I, who was smashed into a girl by a meteorite, turned into a Yuelao?

Page 720

"Then you don't want to..." Before Changfei finished searching, he saw a black shadow, a martial arts star's classic jumping and side kicking posture, appearing on the left side of Ling Yuan.It's a pity that Ling Yuan didn't even turn his head. He raised his hand, grabbed the opponent's kick, and then swung it forward, just like throwing a sack...

Hearing the sound of "Boom", Brother Gunny slammed Chang Fei's feet heavily, grabbed Chang Fei's feet with both hands, raised his head, two lines of nosebleeds hung on his face, and there was a sinister smile on his face: "Brother, follow me!" Let me die together!"

"?!" Before Chang Fei could react, he had already flown with the sack brother who suddenly jumped out of nowhere.

"I have a [fuck] I don't know if I should say it or not!" The moment Changfei flew into the sky, he didn't forget to ask the sack brother beside him.

"Don't grab my lines, this is what I want to say." The latter had already let go of Chang Fei's feet at this time, and quickly replied in mid-air, and then cursed out loud.

Then, this man fell to the ground unluckily, and Chang Fei, who was innocent and implicated, fell on him directly.

"Yuelao, can you get up from me..." The unlucky sack brother didn't expect that Chang Fei would take the opportunity to "add insult to injury", lying on the ground, face down and asked.

"Then can you tell me first, why did you suddenly attack me and Ling Yuan?" Chang Fei simply sat cross-legged on Brother Gunny's back at this time, using the simplest weight pendant to press down on the other party, and vented first Vent the depression of being attacked suddenly just now, and then ask this dear friend what he wants to do.

This man was silent for a long time, and then he said a little displeased: "Why are you called Ling Yuan so affectionately?"

"Ah?" Chang Fei was taken aback, why didn't he understand what he said?

"Ah! I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" While still thinking about what happened to this guy, Ling Yuan and Feng Quan had already run over.

With an apologetic face, Ling Yuan clasped his hands together and apologized again and again to Changfei, "I didn't expect this brat to drag you along. I'm sorry, Changfei!"

"Are you an acquaintance?" Chang Fei didn't rush to stand up and say a few polite words, but turned his head strangely and glanced at the person who was still pretending to be dead under him.

"Oh, this guy is my younger brother. He is probably a few months older than you. He is also a student of our Bodhisattva class. Don't you have any impression?"

Ling Yuan scratched his head, shrugged helplessly, and returned casually.

"Huh? So you're in the same class as us? When I saw it just now, I felt like I've seen it somewhere... and you know my identity..."

Chang Fei scratched her cheek, but she still didn't stand up. Instead, she looked puzzled: "Ling Yuan, don't you have a good relationship with your younger brother? By the way, why did he grab me just now? I seem to be Didn't offend him?"

"You don't even remember your classmates, do you think you have offended anyone?" Fengquan couldn't stand it anymore, he reached out to support his forehead, reached out to grab Chang Fei's arm, and wanted to lift him up.

Feng Quan did this, and Chang Fei couldn't help but to save face, and immediately stood up with the strength of the other party, not forgetting to scream, "What kind of grudge? I don't have a good memory, and I will forget that I also Very helpless?"

"No, no. It's not Chang Fei's problem. It's my little brother who just needs to be cleaned up. Don't worry about it." Ling Yuan took Chang Fei's words seriously, and with a big wave of his hand, he picked up the sack brother who was lying on the ground. .

It was only at this time that Chang Fei could see clearly the appearance of this person. The age of this person was indeed not much different from him, and he was not as handsome as Chang Fei, but he had pretty features.

The calm look of a dead pig who is not afraid of boiling water made Changfei wonder if his counterattack just now was too light, and as a result, this guy didn't take him seriously at all?

"Xiaoxi, apology." Ling Yuan asked the boy who was half a head taller than her, pouting in the direction of Chang Fei and Feng Quan.

"She's not my sister." That was the first sentence the young man said, and he gave Chang Fei a fierce look in his eyes: "You'd better not think of her."

Chang Fei was reminded by him, and his eyes immediately fell on Ling Yuan, looked from top to bottom, and finally landed on the opponent's breasts, reached out and touched his chin, "Um... well..."

