I was reincarnated as a villainous aristocrat with a certain death route.


“Good day, Raven. Good day, Kisara.”

'Good morning, Matilda."

"Oh, good morning, Mathilda."

 Me and Kisara went to school together from home and met Matilda on the way to school.

'Oh, um, I hope I'm not disturbing you. ......'

 Kisara said with discretion and tried to move away from us.

"No, why are you interrupting us?”

"Don't be shy with us, Kisara.”

 I and Matilda said at the same time.

We're only engaged as a formality. It's not like we're a couple of lovers or something, Matilda.

'........................ eh?'

 What's with the in-between?

 In the first place, if anything, I thought Matilda had cold feelings towards me more than me.

 I mean, in the game, it's Mars who gets her.

"Master Raven, you're dull.”

 For some reason, Kisara gave me a cold stare.

"You really are blunt, aren't you?”

 Matilda gave me a glare for some reason.

'No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no."

 I protested.


“Hey, hey, Raven.”

 It was Mars who called out to me, hesitantly.

'Good morning, Mars.”

 I turned and greeted him back,

“Hey, I'm not dull, am I?”

"Huh? What?"

 Mars looked puzzled.

"I don't know ......, but I don't think you're dull, are you? You helped me yesterday, too, because you cared about me. ......"

"Oh, my friend at heart.”

 I took Mars' hand firmly in mine.

 Only one who understands me.

"I don't mean ...... that kind of dullness, though."


 The two are looking at each other with an exasperated attitude.

 What the hell is this--?

'I'm Rena Ashley, the main person in charge of your practical skills. Pleased to meet you."

 The instructor greeted us from the stage.

 She was a beautiful woman in her mid-twenties.

 She had twin-tailed blue hair and a winning appearance.

 She is one of the strongest characters in the game and has many fans.

 I mean, I had Rena's card .......

What is it? You've got something to say, Raven Draxel."

 Rena looked at me.

"No, I was just saying ...... that you look very strong."

 I couldn't think of an appropriate response, so I answered.

 ...... 'You look strong."

 I was thinking of a better response.

"...... how?”

 The eyes of instructor Rena changed.

 She turned her glaring eyes on me.

"First of all, you judge others based on the strength - you are just like me, you."


"I remember you got the top grades in the entrance exam. I see, you have good magic power and above all, you have good eye. You have the look of a warrior.'

 For some reason she seems to have taken a liking to me.

"Training you is going to be a lot of fun."

 Instructor Rena smirked.

 Please go easy on me. ......

 I muttered to myself.

 The second class was the practical skills class.

I've been shown the results of each student's entrance exam, but I'd still like to see how students use magic in real situations. Today, I want you all to use offensive and defensive magic.

 Instructor Rena said.

 We are gathered in the magic training hall.

 Among them, this was the room where the students' magic power, magic attack power, and various other values could be converted into data.

 On either side of the wall, there are a lot of things that look like magic machines, and the atmosphere is more like a science laboratory than a fantasy.

"The order is random. The first one is Matilda Theodore."


 Matilda answered cheerfully and went forward.

"You see the target on the other side. Go to it and shoot your best, most powerful attack magic at it. The power of your attack will be quantified."

In other words, all of the students in this class will have their “magic attack power” quantified?"

"That's what I mean. Naturally, there will be a rank order created among you. Numerical values are not everything, but they are an important factor. Whose magic is the most powerful will be clear at a glance."

"Then I will give it my all."

"Of course.”

 Matilda's words encouraged instructor Rena.

'You have three minutes. Do it.'

"Yes, ......!"

 And one after another, the students unleashed their attack magic.

 Matilda was followed by Rose, then Kisara, then Balkan, then Mars, and so on.

 I was the last in the class.

Ugh, everyone's looking at me.

 As I walked forward, I felt the eyes of the entire class.

"Of course not. You got first place on the entrance exam. You are the number one student in this school at the moment.'

 Rena, the instructor, laughed thinly.

"Naturally, if you don't produce a number worthy of the number one position here, you will be ridiculed.'

'I'm going to put pressure on you. ......"

'What's that? "


"I mean, aren't you having a lot of fun ......?"

"Well, to tell you the truth, it's fun. I do this every year and really enjoy the tension and pecking order among the students. Damn."

"Totally .......”

 Chuckling, I got back into the swing of things.

 The actual “I'm not sure how much I'm going to be able to do.

 Well then, let's give it my all for now!

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