I, who was smashed into a girl by a meteorite, turned into a Yuelao?

Page 57

But he didn't dare to say it, he was afraid that if he said it, people would misunderstand him, but that was really what he wanted to say to the Nine-Tailed Fox the most - "Sister, you are the biggest surprise of my summoning spirit today, okay? !"

The 110th step to achieve Yuelao: Yan Nanyue's biggest taboo

Chang Fei accidentally summoned the nine-tailed fox Miqiu, which became his biggest accident today, but even though he had a slander in his heart, the other party refused to leave, and he had no way to stop it.

This can look at Yan Nanyue on the periphery, when this young man sees Miqiu, it is not as simple as the ordinary people Chang Fei sees.

In Yan Nanyue's eyes, this girl is not human at all, she is the Great Immortal Fox with fox ears!This is the Great Immortal Fox!

Changfei, the thorn in Yan Nanyue's eyes, the thorn in his flesh, summoned a fox fairy that even he couldn't summon, it really made him envious and jealous!

Among the Taoist masters of ghost hunting, there are legends of the five great immortals, Hu Huangbai, Liuhui, Hu is Hu Xian, that is, fox, Huang Xian is weasel, Bai Xian is hedgehog, Liu Xian is regarded as snake, and Gray Xian is Hu Xian. mouse.

These are demons who are closely related to human beings. If they violate these guys and cause them to be damaged, it will be a disaster.

If people respect them and worship them, they will naturally be blessed.

Among them, the top three are honored as Mr. Hu San, Mr. Huang Er, and Mrs. Bai.

Among them, Mr. Hu San was rumored to have become a human being, joined Taoism, and served as the celestial master of catching ghosts. In later generations, celestial masters of catching ghosts can use their Taoist true energy to summon the five immortals to help them deal with ghosts that they cannot deal with. .

It's just that it's easy to say, but it's hard to do. If you want to summon the five great immortals, the energy and inner energy you need to expend are limited.

If you can't pay a considerable amount of power, the great immortal will possess you, which will damage your own lifespan.Many celestial masters would rather find their own way than summon the five great immortals.

Unless it is really forced, he will sacrifice himself to call the five immortals to help out.

Yan Nanyue once had an elder celestial master who summoned Huang Daxian in order to rescue a young couple in distress from a powerful ghost.

It's a pity that in the end he exhausted his lifespan and was unable to catch the ghost, so the ghost finally escaped.

But the only thing to be thankful for is that the young couple finally had lovers and finally got married. It's a pity that Yan Nanyue's senior took his own life for this couple.The other party just said thank you and left.

It's really ridiculous, obviously I did my best to do it, but it didn't convey to other people's hearts at all when I died in the end.

Back then, the young Yan Nanyue still clearly remembered the conversation between the husband and the elder before his death.

"Master! If you die like this, what will happen if the ghost comes to us again? You can't just die like this!"

"Cough, cough, cough...cough...no...that ghost has already been severely injured by me cough...she will never come back if she doesn't practice for ten years..."

"What about ten years from now? Will they still come after us?"

"I've broken her soul once cough cough... ten years later, cough cough, she regained her vitality, cough cough, and only thought of coming to my celestial master to take revenge, how could she still remember you cough cough cough ...?"

"That's good! Expert, thank you very much, what can be used for us in the future... For some problems in life, we will do our best."

Yan Nanyue remembered what he said at the time, but now that he is sensible, he just finds it ridiculous not to say it.Make fun of his seniors, make fun of that group of people.

But now, Yan Nanyue felt that the ridiculous object had become himself, because Chang Fei, the old moon god, easily summoned the Great Immortal Hu!

And this Fox Immortal knew at a glance that he was the highest-level Nine-Tailed Fox!

This caused Yan Nanyue to have unexplainable feelings in her heart. Of course, why didn't this kid show up?Or why didn’t God come to help them at that time?

If these gods are willing to make a move, will his elder die!Will that ghost who killed countless people die again!

Yan Nanyue's heart was full of resentment, but seeing Chang Fei once again held up the spirit-calling banner in his hand, muttering something in a low voice, the resentment in his heart was reduced a lot.