Before he could say a word, the young man had disappeared from Ling Yuan's hands. In Chang Fei's sight, the young man's hand was like a knife, and the flames in his palm formed a thin knife, cutting He dropped the part of the collar that Ling Yuan was holding, and then gathered his inner essence under his feet, and when he accelerated towards Chang Fei, he even used a small spell to shrink the ground into an inch.

This set of movements was done in one go. If Chang Fei hadn't experienced many battles, he might have been caught off guard for the first time.

But now, when the opponent's fist hit him in the face, he reached out and grabbed the boy's fist first.

But just when he was about to catch him, the opponent's fist suddenly turned in one direction in mid-air, and the other fist hit Chang Fei.

Chang Fei raised his arm to block it, but the boy's downward fist suddenly opened into a palm, and sparks popped out of his palm, although there was only a small cluster, because of the angle, he hid it well.

Not to mention that the people who said it didn't notice it, even Chang Fei didn't notice the silent flame.

But Chang Fei didn't need to notice, his Jin Xingtong made him sense the danger in advance. Before the young man made a move with the other hand, Chang Fei's knee had already been lifted up first. When it was on the back of the boy's hand, it was on the opponent's shoulder.

The young man's eyes flashed coldly, and he had no intention of avoiding it at all. He endured Chang Fei's knee strike forcefully, and his body fell down because of Chang Fei's force, but the flame in his hand left his hand with the movement. , hitting Chang Fei's chest.

The two backed away at the same time, the boy rubbed the back of his hand with a sneer and raised his head, "Don't just tease my family..."

Before he finished speaking, he found Chang Fei who was intact in front of him.

After looking carefully, the other three gods present noticed that Chang Fei's chest was protected by condensed water spells.

Now that ball of water has enveloped a ball of flame, and the fire burning in the water has a strange beauty.

But both the young man and Ling Yuan were surprised, they knew very well the power of their flame.

The ordinary water magic will evaporate in an instant when it collides with the young man's fire magic.

The young man's fire magic is almost invincible, Chang Fei is the exception they encountered for the first time.

Chang Fei looked at the flames burning under the spell of water, and couldn't help but be speechless. Apart from his mother, this was the first time he had seen such a powerful real fire of Samadhi. Gods... really are the most human beings. The existence of sublimation and sublimation after being strong.

Fortunately, he is also a god, otherwise, would he have died just now?

Just relying on the miscellaneous things I learned, removing my own physique and immortal essence, if I really want to deal with this young man's Samadhi True Fire, it's probably like how I did to my mother's Samadhi True Fire when I was in the cultivation world. Will it be burned directly into charcoal?

"You're amazing!" Chang Fei stretched out his hand, crushed the water polo that sealed the boy's Samadhi real fire, looked up at the boy again, and couldn't help sighing.

The corners of Ling Yuan's mouth twitched, and she glanced sideways at the young man beside her. After getting along with her for so many years, she could completely imagine how she felt as her little brother now.

Guess... this is going to be regarded as a kind of showing off and provocation by her brother, right?

Sure enough, the young man's eyes became a little colder, he looked at Chang Fei, and had no intention of answering the question at all.


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In addition, Clover Jiang mentioned a key issue. Let me explain here that although Changfei has the same memory as Ren Qingling, it does not mean the same experience and soul. Dominant and preconceived memories and experiences will affect the memory of the past. cognition and judgment.

In addition, it has been a long time in the past, and people may not remember all their memories even when they were young. When they see what they wrote before, they will still have the viewpoint of "Wow! So I used to think this way". Therefore, Ren Qingling ≠Changfei, Changfei also ≠Ren Qingling.

The thousand, 220 and six steps to achieve Yuelao: teasing

After dealing with the sale of Zheng Yu in the mountain village, while everyone was waiting to go down the mountain and chatting with reporters to pass the boring time, Chang Fei (♂ · avatar) was suddenly attacked by a classmate.

It may not be accurate to say that he was attacked. It should be said that his top student in the fairy class was attacked by another student in the class.

It's just that he was so familiar with the students in their class, so he failed to recognize that the other party was still in the same class as him.

A fight made him and the boy in the same class as the attacker understand part of each other's strength.

However, Chang Fei has experienced many things during this period, and his temper is no longer hidden like it was half a year ago. When he speaks, it feels like provocation.

Chang Fei didn't notice, but under his words "You're amazing!", the young man's face turned cold again, he didn't intend to talk to Chang Fei at all, he turned around and wanted to leave.

