I swung my greatsword at Hogwarts

Chapter 17 Quidditch Matches and Conspiracies


John pictured a white horse with spiraling horns growing out of its head.

The unicorn is synonymous with purity and a protected species.

After hearing the wailing, Hagrid ran in that direction, and the general grid was not slow to run.

John's exercised physical fitness seemed fragile under the innate advantages.

Hagrid, who was used to running in the mountains and forests, ran past without blushing or panting, and John barely kept up with running with all his strength.

At a water source in the woods, they found a unicorn.

The beautiful unicorn was howling there, and there was a horrible scar on the unicorn's body, continuously shedding silver-white blood like mercury.

"Approach carefully."

Hagrid made a sound of vigilance. He held the crossbow tightly in his hand. As long as there was a situation, he would send the crossbow away without hesitation.

The two came to the unicorn cautiously. After seeing the miserable situation of the unicorn, Hagrid couldn't bear to watch.

"Oh no."

He knelt down to heal the unicorn, but the unicorn was badly hurt.

"No one will do anything to a unicorn, except those crazy people who want to die."

Hagrid's heart was heavy, the wound was beyond healing.

John's heart also sank, unicorns are pure things, even creatures in the Forbidden Forest will not do anything to unicorns.

A person appeared in his mind, Quirrell.

It is very strange that the other party leaves Hogwarts every night, and now that the unicorn has been attacked again, it is hard to say that it has nothing to do with Quirrell.

"John, let's bury her."

The two accompanied the unicorn on its final journey.

The unicorn gradually lost its vitality, and finally the pupil lost its spirit and fell there.

Buried the unicorn in the Forbidden Forest, Hagrid was in a bad mood all the way.

John understood him. Hagrid was originally a fan of magical animals. Seeing the unicorn die in front of him must make him feel bad.

"Hagrid, look away, we need to cheer up."

In Hagrid's hut, John tastes rock pie.

It was this cake that almost didn't send him away, and Hagrid gradually felt better after being comforted by John.

"That must not be an ordinary incident, we must prevent it from happening again." Knowing that there would be a second time, John sounded the alarm to Hagrid in advance.

Hagrid raised his spirits, "John, you are right, we have to protect those cuties."


John thought only Hagrid would call something in the Forbidden Forest that.

After the patrol, John feeds Fang Fang dog food.

He didn't go back to the lounge immediately, but went to the library on the fifth floor.

Skillfully coming to the restricted area, John finds out about the Occlumency spell.

Now he feels more and more that the crisis is approaching, and Occlumency is imminent.

Going to the Room of Responsiveness to study, after a night of trying, he finally managed to rise to level 1 with the Xueba mode turned on.


The day of the Quidditch match.

John came to the auditorium to eat toast, and Hermione over there coaxed Harry like a sister.

"I don't want to eat anything."

Harry shook his head and rejected Hermione's offer, he was so nervous now that his calves were shaking.

This feeling is terrible, he is more afraid of losing the game in front of everyone than falling off the broomstick.

"Don't be nervous Harry, just be yourself."

John took a sip of water and smiled at Harry: "If you catch up with the golden snitch and you don't have the strength to catch it, that's bad. If you get hit by a Bludger, that's even worse. You have to go to the school hospital to lie down for a while." .”

Harry thought it made sense, and reluctantly ate two mouthfuls of bread.

He didn't want Madam Pomfrey nagging in his ear.

Seamus Finnigan, a young Hogwarts blasting genius, asked John curiously: "John, do you want to go to the game too? Let's see how we can fix Slytherin."

"Uh... I'm Slytherin."

"Sorry, that's not what I meant."

Seamus explained in a panic, and John said he understood.

For some reason, Gryffindor students always subconsciously regard John as Gryffindor.

Malfoy came over, accompanied by two followers. Seeing Gryffindor and the annoying Potter, he snorted coldly.

"Wick, I'll take you to the Quidditch pitch. You don't know where it is." He had a feeling of being merciful.

John thought that he was going to Slytherin to cheer anyway, so he simply went there together.

After they left, Ron came back to his senses with his mouth wide open, and said in disbelief, "I'm not mistaken, Malfoy actually invited John."

