I, who was smashed into a girl by a meteorite, turned into a Yuelao?

Page 738

According to the information received from Xia Jing, Lingbao first walked towards the road to King Xian's Mansion. Halfway, before arriving at the destination, Lingbao first met someone sitting on a horse, driving the horse, but did not let himself go. The horse under him stepped forward, Ye Wuti.

Ye Wuti was so annoyed that the veins on his forehead burst out. Seeing that the whip in his hand was about to fall on the horse's back, Lingbao cried out.

"Hey! Ye Wutiao! Ye Wutiao! Stop!"

Suddenly, Lingbao's voice came from next to his ear, causing Ye Wuti to lower his head in surprise, and saw a girl not far away, waving her arms high.

For a moment, Ye Wuti was dazed and a little dazed.

There was a young girl in front of him, she was the kind of temperamental girl who looked good in anything, her appearance looked familiar, as if she had just seen it not long ago.

"You..." Ye Wuti frowned, stared at Lingbao's face for a long while, and then forced out a word, wanting to see how Lingbao would answer him.

"It's me!" Lingbao said the second sentence, which would make many people a little annoyed.

You, your, ghost knows who you are!Is it okay to report your name directly?Can you not point at yourself like that and look familiar?

Ye Wuti really wanted to slap Lingbao, but considering that the other party was a pretty good-looking girl, he finally held back.

Ye Wuti took two deep breaths quietly, and immediately put on a kind smile in his opinion, "Who are you?"

The hypocritical smile made Lingbao roll his eyes, and he simply grabbed the horse's reins.

Under her intentional control, the horse under Ye Wuti stood up straight up, throwing away the thing on it that was already enough to upset the horse.

Ye Wuti's mind went blank, what does that girl mean?what's the situation?Why suddenly attack his horse?Could it be... "Assassin?!"

He just yelled out, Lingbao had already landed on the ground with his collar, and he snorted angrily: "Idiot, look more clearly, it's me, Changfei!"

"Chang..." Ye Wuti turned his head abruptly, finally remembering why that face looked so familiar, "You put on makeup? What's the matter with the clothes on your body?"

At this time, Ye Wuti was frightened and stupid. Normally, no matter in Lingbao state or Changfei state, Lingbao always dresses casually and carelessly. Now her outer clothes are all torn. He was wearing the Yuelao Shenyi, which had its own defense and deformation effects. Whether it was the quality or other enhancements, Lingbao's whole body had a certain degree of enhancement effect in all aspects.

In addition, Lingbao awakened Ren Qingling's memory, from all aspects, she is no longer the Lingbao that Ye Wuti saw last time.

"No makeup, what's the use of makeup? It can't increase your strength!" Lingbao rolled his eyes and dragged Ye Wuti to Xianhe's mansion.

Ye Wuti was dragged by Lingbao, and she still didn't forget to talk to her, "By the way, Changfei, I just happened to have something to ask you, but I didn't expect you to come over on my own initiative. I said, brother, you are wearing a suit now." What about women's clothing?

Hahaha, let alone, you look like you are wearing your hair up now, you really look like a girl!I almost thought you were a girl!You haven't put on makeup yet... Pfft...hahahaha..."

Lingbao let Ye Wuti laugh out loud with a black face, and she swore that if Ye Wuti choked to death laughing, she wouldn't save the bastard even if she beat him to death!

"Several palaces have been attacked, right?" In order not to let this guy continue to use her question as a topic of conversation, Lingbao's immortal essence was scattered, and the Yuelao Shenyi on his body had turned into an ordinary costume.

Changfei (♂·main body) turned back into a man under the intentional or unintentional contact with Ye Wuti.

Ye Wuti was still laughing and rubbing his eyes, when he suddenly heard what Chang Fei said, his expression immediately became serious: "Your mansion was also attacked?"

Recalling what Xia Jing said when she came over, Chang Fei nodded, "Yes."

"Then have you observed those corpses carefully?" Ye Wuti asked another strange question after getting a definite answer.

Chang Fei looked back strangely at Ye Wuti who was being dragged by him, "I'm not at the scene, I don't know, I will come to you first, because someone told me what happened on your side, I will come here first Check it out."

