I was reincarnated as a villainous aristocrat with a certain death route.




 I looked at Balm Gale.

 A smile broke out naturally.

“What is it? What's so funny?“

“No, I'm just thankful.“

 I said, increasing the power of my magic.

“Now I have a reason to kill you.‘

 In the game storyline, the evil demon army slaughters a lot of people, but in this world, he has done nothing - maybe.

 However, as per the game storyline, he is ...... and the demon king army behind it seems to be planning to invade the human world.

 Then, I'll take him out while I still can.

 That will prevent a future in which many humans will be butchered.

 And for me, there's another big advantage: I can eliminate the protagonist's awakening event.

“And I can kill two birds with one stone. I'll definitely finish you off here.”

“Two birds with one stone? I don't know what you're talking about, but I can't let you stay alive.‘

“ whoosh!

 The magic power of Balm Gale's entire body increased.

“[Warding creation]!“

 He and I both activate our magic at the same time.

“Muh ......?”

 Even though they are plotting to invade the human world, there is currently a cease-fire agreement between humans and demons in this world.

So I thought it was a bad idea to fight a high ranking demon in a big way - so I put up a ward for cover so that our fight would not be visible from the outside. ...... Apparently, Balm gale had the same idea.

„Dual concealment wards, huh? Now we can fight without worry.

That's my line.”

 We grinned at the same time.

 Then, let's begin...

 Let the battle begin.

“Do you know where the absolute difference between humans and demons lies?”

He asked me.

“Well, as long as that's the case, you, human, can't beat me.“

“Hmm? Are you talking about the amount of magic?“

 I asked him.

 Yes, there is an absolute difference in the amount of magic between humans and demons.

 The difference between humans and demons is an absolute barrier that cannot be overcome by effort.

 If the magical power of humans is 10, the magical power of demons is about 50 to 100.

 That is, there is a gap of 5 to 10 times.

 The magic power is basically proportional to the rank of the spell and the amount of magic power.

 It is impossible for a human to win a magical competition with a demon race whose magical power is overwhelmingly higher than a human's,” 

The same spells are several times more powerful when used by a demon race. And if it was me, a high-ranking demon  --”

 Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

 He released a huge fireball.

 It lands at a distance from me, perhaps as a threat, and causes a huge explosion.

 I blocked the blast by putting up a [shield].

“The magic that is activated within this ward does not affect the outside environment. I can use high-ranked magic as much as I want without worrying about damage to the outside environment.“

“I see. I am relieved to hear that.“

 I grinned.

“I also put up a ward to protect myself, but I wasn't sure if I could keep the aftermath of the attack from reaching the outside world with only my own warding. Thank God for your wards.“

“I'm sure it's not the damage to the outside world you need to be concerned about. What you need to worry about is that I'll kill you now.“

 Bam Gale's entire body is enveloped in an aura of magical power.

Kill you slowly or kill you easily,......, that's what I'm trying to decide.

“I'm sorry, but I'm not going to take the time," he said. I'm gonna get this over with and train my magic.“

 I told him.

“I'll kill you with one blow, so come on.“

'You ah!“

 He snapped.

“You human! Don't you dare!‘

 Baumgale sticks out his right hand.

 'Uuuuuu...... nn.“

 Red light focuses on the palm of his hand.

“The [Fire Bullet] I just released was just a small measure. This time, I will shoot with enough magical power to kill you for sure.“

Fire Bullet is the fireball magic that I blocked earlier.

 And this time, he's going to throw all of his magic power at it.

 Even so, the magic of the demon race with five to ten times the magic power of human beings - even the high-ranked demon race's all-out attack.

 Common sense tells me that it is impossible for a human to prevent this.


 I grinned.

“Now, Burn up--[Vanish Flare]!”

 Balm Gale released a whirlpool of flame.

 It was filled with a magic power that was far more powerful than the previous one, and it was coming at me.

This time, [Shield] won't be able to block it.”

 I muttered.

“Of course it is! Just disappear like this...”

“You, huh?”

 I thrust out my right hand and increased my magical power.

 A red light converges in my palm!

 Red light converged in my palm.

“What the hell is that? Hey, that magic can't be--”

Let me teach you the basics of magic, high-ranking demon Balm Gale.”

 I deepen my smile and speak.

The higher the rank of the spell and the higher the amount of magic, the more powerful the magic will be. The magic I'm going to shoot now is the same as yours, [Vanish Flare]. Then, the magic with the higher magic power will be stronger--”

 With a splash ......!

 I released a whirlpool of flame.

The red flame vortex I shot out was a vortex of red flame.

 The vortex of red flame I released changed color to a vortex of blue flame in mid-air.

When the amount of magic exceeds a certain value, the flame spell reaches the next realm. This 'blue flame' is proof of that.

“No way, no ...... way, you--”

“The human magic is weaker than that of the demon race. There are exceptions to this rule.“

 I boosted the magic power of my whole body at once.

“It's impossible for a human to have this much magic power,......, it's as if the Demon King--!”

 The Berm Gale looks astonished.

“Are you really human?......!“

“Of course I am.“

 My flames engulfed Balm Gale's flames and enveloped him as well.

“I'm a real human being. I come from a slightly different background...”

 Gosh, ......!

 The blue flame consumed Balm Gale in an instant.

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