I was Sold at the Lowest Price in My Class, However My Personal Parameter is the Most Powerful

Chapter 50 The Gentle Lord

KingPen sponsored another 4 chapters. Only 3 releases today since I'm busy, the other 2 will be released tomorrow.

 “I don't care what you say, you eat a lot…….”

Jean says so in a dumbfounded way. In fact, I invited Lorgo to dinner to celebrate us becoming friends.

"Yummy! It's been a long time since I've had something this good.”

“Well, there's plenty to go around, so you can eat.”

I said, and Lorgo responded with a smiling expression.

“Ah! LORGO! That's Nanami's!”

“I'm sorry…….I'll return it…….”

“You don't have to give me back what you put in your mouth!”

“You can have this one.”

“Oh, my God…….That's for Farma, isn't it?”

“Okay…….What do I do?…..No more Lorgo.”

“Lorgo, you can have some of mine.”

“Really? I want to eat……more of it, but I feel sorry for……Farma's lost……food. I'm sorry for you.”

“I've made some extra food for you, so don't look so sad.”

Jean, who had seen the situation, went and cooked some more and brought it to him……He's a kind guy, after all, isn't he?

"I got a lot……Nanami……Farma……Let's eat together!”

Lorgo said to them happily……The scene, which was quite funny, naturally brought laughter from everyone.

“Lorgo, are you close to home?”

Lorgo replied to my question while munching.

"Near……right there.”

“Okay, I'll give you a lift later.”

It was already getting dark, and it would be dangerous to move through the forest.

"Thank you……so much……Ode's house……I invite everyone……though there is nothing. It's my dream to have……friends over to my house.”

“I'll visit it when I drop you off.”

Lorgo smiled happily when I said that.

Surprisingly, Lorgo's house was a small castle……

“This is Lorgo's house?”

“Yes, it's……my house…….”

"Lorgo, who are you?”

"I'm……the lord of this place……since last month…….”

He told me that his father died last month, so he took over the family. I'm surprised that Lorgo has such a family background.

However, when Lorgo led me into the castle, I felt a great sense of discomfort…….It was too quiet. I wondered if everyone had gone to bed early, but it didn't seem to be at that level. Moreover, the inside of the castle was a little rough and untidy.

“Lorgo, this castle, is it empty?”

"Last month……Ode became lord and everyone in the castle……went away with the money and stuff in the castle……Ode……Now I live here all by myself…….”

The people at the castle fled with the castle's valuables when Lorgo became lord…….They're terrible people.

“You didn't get mad at those guys?”

"I'm not smart, I'm not good at……work, I can't do……anything…….so everyone got angry and left…..I'm not angry at anyone…………Ode-…… is just sad…….”

What a sad story. I feel a little bad because I just found out that Lorgo is a good guy.

As Lorgo said, there was nothing in the castle, that's how much household goods and things were taken…….The only things that were there were Lorgo's bed and an old wardrobe.

"I'm sorry……there's really nothing……hospitable……I can't do……”

“Don't worry about it. Hospitality is all about feelings, and I'm sure Lorgo's feelings are well understood.”


“Let's stay here today.”

"Yes, it would be nice to stay in a castle.”

Nanami and Farma suggested that. It is true that there is nothing to do but stay here.

"But……is where I sleep……so you can use my bed…….”

Lorgo tries to offer his own bed, but……

“No, we can borrow some scrap wood or something from around here, and I'll have a bed ready for us in no time, Nanami, Farma, get some sheets and blankets from the ride carrier.”

As Jean said this, Nanami and Farma ran to the ride carrier.

Jean is surprisingly handy…….He made good use of scrap wood and prepared an improvised bed.

“Come on, Lorgo, we can all stay here.”

When Jean said that, Lorgo smiled happily.

“I wish Liza would come over here.”

As Nanami says, Liza is the only one left on the ride carrier……she usually doesn't get involved with us unless she has to, so I'm a little worried.

“That girl likes to be alone……A little more camaraderie would be nice.”

Alana also seems to be worried for her.

Then we all lay down on the bed and listened to Lorgo's story…….He didn't have much to say about his experiences, but he seemed happy to be talking to us.

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