Chang Fei's figure overlapped with the elder at that time, and he was also doing something that would not get any thanks and rewards.

At this moment, Yan Nanyue felt that Chang Fei was as pathetic and pathetic as his predecessor.

Especially at this moment when the wind is blowing and ghosts are walking at night, the ghosts gathered in the mid-air are clearly reflected in Yan Nanyue's yin and yang eyes.

It made his hands a little itchy now, as if rushing out to kill the Quartet, killing all those ghosts and ghosts!

At this moment, the pressure on Changfei's body was unspeakably heavy. He felt that there was a huge boulder on his shoulders... No, it was just a boulder just now, but now it is a huge mountain.

He couldn't help raising his head, and asked the giant mountain on his shoulder: "Well, Hu Daxian, can you get off my shoulder, it's very heavy!"

"Young man, you are attached to you now and need your strength to suppress the group of ghosts above you." Miqiu folded his hands and sat cross-legged on Chang Fei's shoulders, calmly.

"Is there a ghost? Why didn't I see anything, Daxian, are you kidding me?" Chang Fei raised his head in doubt, except for the dark clouds and lightning, he really saw nothing.

Miqiu was not annoyed by this, and patiently explained: "That's because you are currently summoning the soul, and you are blinded by a leaf, don't worry about it, you continue to summon."

"Although what you always said is very reasonable, but the problem is that if the situation continues to increase now, I haven't recruited the soul, and I will be crushed into a moon cake!" Chang Fei's hands were trembling, and he continued like this He really knelt down.

"Hmm... It makes sense, it's mainly because of your inattention. You summon your soul as soon as you summon it. What were you thinking about just now?" Miqiu rubbed his chin to think, and immediately squinted his eyes to stare at Chang Fei.

"When have you ever seen a soul caller who can desert you like this and chat with others? Don't you know that at this time you will be obsessed with your eyes and concentrate all your mental power on the target you are recruiting?"

"I haven't recruited before, how do I know what to do? Uncle Ghost King only taught me the formal method?" Chang Fei was annoyed.

If he had known earlier, he would have asked carefully.

"Fortunately, the most correct thing you did today was to summon me, otherwise you are really finished! Close your eyes, carefully look for the light in the darkness, and recall the other party's voice and smile..." Miqiu The voice was slowly and seductively in Changfei's ear.

Chang Fei hesitated, at least he is the Great Immortal Hu, and he should be more reliable than himself in this respect.

He closed his eyes obediently, recalling the first time he saw Xu Yiqing, the first time was on that rainy night, a few hours before he was hit by a meteorite...

At that time, Xu Yiqing hadn't died yet, nor had she been reborn into the current state. In Le Zhengchu's car, she slapped him and rushed out of the car.

At that time, Le Zhengchu lost one of his earrings in order to chase her...


Chang Fei was stunned for a moment, and then felt the pain of being hit hard on the head.

Chang Fei immediately calmed down, recalling the second time they met again, Xu Yiqing was already dead and turned into a female ghost, floating in the sewage pool of the ghost area where he lived.

Because the area is haunted, no one remembers the place at all, and no one takes care of the cesspool...huh?No one remembers?

Chang Fei was stunned for a moment again, and then she didn't need to ask for a reminder, she had already recalled some details that she had overlooked when she met Xu Yiqing twice.

Recalling that time when Xu Yiqing and Le Zhengchu were together, Le Zhengchu's clothes were different from his usual clothes.

Although the car was the same model that Le Zhengchu bumped into himself last time, it was wrong, no, Le Zhengchu liked the silver-white car more than the silver-gray car.

The attitude is also different from the two encounters. The first time I saw Le Zhengchu was at school, and the car he was riding in was silver-white. When we met again that night, it was silver-gray. Although it was dark at night, when I thought about it, I would pay attention to it. difference.

In terms of character, clothing and attitude towards people...

When Xu Yiqing was angry and walked out, what was that expression of Le Zhengchu, and what was that expression of Xu Yiqing?