Seeing that he was about to leave, Ling Yuan grabbed his shoulders, "Hey, Xiaoxi, you haven't apologized yet!"

"I won't apologize to him, and he won't care about my apology." The young man slightly raised his hand, signaling Ling Yuan to let go, while he gave Chang Fei a sidelong glance.

Such eyes, with the hostility that Changfei can clearly feel.

One of Changfei's favorite things to do is to confront others.

"Ah, you're joking, I really don't like your apology, you apologize to me quickly! I'm still waiting! After all, you attacked me first!"

The other party is so dragged to say that, how could he not seize such a good opportunity?Hurry up, hit him in the face first.

The young man was squinting at Chang Fei at first, but when he heard Chang Fei's irony, he immediately glared at Chang Fei.

"Don't stare at me, your eyeballs are popping out, I want an apology from you too." Chang Fei shrugged, he has grown so big, and he has been in the kill fox industry for almost ten years, so he is not a person who can pretend to be handsome never seen it.

Even if you haven't seen much, you've seen some, okay?The head of the Leng family is also this type of person.

He is cold and doesn't talk much, making people look like a person with a deep-seated heart, but Changfei knows that this type of person... is actually the Mensao Party.

In the face of a boring guy, common sense doesn't make sense, so you can only use force.

Chang Fei also wanted to see what he would do if he pushed this person into a hurry.

Obviously, Chang Fei's words really irritated the young man. The young man was staring at Chang Fei before, but now he just rolled his eyes, "You are too brazen, aren't you? What do you mean by apologizing to you quickly?"

"Isn't it?" Chang Fei pretended to be stupid, staring at the two bright red nosebleeds in front of the other's nose, resisting the urge to laugh.

"No!" The boy replied stiffly, "I just...just..."

"Just what? Seeing that I have a good relationship with your sister, so I have a problem with me and want to beat me up? Are you a sister-in-law?"

Chang Fei is very good at seizing the opportunity, and before the other party comes up with a reason, he interjects and asks a question.

He already felt strange about the boy's reaction before, and with the boy's attitude towards his sister and the way he spoke to outsiders like them, Chang Fei guessed a general situation in his heart.

Up to now, I will use such words to stab the other party's heart fiercely.

Sure enough, the young man was robbed by Chang Fei, and the robbed words were related to the things he cared about.An expression of egg pain appeared on his face immediately.

Caught off guard, he stayed where he was, but couldn't say a reason he just thought of.

Changfei's brows couldn't help but raised upwards, it's really the same thing...

"Ha! Impossible, impossible~ Anyone may have a sister-in-law plot, but this kid definitely doesn't. He annoys me to death! Every time I look at me, he either rolls his eyes or just ignores it." Unexpectedly, the boy has not yet opened his mouth. Actively denying something, Ling Yuan took the lead in shaking his hands, with a funny expression on his face.

Chang Fei keenly noticed that when the young man heard Ling Yuan's words, the air pressure around him dropped significantly again.

Fortunately, Chang Fei is Jin Xingtong, and his feeling is stronger than other five elements. The low pressure on the young man is obviously different from before.

The feeling of depression in this low pressure seems to be more, and Chang Fei's eyes towards the young man gradually become a little ambiguous.

"Oh~ It turns out that I will never control my sister~"

"It's more than impossible for a sister to control me! I think he doesn't like me at all." Ling Yuan sighed helplessly: "I am a big sister, am I a failure?"

"Yeah, it's really not an ordinary failure! You don't have to worry about him anymore!" Chang Fei immediately agreed, and the young man raised his head suddenly when he heard it: "Who said I don't like her? Why do you let her go?" She doesn't care about me?"

As soon as the words came out, the young man felt a little regretful. He looked at Ling Yuan from the corner of his eye, and the other party's expression was very surprised, as if he hadn't expected him to say such a thing at all.

The young man glared at Chang Fei angrily, gritted his teeth, and didn't dare to say any more, but turned around and wanted to leave anyway.He was afraid...that he would accidentally reveal some secret again.

"Oh~ It's not like you don't like it, or you like it?" Ke Changfei didn't intend to let him go at all, touched his chin, and put on a serious thinking look.

"Haha..." Ling Yuan couldn't help laughing, she wasn't stupid, she got to know Chang Fei's character better after getting along with Chang Fei for a while.

