I, who was smashed into a girl by a meteorite, turned into a Yuelao?

Page 741

The woman didn't know what was going on in Chang Fei's mind. She looked at the document and frowned. After discussing for a long time, but she couldn't come up with an answer, the woman's cell phone vibrated.

This kind of vibration is much more inconspicuous than the noise in the entire conference hall, and no one will notice the woman's strangeness at all.

And after the woman glanced at the phone, her frowning brows relaxed. She stood up and looked in Chang Fei's direction, wanting to interrupt everyone's argument with a loud voice, but she turned to Chang Fei and looked over. gaze.

The woman froze for a moment, but the chairman actually paid attention to her.

While the woman was surprised, she was also a little excited. She suddenly didn't want to stop those people from arguing.Just let them continue to be clowns, as long as the chairman appreciates her and can reuse her plan.

Thinking of this, the woman sat down again, quietly continued to contact someone on the phone, and began to write and draw in her notebook.

When the whole meeting had a break and everyone went to have lunch, Chang Fei called the woman and left her in the conference hall to have lunch with him.

Everyone's expressions became weird at this time, some people were thinking nastyly, maybe, Chang Fei, the young chairman, is a concubine?

Just now, the woman's performance just caught his eyes, so now during the break, I want to find a big sister who is more than ten years older than myself, and play games with her in the office?

After all, if you take a closer look at that woman, she is not bad in appearance, at least she is a beautiful woman in the middle and upper reaches. They all want to pursue it. The chairman is such a brat, even if he really wants to pursue it, give it a try. Nothing unusual, right?

Ever since, some people left the conference hall with wretched smiles.The woman and Chang Fei remained in the conference hall.

After the woman waited for the others to leave, she couldn't wait to rush to the young chairman, with sparkling eyes, holding a mobile phone in one hand and a document in the other, and pushed her in front of Chang Fei.

She was like a spy, worried that someone would notice that she was communicating with Chang Fei secretly, and she kept her voice to a minimum, "Chairman, we have already figured out a way to deal with the vicious incident you mentioned. Take a look at this plan, if feasible, we will add the dream game system."

There was no timidity or lust in the woman's eyes, and she didn't even care what Chang Fei looked like or how old she was, which made the chairman very easy to pronounce.

Such a woman who is passionate about work made Chang Fei think of Lu Li. She was taken aback for a moment, and pretended to take the document without looking at it. She asked first, "What is your plan? Tell me."

Seeing the woman staring at the document in his hand, and then looking at himself, Chang Fei scratched his cheek and understood what the other party meant: "Don't ask me to read the document first, I don't understand it, this doesn't seem to be programming or something ..."

The woman was stunned for a moment, she was thinking about how fast the chairman read the document, she had just handed him the document, and she had already skimmed through it?

When did this happen?How... She doesn't quite remember the chairman flipping through the documents?

The woman's mind was full of question marks at the moment, Chang Fei coughed dryly, "Speaking of business, what is your plan?"

"We decided to add the Underworld System, Nightmare System and Yimei Dream System to the dream game, modify the function of immediate resurrection after death, and experience real death."

Chang Fei blinked, facing the other party's glowing eyes, he shook his head: "You mean the title of the project, right? What I want to hear is the content."

The woman seemed to have thought of Chang Fei's attitude, nodded, and continued: "Our department's idea is to add a transitional stage to death, add more realistic things, and combine supernatural events.

You also know that in our real life, people will not be resurrected after death, but we exist in another world-the underworld!

We can't just die and then be resurrected in a random place right away.Moreover, if you die casually, people will feel that many tasks can be done as long as you die once, and you can do it a few more times. They don't know how to cherish the opportunity of each task.

So our department thought of a way to get the best of both worlds. "

She paused for a moment, looked at Chang Fei, the young chairman didn't show any impatience on her face, and she continued to speak immediately.

"My idea is to increase the real experience of death, death will clearly feel the pain, and death should also be played in a realistic way.