"Is that so..." Ye Wuti was thoughtful, and under Changfei's suspicious gaze, he hesitated and said, "Changfei, I found that some of those corpses would disappear directly, but it seems that they can see The only person who noticed this phenomenon was me, and no one else seemed to notice it..."

"Oh? Go and have a look first. I'll make a judgment at that time." Chang Fei has been staring at Ye Wuti all the time. His current appearance and expression tell him that Ye Wuti is feeling pain because no one trusts him.

His words may be true.

The 250th six steps to achieve Yuelao: Contact the Nine Kings ([-])

After reminding Xia Jing, Chang Fei (♂·Body) bid farewell to the queen of the Xia family, followed the clues provided by the other party, and found Ye Wuti's location.

Knowing from Ye Wuti that the corpse would disappear out of thin air, Chang Fei, who still didn't understand what was going on, decided to go and see Ye Wuti on the spot first.

Let's find out what Ye Wuti is talking about first.

When the two arrived at Xian He's mansion, the assassin's corpses had basically been carried away. Ye Wuti was stunned, and immediately suggested: "Otherwise... let's go to the Yamen to see the condition of those corpses?"

"Forget it...it's too troublesome." Chang Fei looked around, now he didn't need Ye Wuti to take him to the Ministry of Punishment to look at the corpses. After arriving here, he had already noticed some abnormalities.The aura of the mansion has changed.

According to the feng shui taught by No. [-], Xian He's house should be a well-selected Yangzhai house. When it grows up here, it will develop and grow according to the characteristics of the well-being itself. Unless the owner is not motivated, well-being is possible. Being wasted, but even if it is a waste, it will not be defeated.

The last time Chang Fei came to Xian He's house, although Xian He had marital problems, he would not encounter much obstacles in his career.

But looking at it now, the original good place has now directly changed from a mansion to a mansion.Of course, this is relative.

According to Lingbao's eyes, according to the terminology, the geomantic omen has been destroyed and the blood evil is heavy. It should have been a suitable environment for living people in the other world, but now it has become a place only suitable for raising corpses and ghosts in the other world.

The person who did all this is obviously a person who is proficient in geomantic omen in the inner world. Chang Fei couldn't see which aspect of the other party's Qi gathering node was destroyed to create the current situation.

Let him remedy it, and he has no remedy at all.He can see that a basic situation is his ability, let him solve the broken feng shui like a great feng shui master... sorry he is not that good.

Taking out her Shenhu mobile phone, Chang Fei clicked and took a picture of the current situation in Prince Xian's Mansion, and then directly forwarded it to No. [-]'s account on kill fox.

"Chang...Changfei...?! You...you, you..." The message had just been sent out, and before Changfei could wait for the news that the message had been sent successfully from the mobile phone, Ye Wuti's trembling voice came to his ears first up.

"You...you...hand...mobile phone?!" Ye Wuti couldn't speak clearly, pointing at what Chang Fei was holding, his eyes almost popped out.

"Mobile phone? What's wrong with the mobile phone?" Lingbao blinked, raised his mobile phone, and showed a meaningful smirk on his face.

Ye Wuti swallowed dryly, "Can you... lend me a look?"

"Borrow what?" "You...your phone..."

Ye Wuti stared fixedly at the Shenhu mobile phone held in Chang Fei's hand with his eager eyes, as if he would personally snatch the mobile phone from Chang Fei's hand if Chang Fei disagreed. of.

"It's just a mobile phone. Don't you have it yourself? What are you borrowing from me?"

"Damn it! I had a mobile phone in the real world. I'm bored to death in the other world! There are no entertainment facilities! By the way, do you have novels stored in your mobile phone? During the time you have been in the other world , can you lend me your mobile phone to play for a while?"

"If you want to play with your mobile phone, I can help you get a new one, I don't know if it can be connected to electricity, or whether it can be connected to the Internet.

But the mobile phone I have now is definitely not lent to you. It is an important item related to my life. "

"It's important, don't you need to emphasize it twice?" Ye Wuti felt his hands a little itchy. Judging from Chang Fei's reaction just now, he did it on purpose.

Chang Fei immediately put on a straight face: "No kidding, this thing is related to my life, without this thing, I will be very bad."