Chang Fei's memory could not help drifting back to that time, carefully recalling the details, recalling the expressions of the two people he saw at that time.

The action seems to be in slow motion, in the car, at KTV, at school, the details... Changfei missed a detail, the ear...

What he had never noticed before, Le Zhengchu...he didn't have pierced ears, he didn't wear earrings like those delinquent teenagers and rich rich second generations, with earrings, casual clothes, no wrists surface.

There is also obviously no mark on his wrist that he wore those luxuries for a long time in the summer and then took them off.

The key point is that Xu Yiqing, when she left, she had an extremely angry expression, what did she say at that time?What did she say that made the other party want to kill her?

What is it?The shape of Xu Yiqing's mouth at that time, what did she say afterwards?

No... He's not Xu Yiqing, he really couldn't think of what he said when he slapped that Le Zhengchu... or not Le Zhengchu, but someone else slapped him, but Le Zhengchu's expression at that time was It's hideous, yes, it seems that it's not just for me...

Xu Yiqing!What did you and that fake Le Zhengchu say at that time!

Because the sudden thought of some details at that time made Chang Fei's heart full of doubts, he had promised Xu Yiqing to find out the truth about Le Zhengchu at that time, but he didn't ask clearly!

Why was he so confused and didn't understand what happened and what he said at that time?Xu Yiqing's body should be found again!

Xu Yiqing, it seems that the reason for Xu Yiqing's past death can only be figured out by her!

Just thinking, something touched Chang Fei, which made Chang Fei feel a little palpitating.

"Here we come!" Miqiu's voice, suppressing his excitement, softly rang in Changfei's ear.

Changfei only felt that the surrounding sounds had disappeared, and the sound of howling ghosts and wolves had completely disappeared, leaving only faint and faint ringtones that could not be heard clearly.

It's better to just give him the atmosphere before!Now, even though the gods are present, Chang Fei feels like filming a ghost movie...

Chang Fei's heart was trembling, and she only thought of one question: so many friends are here, so there are no such spooky ones!

The 110th step to become Yuelao: So Xu Yiqing is so beautiful? !

When Chang Fei summoned Xu Yiqing's soul, he couldn't help but think of the details he had missed on the day Xu Yiqing's accident happened, and he wanted to figure it out even more in his heart.

The ethereal and ethereal sound of the bell made people sweaty palms, and Chang Fei felt that the friends around her were just like decorations. The quiet atmosphere around him really made people feel scared.

After Immortal Hu Miqiu knocked him on the head, reminding him to open his eyes, Chang Fei hesitated, shyly opened his eyes like a big girl.

I didn't expect that the moonlight would be so good when the soul was summoned... This is a rare red moon!She is really indescribably beautiful and coquettish, just like the girl floating down in front of her.

It's really like a fairy, as beautiful as the girl Chang Fei saw when he heard the ghost king talk about the nine-tailed fox and started the mission of Su Daji...

No, it should be said that he is the person involved!What she was wearing was not a skirt with flowing clouds and wide sleeves, but a battle armor, which was carefully crafted according to her figure... Demon armor!The ones on the chest are not the flowers and plants that my daughter's family likes, or exquisite carvings.

This is a fox, a ferocious sky fox with nine tails who guards the homeland lingranly and stands proudly above everyone else.

The sculpture of this fox is absolutely unattractive, and the skirt of the girl's lower body is also tied up with the trousers to prevent the battle from being unnecessarily affected.

Where is this beautiful female goblin?This is clearly the Valkyrie who passed by without letting her eyebrows go!

Her eyebrows have not been trimmed either, they are not the curved and thin eyebrows of classical beauties at all, but black eyebrows, thick eyebrows, or it can be said that they are almost the same as unlined eyebrows.

Her alluring appearance is not like the oval face popular at that time, with almond eyes and peach cheeks, and a girlish face with a slightly square face.

But the most noticeable thing is her eyes, she has a pair of big inner canthus eyes, the shape of the eyes is round, and the end of the eyes is upturned, which is somewhat charming but more heroic.