Seeing Changfei's several reactions and changes in expression, she gradually realized that this kid is deliberately revenge!She wanted to provoke her brother with words, and then lead her brother into the ditch step by step.

She didn't even know what was wrong with her brother, but she fell into Chang Fei's trap so easily. The embarrassment of a brother is really rare, and Ling Yuan is really rare, so she couldn't hold back, so she subconsciously cooperated with Chang Fei and played tricks on him. Her brother is coming.

"That's right! It's not that you don't like it, you just like it? Since you like me, why do you always have an attitude of ignoring me?"

"I'm not ignoring you!" The young man's face was no longer indifferent or angry, and he looked anxiously at Ling Yuan.

"No? You still wanted to kick me from just now, but you haven't called me sister until now." Ling Yuan began to wrestle fingers with him.

"I know you will definitely not be kicked by me!" The young man was eager to prove something to Ling Yuan, and blurted out his inner thoughts, "And I don't want to call you sister! You are not my sister!"

As soon as the words came out, the boy froze, and Ling Yuan's face clearly showed a hurt expression.Chang Fei clasped her arms around her, seeing all this in her eyes, she couldn't help curling her lips, and Yue Lao's eyes had quietly retracted.

In his opinion, the scene in front of him is really bloody, it's just a template-like emotional line.

The young man's name is Xiang Xi, and he and Ling Yuan are sisters and brothers. Changfei doesn't even need to use old eyes to check the information of the two of them. Black and white, yellow and red, the relationship is as complicated as a TV series.

Looking at the causal line in black and white, it can be inferred that there is enmity between the two, or the previous generation has enmity. Looking at the family line and karma line in yellow and red, it is basically a relationship that seems to be a relative but is not a relative. There is one-sidedness in it. Or there is a love component on both sides.

Looking at the situation now, Chang Fei guessed that this should be mostly unrequited love. The Ling Yuan end of the red-yellow line is almost completely yellow. When it is on the edge, it slowly turns red. The red is mixed with yellow, and the color looks a bit darker.

It can be seen that Xiang Xi herself is a little unclear about her feelings for Ling Yuan. Is this family affection?Or is it love?

However, no matter what the relationship is, the bond between the two is very deep.

Chang Fei has seen such a deep bond, Feng Shuangrou and her husband are a couple; the scumbag father and mother are a couple; Yin Yu and Ren Xi are a couple, and now there are Ling Yuan and Xiang Xi This kind of relationship is complicated and awkward, and Chang Fei is used to it.

In this way, he silently took out a lollipop, put it in his mouth, and handed Fengquan one: "Eat it?"

"Oh, okay, is there any mango flavor?" Fengquan looked down at the lollipop that Changfei handed over, and asked in a mood.

"I'm looking for it..." Chang Fei responded, and really started to grope for himself. After a while, he took out a lollipop wrapped in a yellow film and handed it to Xiang Xi and Ling Yuan. Liao Fengquan: "You are so lucky, I happen to have another one, it's cheap for you!"

"Thank you!" Fengquan took the lollipop unceremoniously, and just about to eat it, he noticed two eyes falling on him.

He pouted immediately, "What are you two looking at me for? Go on!"

"Continue to what?" Ling Yuan looked at a loss, she was taken out of rhythm by Chang Fei, looked at the lollipop in Feng Quan's hand, asked subconsciously, and then looked at Chang Fei: "Is there any more? Here I have blueberry flavor."

"Oh, wait a minute, I'll look for it." Changfei agreed, and took out a dozen lollipops from her body.

Sure enough, there are no yellow-wrapped candies among these lollipops.

Ling Yuan stepped forward to pick out the lollipop in the blue package, tore off the candy wrapper, and put it in his own mouth, turned to look at Xiang Xi, was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at Chang Fei: "What did you just say? gone?"

"Oh, when it comes to his denial of you as his sister, although I was a bit duplicity when I heard this, I guess he regretted it when he said it."

"Oh..." Interrupted by Chang Fei, the emotions that Ling Yuan had brewed just now disappeared. He tilted his head and thought for a while, then simply responded, and then scratched his hair and sighed: "Who knows Does he really not want to recognize me as a sister? That’s right, since our father died, the things I did were not like what a sister would do... But I can still say with certainty that I, Ling Yuan , never did anything to apologize to Xiaoxi."

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