"Come on, it's fine if you don't want to borrow it, there are so many excuses." Ye Wuti gave Chang Fei a white look, and was too lazy to continue arguing with Chang Fei on this issue.

Taking advantage of the situation, Chang Fei put the divine wat into a hanging bag on his waist, and followed Ye Wuti to Xian He's study.

Just entering the study, before Chang Fei and Ye Wuti had time to say hello, Xian He said without raising his head: "Why don't you help me take care of my princess? What are you doing here? Make sure I'm dead or not." Is it Xiao Xingrui?"

"Haha..." Chang Fei laughed dryly, "Do I still need to confirm whether I'm dead or not? It's about a piece of news. I came to you because I actually have something to discuss with you."

"We?" Ye Wuti on the side really thought that Chang Fei just made an excuse to deal with Xian He, but who would have thought that something was really wrong, the key point is that Chang Fei still called us [we], Ye Wuti immediately realized , asked in astonishment.

"Yes, I have something important to tell you. Because it's the same thing, it's too troublesome to repeat it several times, so I just held a small meeting and talked with you two."

Hearing this, the two princes looked at each other, Ye Wuti moved a table, grabbed a stool not far from Xian He, and sat on it directly.

Xian He's hand holding the brush also stopped, he put his own brush on the inkstone, and crossed his fingers on the table, "What do you want to say?"

"What I want to say is..." Chang Fei selectively told the two princes part of what he knew.

Although the two princes didn't know all the secrets, after hearing what Chang Fei said, their faces were also very ugly, Ye Wuti got up suddenly, and already planned to rush out.It's just that before he walked through the door of the study, he was imprisoned first.

"Why are you going? We haven't finished talking yet!" Compared to Ye Wuti's anger, Chang Fei's attitude obviously had a demeanor that made Xian He feel calm.

"What else are you talking about? You should question that dead woman face to face now!" Ye Wuti's character was obviously more unbearable than Jian Yushuang's.

Wei Yan in the present world has endured for so many years, so Ye Wuti in the other world is unwilling to endure any bullying.

After learning the truth from Chang Fei, he didn't even have the queen's honorific title, and directly called the queen a dead woman.

If other spies hear this and tell the Holy Emperor, then Ye Wuti will leave in a hurry.

But Chang Fei and Xian He who were present obviously didn't care about this. Faced with Ye Wuti's anger, Xian He just pressed his hands lightly: "We need to confront the queen, but not now."

"You guys are timid, if you don't want to go! I'm going! Why do you stop me!" Ye Wuti stared. If he had his own guide in the real world, he wouldn't be bullied all the time. Treat it like a lunatic!

He doesn't like his mother at all who doesn't treat him as a son at all. If his mother is someone else, with the guidance of a guide, he won't be the kind of person who is unloved now!

If the person who ruined his life for sixteen or seventeen years was really the queen, why would he let her go!He wished he could cut that queen into pieces!

Xian He squeezed the space between his eyebrows, looked at Ye Wuti who looked like a lion with a little headache, and then glanced at Chang Fei who was watching the fun, and said: "We are not timid, we..."

"Get lost! Don't make excuses for yourself! Why don't you go if you're not cowardly?" Ye Wuti didn't even give Xian He a chance to finish his sentence, so he covered Xian He's words with a louder voice, blushing and looking at him with a thick neck. Chang Fei and Xian Hehou.

"Shut up and listen to people." Chang Fei waved his hand impolitely, Ye Wuti's voice stopped abruptly, no matter how much he opened his mouth, there was no sound.

Xian He's ears were much more relaxed, and his face relaxed a little. He took another look at Chang Fei, this time with some appreciation in his eyes.

When it was time to make a move, Xiao Xingrui didn't seem to intend to really stay out of it.

"The reason why we don't act now is because we have insufficient evidence. The assassins who sneaked into our mansion were either killed or committed suicide. This is obviously a group of dead men, and they will not easily reveal their secrets.

There is too little evidence in our hands to persecute the queen. There is no personal or physical evidence, and we are just fooling around. To His Majesty the Holy Emperor, our behavior like this is unreasonable and lacks the bearing of a king.

If the queen is really the one who plots against us, she will definitely not miss this opportunity to completely remove us from our position.

