I, the strongest poisoner, am called the living king of hell by the empress

Chapter 53

The truth is that the truth is that the truth is not true.

"Free whore?"

Wu Zhao frowned and was stunned for a moment.

Shangguan Wan'er and Liu Yu'er also had a look of confusion in their beautiful eyes.

Although they didn't understand what this word meant, seeing Gao Yang speak like this and thinking of some of Gao Yang's vicious plans, they felt that it must be bad.

"What does free whore mean?" Wu Zhao asked puzzled.

"I will make an assumption for your majesty, and your majesty will understand."

Gao Yang looked at Qing'er, "Let's take Miss Qing'er and I as an example. Suppose Miss Qing'er and I agree to pay 500 taels per night."

Qing'er heard this and hurriedly shook her hand in panic, "Master Gao, 50 taels is enough. You are giving too much. This is already a price gouging."

Gao Yang's face was full of black lines, "I said you are worth 500 taels, so you are worth 500 taels. Don't say 500 taels, even 5,000 taels per night is no problem. Anyway, I don't plan to pay."

"Afterwards, if I take out the paper money burned for the dead to pay the bill, may I ask your majesty, is it illegal for me?"

As soon as the words fell.

Wu Zhao's eyes widened suddenly.

No money after the game?

Using paper money to fool people?

Liu Yu'er and Qing'er looked at Gao Yang in disbelief after hearing this.

Is there such a shameless person in the world?

How evil-minded he must be!!!

Even the woman who was playing the guzheng for art but not for her body changed her tune when she heard this, and it was obvious that she had played the wrong string out of surprise.

Unlike everyone else, Gao Changwen's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard this, and he looked straight at Gao Yang.

Before Gao Yang could speak, Shangguan Wan'er spoke first, "It is a crime!"

"Since it is not a transaction, Qing'er can report it to the government and sue you for rape. In my Daqian, raping a woman is a serious crime!"

Gao Yang smiled and said, "Shangguan, you are wrong. Qing'er and I agreed to a deal of 500 taels of silver in advance. It did not violate Qing'er's wishes. I just paid with paper money. How can this be rape?"

Shangguan Wan'er was speechless.

The words are rough, but the truth is true. Even if this is reported to the government, it is not considered rape.

Shangguan Wan'er's eyes turned and she spoke again, "Paper money is for the dead. You took paper money as silver. You are guilty of counterfeiting."

Gao Yang continued to laugh, "Counterfeit money must be circulated in the market and disrupt the credit of Daqian currency, causing harm. This is the crime of counterfeiting. But paper money is for the dead, how can it disrupt the credit of Daqian currency?"

"This counterfeit currency crime is naturally not established!"

Wu Zhao's mouth twitched, and she said faintly: "Gao Yang, you seem to know my Daqian law very well."

Gao Yang said modestly, "Your Majesty, I just know a little bit, not worth mentioning."

"Knowing the law should be the obligation of every Daqian person."

During the seven days in Linjiang City, he was bored and flipped through the laws of Daqian.

Especially the definitions of the major crimes, he read them no less than ten times.

This has almost become his personal habit. As the saying goes, hooligans are not scary, but hooligans with culture are scary.

You don't have to use the law, but you have to understand it.

Now, he knows the laws of Daqian very well.

Shangguan Wan'er gritted her teeth. She still didn't believe that Gao Yang could get it for free.

How is this possible!

She thought about it and sneered quickly, "The agreement was five hundred taels of silver, but the bill was settled with paper money. This fraud can't be escaped, right?"

"This crime is not small!"

Gao Changwen nodded repeatedly. He also thought so. Since the agreement was five hundred taels, and paper money was taken out.

It's hard to escape the crime of fraud!

But he looked at Gao Yang with expectation.

This question is very important to him.

Gao Yang looked at Shangguan Wan'er, spread his hands and said, "Shangguan, according to the laws of Daqian, since fraud is fraud, the value of the defrauded property must be used to convict."

