I, who was smashed into a girl by a meteorite, turned into a Yuelao?

Page 63

Chang Fei had a good impression of Leng Chenluo at the beginning, because this is indeed a person who will go all out to work until he forgets the time.

When he first began to investigate, he even thought that Leng Chenluo was just an idiot, a stupid husband who didn't understand women's hearts at all, and didn't know how to consider his wife's thoughts.

But the more he investigated, the darker Chang Fei's face became. Originally, he wanted to simply hire someone to kill this guy.

As a result, there are so many things happening recently that he doesn't even have the energy to think about that problem. If he hadn't met Leng Chenluo here... and the little San'er who was behind him who was loved by him, Chang Fei would have basically given this matter to him. forget.

As a result, looking at it now, Leng Chenluo didn't care what kind of eyes others would look at him at all, and didn't consider his public status, so he naturally wrapped his arms around the waist of Xiao San'er beside him, and smiled softly with him. The third child at home is talking about something.

At a glance, no one would suspect that the two people who came in were husband and wife, but Chang Fei, who knew the truth, was furious.

Now he really hates someone who loves him, but fortunately he is a scumbag who flirts with flowers and messes with grass!It's rare for him to like someone, but in the end, there is no result at all, and he has already lost love!

His here is the sad ending of the gloomy [Goddess has intentions, Goddess has no intentions], but this guy here is the proud life of [Goddess has intentions, Xiangwang has no dreams], hehehe...he is really a single dog and can be abused as much as he wants abuse!

He, Chang Fei, is really not happy to see you Leng Chenluo distributing dog food here and torturing him, a lovelorn single dog!

The more she thinks about it, the brighter Chang Fei smiles, the brighter she smiles, the more she smiles without any killing intent.

In the special time of [-] seconds before Leng Chenluo is passing by with his little San'er in his arms!Contestant Changfei is out!

A fancy leg lift with one blow, without any malice, it came out naturally, beautiful!He hooked the opponent's ankle, and his toes crossed the distance between the opponent's players in a tricky way!One sweep...it's done!The degree of difficulty is [-] points, plus [-] point for stunts, overall [-] points!The referee Changfei gave the highest score of [-]!

pity!Contestant Leng Chenluo fell very gracefully, and landed on the body of Contestant Xiaosan'er, and there was a wall dong!

As expected of the No. [-] Playboy contestant, he really wasn't a simple opponent!

Does Chang Fei want to stop here?No!He didn't stop!He didn't stop!He stepped on it!Stepped on the opponent's back!Perfect!

Chang Fei's inner commentary shouted for herself. After tripping the other party, Chang Fei stepped on the other party's white shirt when she "accidentally" got up, and stepped on it very carelessly!This time, he "accidentally" stepped on the back of the opponent's hand, and Chang Fei heard the sound of bones and the sound of the opponent's gasping.

"You..." Xiao San'er, who had just been blissfully blissed out by the CEO's thud, finally noticed something was wrong, looked at Leng Chenluo's trampled hand with distressed expression, and wanted to get angry at Chang Fei.

I heard that Chang Fei had already taken the first step: "Ouch! My feet... When did I go here with someone else? Can I walk? My feet are all broken! Are you blind? Didn't you see this place? Is there someone passing by?

Where is it bad to fall?Just want to fall where I pass by?compensation!I ask you to compensate my medical expenses! "

Chang Fei confidently showed the villain's spirit of complaining first and touching porcelain first, sitting on the ground angrily and playing tricks.

The acting was so realistic that tears were shed. The melon-eaters who didn't know the truth hadn't realized what happened here at this moment, but saw a child who was only thirteen or fourteen crying sadly.

Seeing him clutching his feet and looking so painful, many people of insight with a sense of justice jumped out!

"Hey, why are you such an adult bullying children? Do you have the quality!" After the insightful man had completed what happened just now, he pointed at Leng Chenluo's nose and cursed out of righteous indignation. up.

Chang Fei took a peek at the battle situation. Before Leng Chenluo, his gentle and elegant attitude had changed. He stood up while supporting the little San'er beside him. His face like a black pot didn't even look at the insightful man at the moment, but coldly. Looking at Chang Fei coldly.