Harry also behaved in the same way, "I really want to say that you are wrong, but I saw it too."

Seamus directly conspired, and swore, "John must have used the Confusion Curse on Malfoy."

Hermione felt that the lion cubs were a little too aggressive, she wrinkled her nose and said, "John has been doing very well all the time, he has almost added two hundred points to Slytherin."

good performance?

The little lions of Gryffindor looked at each other and beat Malfoy at the beginning of school. Is that a good name?

They are lost.


Quidditch is indeed the most popular sport in the wizarding world, and the huge Quidditch pitch almost made it impossible for John to squeeze in.

"See, only this young master can find such a good position here."

Malfoy was showing off, as if it wasn't John who had dragged him up the stairs from the near fall just now.

Gore and Crabbe opened up and found them a good position.

The stadium is divided into two groups, one is the red of Gryffindor, and the other is the green of Slytherin.

The two sides have not yet started the game, and the audience almost started fighting first.

As the silver whistle of Ms. Hooch from the flight class sounded, the Quidditch match officially started.

The commentator for the game was Lee Jordan of Gryffindor, with Professor McGonagall, a diehard Quidditch fan, beside him.

When Gryffindor scored, he almost jumped for joy, and after Slytherin scored, he just said a few words and said nothing.

This made John couldn't help complaining, no one felt that something was wrong with such a blatant partiality.

After the first goal, John saw Hagrid in the opposite red wave squeeze into the crowd.

Obviously wizards can hardly resist the temptation of Quidditch, Ron and Hermione are like two dolls next to Hagrid.

The game was fierce, mainly because of the many fouls.

John had heard no less than five or six foul calls from the audience anyway.

It's a pity that Quidditch is not football, and there is no such thing as a red card.

Suddenly, John saw Harry wiggle his broom up and down wildly, as if he had been drinking fake wine.

He subconsciously glanced at Malfoy, who was gleefully watching the misfortune of his nemesis Potter.

"That's right, Malfoy doesn't have the strength." John muttered, but Malfoy didn't hear clearly.

After watching for a while, Harry's broom finally recovered.

It was John who saw that his dean's robe was on fire, and when he got up, he threw his elbow on Quirrell's face behind him.

"It must hurt."

Unexpectedly, the dean of his own family had practiced it before, and this elbow almost made Quirrell faint.

Anyway, John saw the back of Quirrell's head hit the back seat hard, and he didn't recover for at least a few minutes.

Harry, who had recovered, found the Snitch, and he chased after it quickly, swooped towards the ground and fell to the ground.

People saw him covering his mouth with his hands and spitting out the Snitch.

Lee Jordan immediately announced that Harry had caught the Snitch and ended the game.

With 170:60, Gryffindor won.

John felt a pity and said, "We're short of a good Seeker."

With the blessing of Harry's superb flying skills and the krypton gold Nimbus 2000, Slytherin's Seeker is like a piece of wood.

Malfoy nodded approvingly, and when he realized when he had such a good relationship with John Wick, he left directly.

At the same time, Malfoy also planted a seed in his heart, he must become Slytherin's Seeker and torture Potter severely.

The broomstick is out of control, and John feels very suspicious.

As for whether his own dean did it, John can only say that Snape is a good man.

After all, the infatuated Snape would not hurt Lily's child if he hurt anyone. He even suspected that if Harry was a girl, Snape would change his job directly to develop it.

This is a man who dared to backstab Voldemort for the goddess he had a crush on.


"Forget the big dog, forget what it's watching, this is between Professor Dumbledore and Nico Flamel..."

"Aha, so there is a man named Nicole Flamel involved, right?"

Hagrid's annoyed and angry voice and Harry's questioning voice about what he found sounded.

John, who came over after watching the game, stood at the door thinking whether he should go in now.

Looking at the dog food he brought, he felt that he could wait, but the gluttonous Ghost Yaya probably couldn't wait.

He could already hear the sound of teeth drooling.

I don't know how this big dog recognized Tom as the boss for food.

Knocking on the door and opening it, he saw Hagrid with an angry, annoyed and sulky face.

The three little ones are also inside.

Well, there are rock cakes on the table.

Hope Hermione's dentist dad can fix their teeth.

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