"In the early years, the seven countries had hundreds of schools of thought, including the Legalists. The laws of the seven countries cannot be separated from the Legalists, but since it is a school of thought, it is accompanied by different views. "

"The law will eventually be perfected in the dispute. Regarding the crime of fraud and property, there are mainly two factions. I will call them the pros and cons. The pros insist that property must be protected by the law."

"But the cons believe that as long as it has economic value, it is protected by the law."

"If the pros adopt the pros, then those who are not protected by the law are not considered crimes, which is obviously inappropriate, but if the cons adopt the cons, it is obviously inappropriate because it will lead to unlimited laws!"

"So after hundreds of years of arguing, the view generally recognized by the seven countries has emerged. As long as the property has a certain economic value, it is protected by the law.

Economic value, the law should protect it, but the prerequisite must be recognized by the law! "

"But I am committed to establishing a country with filial piety and governing the country with law. Under morality, such behavior is not supported."

"Since it does not belong to the imperial court, and such transactions are not supported by Daqian laws, how can the crime of fraud be convicted?"

"Obviously that's not true either!"

"So, every time I come to a brothel, I, Gao Yang, don't give me money and choose to have sex for free. Gao Yang is so bad. He even deceives prostitutes. What a scumbag."

"But Gao Yang did not break the law, because Daqian law does not support such behavior!"

"Since Daqian governs the country by law, this is obviously an imperfection of Daqian's law. Therefore, I personally intervene in the situation to perfect our Daqian law!"

"I beg your Majesty to issue an order to make brothels legal and eliminate this legal loophole of free prostitution!"

As soon as this statement came out.

The entire room's eyes widened.

Liu Yu'er and Qing'er's Adam's apples rolled. They never expected that free prostitution was actually not illegal!

Is there still heavenly law or royal law?

Qing'er looked at Gao Yang with fear.

According to this logic, if Gao Yang prostituted her for nothing, even if he sued the government, it would be useless.

Are all scholars in the world so terrible?

Is your heart so dirty?

Is it easy for them to eat some youth food?

Are there any such hateful people in the world?

Liu Yu'er, Qing'er and other women dared not speak out in anger.

The girl playing the guzheng's music was completely messed up, and it was obvious that these words also caused a turmoil in her heart.

This is too bad.

It was so bad that it refreshed her understanding.

Gao Changwen's eyes flickered, and his admiration for Gao Yang at this moment was like an endless stream of water.

If not for the presence of the empress.

He could not wait to kneel down directly to Gao Yang!

It turns out that all you need is a little paper money burned for the dead, and you can get whoring for free!

There was an unbearable heat in his heart.

Wu Zhao and Shangguan Wan'er also looked at Gao Yang.

Since ancient times, except for the Jiaofangsi, brothels have not been recognized by the law, but this is also a subtle thing.

None of them had ever imagined that they could actually take advantage of loopholes in the law.

It’s okay to have sex for free!

"Gao Yang, I really didn't expect that you are so familiar with my Daqian Law. You must have studied hard, right?"

Wu Zhao took a deep breath, and a pair of phoenix eyes fell on Gao Yang, full of complexity.

When others read the law, they mean to govern the country and bring peace to the world, but to stain the world with blood and thunder because of injustice in the world!

This kid actually specializes in taking advantage of loopholes in the law.

If Gao Yang really committed prostitution for nothing and went to court, there really would be no way to convict him!

Gao Yang still said modestly, "As a minister of Daqian, I should be familiar with the laws of Daqian. I will examine myself three times every day!"

And Gao Yang said to Wu Zhao, "Also, even if I come to this brothel, I will not forget your majesty's grace. I have come up with a clever plan for your majesty, which can subtly weaken the strength of the other six countries!"


Wu Zhao's eyes lit up. She was obviously more interested in weakening the Six Nations than engaging in prostitution.

"You can think of ways to weaken the other six countries even when you visit a brothel?"

Wu Zhao had some expectations and some doubts.

Gao Yang nodded heavily, "I am the most honest and loyal minister in Da Qian, how can I dare to deceive you?"

"It's true!"

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