I Was Mistaken as the Novel’s Hidden Boss

Chapter 14: Two handclock

ma bad bro, i'm too focused writing other story i almost forget i have an ongoing story here. i'll try updates once per two or three days, if my dementia didn't triggered.


Ultra Wide Ranged Magical Gate Anomaly Detection, or Gate Detector in short, is a complex magical technology aimed to detect a gate which appears without warning. Befitting its name, the range of this machine covers the entirety of the Korean peninsula. However, this machine is not perfect. There are many occasions where a gate was discovered by civilian calls, rather than this machine. Still, 90% of the time, South Korea could avoid danger because of the rapid response from this machine. 


Like when the red gate incident in Gangnam. 


But, there are also times when it's faulty and late to react properly. The Busan incident is the primary case for example. Military and hunters could gather in perfect timing mainly because of the civilian call. Whereas the machine finally identified the problem after 1 minute. In the case of the red gate, this delayed information could cost them irreversible damage. 


In the Busan case, the delay is somewhat understandable. The general theory is, the higher the gate level, the harder for the machine to detect it. Currently, researchers still cannot find why, and their only option is to upgrade the machine as much as possible.


But to not detect a red gate manifesting in the commodious parts of Busan? 


The three watched with mouth agape and eyes widened, but it's hard to not do that when you encounter a wild red gate suddenly out of nowhere. More so, if it's apparent that the gate was established a long time ago. The energy is different, they all could feel it. Even more so for Siyeon and Heiran, who recently experienced first hand what a red gate is. 


While it's logically understandable because the gate is located in quite an inconspicuous part of Busan's neighborhood, it still falls under civilian neighborhood. Right under the empty warehouse's roof, the red gate stood alone. This was nothing short of an information nuke for them. 


"I'll… contact the HQ…" 


No answer comes from his two companions, but Leric could understand and instead rapidly makes a call for reinforcement. Tension quietly rises in the air, as the two S-class hunters ready themself for combat. 


"Detective, thank you for your support so far. This matter isn't yours to handle, so I suggest you go back and—" 




Heiran's command abruptly cut as Leric suddenly raised his voice. She looked back, face hardened and almost once again strictly issued her command, if not for realizing Leric caught something with his ability. His eyes glued to the ground, then slowly raised up. The entire sequence of his action made even Siyeon look at him, and question him with her eyes.    


"This… looks like someone just got in. But…" 


The two patiently waiting for the next words, but words alone cannot represent what Leric's see in his vision at present. But in summary; 


"The one who just entered has a lot of magical equipment." 


"What kind?"


"Variety, and he has so many of it. Assault, illusion, among other things. He has dozens—perhaps, more." he blinks, and his vision returns to normal again. "The track ends here. It's highly possible that our targets entered the gate. The one who just entered is 181 cm tall, his foot sole wide, and probably 76 kg."


"... what about the assault equipment firepower?"


"Quite devastating. I'm not really sure, but it's safe to say it was category 4."


With this newfound information, the riddle in which they try to untwine has gotten more complicated instead. Especially about the new unknown entity. Both Heiran and Siyeon are better informed about magical equipment than Leric, and thus the revelation dawning on them both the question of 'who'. Magical equipment for assault purposes, especially those above category 3 are all military level weapons. And if it's category 4, then it's most likely explosive which has a wide ranged radius. 


This was an unprecedented situation. Any information regarding the weapon of category 3 upwards were in fact a tightly guarded secret. After all, depending on its use, the potential devastation caused by those weapons are equal if not greater than monster infestation. The fact that military-grade armaments were detected to be carried by this unknown individual is a matter that could shake the entire Blue House. Adding the unresolved matters of 'that' monsters, it's a headache for all of them.


Either it's fortunate or not, this crisis has not yet relayed to the higher ups. And before they do, it's up to them to resolve the escalating situation. 


"Alright. For now, let them come here by the red gate alert, and omit anything about the unknown man from the report." 


Hearing that, Siyeon was glancing at her with questioning eyes. Seeing that, Heiran only provides a brief answer. 


"Potential threat may be lurking in there. Either a collaborator, or a traitor. Or both. Either way, if they know we know, the only advantage we have is pretty much obsolete." 


This was one of a basic psychological warfare education she got under the guidance of her teacher. It's a textbook example of: 'Don't let the enemy know your move'. And revealing the only information they had to potential enemies is foolish, according to the doctrine. 


Always make a move with the worst possibility in mind. 


Her teacher always emphasized the doctrine whenever time allowed. And it was one of many things that ingrained solid in her mind.  


"And Leric, you go back. Your help is not needed here." this time, her tone's more harsh than before. It was for the better. Leric may feel hurt, but it's better than dying. 


"Respectfully, no." Yet, the man refused to back down. "I heard the red gate is full of traps and mazes. The expensive buff you got me still has 1 hour left before the effect wears out. I believe I already proved my worth, so please, let me help." 


The gaze in his eyes screams determination. Heiran was a little bit stunned. Her image of Leric was no different than the majority of civilians about policemen. A tool for oppression. Although she heard about the recovered reputation of the law enforcer, the large majority still view them with skepticism. 


But that gaze cannot be faked. Conversely, her skepticism keeps her from further trusting him. 


"For what reason?" she asked him.   


