I, the strongest poisoner, am called the living king of hell by the empress

Chapter 16

At the same time, Linjiang City.

A ray of golden sunlight pierced through the clouds and enveloped the entire Linjiang City.

In just one night, the price of grain soared by another 20 wen from yesterday's sky-high price of 200 wen per dou.

The price of grain in Linjiang City soared to 220 wen per dou.

Not to mention some ordinary people, even some wealthy merchants can't afford it.

The price of grain has reached an incredible level.

Merchants made a lot of money, but they still hoarded grain and waited for the price of grain to continue to rise!

The streets of Linjiang City and outside the county government were all skinny people.

They gathered together with depressed faces, and a surge of anger went straight to the sky.

If most people didn't have some food in their homes, they would not have run out of ammunition and food.

A terrible public outrage would have overturned the county government long ago.

But everyone knew that if this continued, Linjiang City would be in chaos.

As if it was raining all night, when the public outrage in Linjiang City was about to reach its peak, another piece of news came.

The news that the grain price in Qingshui City, dozens of miles away, was stabilized at 82 Wen suddenly came.

In an instant, the whole Linjiang City exploded.

There is no harm without comparison.

Linjiang City and Qingshui City are connected by a Qingshui River, only dozens of miles away.

They both suffered a great disaster, and the grain price began to rise to 100 Wen per dou, but in just seven days, the grain price in Qingshui City stabilized at 82 Wen per dou.

The grain price in Linjiang City was as high as 220 Wen per dou!

Such a gap was simply unacceptable to the people.

Therefore, the people secretly cursed Gao Yang.

Corrupt official, Gao Baipi, these are all nicknames for Gao Yang.

It is only out of respect for the court that the people dare not curse him in public.

But according to this trend, although there has not been a major riot yet, the people are already on the verge of an outbreak!

In the county government office.

Gao Yang stood in the lobby with his hands behind his back, looking outside.

Even if the gate of the county government office is closed, the angry voices of the people can still be heard.

Linjiang City is about to explode!

Du Jiang walked back and forth in the county government office anxiously, and looked at Gao Yang from time to time with an anxious look on his face.

He is now afraid that Linjiang City will be in chaos first, and then everything will be too late.

But Gao Yang sat on the Diaoyutai, not panicking at all, so he could only worry.

"Master Du, you have been shaking more than ten times this morning, and this young master was almost knocked out by you." Gao Yang said unhappily.

Du Jiang stopped and smiled awkwardly, "Sir, you can sit still in the face of the public outrage outside, but I can't."

"There are few people in the world with your psychological quality!"

Du Jiang was really convinced. Once Linjiang City was in chaos, Gao Yang would be the first to bear the brunt of it, but Gao Yang, at such a young age, showed a calmness that was completely more experienced than him.

It was simply terrifying!

The master on the side was stunned.

When did Du Jiang become so respectful to this young master Gao from Chang'an?

Didn't he want to eat young master Gao alive two days ago?

Gao Yang picked up a cup of tea, took a sip, and felt the fragrance of the tea exploding in his mouth.

Then, Gao Yang said lightly, "Sir Du, please bring the seal of Linjiang City and County."

"The fish has been caught in the jar, it's time to kill it!"

As soon as these words came out, Du Jiang's eyes were filled with excitement.

He hurriedly took the seal of Linjiang County and said excitedly, "Sir, can we close the net now?"

Gao Yang nodded and said calmly, "Post the notice immediately. All granaries in Linjiang City will be opened to release grain. The grain will be sold at a price of 105 coins per bucket!"

"This notice must be spread throughout the streets and alleys of Linjiang City!"

Then, Gao Yang looked at Shangguan Wan'er, "From now on, send troops to take over the docks. All cargo ships are not allowed to leave the city!"

"Those who violate the order will be executed!"

"The gates of Linjiang City will be heavily guarded. Not a single grain of grain can leave the city!"

Du Jiang and Shangguan Wan'er couldn't help showing excitement on their faces when they heard this.

After being frustrated for seven days and planning for seven days, Gao Yang finally made a move.

And it was a big move!

"We will obey your order."

The two responded in unison.

Shangguan Wan'er was even more amazed.


Too cruel!

Not only did they open the warehouses to release grain, they also sold grain at a price of 105 coins per bucket to impact the market, and they also blocked the city gates and docks.

With such behavior, all the major grain merchants must be panicking!

"Sir, I am a little worried. As you said before, if the warehouses are opened to release grain, I am afraid that there will not be enough grain in the granaries!"

"As long as the grain merchants in the city hold on for a few days, once the grain in the granaries is sold out, what will happen then?

