I, the strongest poisoner, am called the living king of hell by the empress

Chapter 18

The police said that the grain storage was empty, and the police were busy.

Linjiang City, County Office.


"Sir, there are some unfamiliar faces among the people who come to buy grain. They are scrambling to buy grain, and they are buying in large amounts. Some even claim that there is no grain in the granary, disturbing the people's hearts. Please make a quick decision."

Master Bai looked at Du Jiang and said in panic.

Du Jiang said with a sullen face, "This must be the obstruction of the four major grain merchants. The grain price in Linjiang City plummeted, and they were the first to bear the brunt. That's why they frantically swept the market to maintain their monopoly on grain storage!"

"Can the grain price in Linjiang City be reduced?"

Master Bai shook his head, "Sir, I have been sending people to keep an eye on it. There is no movement in the shops in various places, and the price has not been reduced yet."

"Not reduced yet?" Du Jiang looked stunned.

Du Jiang's eyes were solemn: "What should we do? With the strength of the four major grain merchants, the grain in the granary will soon be sold out."

"If the people know about this, it will inevitably cause new panic. Pass the order to throw out these people with ulterior motives and slow down the sale of grain!"

Gao Yang came from the backyard of the county government office. He said lightly, "They are eager to cause riots. Doing this will help them!" Gao Yang's eyes were cold, "I suddenly changed my mind. They are rich and powerful. Since they want to sweep, let them."

"I want to see how much they can eat."

Du Jiang was stunned, "What?"

"Sir, if it goes at this speed, I'm afraid it will be swept away by the four major grain merchants in less than a day!"

"Other grain merchants in Linjiang City are still waiting and watching. The price of grain is still sky-high. If This is not the right thing to do with so many people and the four major grain merchants. "

Gao Yang said calmly, "It is the nature of merchants to wait and see."

"Opening the warehouse to release grain is just the first step in the plan."

Gao Yang looked at Shangguan Wan'er, "Immediately block the city gates and docks, and order the soldiers outside the city to escort the "grain" into the city and enter the granary. Anyone who dares to approach this batch of grain will be killed on the spot!"

"Make sure that the people of the city see that there is a steady stream of grain entering Linjiang City!"

"Do everything according to the steps. Within one day, the grain price in Linjiang City will fall!"

"As long as the grain in the granary is controlled within one day, and the grain on the market drops even lower, it will be considered a profit!"

"They can't buy up all the grain on the market."

"Do as I say, release the goods!"

Du Jiang's face was full of realization.

She and Shangguan Wan'er clasped their fists and accepted the order, and walked out one after another.

Gao Yang's eyes were cold.

He can make the rules for the entire Linjiang City. He never had such a wonderful start in his previous life. Do the four major grain merchants dare to compete with him?

Shangguan Wan'er rode a tall horse and came to the gate of Linjiang City with the palace guards.

He held up the golden token bestowed by Wu Zetian, his face cold.

"See this token, as if your majesty is here in person!"

"Immediately, block the city gates, and not a grain of grain can leave the city!"

"Otherwise, kill without mercy!"

The soldiers at the gate knelt down when they saw the token.

"I will obey your majesty's order!"

"Take Lu Ci, and not a grain of grain can leave the city!"

Then, Shangguan Wan'er personally led an army to escort the endless grain carts into Linjiang City and drove towards the granary.

All the people witnessed this scene with their own eyes, and their eyes lit up.

Especially the people who were queuing in front of the granary for hundreds of meters, their faces were full of emotion.


"This is the relief food from the court!"

The people were very excited, and Chen Sheng in the crowd was also shocked.

The relief food has arrived, and the food price in Linjiang City is really going to fall!

Shangguan Wan'er sent people to transport this batch of "food" into the granary. She said coldly, "Your Majesty has ordered that Guangyang County has suffered a great disaster, and 100,000 carts of food have been specially approved to come for disaster relief. This is the first batch of food shipped to Linjiang City. Everyone has a share, as much as you want!"

The people were all in tears.

"Your Majesty has not forgotten us, long live His Majesty!"

"Long live His Majesty!"


Lin Mansion.


"Your Majesty used 100,000 carts of food to go to Guangyang County for disaster relief, and the people of the whole city witnessed the first batch of "food" being sent to the granary?"

Old Lin was shocked and couldn't help but curse.

"These idiots, this is not grain at all, it must be filled with soil or sand!"

"You think you can deceive me with this little trick? You are so naive. Go all out to clean up the granary. When the grain in the granary is gone, I will see how he ends up. The grain merchants in the city are not fools, they will not believe it!"

Old Lin's expression was sinister, like crazy, and he was no longer as calm as before.

The three major grain merchants also regretted not selling too early to make a big profit

One, on the contrary, it is hard to get off the tiger now!

But things have come to this point, so we can only grit our teeth.

"We will definitely do our best and advance and retreat together!"

Inside the county government office.


"Someone else is buying grain in batches!"

Gao Yang sat on a soft chair and took a sip of tea.

He said lightly, "If they want it, then continue to sell it, sell it all!"

Du Jiang gritted his teeth and said, "Do as the censor ordered."

Master Bai immediately went down quickly.