Will Changfei's majestic Yuelao be afraid of his sharp eyes?He is not afraid of power and serves the people bravely. Hey?

Look at his Changfei, serving the people and sacrificing himself, how great is it?Still afraid of a businessman who hugs him left and right?

joke!Kill you in minutes!

Leng Chenluo would never have imagined that he happened to run into a gun that was already full of gunpowder and continued to find an outlet.

Chang Fei is aiming the gun at his head now, and has the plan to kill him any minute if he dares to provoke him.

Although Leng Chenluo didn't know that he was hit by a gun, but he has been in business for so many years, how sensitive is he?

When he looked coldly at Chang Fei who was blocked behind others, he met Chang Fei's looking eyes for a moment.

It is definitely not the eyes of a child of this age. The other party's eyes are not proud, not arrogant, not in the second grade, and not giving in to power. There is only sternness and coldness in those eyes.

Yes, like the eyes that have killed countless people, he has only seen a person with such eyes once in the past 30 years.

And that time, he was so startled that he broke out in a cold sweat and his legs went limp.

But this time he won't, he is no longer that young and energetic person, facing the young man with completely malicious eyes, he calmly turned his eyes to the man of insight.

"What are you staring at? Are you a man who bullies a child! Stand here and don't leave! I'll call the police right away!" A man of insight was a little startled by Leng Chenluo's eyes.

But Chang Fei clearly saw that Leng Chenluo was going to shift his attention to this brave warrior who offered help, so he couldn't help but sneered coldly.

The sneer was very light, and as a result, the man of insight was frothing, and the other people who ate melons also went up to listen to what the man of insight said, and did not notice Chang Fei's sneer.

But turning his eyes away, Leng Chenluo, who hadn't moved away from Changfei's body from the corner of his eye, happened to see it, and his heart skipped a beat, oops... for some reason, he suddenly found that he was the same as ten years ago Same, no progress at all!

At this moment, Leng Chenluo really wanted to post a post on the Internet to ask: "When you encounter something scary and your feet are soft, how can you save face, force the scary thing back, and leave the scene gracefully? Wait, hurry! Quick answer!

The 120th step to achieve Yuelao: Although it is kind, it is not what you think!

Chang Fei didn't expect that after hearing the little secrets of the twin brother and Gongsun Xi, she unexpectedly ran into an old acquaintance who was still acquainted - Leng Chenluo.

It's a pity that the other party chose to appear when Changfei was not in a good mood, so it was fine to appear, and he appeared so domineeringly with a mistress.

From Changfei's point of view, this is a serious derailment that is worse than abusing a newborn dog and giving out dog food. What is the name of such an upright derailed person?Call people scum.

No, Changfei felt that Leng Chenluo had already insulted the word scum. Although he stepped on it twice, he was still a little puzzled, so let's just kill him?

No, the one who promised to change this guy to Feng Shuangrou, he is the God of the Moon who keeps his word, it seems... need to make a training plan for a scumbag?

Just when Leng Chenluo was so frightened by Chang Fei, Chang Fei seemed to roll up his sleeves and start planning a scumbag training plan.

Poor Leng Chenluo, he can't wait for someone to tell him how to scare away a god like Chang Fei. People who are targeted by gods may really be said to be rare "happiness".

"Hey! Did you hear what I said?" The man of insight didn't know that the two parties present had already turned a page in their minds and planned the content of the next page. Chenluo shook his shoulder, angrily wanting Leng Chenluo to explain to everyone.

Being pushed like this, Leng Chenluo staggered backwards, the person who fell was still so beautiful, and she fell onto the seat with her arms around Xiao San'er.

Even if he was sitting down, he still looked at everyone with that calm face, that look of disdain for the world, which was completely unrepentant.

At this moment, the people who were eating melons were finally angry, and they jumped out one by one, chiming in: "Hey, what's the matter with you! Talk!"

"It's great to be rich? Who do you think you are? Can't even apologize? What kind of quality!"

"Look at this guy! He's so arrogant. Could it be some middle school girl who thinks she has money, but actually doesn't?"

"It looks like a nouveau riche at first glance, but it's disgusting to see this disgusting face!"

