel_Panella (Verified Trainer)


Teaching Double Kick to Eevee is unorthodox, but it was pretty smart of him to do so. I don’t know what his second Pokemon is, but he probably avoided a huge headache by doing that. My Pokedex says my Nidoran can also learn it, but I wasn’t going to bother until I saw his battle. I have a Budew, but I’d rather be safe than sorry and have something I can fall back on.


►Aaron_Smith (Verified Trainer)


The endurance on that thing was no joke. It was Quick Attacking the entire time, I was in the stands and I honestly thought it was going to collapse from exhaustion, but it just kept standing. 


►Micheal_Jain (Verified Trainer)


I’d love to get Denzel’s training routine. It can probably work with every Pokemon with Eevee’s body type, so @Samuel_Panella’s Nidoran could train its endurance for example. I own a Growlithe and I would have loved for her to have as much stamina as Eevee does for my fight against Gardenia in two days.


►Jonathan_McMiller (Verified Trainer)


I’ll shoot him a DM and see if he answers. He’s usually pretty active on the forums. I’ll report what I find on this thread.


►Samuel_Panella (Verified Trainer)


Ty everybody. Honestly, this thread is so much more civil than the other ones it’s like a breath of fresh air. Like, wow! Actual human decency for a change.


►Jonathan_McMiller (Verified Trainer)


Are you new to the forums? It’s always like this, and the moderators are pretty hands off for the most part. It tends to calm down a few months in, though.


►Samuel_Panella (Verified Trainer)


Honestly this is kind of embarrassing, but for the longest time I thought only trainers were allowed to browse and post, so I never did.


►Micheal_Jain (Verified Trainer)


Well, you’re here now :). Welcome to the forum, king.




Trainers → Chase_Karlson → Megathread

Topic: Everything about Chase_Karlson

Original Poster: League_Account_Official (Bot)

Date: September 1st 20XX


(Page 37/49)




You guys are overhyping this man way too much. Yes, his Riolu is impressive, but his finish was a little shaky. He seems to be the kind of trainer that panics as soon as something doesn’t go according to plan, and you know the famous saying. ‘No plan survives contact with the enemy’.


►Kylian_Rouge (Verified Trainer)


How much of that is because the type disadvantages were ridiculous, though? Houndour and Grubbin are such a terrible matchup against Roark that I honestly don’t blame him for getting into that hot mic moment and panicking.


►Chase_Karlson (Verified Trainer)


You’re a joke if you don’t think I didn’t wipe the floor with this gym.


►Chase_Karlson (Verified Trainer)


@ArceusIsReal Go outside and touch grass, loser. I’d wipe the floor with you.




Double posting much? Commenting on your own thread much? 


►Chase_Karlson (Verified Trainer)


Being cringe much? Ur mediocre bro. I don’t care about these stupid forum rules. Let’s get real, Roark went all in against me because he knew I was a threat. Then he went easy on that Unovan girl, and now all of a sudden everyone thinks she’s won the Circuit already. Newsflash idiots, we’re not even one month in. I predict that she’s going to get 4-5 badges in and then she’ll stall on one of the more experienced gym leaders. Come back to this message in 5 months, you’ll read it and weep.


►Kylian_Rouge (Verified Trainer)


I take back everything I said, you’re delusional. Seek help.


►Chase_Karlson (Verified Trainer)


I taKE BaCk EvErYthInG I sAiD, yOU’rE dEluSiOnAl. SeEK hElP.


►Chase_Karlson (Verified Trainer)

Your profile is public man. 0/8 Badges head ass. Have some shame and come talk to me when you’ve beaten your first gym

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