I Was Mistaken as the Novel’s Hidden Boss

Chapter 11: Requiescat in Pace

A little over 21 minutes from the promised one per 24 hours, but here ya go, folks. And warning, quite a bit of gory description here in this chapter. Proceed with caution.


Gates. Some called it 'dungeon', but the majority prefer to call it gate. Among the mysteries of this world, undoubtedly, the gate is one of them. During my investigation of this world, the topic of gates was probably the most researched topic in today's era. But, even with years of endeavor, the fact they were able to unravel is pitifully few. Aside from the estimation of strength, no one knew anything. Where the gates are from, why, how, and plethora of other questions were left unanswered. 


However, humanity seems to be more attracted to the industrial gains, almost ignoring the dangerous existence of gates. Despite many people died because of the 'Gate Invasion' incident, the care for that seems neglible. The existence of new professions called 'hunters' who raid the gate, systematic research on new energy sources called magic, and the industrial revolution 3.0 following the successfull research of magic. 


All of that overshadowed the bitter truth, the dark parts of this world. High casualty among hunters, the widening gap between middle class and upper class, not to mention low class to upper class, the frequent incident of undetected gates which results in the 'Gate Invasion' accident, and many more. 


Even if the articles dubbed it as the industrial revolution, honestly, my old world is more futuristic than this world. 


Either way, the gates are a more mysterious existence than what I thought.


But to think inside the red gate is like this. 


What would the people first think when told to imagine what's inside the gate? Wilderness? Sea of water? Or perhaps, a desert? The answer would vary, but could they predict something like this? 


At first, you would presume it's just the inside of a normal castle. Then, with that idea planted in your minds, you wander around. Only to get lost not even 5 minutes later. There's no doors or windows, so you can't wander outside. The hallway looks the same no matter where you walk, and the mark you create won't last longer than five minutes before vanished. The hole in the wall you punch, did not connect to the outside but rather on the other parts of this place. At this point, you would assume this is probably a giant maze right? Or an illusion spell designed to make you lost. 


Ha. I wonder what kind of face they would make, if they knew the truth ain't that simple. 




"My master is delighted with your words." 


So my prediction is indeed correct. 


There is someone monitoring me directly through her. 


But really, I'm envious. This space is such a cool concept. A castle that is constantly expanding almost infinitely? Oh, it's my wet dream. And by the looks of it, the size is comparable to a planet, at least. No, perhaps, this castle itself is the planet. Hmm, if it were me, I would definitely add a little personal touch here and there. I mean, I understand the practical reason for these monotonous patterns. But y'know, it's a little bit meh. Not pleasing to the eye. 


For that reason, I think the master of this place is a cold person who valued logic and rationality above all things. Shedding his or her sense of aesthetic is just one thing. They would probably try to subtly take me as their subordinate under them. Either the highest spot, or the second highest. I wonder if they also watch my closing performance. If they do and still shoot their shot, it's either the confidence that they could kill me, or just a bold figurehead trying to try their luck. Those people who dislike aesthetics are roughly the same, a sociopath who strives for control.  


"So, how much longer do we have to walk?" I asked my guide. But instead of answering, she asked back. 


"Have you enjoyed the sightseeing?" 


Oh? I thought the road to where they are is fixed but long, yet it seems it's a deliberate display of power all along. I have no clue. But is it fine? Brushing aside the purpose, are they fine revealing their card like this? Maybe they have more cards in reserve? Do they realize I could just destroy this place into smithereens? 


Sure, their ability to manipulate this space is cool and all, but give me five minutes and the entirety of this place would be back to nothing with my ninth tier spell. I would like to believe they are dumb enough to call me here because they thought I'm weaker than them. The reason lies in my own epilogue stunt, and if my deduction is correct, they conclude I cannot escape from this coiling space even with my eight tier spell, [The Great Collision of Stars].


But there must be a small inception in their minds, feeling uneasy because the lack of data may cause their forecast off the track. From their perspective, if my power is in line with their prediction, then good. If not? 


Having reached this, I thought it's fortunate I'm not similar to those misunderstanding novel main characters who could survive in the den of dragons with their tongue, and has one very-restrictable-overpowered skill. I really appreciate whatever beings that decide to reincarnate me in this place with my endgame avatar. Thank you. Thanks to you, I don't have to cower in fear and waste my life chasing power just for living. 


"We have arrived, honored guest." 


As I was organizing my mind, and think about this and that, the woman's angelic voice reach my ears, and in my response, I stare at the giant doors which got this inctricate and quite abstract yet captivating carve. Covering the entirety of this doors, like a spiderweb in a corner. This was nothing but a surprise, as I find the design of these carvings are aesthetically pleasing. My earlier deduction about the man's taste turns out to be obsolete and very wrong. 


Well. I'm not a smart man anyway. 


"My master has been waiting inside." with that, she officially off from her duty as my guide. 


Then with a loud creaking sound, the two giant doors open. Revealing the entity behind the secret organization whose plans probably got delayed or disrupted because of my little activity. 


And, as a good man I am, I thought a little apology is needed. 


"I believe I owe you an apology, gentleman." In which, he reply with apparent delight,


"No, it is fine. It's quite disruptive but not enough to topple years of effort. Although, it will be much appreciated if you could take a little responsibility. Of course, I'm not forcing you. After all, I'm the one who invite you here to chat. So let's begones be begones, yes?" 


With that, he snaps his fingers and the scenery changed to a dinner table. At the banquet, there are various varieties of human food. Again, a surprise. Since I've never heard about a vampire liking humans gourmet. Aren't they a species with diet consist only of blood? At least, that's what usually depicted. 


Then again, the one who created that image is human. 


"Indeed. My thanks. Oh and, my compliments to your sculptor. That engraving in your doors is something to be proud of."


"Oh really? That was my own doing. I'm glad my first guest found it stunning."


"You have a great taste in art."


"Haha, never knew I would get a praise for my hobby, from an entirely different species, no less."    


"Great minds think alike, no?" 


"Hahaha, yes. Quite a creative phrase you have. 'Great minds think alike'." 


Now the atmosphere felt loosening, I'm focusing my attention on the food again. And my vision accidentally recognized a face on the table. Yes, a face. A freshly decapitated head, still maintaining the expression of nothing. But now, with a distinctly paled color paint her whole face. Its violet hair reflects the numerous light from the candles around the room, which is as bright as a flashbulb. It was then I spread my gaze to properly see the food. 


The one I thought a lamb chop, turns out to be a leg chop instead. Those bowls of Bisque, are filled with brains rather than seafood. Sashimi from breasts, barbecued ribs, kebabs from thights, and many more of these creatively diabolical dish. 


You know, as I predicted from the beginning, my morality has been greatly distorted ever since I woken up in this body. Crushing a man's head like a watermelon did not evoke any sense of empathy upon me. So no, this does not come from a sentimental level. But that doesn't mean 'I' changed. In technological terms, the hardware is the only one that changed. The software is still the same. 


And I never forget what I was. 


"Do you like the choice of garnish? It was out of my consideration, since I noticed you seem to find her attractive. I hope this proves my sincerity, that I have no hidden agenda for inviting you here. And I hope this meal would be the mark of our friendship." 


Setting aside his talk about agenda, truthfully, I don't even want to hear. It's obvious. The point will always be conquest, or anything resembling that. To be honest, I was quite dissapointed. I thought I may find my first ally in this world. What's more, the vampire has great aesthetic. Truly an ideal friend. 




Our conversation is brief but I will remember every bit of it, vampire. Goodbye. 

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