I transmigrated into the novel villain Gao Fushuai

Chapter 57

Chapter 57

Of course Huo Mingyu was very reluctant to do business with Shen Yingnian, but he couldn't stand the fragrance of Shenshui, which forced his body to be honest.

And in Shangyanshang, he is a businessman, so naturally he would not affect such a super big business because of personal grievances!

So Lu Xun said it well: There are no permanent enemies, only permanent interests.

And the reason why he would directly quote such a high price is not because he is stupid and has a lot of money, but because he is worried about having long nights and dreams!

Although the competitors on the scene are all at the level of the five scumbags, he is sure that the big news tonight will spread to the ears of those big bosses who were not present, and may even spread to all parts of the country!

Anyone with a little business sense can see the super money scene of this Shenshui. At that time, Huo Mingyu's competitors will be tycoons from all walks of life in the country!
At that time, the price he has to pay will definitely be much higher than now!

In view of this, Huo Mingyu must strive to finalize the business tonight!
In his opinion, if he made such a big quotation in one go, there is a high probability that Shen Yingnian will agree to it with open eyes.

But it's a pity that after suffering several losses, he still couldn't recognize how dark-bellied Shen Dashao was after being reborn...

"Please calm down, everyone, and let me say a few words." Nie Ruoyun showed a smile: "I am really flattered and honored that this water has received such high recognition from everyone. Presumably Mr. Shen knows the news and is sure would be happy to..."

Hearing these scenes, Huo Mingyu's expression froze immediately, because he knew that Nie Ruoyun's next words would definitely have a big turning point!

Sure enough, Nie Ruoyun said a "but" in the next second.

"But I'm sorry, I didn't have time to tell you about the operation of this commercial project in detail just now. Regarding this water, Mr. Shen and I currently plan to adopt a sub-regional agency model, and the agency rights for each region will be announced through the public. Bidding method screening."

As soon as this remark came out, many guests almost cursed!

This is too greedy, too brazen!
The agency rights in each region are publicly auctioned. This is obviously to spread the competition for agency rights to the whole country and attract domestic and foreign capital to enter the competition. When the time comes, everyone will follow suit. I am afraid that every agency right will be very hot. Sweet and sour!
If the marketing is done well, the final agency fee will be more than [-] billion!
But the question is, who gave them the courage to play the up-and-coming game so big? !
Are they really sure that this water is worth fighting for?

Besides, if you're going to make such a coquettish operation, you should have said it earlier. It's been a waste of everyone's feelings to make a fuss for a long time?Or watch everyone play a monkey show?

However, even though they were full of resentment, everyone did not dare to tear their faces openly.

After all, they still want a piece of it.

Moreover, with so many agency rights all at once, there are more opportunities, so I might be able to catch the leak!
Compared to everyone else, Huo Mingyu couldn't accept it. His face was pale and he gritted his teeth!

He was the one who was really played by Young Master Shen!

Not only was my interest in Shenshui discovered by being tested, but I also helped them push up the value of Shenshui in a disguised form.

Looking back, when everyone heard that he had called out a sky-high price of 100 billion to buy agency rights, it was bound to attract more capital attention!
At that time, no matter whether he can win the agency right or not, it will be equivalent to making a wedding dress for Shen Yingnian!

This bastard is too despicable and shameless!

I'm so mad!

Afterwards, Nie Ruoyun informed the time and rules of the auction, let the atmosphere group perform on stage, and left secretly.

The hearts of a group of guests were itchy, their appetites were suffocated, and they could only rely on drinking divine water to soothe their wounded souls.

It is conceivable that the scene of the auction will be bloody and bloody...


At the same time, in a certain presidential box upstairs in the hotel, Young Master Shen was holding a watermelon and eating happily, watching all kinds of beings on the surveillance screen.

Next to her, Lin Chuyin said, "This move of yours is too shameful!"

"As a colleague, since I am contributing to the interests of the country and the people, can't you give me some positive comments?" Shen Yingnian said angrily.

Lin Chuyin just hummed twice. Of course it was not easy to hear compliments from this tsundere little prince.

But in Lin Chuyin's heart, she was really impressed by Shen Yingnian's bad move!
Using a few bottles of water containing spiritual energy has attracted the attention and pursuit of these guests.

According to this lively scene, it can be predicted that "Shenshui" will attract more big shots!

At that time, at the proxy auction, there will be a gathering of powerful people from all walks of life, and this is exactly the bait that Shen Yingnian mentioned earlier!
And there will be a lot of bait, very fat and tender!
In addition to the gimmick of this Shenshui, it is difficult for the gang of robbers not to be attracted!
But Lin Chuyin still wanted to say that Shen Yingnian was too shady, he avoided the risk of being used as a bait, and directly dumped the blame on a group of big shots!

"The auction will be held on the weekend. I have done everything I can, and the rest is up to your abilities." Young Master Shen seemed at ease.

In revolution, there must always be sacrifices. This seems to be a famous saying of Lu Xun.

Lin Chuyin nodded, and then her wonderful eyes flashed, and she asked with deep meaning: "By the way, how did you make that spirit water?"

Shen Yingnian had expected that she would ask this question, and replied very calmly: "I slept in the Taoist temple and had a dream. In the dream, an expert taught this recipe, and it really works."

Lin Chuyin frowned, and looked at Shen Yingnian, who was self-absorbed, in surprise.

She really wanted to say, "I believe in your evil."

But then he remembered that his boss, Zhai Qingyi, had guessed that Shen Yingnian might have obtained a mysterious inheritance in that dilapidated Taoist temple.

After all, in that Taoist temple, there used to be a practice sect called Taijimen.

And some cases of inheritance in special places are also recorded in the secret library of the night watchman organization.

For example, Zhai Qing once comprehended some supreme unique skills and secret techniques in a holy place of practice!
But now Shen Yingnian's transformation was too unbelievable. Before there was any conclusive evidence, Lin Chuyin and the others could only temporarily accept this explanation.

"Let's go back to the bar and arrange an arrest plan with everyone." Lin Chuyin said decisively.

"You go back first, I have to discuss the marketing plan of this water with my subordinates." Shen Yingnian saw that she was very upset, and said, "Didn't you say that joining the Night Watchman will not interfere with the normal life of the members?" Life, as long as the members do not violate discipline and affect the mission. Besides, if I don’t make the marketing plan more realistic, how can I attract those robbers to take the bait.”

He had a point.

Lin Chuyin couldn't refute, so she could only leave the presidential box full of complaints.

As soon as the people left, Shen Yingnian immediately grabbed his mobile phone and called Nie Ruoyun, excitedly asking Nie Ruoyun to come up to meet him.

I gave the heroine another big gift, so I naturally want to take the opportunity to get some more rewards, such as more in-depth exchanges...

Thinking of Nie Ruoyun's excellent taste, Shen Yingnian ate the watermelon even more delightfully.

Just as I was thinking about it, the doorbell rang.

"So fast."

Shen Yingnian hastily ran over to open the door, and was about to carry the small heroine in to carry out Fa-rectification on the spot, but was shocked to find that the big heroine was stuck at the door.

There was a meaningful smile on Lin Chuyin's pretty face, and she said, "I suddenly thought of a better arrest plan, let's discuss it in depth."


(End of this chapter)

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