I Was Kidnapped By a Yandere Writer

Chapter 41

After rummaging through the shelves for a while, Dokyun finally found a ramen packet at the far right end of the shelf.

“Oh, even then…”

A yellow envelope with blue writing. Dokyun’s eyes narrowed as he looked at the ramen packet.


It was Jinsoon, the most hated ramen in the Ramen World.

Momentarily, Dokyun doubted her taste and picked it up, letting out a sigh.


– Rustle.

He looked all over inside the shelf, but he didn’t find any other ramen packets.

“What can I do…”

Since there was no other option, he had to cook this ramen p


Dokyun took three packets of instant noodles, held them in his arms, and looked around the kitchen to find a pot

‘First of all, a nearby place.’

At that moment, when Dokyun was about to open the nearest shelf to check the contents…


There was a loud banging on the door.

In a surprised manner, Dokyun hurriedly turned to where the sound came from, and he saw Eun-ah standing naked in front of the bedroom door.

‘Oh, oh…!’

What a coincidence.

When Dokyun saw her naked he hurriedly looked away, and from the direction she was standing, he heard a voice.

“Hey, Mr. bee…?”

It was a trembling voice.

“Oh, are you awake?”

Dokyun looked toward her and spoke in a welcoming tone, and soon after, he heard footsteps rapidly approaching him.

As Eun-ah approached with quick steps and embraced Dokyun as if she were about to jump into Dokyun’s arms, he raised his gaze to the sky and greeted her.

“I was going to cook some food before you woke up… but you woke up early?”


Dokyun, who felt the mumbling-like answer and her breathing in his arms, spoke in a soft tone.

“Did you have a bad dream or something?”

“Oh, no…”

With her face buried in his chest, after finishing her answer, Eun-ah stayed in that hugging position for a moment before speaking again.

“W-When I woke up… Y-You weren’t there…Mr. bee.”


“So, um…”

Upon hearing Eun-ah’s words, Dokyun reached out a hand and patted her back, and only then did he feel her breath gradually calming down.

“I’m here, so where could I possibly go?”


As Dokyun gently patted her back for a moment, he could sense her becoming completely calm and raising her head toward him.

Feeling awkward in that situation, Dokyun cautiously opened his mouth and spoke to her.

“Um, Eun-ah?”


“Would it be better if you put on some clothes?”


He felt a slight tremor within his arms, followed by a subtle rise in body temperature.

“Just wait a moment…”

“Yes, take your time. I’ll be boiling this in the meantime.”


As the warmth within his arms faded and he heard her footsteps grow distant, Dokyun finally let out a deep breath and stood up.


It was quite a busy morning.

‘No, this is not the time.’

Dokyun had to find a pot. Gathering his thoughts, he once again searched the kitchen, rummaging through possible places where the pot might be.

‘What kind of kitchen is this?’

Could it be a cooking studio? This house had a large kitchen, and it was filled with all kinds of equipment, Dokyun couldn’t even grasp the purpose of some of the utensils he was familiar with and had no idea where they were used.

Letting out a sigh, Dokyun moved around the kitchen, and in the corner of the lowest shelf, he saw an appropriately sized pot.

‘I found it!’

He felt like he was finding a hidden treasure.

‘Now, water…’

Dokyun raised his head all the way up, and right across from him, he saw a water purifier.

As Dokyun approached the water purifier and filled the pot with water, Eun-ah, who had put on clothes and came out, stood next to him and started talking.

“I-It’s ramen…”

“Yes, it is.”

Dokyun, who was answering her words, had a sudden curiosity emerge in his mind, he looked down at her and spoke to her.

“Eun-ah, I guess you can’t handle spicy food?”


It was so cute to see her looking up at him. She was short, barely reaching his shoulders, and her head was stretched out.

Eun-ah looked up at him, then lowered her head again to stare at the ramen placed next to the pot. and finally, she understood the meaning behind Dokyun’s words. She nodded her head in agreement

“That…that’s belongs to my sister…”

“I see.”

Her sister. Had she mentioned visiting home once?

‘That’s a relief.’

Jinsoon was crossing the line for Dokyun.

As Dokyun internally breathed a sigh of relief, Eun-ah, who had moved silently and took out a red-packaged instant noodle from a shelf that Dokyun hadn’t checked.

“I-I have this…”

Jinmae. It was spicy ramen from the same brand.



As Dokyun affectionately ruffled her hair with a satisfied expression, a squeak of laughter escaped from her mouth.

“Then, wait a moment. I’ll cook another pack of noodles that will turn out really tasty.”


Having lived alone for over 5 years. If nothing else, Dokyun had confidence in making ramen.

After Dokyun said that in a confident tone, he turned around and started cooking ramen.

‘First, the soup.’

In order to extract the flavor fully, the soup had to be put in first.

The lumpy ramen soup melted into the water and began to color the inside of the pot with a vibrant red.

‘Next, the flakes.’

Just as Dokyun was about to open the packaging of the flakes and add them to the pot…


A sigh escaped Eun-ah’s lips from beside.

When Dokyun turned to look at Eun-ah, he saw her face filled with unease and hesitation.

“Hmm? What’s wrong?”

In response to the question, Eun-ah hesitated for a moment, then lowered her head slightly and mumbled an answer.

“Oh, no nothing…”

Dokyun smiled and responded with a smile, substituting his answer with a it. He proceeded to sprinkle the flakes into the pot.

And the moment when he was waiting for the water to boil and was about to put noodles in the boiling water.

“That, that’s not how you do it…”

A whisper came from beside.

When Dokyun turned his head to look at her, he saw her looking uncomfortable as she stared at the pot.


“That, that’s not how you do it…”

Looking up at Dokyun, she continued to speak one more time, then continued with the words ‘wait for a moment…’ and then opened the refrigerator and take out something from inside.