The eyes of the crowd are sharp, and their eloquence is also varied. No matter how angry they are, Chang Fei turns into a crowd of onlookers who watch the excitement and eat melons. He sits on the ground and does not get up, but is curious about how the other party will react.

Leng Chenluo sneered and listened to the dry mouth of the people present, in the end everyone didn't know what to say, they all looked at each other in blank dismay, feeling that they had met someone who was not good at anything .

Seeing that everyone didn't continue talking, Leng Chenluo raised his hand and wanted to say something, but in the silent scene, a boy's voice that hadn't changed came out: "Boss, I want another cake, I want the most expensive one." The kind that invites everyone who is brave enough to eat, and the bill will be on the head of the weird Shumao who doesn't speak and still plays prestige, and it will be compensated at that time."

When everyone heard this, they immediately became happy. This is a good idea!Some people couldn't help shouting "nice job".

Chang Fei's words forcefully suppressed Leng Chen's words.

He looked at Chang Fei in amazement. Before, he had obviously acted as if he was watching the excitement, but he almost forgot that it was this young man who provoked him...

Well, not nearly, he just wanted to have selective amnesia.

Just now he had already written down those scolding people present, borrowing the momentum of the other party, he also recovered from the rest, and was ready to give himself a step down, and then find an opportunity to take revenge on those who were eating Melon people, let them know how miserable the fate of offending him will be.

However, just at this moment, the young man who completely made him unclear about the situation and had murderous eyes like a murderer spoke at this moment, directly destroying his last chance to pretend to be handsome.

At this time, Leng Chenluo was a bit inconsistent, with his absolute sensitivity, how could he be so stupid as to offend a mysterious young man who didn't know the details?

Who knows if that is a real boy?What if not?What if this is actually an old monster who has lived for an unknown number of years?

There is already such an old man in his family, and it is not surprising in Leng Chenluo's eyes to rejuvenate.

He knows that there are many incredible things and incredible people in this world, and he will not naively think that everyone is the same as they seem.

Therefore, Chang Fei chose to say such words at such a precise time, which can only prove one thing - this is definitely a master of the world!

Moreover, he is still a worldly expert who has experienced countless years in the world of mortals!Maybe it's someone from a certain family that the ancestors offended, and now they're looking for them.

Look at that face, it looks familiar, what does familiarity mean?

That means I may have seen it before.

What does it mean that I have met before but now I have no impression and cannot recognize the other party?

That must be the "old friend" of the ancestors he visited when he was young!

What does old friend mean?

It means that it is absolutely easy for this old man to kill himself!But he didn't do that!

What does it mean not to kill yourself just now?

That means that the other party is likely to miss the old relationship, just a small punishment and a big warning?Or was the other party concerned about the ancestors in the family, so it was just a demonstration?Or, where did I offend the other party, and worried that the other party saw the face of the ancestors, so I didn't kill him directly?

No matter what the situation was, Leng Chenluo was already breaking out in a cold sweat, and he felt that he was saved from this difficulty only thanks to the blessings of his ancestors.

In the provincial hospital, Feng Shuangrou sneezed violently twice, rubbing her nose, with an inexplicable expression on her face.

Could it be that when I went to follow up with my daughter yesterday to see if she was okay, I accidentally caught a cold?But the boy from yesterday was so handsome!

Could that be my daughter's boyfriend?It's just... the old moon god is also there... is it because of her that even her daughter is going to protect her together?

Feng Shuangrou would never have thought that because of herself, she saved the life of her family's scumbag husband, but unfortunately, the person he thanked was not her.

"Shuangrou, do you want to have dinner together?" Outside the duty room, a middle-aged man who looked very peaceful had already come to invite Feng Shuangrou to have dinner together.

"Okay, wait for me." Feng Shuangrou was not polite. She tossed her hair, changed her gown, tidied up the documents on the table, and walked out. She didn't notice that in the eyes of the middle-aged man, the Hers is full of tenderness.

On the other side, the store manager was ecstatic when he saw that Leng Chenluo had no intention of refusing other than a stinky face, looking at the crowd uncertainly and not speaking, what an opportunity this must be!Really earned it!I'm afraid my income will double today!