It's okay for you to mess around normally, but at this time, we are all prosperous and we are all damaged. Not only will you not be able to achieve what you want to achieve, but you may also put yourself and us in a dilemma middle.So, now we can't go, and you must not. "

Ye Wuti opened and closed his mouth, showing dissatisfaction.

Xian He couldn't understand what he was talking about, so he looked in Chang Fei's direction again.

"He said, fuck him, we continue to shrink, how could it implicate us?" Chang Fei interpreted Ye Wuti's lips.

Xian He held his forehead with both hands with pain in his face: "That's why I hate making friends with such idiots who don't have any political acumen..."

"He said you're calling someone an idiot!" Chang Fei glanced at Ye Wuti, and immediately translated Ye Wuti's rebuttal.

Xian He took a deep breath, and glared at Ye Wuti with his already dead eyes: "Didn't you listen to what Xiao Xingrui said before?

The existence of our Nine Kings represents the Nine Royal Families of this generation, and represents the Holy Crown Prince of the next generation.

If you show the demeanor that is not suitable for being a king, the problem will be directly raised to the issue of the nine kings education of our generation.

When you find out that you have a problem, someone with a heart will ask for a thorough investigation of all the nine kings. Why is there no reason to punish you?They will talk about many of the problems of our generation.

It will even rise to the internal problems of the nine royal families, and our generation may be directly regarded as the failed crown prince generation and be dealt with.

The current Sacred Emperor is still young, and he can spend more than ten years cultivating the next generation for himself, and we will be sacrificed as pawns.

At that time, don't say that your grievances and grievances cannot be redressed, and even we will not be spared. "

Xian He spoke seriously, and didn't mean to be joking at all. Ye Wuti was really frightened. He glanced at Chang Fei, and found that this guy who usually smiles doesn't have much smile on his face at this time. .

Although he didn't understand it very well, he realized that even Changfei paid so much attention to it and did not mess around, it seemed that it was really not the time for him to mess around.

Ye Wuti fell silent, under the eyes of Xian He and Chang Fei, he nodded dejectedly, and said silently, "I see..."


Thank you Tsukioka-san for your monthly ticket support~!Thank you Xiaoniaojiang for the timely rainy monthly ticket support at the end of the month~!

The 250th step to achieve Yuelao: Contact the Nine Kings ([-])

Xian He didn't intend to really persuade Ye Wuti, Ye Wuti just needs to understand that there is no benefit for him to mess around.

Who knew that Ye Wuti seemed to understand what he said, and stopped messing around.

Seeing Ye Wuti's depressed mood, Chang Fei (♂ · ontology) no longer hid it, and said with a smile, "However, it doesn't mean that you don't have the opportunity to settle accounts with the Queen and the others."

Ye Wuti's eyes lit up immediately, even Xian He looked at Chang Fei in surprise, the two princes said in unison: "Xingrui, do you have a solution?"

"Yes, but my method requires your cooperation, so I don't know if you are willing to cooperate with me."

"Haha! How could I disagree with a dog-headed military strategist like you! Tell me, what is your plan?"

Both Ye Wuti's eyes lit up, who is Chang Fei?Regardless of the ordinary prince in the other world, he is the famous demon king Chang Fei in the real world!Whether it is grades or ability to cause trouble, they are all among the best.

The first grader came to be a dog-headed military adviser to give advice?Ye Wuti couldn't wait for him!

Just look at what it looks like when other people's children are bad!

Looking at Ye Wuti's expression, Chang Fei felt that he seemed to be imagining some very impolite question?

Scratching her cheek, Chang Fei still had the patience to tell her plan.

Xian He and Ye Wuti looked at each other, Xian He pondered for a moment, and said: "The method you mentioned...would it be a bit..."

"How cunning! You are much more cunning and despicable than me. You can think of such a way! Should I say that it is you?"

Ye Wuti jumped up excitedly, interrupting Xian He's words, he is different from Xian He, his concept of right and wrong in the other world is not very normal.

From Xian He's point of view, Chang Fei's idea was not done by a gentleman.This is a wicked idea that only villains and bastards would come up with.

It's a real spooky idea!He didn't even think that Xiao Xingrui, a well-recognized son Shi Wushuang, could come up with this idea.

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