I started an industrial revolution in another world

Chapter 263

Chapter 263 The Federation’s conquest begins! [4/7]

“Look, what’s going on!” A monitor from the Los Empire Satellite Monitoring Department suddenly shouted

“What’s wrong?”

“What happened?”

The other technicians gathered around immediately.

“Look at this.”

The monitor called up the image that had just been sent back by the ultra-long-distance monitoring satellite.

The image was monitoring the open-air test site of the Magic Empire.

The scene shown on the image was first an explosion, then dozens of small missiles appeared out of thin air, and finally all the magicians died inexplicably.

After watching it, all the monitors fell silent.

“They seem to have been killed by missiles and sniper rifles.”


Everyone looked at each other, and one person asked the question:”Where is the enemy?”

“Yes, where is the enemy?!”

“We are watching these missiles all the time. Why did they suddenly appear out of nowhere?”

“Who attacked the Magic Empire?”

For a moment, the monitors were all confused.

“Look, someone has appeared!”

Suddenly, another monitor’s shout attracted everyone’s attention.

The secret experimental site of the Magic Energy Empire.

The space crack in the air expanded to its maximum.

It turned out that it was some kind of transparent, very inconspicuous space crack at the beginning, which was extremely easy to be ignored.

That’s why the attack can suddenly appear from the space crack, as if it appeared out of thin air.

And now the space crack suddenly became larger, from transparent to dark.

Gradually, the space crack became larger and larger, and finally formed a portal-like space. A humanoid steel made of steel, painted yellow-green, and 1.9 meters tall stepped out from it.

It looked outside with eyes shining with yellow light.

The shape in its hand was like a twisted stick, but it was obvious that there was a magazine, and it was a weapon of some kind of firearm. It raised it and walked out.

Behind it, there were countless identical humanoid steels holding rifles that looked like twisted sticks in their hands and began to move forward.

Exploring this area

“What kind of army is this?”

Someone in the Los Empire satellite monitoring department exclaimed

“Where did these people come from? I am sure there is no such army in the entire Roliland continent.”

“It must be reported. I will write the report and you continue to monitor!”

A monitor immediately took out a laptop and started typing on it.

The secret test site of the Magic Empire.

At that time, only a few dozen humanoid steels came out.

They held the twisted stick-like weapons in their hands and checked back and forth. They mainly checked the bodies on the ground.

A humanoid steel used the weapon in his hand to hit a body on the ground and”bang bang.”

Two small beams of light shot out instantly, making two small blood holes in the body on the ground.

“Who is it?”

At this time, the knights who were on guard outside and had rushed over after hearing the noise shouted loudly.

“Enemies spotted!”

The yellow light flashed in the eyes of the dozens of humanoid steels, and they immediately raised the twisted stick-like weapons in their hands.

The next moment, after a crackling sound, dozens of short rays shot out from the humanoid steels one after another.

The speed of these rays was amazingly fast, and almost every time a shot was fired, a ray appeared quickly and then disappeared.

A small hole was also broken in the body of the knight who was hit, and it still emitted a burnt smell.


“Dodge, dodge!”


More than half of the dozens of knights who came over were killed or wounded in the first encounter.

The remaining knights frantically looked for cover, then took off the 98k-like rifles on their backs and began to fight back.

“Where did these people come from!”

“They are so strong!”

“Is this a new research of the Los Empire! ?”

“Damn these bastards!”

A knight shouted and raised the bolt-action rifle in his hand. As soon as he stuck his head out, he fired a shot.

The bullet flew out of the chamber and instantly hit the head of a humanoid steel.

“”Bang!” A small hole appeared on the forehead of the humanoid steel.

But a yellow light flashed in its eyes, and it instantly raised its hand and fired a shot. A ray of light shot out directly, instantly piercing the forehead of the knight who had just stuck his head out and had no time to retreat. The knight fell straight back. Immediately, a companion behind the same wall crawled over to check the wound

“The wound is burnt! No blood is flowing out. The weapons they use are different from ours!”

“And these guys are not real people, they are steel puppets!” he screamed

“”Beep, beep, beep.”

Suddenly, a round object with yellow light flashing and emitting alarm sounds was thrown directly to the dozen knights in the bunker.


All the knights looked at it in horror and ran away immediately.


Before the scream could be heard again, the object exploded instantly.

The flames instantly swept the surrounding area, and the dozen knights were buried in the sea of ​​fire.

“Bang, bang, bang, bang.”

In the smoke from the explosion, a humanoid steel figure walked out with loud and stiff steps.

Its head turned, and the yellow light shining in its eyes kept exploring the surroundings.

“The regional enemies have been cleared for the time being, but there may be other enemies.”

“The preliminary investigation revealed that the basic weapons of this world are backward, other weapons are unknown, and the highest combat power is unknown.”

“Everything is subject to follow-up observation. The advance team can enter”

“The Federation has begun to take steps to conquer this world.”

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