The corpse will no longer disappear out of thin air, but actually die in the game and become a corpse. The real dead player will exist as a soul.

The soul wants to go to the underworld. The soul can be cultivated into a ghost, or it can choose to work. By working in the underworld, that is, completing the tasks of the underworld, you can get the chance of reincarnation.

The soul can't go to the Yangshi at will, but can see all the places that the players in the Yangshi have walked through the portable three-life mirror at any time.

And the way of reincarnation we think of can be two kinds of reincarnation by borrowing a dead body and direct reincarnation as a human being.

Ghosts can be reborn by possessing and taking away soulless things. "

"Your method...seems to be good...but what does this have to do with the problem we are worrying about now?"

"When the player dies in the game, there will be a phenomenon of brain death in the real world. We have studied it. It is very likely that it is a bug in the game. In the game, we have reduced the pain mechanism, and the sudden death loses the real feeling.

Therefore, there may be some players who really experience the reality of death, and then in real life, they really think that they are dead, and are frightened to death by a group of players.

So in order to avoid that kind of phenomenon, we launched the underworld system. "

Chang Fei suddenly realized that, indeed, this was like a rumored psychological experiment, blindfolded the other party's eyes, separated the experimenter's eyes with the back of a knife, and faked the sound of blood dripping, making the other party mistakenly think that his life was passing away, and the nature of gradually dying was very similar.

A simpler explanation is that, like the M Ghost Street movie he had seen, he received strong hints and stimuli, and died in a dream without realizing that he had entered a dream. However, in the real world, It was also because of such a strong hint that he died like in the nightmare.

Chang Fei took a deep breath, the dream game... It is very likely that, as the woman said, the situation like M Ghost Street appeared.

The 260th [-]th step to achieve Yuelao: Memories are intertwined

Changfei (♂·separation) became more interested in the woman's proposal after realizing that the dream game might have a situation like M Ghost Street.

What the woman said actually has the feeling of persuading the game. Who would want to play a game and experience real death?Is it so difficult to resurrect?

But this also made the players understand that there are some tasks that they can't do, they can't do them casually, and it's not so easy to resurrect after death.

In this way, it is not as simple as losing experience, they have to work hard to revive themselves.

This may dissuade a group of players, but it will also make more players who are willing to stay afraid to pick up missions indiscriminately, so as not to die accidentally.

In this way, from another direction, the chances of players receiving certain dangerous tasks and experiencing real death are greatly reduced.

After all, as long as there is no masochistic tendency, or people who want to commit suicide, they will not want to die for nothing and feel the feeling of real pain.

Moreover, Chang Fei already had the idea of ​​kicking a group of players out of the dream world to avoid danger, so he persuaded them to quit.

Of course, in order to avoid too deliberate persuasion, Chang Fei also proposed money exchange while the woman was explaining the underworld system.

Those who want to be resurrected earlier can buy materials that may not be collected even after completing difficult tasks in the hands of specific merchants who will be refreshed immediately in the underworld.

This will make players feel that the purpose of this game update is more to make money... With all kinds of special materials and a lot of experience purchases provided by randomly refreshed merchants, who is willing to work hard to do death missions?

Chang Fei's thoughts became active immediately when the woman said this. He was originally a person with a lot of ghost ideas, and the life of kill fox made him think more than others, and he thought about issues more than others.

Although the women didn't quite agree with Chang Fei's money-raising plan, considering that their actions were actually intended to dissuade the players and prevent them from appearing in a large number of real deaths, they didn't know what to say.

In fact, this may be a way to get the best of both worlds.

Keeping a group of players, making more money, and preventing death... avoiding being investigated, well, this is a good idea that kills multiple birds with one stone.

After finalizing the plan for the underworld system, Chang Fei also breathed a sigh of relief. They are now experimenting to see if they can really prevent death.

However, he now has another question that he is more curious about.

"If this is the case with the underworld system, what about the nightmare system and the dream system you mentioned? Is this also related to preventing players from dying?"

