I will strive beyond this cursed bloodline!

Chapter 27: To have an attempt of a class

Once again she was in this room.

It wasn't her normal classroom, nor was this a normal instance against her best wishes.

For one most of the students had finished learning the shift spell.

How had they learned that fast you ask?

Well, it wasn't that fast for one.

After Rossie and Elizabeth registered their respective transformations most of the class had come to the girls for questions.

And so, in the week most of the class had managed it.

Yes, the week.

They had been going at this for a week already, her powered classes at least had been better for the most part.

Leaving aside that they had been given this exact week to think and design their suits.

Since the school was under the impression that they would need to build it from nothing, unlike the magical department. That did it by...Well, magic.

So they had to balance it somehow, a few teachers had come to check on her to see if she needed help. But after making sure she had one already they went to pester someone else.

So she had spent most of her mornings sleeping (After wishing Rossie a good day).

She of course didn't tell the pink-haired girl that she had free time.

She cherished each morning sleeping after the pink menace went to classes.

They were warned that soon enough they would restart though.

She wasn't looking forward to that.

But for now, she was here in this class.


"Why do you think teacher Agatha cited us in the arena?" Said the pink-haired girl to voice her concerns.

Why indeed...

There were two possibilities in this case.

"She either wishes to make sure we have enough space to showcase our [Shift] spell." Said the blonde girl while signaling how there was enough space in the arena to make and run around.

"...Or this will be a combat test." And the second option, the stands could easily accommodate their class...

And a few extra ones.

She sincerely hoped it was the first.

Because if it was the second...

She could feel the eyes of a certain blue-haired smartass on her.

If rumors were to be believed...

She was a better teacher than the smartass...

She somehow doubted that...But she could see why they wouldn't want to go with him twice.

No one likes to be told they are dumb by an overachiever.

And her style of teaching was mostly encouragement...

Who doesn't want to be encouraged by a blonde beauty?!?

...She at least found it good to each morning look into the mirror and admire herself.

If nothing else.

"Okay, today we will make sure you all have full mastery of the [Shift] spell...And then give a presentation on dueling standards." Said the teacher of her magical classes.

She of course didn't walk in the arena like a normal person, nor was she all along.

No no, that would be too normal.

She materialized herself from a magic circle that was floating in the air.

Her robe flickered in the nonexistent wind and her dignity was guarded by a void of darkness so no male (Or female) could see under her robe.

"One by one, you will walk to the middle and showcase your [Shift]. If you prepared it well enough no one will be able to tie your both identities..." Said the woman while looking down on her charges.

Some fiddled around, probably worried because they hadn't managed to integrate that particular magical node into their [Shift Spell].

"Of course, you can forego this exercise or come in after using the spell in another more private area. But you will miss out on extra points." Added the woman, trying to goad the students into this risky game.

She wasn't making any mention of extra [Geass] to safeguard their identities either.

So she expected the students to already have enough security nodes?

What kind of monsters did think there were in this class?

Granted smart-ass probably had enough security nodes to protect his identity...Sadly.

And Rossie had at least the needed to protect herself, she made sure of it even if the girl didn't see the use of it.

...And she herself had plenty of those thanks to the blonde asshole meddling on her soulscape...


Oh, there were indeed monsters from a normal perspective.

"Any voluntary?" Asked the woman while inspecting the students and finally focusing on the blue-haired asshole.

"And on that note, don't try to deduce who is missing after the shift to try and fill in the blanks. If the node is made well enough you will only give yourself a headache." Said the woman without a care in the world.

"Those of you that don't want the extra points or will change in another part do so now." And at this particular point, she looked at the blonde girl.

She really had something weird going in there.

Elizabeth could almost swear this teacher hated her for some reason...

Well, it was most likely mother's fault.

But still...Yikes, talk about bad teaching manners.

"[Sage Ascension]" A rich and deep voice said while the teacher was distracted by her.

It was obviously the blue-haired asshole, but she couldn't understand why she thought of her classmate while looking at this man now.

This was different?

He felt different even if both were blue-haired. This man instead of the student's uniform was dressed in a long and flowing robe. It looked made of linen with some silk finishing here and there. They were robes of a deep and almost dark blue. A purple finish on the sleeves and buttons.

He wore a cloak that didn't quite reach the floor but it looked comfy enough. She suspected it had some kind of use besides protection from the elements. And she could respect his use of this since the cloak had a hoodie.

And we all know the opinion Elizabeth had on hoodies!

His clothes had some emblems dedicated to different styles of magic and some that she could identify with gods aligned with knowledge.

Perhaps this man wanted to walk the path of a contractor to higher beings?

That or he wanted to use these as foci for magic, but Mother had warned her against trying to do so since it usually attracted bad attention their way. Not that she would warn this person of the problem those rings and necklaces could bring him.

His belt was decorated with some pouches and a few potion stash. Perhaps more reagents for some kind of magic he wielded. That or he just liked the looks...

She could understand it if it was the second. She was totally going to add a few pouches to her powered persona.

Finally, he had a book secured in his belt and wielded a staff almost as big as him.

"You can refer to me as the [Sage]." Said the blue-haired man who then proceeded to give a small bow to the audience (She would not think that he bowed in her direction.

And walked away.

"That is such a fine [Shift] spell, no interruptions and there are at least two security nodes weaved in it." Said the teacher while fussing over the blue-haired sage.

No way...[Identify].

And in a sudden rush of information, she could see the world for what it was.

It was as if a fog had dispersed in her cognition.

He WAS indeed the blue-haired smartass.

