I will be The Monkey God!

Chapter 85: I won't let you all go

After Michu and Venomous watched over other games and laughed at both Kitty Blue and Kaiser, they logged out and woke up in real life. Their life had been much funnier lately because they were living together.

Michu's house was even smaller than Venomous' apartment, but it held a bigger meaning in her heart.

She had a family right now and how couldn't she not feel much content? It was especially fun to bicker with Nana as she didn't like Venomous' hugging much, but a little sister always gave up when Yumi began combing her hair.

There was something different with that combing and Nana believed that even pro wouldn't be a match for this Venomous!

After the capsules opened, Nana turned her eyes to Michu! "Big brother! We saw your battle! Mom went to work, but she told me to tell you that you were cool!"

"Hehe!" Michu was all smiles, "I knew you were all watching, so I went all out!"

Fortunately for Michu, his mother didn't know that the pain could be felt by them. For her, it was just a game and she could enjoy her son's adventure here on the big screen... But Michu's pain sensor was just a little lowered!

And even if those were lowered below 50%, the fall from such a height would hurt him!

In this case, Michu's mom was the lucky one as she saw her son descending onto the ground in style!

In the future, this style would be much better!

"Little sister, what about me?" Yumi asked with a tease, but Nana just turned around and tapped her laptop. Her hair fluttered as if asking for some treatment from big sister!

"You did well too. But that was a little too much! You know what I am talking about!"

This little sister was too cute, so Yumi slithered her way with a brush in her hand.

"On my lap," Venomous whispered, then Nana landed on her lap.

Big sister's hand slithered around Nana's waist while the other combed the hair! It was fairly easy as Nana was smaller by a great margin and Venomous herself could be called a tall woman!

A perfect fit for Michu who was also taller than the average man.

Michu used this chance to sit down next to them and turned on his battle with Lil Karolin's commentary. Of course, before the battle started, the monke asked, "What was too much?"

His sister replied, "Check one of the most trending videos, big brother." There was a clip called Venomous Slap.

Michu clicked on it, then his eyes widened.

That was indeed a slap that would gain a lot of popularity!

Was there something lacking here? Kitty Blue had a big ass and those ripples from Yumi's slap were just bountiful. The sounds were also top quality, both Kitty Blue's moan and the sound of flesh getting slapped!

Michu clicked replay and his sister harrumphed.

Venomous chuckled, "Did you like it?"

"I can't complain! Hehe!" Michu replied like a true man and closed the clip.

He saved it, though. Why would he not? Michu was also a man of culture.

After a few clicks, Michu opened the video with him as the lead.

It began with Izzaku and his small analysis. Of course, nothing much could be said here as Lil Karolin was too loud, but Michu took notes and he would try to think more next time! He then listened to Lil Karolin.

"I like her voice!"

"Me too, big brother!"

"She's not bad."

Venomous' was the last one to comment, her eyes on Nana's hair that was getting more luster and care of the big sister! The video continued and her eyes turned to the screen only after Michu's voice rang out...

"She loves me..." He was shocked by the confession on the big screen!

"No, I think she was too emotional, big brother," Nana rolled her eyes, but then a smug smile appeared on her face, "Perhaps, big brother is interested again in the medieval relationship? A polygamy relationship that we talked about!"

"Nana... Oh, Nana..." The snake's whispers rang out in the little sister's ears! She felt her stomach getting squeezed by Venomous' arm that was wrapped around her! 

It was a big mistake to talk about polygamy!

Like a little squirrel caught by a hunter, Nana cried out, "Big bro! Big bro!" Even the combing stopped, so Nana called out for help with tears in her eyes.

Michu always left them alone, but this time, he entered the fun and pulled out Venomous to save his sister!

With a relieved sigh, Nana went behind the desk and looked at the two of them rolling on the ground.

In close combat, especially with no weapon at all, Venomous was better. Even a newbie would be able to tell that she excelled at it.

Therefore, it wasn't weird at all for Venomous to have control over their rolling. She made her boyfriend lay on the ground, saddled him, then her lips went for his as she drew him into fiery kissing.

Nana narrowed her eyes, "Perverts."

Her hands went up to cover her ears in less than ten seconds, "Why is it so loud?! You're bullying me! Ewww! It's gross!"

Yumi's eyes shifted to Nana who flinched and let out her tongue to 'talk back' as much as she could.

But within those eyes, Yumi told her, "What's the use of other women when I am here?" The black-haired lady conveyed such thoughts smoothly.

Nana replied, "It was just a joke! You are too serious about it!" Why would Venomous be so serious about polygamy joke? 

Nana couldn't think of a reason. She just closed her eyes and waited for Yumi to stop bullying her!

After Venomous' hands let Michu go, he lay on the ground for a few minutes before standing up as well, "Yumi... You look better already! And your body has much more strength! Mom's dinners must be what you have lacked the most."

"It might be exactly that..." Yumi looked at her boyfriend, then a little sister who was still hiding behind the desk. Her mind also flashed with mom's warm smile.

All of them were their family and for a second, it seemed like it was all she needed in her life, "I won't let you all go." She smiled with her usual smile!

This smile made Nana tremble, "I will find a boyfriend soon and he will free me from your bullying!"

"Haha! I look forward to that."

"The game world is big! I will find one soon!" Nana added, thinking that Yumi didn't believe her!

The snake took a seat on the chair, rested her head on her hand while eyeing this soon to be seventeen years old lady, "You must learn how to endure my cuddling first."

Overwhelmed by the mood, Nana stood up and accepted the challenge, "Of course!"

"Then, I look forward to our cuddling. How many days will it take for a little sister to not call her big bro for a rescue?" Yumi asked.

"Less than ten days!" Nana said random numbers, then ran to the bathroom!

Michu spoke from the side, "Don't go too hard on Nana. I think she always gets weaker in your presence."

"My sister also used to be straight-forward and talkative, but she always went soft when I hugged her," Yumi remembered the old days where her younger sister would always listen to her as she hugged her, then added, "I think I have been missing cuddling more than I'd thought." Close contact between sisters stopped when the problems knocked into their lives.

Her words beckoned the monke to hug her.

"Nothing beats Lil Monke's hug," Yumi spoke softly in a content.

"Lil Monke... I like that nickname." Michu replied, "But it makes me think of Lil Karolin!" Her voice was especially memorable, so after she screamed Lil Monke out of her lungs, Michu couldn't just forget about her!

She didn't have melons to gather attention and Michu had yet to see the peach, but the voice alone pulled the attention and it had written itself within him!

No woman was perfect, but Yumi had the perfect situation to fix that 'flaw'.

"There is an easy solution to that." Yumi turned around and wrapped her arms around Lil Monke's neck and blew her hot voice into his ear.

It was more than just 'Lil Monke', but the first impression would get soon overwritten.

"I love my Lil Monke... and our family."

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