I was reincarnated as a villainous aristocrat with a certain death route.


“Master Raven, what was that?”

 Kisara came rushing in.

“......, eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! The magic practice field is not there anymore !“

“Oh, sorry, I blew it. .......”

 I apologized to her.

 In fact, I don't know what to do about this .......

 I'm sure she'll be pissed at me right now.

“What happened here? Master Raven, are you hurt?“

“I'm fine.“

Come to think of it, I'm surprised I survived this many explosions.

“I'm glad. ......”

 Kisara's face becomes relieved.

“The Raven-sama's magic power is high, and the defensive wards he unconsciously puts on must be very strong accordingly. I don't think this much will hurt you.“

Kisara explained as if answering my inner question.

“I see ......”

 Oh, I see,

“What's all the fuss about!“

 A number of butlers and maids came running from the mansion.

“I'm sorry for making a disturbance,” said Kisara. “We were practicing magic, but the magic was so powerful that it blew up the entire practice field.“


 Everyone shouts in surprise.

 Not only Kisara, but all the other servants have big reactions. ......

'Did you destroy the magic practice field?'

'I'm sorry, Mother,.......‘

 I went to report to my mother that I had destroyed the practice field.

 By the way, my father is a great man of the country and rarely comes back here to this house.

 My mother was his so-called second wife and was not related to me by blood.

 The real mother died at the same time she gave birth to Raven, which is also a distant cause of his fall into a villainous role.

 That aside, now I have to solve the problem of the practice hall.

'You mean, you practiced your magic, right?“

'Yeah, well, .......'


 ' my mother exclaimed with a twinkle in her eye.

''Lazy Raven, you've finally awakened! I've always thought it was a real shame that you have a prodigious talent for magic and you don't practice at all! That's ...... Oh, I can't wait to tell that man ......!”

By 'that man' I mean my father.

But I didn't know she would be so happy.

 I thought my mother was not interested in me. ......

“It's just that ...... I made a mistake and damaged the practice field. I'm sorry, Mother.“

“No problem! We can rebuild the practice field as much as we need to! I'm sure he will be happy to pay for it.“

 Mother said with a big smile.

“I hope I can practice somewhere ...... suitable until the new practice field is ready.“

“Oh, I think you could do that in the mountains or in the woods behind us there.“

 I said to my mother.

“May I use a section of the back woods as my practice area, Mother?

“Of course! Please train me to the fullest!‘

 Mother's eyes sparkled.

'Well, then, that's how it is. ....“..

 I decided to leave the room because I wanted to continue practicing my magic.

“ Raven,” my mother calls out behind me.

“What is it?”

 I turned around to see my mother smiling at me.

“Do your best,” she said.“ I'm counting on you. 

And I'm sure he will, too.“

“I will devote myself to it.‘

 I bowed and left the room.

 A month passed.

Here I go--Advanced Fire!

 The magic I unleashed raged through the interior of the training hall.

 If it weren't for the custom-made protective wards that were 20 times stronger than normal, I would have blown up the entire practice field again, just like a month ago.

 I asked for these custom-made protective wards when we rebuilt the practice field after it had blown down.

 Well, even if ordinary defensive wards had been set up, I would have blown them away with a single shot.

 As expected, the 20 times stronger protective wards did not break so easily, and from then on I could work hard on my magic without worrying that I might blow up the practice field.

 And then - and then....

 Within a month, I had mastered advanced magic in no time at all.

 As expected of a genius raven.

 Originally, only a few talented magicians could master advanced magic.

 And even those magicians usually have to train for 10 or 20 years before they can master it.

 But I learned it in one month.

No, the reputation of being a genius who comes along once in a hundred years isn't just for show. ......

 I am glad I was born a genius.

 I felt it deeply.

 Incidentally, there is a higher level of magic on top of the advanced level, but this cannot be mastered without a special ceremony, apparently.

 This is not a problem that can be solved by my talent alone.

 Anyway - I am now able to use Fire and Thunder, both of which I was able to use before, up to the higher level of magic.

 This should give me much more offensive power than the raven in the game.

 I have also mastered the defensive magic of Shield, up to advanced level of course.

 So the defensive power is also much higher.

 Of course, I have learned all the other magic as well.

I'm much stronger now than I was before.

“That's great, Master Raven,” said Kisara.

 Kisara walked up to me.

“Are you done with your training for the day?”

“No, I'll continue some more after a short break.“

“Raven is such a hard worker. I never knew Master Raven could be such a hard worker. ......”

 Kisara stares at me with wizened eyes.

“I am very impressed with you, Kisara.”

 Mother, Kisara, and everyone else seems to be truly happy that I'm making an effort.

'Master Raven has become earnest!'

'I see he has finally been rehabilitated.“

“That lazy bastard has finally been rehabilitated.“

 I've heard the servants whispering about it a few times.

 I've probably been famous as lazy bastard 

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