"Any takers for the second spot?" Said the teacher while trying to not look smug.

She didn't have any reason to be proud of that particular student...

"Might as well get it over." Said the blonde girl while walking toward the middle of the arena.

The blue-haired smart-ass hadn't made a fuss over his transformation.

But the blonde girl knew it was probably to not stress his spell too much.

It was probably more shabby than the teacher gave points for.

So she made sure to attract all the possible attention towards herself right now.

Was she being petty?


"Now pay close attention everyone ♪~" Started the blonde girl " Since our [Sage]ly companion didn't show the start..." Added the girl while a magical circle started forming under her feet.

Mostly to add fanfare since she didn't need them for her [Shift]. This one was indeed the [Shift] magical circle though.

She had wasted one magical circle slot in this particular one to make sure.

"This is how it starts~" And so the circle flared to life and surrounded the girl in bright colors after intoning "[Elemental Shift].

You could see different lights of multiple colors enveloping the blonde girl in a surge of energy.

For her? The world was shimmering in different tones "At this point I can't see anything btw, might reduce the extra lighting effects" Said the blonde girl, not that anyone could see her speaking since most were mesmerized by the light effects.

Soon the radiant lights started transforming her clothes into motes of light. Her body by this point was mostly a mass of light and even if they could see her perfect figure. They couldn't actually see anything of importance.

The motes of light started spinning rapidly around her body as if she was the center of the universe and these motes were planets.

From the spot she was the light started growing forming a cocoon and for a second they could see only her figure, and soon enough the pieces of clothing started adorning her body.


One by one they started flying at her body breaking said orbits and transforming into different clothes.

Boots, stockings, mini skirt, shirt, sleeves, ribbons...A tiara and even pendants.

One by one they adorned the girl, her long hair exploded in a light show and was now suddenly only shoulder length.

And so the cocoon exploded. And her mundane attire was replaced by a stunning and unique costume that perfectly embodies her magical persona.

The outfit combined elements of grace, beauty, and practicality, tailored specifically to enhance her newfound abilities.

Her sailor outfit was different from the uniform she was given for the school. This one was far more simple...

But even so, she still thought it was more cute in another way.

Simplicity at its best was justice too!

"And there you have it," said the blonde girl while smiling brightly at her audience. She now understood why Mother always made a fuss about transforming with so many witnesses.

This hit differently from the other side.

"Oh right, you don't even know how to refer to me right now★ ..." Said the blonde girl. "I'm Magical Girl - [Elemental Weaver] ★"

And so she pointed at the remnants of different colored stars that still were shimmering around herself.

"As you can probably guess by these little ones ★ ." And also pointed at her star earrings.

The only thing that was missing from the blonde girl was a magical staff, there was a ring on her ring finger with a Star motif if one looked closely.

"...Thank you [Elemental Weaver]." Said the witch whose eyebrow looked like it wanted to run away.

And there were a few veins in her forehead attempting to run away too.

"You okay teach? Not looking good there ★ " Said the blonde girl smiling at her while walking to the side where the blue smart-ass was standing.

She of course didn't stand anywhere near him. And politely ignored his stare all the way to her spot.

"Unless you are confident in your security nodes... Don't follow the example of Miss..." And there the teacher stopped talking for a few seconds, almost as if she couldn't remember what she was going to say.

Was her [Security Node] that powerful?

It shouldn't be.

"...Don't follow the example of [Elemental Weaver]. If you try to do without the right work...The more attention you bring to your [Shift] the larger the load on the node. And the easier it breaks." Said the teacher and then stopped paying attention to the blonde girl.

Who was only smiling happily while playing with a few stars made from mana that she hadn't allowed to disperse.


A girl had to entertain herself somehow.

"Going Next!" Screamed the pink-haired girl while bringing all the attention to herself.

Doing exactly what the teacher had advised against.

"[Hearty Shift!]" Screamed the pink-haired girl while doing a silly pose with her hands.

It looked more like a transformation scene of a masked warrior of justice than that of a magical girl.

Hers...Was more normal.

She also had the energy cocoon as Elizabeth, the blonde girl had made sure of that, since it was a nice energy saver and in case the security node broke it would give her some privacy.

Her body wasn't meant to be seen by the world...At least not unless that girl was 18 years or older.

She still wasn't used to the wonders hidden behind those clothes...

After some generic transformation emerged the pink-haired girl with hearts in her eyes and enough pink to give diabetes to a starving kid.

"Magical Girl - [ Sylphie Starheart ] ready to help!" Said the pink-haired girl while ignoring the faces of her cohort students and teacher.

And then jumping to hug the blonde girl while smiling brightly.

She still felt bad for not telling her magical girl name and making the poor girl go after a star & heart-themed name.

But in her defense, the pink-haired girl didn't tell her.

"...And there is another example to not follow..." Said the teacher while holding her head in resignation.

"Well? What are you waiting for?" Said while glaring at the rest of the students.

"Get on with it already!" And so, there was a cacophony of people either screaming different variations of the words [Shift] and [Transformation]...And a few [Ascension] variations.

Some poor fellas that had stuck with the blue-haired smartass and in turn were corrupted by his style of clothing.

That was something she didn't expect to be honest.

To be tutored under someone has the effect of making the shift closer to the person that tutored you.

The ones under The [Sage] almost all had some kind of ancient-style robe.

While the ones under her and Rossie had bright pastel colors and sailor uniforms.

Except for the random guy that had a variation of an Idol clothing. He looked cute in it even if he swore to the nine heavens that he was changing it into a more normal-looking suit later on.

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