Gao Yang stood up straight, stretched his waist and said to Du Jiang, "Master Du, change into casual clothes with me and go out for a walk together!"

"The real show has begun!"

Du Jiang and Shangguan Wan'er were shocked, "Is the grain price going to plummet?"

Gao Yang nodded lightly, "The stampede has begun!"

"The big trend is overwhelming. In the face of such a big trend, the four major granaries are just a mantis trying to stop a chariot!"

At the same time

All the grain merchants in Linjiang City were in a panic, and the shopkeepers and assistants of all the rice shops were walking anxiously in the store.

Especially some grain merchants from other places, they felt that the sky had fallen!

They bought grain from other places and traveled day and night to Linjiang City, just to make a fortune.

But now, the plan has completely failed.

Linjiang City opened its warehouses to release grain, selling it at a price of 105 wen per bucket, and also blocked Linjiang City, not allowing a single grain of grain to leave the city.

This was a huge blow to them.

"Your Excellency the Censor is trying to kill us!"

Some grain merchants who wanted to make a fortune by losing their homes wailed.

They spent a huge amount of money, and the transportation cost and loss were a considerable amount every day. Every day they stayed in Linjiang City was all cost.

If the grain price in Linjiang City really dropped, they could not sell the grain, and returning dozens of miles away would also be a cost.

That would be a net loss!

Linjiang City Center!

A grain merchant with a chubby face and wearing fancy clothes had a distorted expression.

"The purchase price of 70 wen, including the cost of the journey, is 80 wen per bucket. Now I can make a profit of 25 wen per bucket. If I'm slower, I'll go bankrupt!"


"Sell all at a price lower than 105 wen!"

As the chubby grain merchant sold on the street, the people gathered around.

For them, the county government's granary had a queue of several hundred meters, and they didn't know when it would be their turn.

If it was the same price, or even cheaper, why not?

With the fate of the first grain merchant, other grain merchants in Linjiang City could no longer sit still.

"The damned one has no moral principles. I will sell if he sells. My cost price is lower. If the censor really seals the city for ten days or half a month and does not allow grain to leave the city, then I will lose a lot. I can make a fortune with 93 wen. I am selling at a low price!"

"93 wen a dou!"

For ordinary people, they buy from whichever is cheaper. Grain merchants are afraid of a sharp drop in grain prices, especially those foreign grain merchants, who sell off their grains!

For a while, the whole Linjiang City was in an uproar.

Even the people in the county government's granary heard that there was cheaper grain and flocked to it.

Du Jiang was stunned, "Sir, how did you do this?"

Du Jiang was convinced.

He was really convinced.

Everything was going according to Gao Yang's method.

A large number of grains below 105 wen a dou, this is not afraid of the sniping of the four major grain merchants in Linjiang City!

The county government can go to the market to buy and replenish the granary.

Qian, Zhao, Han and Lin, the four major grain merchants, all bought grain at high prices!

Shangguan Wan'er had a complicated look.

She looked at Gao Yang, who was strategizing, and was shocked.

At this moment, she suddenly understood the importance that the empress attached to Gao Yang. He was really extraordinary!

Gao Yang smiled faintly, "These foreign grain merchants are in a panic. Once there is any sign of trouble, they will definitely sell their grains!"

"This is human nature!"

"Everyone is afraid of selling too slowly, and everyone is afraid of losing everything. Selling at the same time will cause the grain price to plummet rapidly!"

Du Jiang admired, "In less than a quarter of an hour, the grain price in Linjiang City plummeted by 120 wen, and the lowest was 93 wen per bucket. Your methods are amazing!"

Gao Yang looked at the scene of people looting in front of him, and said disdainfully, "93 wen per bucket?"

"Master Du underestimated the stampede effect. These foreign grain merchants are just the first shot of price reduction!"

"The real plunge has not yet begun!"

Gao Yang looked at the location of the Lin Mansion with a meaningful look on his face.

Du Jiang was shocked and said in surprise, "Your Excellency said that the big grain merchants in Linjiang City have not sold yet? But this is absolutely impossible. The four major grain merchants Qian, Zhao, Han and Lin have always been in contact with each other. They can't sell it!"

"But in the current situation, your Excellency's means are enough to give Chang'an an explanation. I will definitely report to the empress and ask for credit for your Excellency!


Gao Yang smiled contemptuously.

The Duke Dingguo's palace is in crisis. If he wants to open up the situation, he can only make the empress trust him!

Cui Xinghe has already lowered the price of food in Qingshui City to eighty-two cents per dou, so how could his goal be ninety-three cents per dou?

He even suffered seven days of infamy!

"A piece of iron?" Gao Yang suddenly looked at Du Jiang and sneered, "Master Du, you think too highly of these four major families. Please remember one sentence. This sentence is not only applicable to this world, even if The same applies after a hundred years or a thousand years!”

Du Jiang was startled and subconsciously looked at Gao Yang.

I saw Gao Yang saying word by word,

"It's easy to live together, but it's hard to die together. It's easy to be rich and powerful, and to share hardships. In this world, there are no friends under interests. The price of grain in Linjiang City plummeted. Grain merchants from other places came to the city. After I opened the warehouse to release grain, everyone Can’t stop it!”

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