“This, this first…”

As Dokyun looked at what she had taken out, he saw various ingredients such as green onions, eggs, garlic, and seafood.


Perhaps cooking had its own philosophy, as they were quite suitable ingredients that could be used for a proper and elaborate dish.

While Dokyun remained in a daze, Eun-ah, who moved quickly, put them into the pot one by one and began brewing the soup.

Indeed, the reprimand seemed justified.

Dokyun, who was feeling awkward for no reason, stared blankly at her back, Eun-ah, who had finished cooking before he knew it, looked back at him and said with a smile.

“Now, let’s go eat…!”

Her bright face and refreshing expression made him feel small in comparison.

When Dokyun raised his hand and gently stroked her hair, he noticed her face brightening and her hands playfully brushing against his hand.


A burst of soft laughter broke out.

‘Well, as long as the result is good, that’s all that matters.’

They transferred the completed ramen to the dining table and sat down, and started eating.

“I’ll enjoy it.”


He caught a glimpse of her face as she sat in front of him, staring intently at him.

Although he tried to cook, but the outcome turned out to be similar to their usual routine.

Dokyun smiled at her and lifted his chopsticks to eat the ramen.

The spicy and flavourful taste spread in his mouth, enhanced by the refreshing and savory seafood.

‘It’s delicious…!’

He wondered if what he had been eating until now wasn’t truly ramen. Dokyun turned his head and looked at Eun-ah, who was sitting next to him.

With a beaming smile on her face, her gaze made Dokyun feel as if the face of a chef he had seen on a variety show overlapped with hers.

“It’s delicious. Really.”


Her blushing cheeks and happy expression seem somewhat different. Despite being much smaller in stature than himself, at that moment, she felt larger than life.


Suddenly, a fleeting thought crossed his mind: Maybe living like that was enough. He was happy when he ate, and she was happy when she saw him. Wasn’t that an ideal arrangement?

‘No… no…’

‘Human dignity. Always something to be mindful of.’

‘I can’t live like a machine that just produces waste.’

Dokyun made up his mind again and continued talking to her as she looked at him.

“Eun-ah, you should eat too. I can’t finish all the ramen.”


At Dokyun’s words, Eun-ah nodded, took out her chopsticks, and began putting noodles in her small mouth little by little.

She chewed and swallowed it like a hamster.

Their eyes met as they both stared absentmindedly. Her eyes were drawing a smooth curve like a subway line, which had captivated his gaze.

A warm feeling spread through his insides, and Dokyun smiled again, feeling a pleasant shiver as they continued their meal.

One bite, two bites. As they continued to eat with their chopsticks, Dokyun suddenly noticed that the bottom of the pot becoming visible.

Once again, it was a satisfying meal.

Dokyun expressed his gratitude to her, As he felt a sense of fullness in his stomach.

“I ate well. Since you worked hard, so I’ll do the dishes.”

“Oh, no…”

“No, I’ll do it.”

“It’s, it’s okay…”

After briefly insisting on doing the dishes for each other, she found a suitable compromise.

“Well… Well then, together. Let’s do it together…!”

“Ah yes.”


Her smile was so bright. In the meantime, her front hair which stood up like little horns while she was sleeping looked funny. When she let out a sneaky laugh and swept her hair down, it tickled something inside him and his face turned slightly red.

“Shall we go then?”


Although there was no real need for the two of them to do the dishes since there wasn’t much to wash, they decided to finish the task together. As they dried their hands, a gentle touch on Dokyun’s side caught his attention.


When Dokyun turned his head to look at her, he saw her staring at him intently.

“Why are you looking at me like that?”

“Just, hold on.”

She took a step closer and extended her lips toward his.


It was rather adorable how she extended her lips as if she wanted a kiss, holding the cuckoo pose. Her attempts to reach his shoulder while holding the cuckoo pose, despite her small stature, made him chuckle briefly. However, her face soon showed frustration and she began to pout, realizing that things weren’t going as planned.



“Don’t… don’t laugh!”

Tapping her chest with her fist, as if to say that she might really cry if he laughed any further, Dokyun apologized and bent down to match her height.


When Dokyun lowered his waist, Eun-ah glanced at him briefly before slowly approaching and starting to kiss him.

Dokyun felt the softness of their lumps of flesh touching.

When Dokyun peeked with his eyes half open, he could see her face trying to suppress her laughter while her lips curled up.

Seeing her like that, Dokyun couldn’t resist and kissed her lips several more times, repeatedly separating and connecting.

When Dokyun finally separated and straightened his waist, Eun-ah embraced him tightly and burst into giggles.


The foolish laughter tickled his ears. Dokyun felt the awkward atmosphere intensifying, causing him to awkwardly twist his body, and hurriedly opened his mouth.

“Now we should take a shower since we sweated a lot overnight.”


Her face turned red again, and it seemed like she was having lascivious thoughts. Dokyun couldn’t say anything in this situation, as he was no different.

Eun-ah, who had been feeling embarrassed for a moment, slipped out of his arms and continued talking while slightly pulling on her collar.

“L-Let’s go…”


Dokyun chuckled as he looked at her with his head bowed, then took a step forward and followed her toward the shower room.

While heading to the shower room, the soft and intimate atmosphere still intact, their eyes met again, causing their flesh to grow warmer.

Stealthily, she approached little by little.

“Hey, Mr. bee…”


Her voice was moist and damp.

Their fingertips touched.

Not knowing what else to say, they did it once more at that moment.

They showered, but it was a different kind of cleansing.

And so, a week passed.

[TN: Jinsoon: Jinsoon ramen is famously known for being extremely mild, many Koreans tend not to prefer it. They also playfully personified the ramen by calling it “Kim Jinsoon,” adding a touch of humor to this.

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