I was reincarnated as the son of the worst villain


 I immediately went to the monsters who was the best money maker for me: ----

 I was not going to visit the cemetery, but rather a deserted cemetery.

 The sun was setting and it was now time for the monsters.

Giggity giggity giggity giggity ......

An eerie sound comes from somewhere.

 Then the bones scattered on the ground merge to form a skeleton.

 In no time at all, I was surrounded by skeletons with weapons in their hands.

 I had to find a skeleton that possessed the skill I wanted and copy it.

 I first try to break through the skeleton's encirclement by swinging my sword...



 The sound of swords clashing echoes through the graveyard.

 The skeletons repel my sword attack.

 The other skeleton almost attacked me from behind, but I dodged.

Oh, that was close!

 The skeletons are closing in on us.

 It's not good if it continues like this.

 For some reason, I can't use illusionary camouflage in this battle.

The “floating (minor effect)!

 With the skill Wind Manipulation Levitation, a single step over the skeleton's head, I can get out of the encirclement.

 Once past the encirclement, the skeleton is mine.

"Wind Blade! Wind Blade! Wind Blade!"

 The skeletons are reduced until there is only one left.

 All that remains is to prevent the skeletons from attacking me.




 Several times, a skeleton attacks me, but I block it with my sword.

 At that moment, my body suddenly loses its freedom, and I can't move.


 I immediately activate my camouflage.


 The skeleton freezes, unable to see me.

 It only takes a few seconds, but my body is free again, and I side-swipe the skeleton with my sword, knocking it down.

 As the skeleton disappeared as a particle, a system announcement was made.

[You can use 10 skill points to acquire Shadow Treading from the skeleton. Do you want to get it? Yes or No]

 I choose Yes without hesitation.

 Some skills have requirements to be copied, and in this case, the requirement was that the skill must actually be applied.

 Therefore, the reason why I did not do so was because I could have used the illusionary camouflage from the beginning.

 Okay, so I got the skills I wanted!

 Now that we have the skills we are looking for, let's go home.

 This is about where I am now.

 I've come back another day, this time to hunt monsters for money.

“Illusion camouflage!"

 I hide myself with my skill.


 After waiting for a while, a small, fluffy figure appeared from the grass.

 What appeared in front of me was a little rabbit, Sugar Bunny, with a body like cotton candy.

 Its body is pink and its ears are tied with pastel-colored ribbons, making it look as cute as a toy.

 Whenever its bushy tail wagged lightly, a slight sweet scent wafted into the air around it.

 Despite its adorable appearance, however, the Sugar Bunny is known to be extremely fast and difficult to catch.

"There you are, ......!"

 I approach cautiously, keeping my figure hidden by my camouflage.

 And then--

“Precision Wind Blade!"

 I attack the Sugar Bunny, which has the characteristic of being immune to physical attacks, with my skill.


 Sugar Bunny immediately tries to escape, but I stop her movement by stepping on the shadow.

 And then, more...

“Precision Wind Blade!'

 Sugar Bunny drops the magic stone and the sack at the same time as it disappears as particles.

 Sugar bunnies could be defeated by two direct hits with the precision wind blade, but even if the first hit was lucky, the next attack would most likely be evaded and the bunny would escape.

 By restricting its movement with shadow stepping, it can be surely defeated by a direct hit with the second precision wind blade.

 This combo of illusion camouflage, precision wind blade, and shadow step was also considered a gimmick that was considered a dream combo in the test threads.


 From the sachet, I confirm the magic sugar I am looking for, a shiny white sugar called Magical Sugar.

 This is the white treasure sand that is sold at such a high price that it is called the “white treasure sand.

 It is not only delicious, but it is also known to relieve exhaustion and improve one's appearance, making it a favorite amongst the ladies of the nobility.

The price for this alone is worth 50 gold coins, right? The world is crazy. ......

 After that, I continued to hunt many more sugar bunnies with the same trick.


 When I had hunted some, I counted the sachets of magical sugar that I had thrown into the bag.


"“Ten, twenty......21 sachets...... that's 105 million worth......hyah!”


 If it's bad, it means that about as much money as a person's lifetime income is in these nondescript bags.

 That's terrifying to think about.

 At any rate, I need to turn this magical sugar, into money.

 It would be possible to sell it to a tool shop or the like as normal, but if an amateur were to sell it on the market at once, there is a possibility that I could get caught up in all sorts of trouble.

 Therefore, I would sell it to a merchant who comes and goes at the mansion, paying a colored commission.

 If I do that, the selling price will be less than 100 million yen after taking into account the commission.

 Even so, I will be able to spare some money for a while after purchasing the equipment. 

 When I have enough money, I can dream of such and such things.

 I'm living at home now, but I'd like to buy a house of my own when I'm independent.

For now, let's eat something nice to celebrate. ......

 I hummed to myself. While humming a tune, I headed home, thinking about what I was going to eat.

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