Many people have straight noses, but the tip of the nose is round, but for this girl, the tip and the tip of the nose are really pointed, just like a fox's nose, a real pointed nose.

Her lips are thin and pouty, she looks like a fickle woman at first glance, with a feeling of being unapproachable, she is a beautiful woman who absolutely cannot be compared with others, she is innocent and stubborn, charming and charming demon.

On her body, Chang Fei did see Xu Yiqing's shadow, and from those eyes, he could find the Xu Yiqing he was familiar with.

But this is not, whether it is the ghost of Xu Yiqing he saw back then, or the appearance of the girl in the heavy rainy night, this is too unlike the girl he knows.

Judging from the appearance, this is definitely not the girl under Chang Fei's influence.

"No... The appearance of Xu Yiqing's soul should not be like this..." Chang Fei hesitated for a moment, but still whispered to the Great Immortal Hu beside him.

"The shape of the soul is determined by the deceased's impression of himself. When you summon the soul, it means that the other party is in an unconscious state. She has no impression of her own soul, and she will naturally return to the most original and true appearance. Now you What you see is the true appearance of the target you summoned."

Miqiu didn't show any surprise at Chang Fei's statement, but really honestly explained it to Chang Fei seriously.

Chang Fei was a little silent, and then looked at one of Xu Yiqing's three souls floating down in mid-air, hoping that Xu Yiqing would look like this.

"It seems that Xu Yiqing is really the most beautiful woman in the world—Su Daji's reincarnation is undoubtedly..." Chang Fei sighed.

Even in a modern society where beauties rule and plastic surgery is everywhere, if Xu Yiqing had such a face, she would definitely be considered a disaster.

And the targets that can be targeted are definitely not only human beings. He looked at the crowd of little gods who had already stared blankly, and felt a little proud and a little melancholy in his heart.

Let him hand over such a good girl paper to Le Zhengchu?He still really doesn't want to.

It doesn't matter whether he saw the real beauty and became greedy, or he found an excuse to justify his implied feelings for Xu Yiqing...

Anyway, he is a bit reluctant now!There is no other reason!

The sound of the bell interrupted Chang Fei's distraction. The young man raised his head, only to notice that there were really a lot of metal objects on the girl's body. As she moved, they would collide with each other and make crisp sounds.

This sound seemed to have some kind of magical power at night, attracting many people's attention to this peerless and beautiful girl.

"Hey..." Looking at the other person's appearance, Miqiu couldn't help but let out a long sigh, "If it wasn't for this appearance, Sister Su would probably...be able to live an ordinary life with the person she likes Alright..."

"The person she likes? Who is it?" This topic made Chang Fei a little concerned. No, it should be said that he couldn't control his curiosity about this matter at all.

"It seems that many people say that she likes Bo Yikao? Some people say that she really likes King Zhou of Shang?" Changfei was a bit in the spirit of breaking the casserole at the moment.

"What happened back then... who can tell? If Sister Su and Sister Ji hadn't done such things for their love back then..." Miqiu smiled and didn't continue talking.

This really suffocated Chang Fei to death, no, or it should be said that he was really about to be overwhelmed by what the great fox said.

"Sister, can you stop talking halfway? Don't you know that some people die because they don't know the process and result of a thing?"

Changfei tried to move him with emotion and reason, and asked Miqiu to tell the truth about what happened at that time.

But Miqiu seems to be a man with a temperament similar to Chang Fei. He looked at Chang Fei with a half-smile, but didn't say anything, but urged: "Now is not the time to talk about this, you first tell the story of Miss Su's reincarnation. Let’s get this soul back and talk about it.”

"Sister, give me some hints first, and I'll continue." Chang Fei was trying to bargain.

"Do you still have some professional qualities? Now you are calling the soul, not me, okay?" Miqiu really liked this treasure suit.

At this moment, Chang Fei was in a relatively relaxed mood: "It's okay, it's okay, since the soul can be summoned safely, it means there will be no more problems."

"Others won't have problems, but you... will definitely have problems." Miqiu had a meaningful expression on his face.

"What do you mean?" Chang Fei was confused, vaguely feeling that something was wrong.

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