The pen in the woman's hand paused, and then said: "The dream system and nightmare are another defense mechanism."

"Another defense mechanism?" Chang Fei asked enthusiastically. He has been very interested in the plan proposed by the woman since the woman proposed the underworld system, but he doesn't know what this nightmare and dream are all about.

"This is another protection system, we can also call it a dream-in-a-dream system." The woman nodded and said seriously: "Considering that there are bugs in the game, players will really believe that they should die, but it is the case of their real death. , The second and third sets of plans we came up with can be regarded as a system plan at first.

This is a dual system specially designed for dream games. "

Chang Fei was aroused by the woman's words, and she didn't intend to intervene or ask questions at all, so she just listened to the woman continue to talk over there.

"People's dreams actually have a self-protection mechanism, but if we make the dream game appear lucid dreaming, the dream self-protection mechanism will be reduced.

Originally, the blurring at the moment of death, and the ability to gradually forget that dangerous feeling when waking up, are a kind of self-protection of the spirit.

But in dreams we have a strong intuition, which allows us to quickly realize the threat even if we haven't experienced anything in the dream, and feel palpitations, and take a relatively correct approach in the dream. "

Chang Fei thought about it carefully, and indeed, when dreaming, there will be some kind of situation that one will be afraid of before encountering anything.

"We can add a nightmare system to the dream game, or we can call it a horror system."

The woman said seriously: "This system is to activate the safety mechanism of the human brain to give people an early warning. Before the crisis comes, you will feel the great terror, feel the terror from the bottom of your heart, and run away immediately."

"Well... this idea is very good, but how do you want to predict the horror?" Chang Fei thought for a while, the woman's idea is very good, but unfortunately, not everyone is proficient in the nine chapters of the book of numbers, predicting the future, even if it is a few Seconds later, things are not so easy to achieve.

"That's why I said, this is tailor-made for the dream world." The woman smiled at this time, she knew that Chang Fei would ask such a question.

Now that Chang Fei really asked, she couldn't wait to answer.

"It's because the game world we live in is a lucid dream, which is a real dream world. It's just that we are connected to each other through instruments and have a clear consciousness, so dream games appear.

As long as we add a security mechanism to unlock the human brain in the dream game system, we only need them to perceive their own crisis through the dream!At that time, they will be able to rely on their intuition to make a judgment.

And this is the nightmare system we came up with. "

"Oh... But it sounds like this is not the dream within a dream you just mentioned?" Chang Fei rubbed his chin noncommittally. This is indeed a way to allow players to avoid the danger of those who are about to attack them, greatly reducing the risk of attacking them. their death.

But this doesn't seem to be the dream within the dream that the woman said?

"Mengzhongmeng is about to talk about the beautiful dream system." The woman was not in a hurry, since Changfei asked sincerely, she said it directly.

"If players really can't avoid the crisis after the nightmare system prompts, and they are really in danger and are on the verge of dying, then they can use the dream system to escape their immediate crisis."

"Oh? Specifically, let me hear it?" Chang Fei responded, not as interested as before.

Because of this dream system, it sounds like it is motivating players to take on dangerous tasks.This is a big violation of his previous plan.

The woman smiled and said: "I originally wanted to add the Dream System to the free benefits for players in the rookie stage once a day.

The next second after the death of the player, the player will wake up from the bed in his own home in the dream game.

However, Chairman, you proposed a mysterious businessman that is randomly refreshed anywhere, which makes me think that players can complete tasks to get Dream Stones, and the number of Dream Stones they can get every day is limited to two.

Before death, as long as the player has the Dream Stone, no matter where the Dream Stone is, the player can reset back to his own bed in the dream game.

Moreover, it cannot be traded. For players who use the Dream Stone, the dream system will be activated at the moment of death, and it will be blurred in the death memory processing, and reset backflow will slow down the processing of the game speed and time."

Chang Fei really sat up straight, the woman's dream plan is very good, and he also thought of an idea, "You have a good idea, how about it, once a player who has used the dream stone to escape death , the tasks they took before will be canceled directly and become unacceptable.