Is it good?"

"Please give me some advice, sir!"

Du Jiang humbly asked for advice.

Now the price of grain is sky-high. Once the warehouse is opened to release grain, it will be sold at a price of 105 wen per bucket. The people will definitely scramble for it.

Gao Yang smiled and said, "Did Lord Du forget the batch of "relief grain" outside the city?"

Du Jiang's eyes lit up instantly when he heard this.

But he frowned and said, "The four major grain merchants Qian, Zhao, Han and Lin have been entrenched in Linjiang City for a hundred years. Their forces are complicated. I'm afraid they know the truth about the granary..."

Gao Yang's eyes flashed with coldness and disdain.

"They know, they can resist, but can those foreign grain merchants and small grain merchants in Linjiang City resist?"

"If you sell first, you will make a profit, and if you sell later, you will go bankrupt. If you don't sell, you will lose a net loss. If you are Lord Du, what would you choose?" Gao Yang said dimly, "You can avoid conspiracy, but how can you avoid open conspiracy? "

Du Jiang suddenly realized, his face flushed red!

He understood everything.

Gao Yang, too cruel!

He wanted to trample on foreign grain merchants and force the four major grain merchants to sell grain!

"I'll do it now!"

Du Jiang was so anxious that he pretended to leave.

Gao Yang said again, "Wait!"

Du Jiang turned around and looked at Gao Yang, "What else do you want, sir?"

Gao Yang said indifferently, "There is not much grain in the granary, don't sell it too quickly, let the people line up to buy, and register one by one."

"Spread the news to the outside world, saying that His Majesty has ordered disaster relief and transported 100,000 carts of grain to Linjiang City. I hate these grain merchants who make money from the national disaster the most in my life, so I want to make all these grain merchants who make money from the national disaster bankrupt!"

"The grain restriction order may be ten days, or it may be half a month, it all depends on my mood! "

Du Jiang's scalp tingled instantly.

He said directly, "Your Excellency's plan is too vicious. These grain merchants have met you for the rest of their lives. I'm afraid the grain prices in Linjiang City will plummet!"

Du Jiang hurried out and did as Gao Yang ordered.

Shangguan Wan'er was puzzled, "I'm afraid foreign grain merchants won't believe this kind of gossip, right?"

Gao Yang smiled contemptuously, "Your Excellency Shangguan, you are wrong."

Shangguan Wan'er looked at Gao Yang's pretty face with doubts.

Gao Yang explained, "Your Excellency Shangguan still doesn't understand human nature. These foreign grain merchants traveled dozens of miles to sell grain. At least one-tenth of the grain was lost on the road. The corvée and the cooks need wages and food every day. Every day they delay, their costs are rising. "

"Even if they refuse to sell, returning is a huge cost. At this time, even the slightest disturbance will make them panic! "

"And the real trick of this game is trampling. The first batch of grain merchants can still make money, but the grain merchants who come later can't even get a share of the soup..."

Shangguan Wan'er heard this, her expression was complicated.

Luluo's cute little face turned pale.

She looked like she had seen a ghost.

Gao Yang had taken advantage of her a lot in the past few days, laughing and joking.

But I didn't expect it to be so scary.

"My lord, you won't sell me one day, and I will count the money for you..." Luluo said weakly.

Gao Yang laughed, "Does this lord look like this?"

Luluo nodded without hesitation, but then shook her head.

Gao Yang: "..."

He directly pinched Luluo's baby fat face, and deliberately said viciously, "Pinch my shoulders. If you feel uncomfortable, you have to be careful!"

Luluo quickly brought a chair.

"My lord, please sit down. "

Then she began to massage Gao Yang's shoulders attentively.

This made Gao Yang laugh.

Not to mention Luluo, even Shangguan Wan'er felt a wave of fear when she looked at Gao Yang's pretty face.

It's hard to imagine that the heart of a young man who came from a hundred-year-old general family is so dirty.

But she felt refreshed.

She suddenly thought of Wu Zetian's words.

"The corrupt officials and profiteers in the world are so cruel and vicious that it's hard to imagine. Ordinary means are hard to contain them. Evildoers should be punished with evildoers! "

She suddenly understood.

Qingshui City's Cui Zhuangyuan, in her eyes a pillar of talent, is proficient in governing the country, but he has used all means to curb the grain price in Qingshui City at 82 wen per dou, and it cannot fall any further!

But in Linjiang City, these grain merchants have raised the grain price to 220 wen per dou and are still not satisfied.

How much will the price fall if Gao Yang uses all his means?

Shangguan Wan'er is not sure, but she knows that it is impossible to be 82 per dou!

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