At this moment, Changfei really can't express how embarrassing she is, even if she is cold and familiar, she knows that she shouldn't compete with a master like herself~

Raising his chin, Chang Fei has already imitated some scumbags and started putting his hands into his trouser pockets... Wait, why did he want to learn from scumbags?If you want to learn, you should also learn from Teacher Zhuang Hui, right?

How does Mr. Zhuang Hui walk on weekdays?Yes, one hand in front of the body, one hand behind the back, resting on the back, with a mysterious face... Yes, yes, that's how it feels...

Chang Fei pretended to learn Zhuang Hui's movements, how could she understand that what he was doing at the moment was actually imitating others.

A 14-year-old child, without the rich experience and experience like Zhuang Hui, did Zhuang Hui's actions, and some of the people who were still excited to eat for free showed strange eyes.

[Poor thing... look at this kid, did he fall stupid just now?Why do you look like a little old man? ]

[Look at his hands behind his back. Could it be that he just fell to the ground and injured his back? ]

[I don't see it?Isn't he covering his stomach?I guess I hurt my stomach just now...]

[Who said it hurts the stomach?Maybe it was because I ate too much, and I accidentally wanted um... ]

[Hearing what you said... it seems quite reasonable! ]

[But this boy seems to want to save a little face?How can we help him? ]

[Hmm... let's just pretend we're going too?So he shouldn't feel embarrassed, right? ]

[Brother, you are super talented!That makes sense! ]

Chang Fei noticed that many people around him were looking at him with pride in his heart. It seems that he should have behaved very gracefully and looked like a banished fairy, so was he admired?Don't worship bro... bro is just a fairy~

Chang Fei was overjoyed, feeling that she really had more face!Unexpectedly, there are a few teenagers who are about his age have already acted very "naturally"... I'm not natural at all, okay!What is this for? !

Changfei suddenly felt extremely uneasy, why?Could it be... Could it be... Seeing that he is so stylish, he wants to be a teacher?Don't do it...he will be very embarrassing~

However, as soon as the other party opened his mouth, he broke up the little excitement in Changfei's heart: "Hey, brother, do you want to go to the bathroom together?"

When I asked this question, the man who proposed couldn't help but feel embarrassed. They went to the toilet in groups, so it seemed that they would be misunderstood, right?Why did I come up with such a bad idea just now?

I was wondering if the other party might misunderstand!Chang Fei's face was really strange, his eyes moved directly from the face of the proposed young man to the other's chest, he tilted his head and rubbed his chin thinking for a long time...

That look gave the boy a weird feeling as if he was being watched.

"That... that..." Chang Fei looked at the other party up and down, left, right, left, right, and right, then scratched his cheek and turned his head away, "I... I'm not interested in that, You...if you are a girl...you are a good girl...it's just...it's just me...I'm...not a good person..."

The proposed teenager will have a breakdown, what's going on? !How did he get misunderstood as a woman by this girl?And why was he issued a good person card for no reason? Hey!

Wait... No, he seems to be ready to show his heart... Why does Nima feel that there is something wrong with this topic?

The 120th step to becoming a Yuelao: Do ​​you dare to be a little more of a villain!

Chang Fei, who had successfully taught Leng Chenluo a lesson and made the other party speechless, was a little depressed now, as if he had unknowingly pretended to fail.

He couldn't figure out the reason. He felt that he might be a little old, so he didn't understand the thinking mode of young people.

Touching her unnecessary beard, Chang Fei was still a little obsessed with the atmosphere of pretending to be a superior person, and she still couldn't help but pluck out Leng Chenluo's eyes fiercely from the corner of her eye.

hum!Leng Chenluo's eyes were obviously avoiding, obviously he was overwhelmed by his aura!

Sure enough, he is the kind of fairy who is born with a certain aura of domineering in the legend, right?This temperament, this appearance, others should not be able to learn.

Although there were a few ignorant people who would look at him with worried expressions, why couldn't he understand the meaning of these people's eyes?

"Hey, brother, it is said that people hold back for a long time, but in fact they will get sick." Before, the young man who was misunderstood had already begun to hint to Chang Fei not to care about his body for the sake of face.

After all, face is precious, and body is more expensive... Pretending to be handsome also depends on the occasion, doesn't it depend on the conditions?

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