Through the Dream Stone, it shouldn't be difficult to block those missions that lead to death! "

The woman froze for a moment, a little embarrassed: "It's not difficult...but if...the mission they received is the main mission..."

"Then change to a new main line." Chang Fei didn't mean to give in at all, "Let's refresh the main line item after adding the main line fault!"

The woman's eyes can't help but brighten. She is a person who loves to play games very much. Once such conditions increase, in the dream game, every choice is really full of variables. No one knows that every choice will be What kind of consequences and changes!

In this way, you always look forward to what kind of different life game you will have in your next step, which makes women look forward to it!

"I know!" The woman's enthusiasm was completely mobilized, she stood up, and couldn't wait to realize all the things discussed with Chang Fei.

Chang Fei originally wanted to fish, but unexpectedly, he found a feasible solution, but he didn't know if such a solution would directly catch a certain big fish hiding in the dark.

Chang Fei whistled, and left the Chang's Group building directly, it was time to visit Xia Jing and her younger brother.

I don't know how they are doing now, and Yin Yu and the others.

There are always some people who just don't want to live in peace and stability, insist on making troubles, and insist on getting on the head of the person he is paying attention to, making him turn around like a spinning top every day to deal with every situation. One thing, very annoying!

If he wanted to find any clues and catch them, he, Chang Fei, would definitely cut those guys...into pieces!

Chang Fei rushed to the hospital with a vicious expression on her face, confirmed that Xia Situ was not dead, Xia Jing was relieved, and chatted with other members of the family on the phone for a long time, just after hanging up the phone, she noticed that in the intensive care unit The younger brother Xia Situ, who was watching the situation, moved his eyelids.

Xia Jing's eyes widened, and she immediately contacted Xia Situ's attending doctor.

When Chang Fei came to the hospital, it happened that Xia Situ was being pushed to change wards, and he directly met Xia Situ's blank and confused eyes.

When Xia Situ saw Chang Fei's eyes, he couldn't help but yelled, "Yes...it's you...?!"

This tone of voice sounded familiar, and Chang Fei was also taken aback for a moment, unable to remember where he had heard someone speak in such a tone.

But Xia Situ struggled to stand up, "You... you come here... I... Where am I? I... Shouldn't I be in the teahouse?

Was... attacked by an assassin... I... I seem to be attacked by an assassin?

No...no, no, I was hit by a car, I was hit by a car...here...is this the clinic of Miracle Physician Xia Jing?No...no...it looks...it looks like...a...hospital?Hospital... what is a hospital? "

Xia Situ hugged his head and spoke intermittently, but the expressions of Xia Jing and Chang Fei changed at the same time.

At this time, the attending doctor was sighing. From what he heard, the young man must have been knocked out of his head and couldn't even speak coherently.

But for Chang Fei and Xia Jing, who are between the real world and the other world, what they just encountered is naturally easy to connect with what Xia Situ said.

All of a sudden, both of them realized a certain problem——Xia Situ... was someone who had just begun to have memories of two worlds!


Thank you for the support of my monthly pass for Suanjiang, Kongjiang, and Dian Nansang~!

Do you vote on the first day of every month?New Year's Day too? (smirk) Thank you Xiaoniaojiang for your monthly ticket support~!

Thank you Zikong Sauce for your double tripod support~!Quite a lot... You are all blessed!

Fortunately, I was mentally prepared...otherwise I would not be able to respond!Double update, send it!

The 260th and second step to achieve Yuelao: Xia Situ?Or Chu Yuan?

Xia Situ's sudden confusion stunned Chang Fei (♂·clone) and Xia Jing. Xia Jing didn't expect her younger brother to become a monk halfway and suddenly became a member of the two worlds. Chang Fei was surprised that Xia Situ knew him .

What Xia Situ said made him very concerned. Who is he?Who is the person who has the memory of people from the two worlds and knows Chang Fei?

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