"Well, it's just a simple curiosity. Besides, I'm already here. You'll benefit from having a scout, trust me." he shrugged, answering in a seemingly nonchalant manner. Some lies were told, but Heiran can't pinpoint where. The logical explanation is solid, and it's rather difficult for her to find a rational counterpoint. Yet, the possibility of danger is too harsh for a non-combatant to follow. She can't just agree, despite the apparent benefit. Conversely, the weight of the benefit was rather lucrative. 


"Sigh…" If only teacher was here, this matter of choice would need no more than a second.


Amidst Heiran daydreaming and Leric's persistence, Siyeon, who only spectates from the beginning, speaks her standpoint. 


"Noona, I think it's alright. I bring a teleportation device for gate's exploration, just in case. So if things go south, we could just escape." 


Hearing that, Heiran's brows knitted as if asking 'what? just in case?' in a bewildered tone. Her eyes alternated from Leric to Siyeon, and a second later a choice was made. 




Wasting no more time, the three enter. 




Shortly after entering the lair of Count Herbring, a stealthy red gate in the middle of Busan, Haneul encounters a rather unexpected atmosphere inside. By his calculation, while the encounter with Herbring's underling predicted to happen much further inside, their energy should already be felt even from here. 


But, forget about their energy, he didn't even sense any presence using a wide-ranged detection ability. One question arose in his mind. 


What happened?


Advancing slowly, he pondered about the reason for this unexplainable situation. Logically, it could be said as the butterfly effect of his regression. But again, it's impossible. A change in times could only be affected if the anchor was touched. And the one entity who could do it is him. By entering the red gate, he would mark his first ripple. And yet, before it's happening, the present is already showing a sign of change. 


Just like the recent red gate incident in the outskirts of Busan.


Could it be… 


Connecting the dot, suddenly he gained an epiphany. By what he knew, and logically speaking, it's possible. For a moment, Haneul forgot he's not the only anomaly out here. 




He focused on himself once again. Regardless, the goal of this operation remains the same. It is unclear why, how, what, or even if his hypothesis was accurate, but it doesn't matter. Get in, plant the bombs, and get out. Not one vampire here would be able to detect his presence, unless he reveals it himself or they use dedicated equipment. 


The only variable in his plan was the existence of Busan's nameless monster. But he can't back down now. This was the best time for executing the bastard. This is the time when Herbring was at his lowest strength. After two days, he would consume something and his power would explosively advance. It's still mysterious about what he consumed, even when he directly watches the events with the help of dragons. 


And so, he advanced. 


this is smoother than expected, almost to the point of disturbing. Not one, in the hundreds of underlings under that guy, that I met. It was impossible, as Herbring would never let these important places be left unattended. And yet, all the places were as empty as an abandoned house. Why?


Confusion was an understatement. The five disaster representing the prologue of the end, is nothing less than a true disaster. And the first disaster, were led by the owner of this place, Count Herbring. A sadistic and egotistical maniac, god-complex patient, who single handedly reduce the British empire, England, as a large prison for human farm. 


In just a week, people of England were no longer human. Whether they are beautiful, handsome, sexy, obese, slim, ugly, young, old, rich, or poor, the people trapped there were nothing more than livestock for the vampires. Many conquests were sent, but each one ended in failure. The only valuable information they succeed to get, is the fact that the gate in England is connected to another gate. In other words, there's two simultaneous gates open for each front door and backdoor. 


The humans finally defeat Count Herbring after a grueling two years. But the damage was massive. At the time they defeated the adversaries, England was already beyond repair. 


For the upcoming war against gate, I need every manpower I could get. Who knows, maybe there will be a great talent in England. Even if not, the current top hunters there will be a great support. 


Such was the primary reason behind this seemingly reckless operation. 


Yet, that notorious first disaster now left the key point of his empire void of personnel. Not even a servant was there. The surrounding is both quiet and eerily empty. 




The loud voice of the explosion finally started booming. Haneul set the timer on the explosive in a rather quick timer. His plan was to explode the bombs almost simultaneously, to distract the vampires while he planted the next one quickly. When the first batch exploded first, the enemy would rush into the location, leaving him with an easy path for planting the next bombs and sneak out. 


But the absence of any guardian screwed his plans a little. Adapting his strategy on the spot, Haneul increased his pace, quickly planted all the needed explosive in its respective place. Now the only task left is to get out. 


Just as he brought out a teleportation device—a scroll—, the space around him instantly switched. Haneul knows where this is, even without looking around. This place is the center of the maze castle, the throne room. He then looks up, to the place where the ruler of this gate sits. 


But, the one who answered his gaze was no handsome man in his twenties with a predatory aura and an arrogant sneer. What met his eyes was a monster, sitting on the throne. It was an image he cannot forget. 


The clear eyes of a reptile, both hands naturally armored as if he used a gauntlet made by the best blacksmith and artisan, and the simple attire he used. Its sheer imagery exuding the majestic feeling he knew he shouldn't dwell on. 


On his right, stood a young woman with clear white skin tone, and a delicate face with beauty carved. Her violet hair and expressionless stare was not unfamiliar for him. Seeing the prospective ally now snatched right in front of him, made him infuriated. 


But he cannot deny the elegantly dreadful sight of the monster resembling that of a conqueror. Who's sitting on his enemy's kingship chair, after defeating him. 


"So it was you. The rat." he spoke in a low baritone and stared at him, but a second later his eyes landed in the space behind him. More accurately, to the people who just arrived, credit to his courtesy. 


"And a few uninvited guests." 


It was the first encounter of the two anomalies. 

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