I Somehow Got Tasked With Managing A Realm

I Somehow Got Tasked With Managing A Realm – Chapter 27

"I still can't believe this guy is real."

Since his victory over the lone mountain chicken, Uunga had gone on to defeat nearly twenty more. He would separate one predator away from any groups he came across and pick them off one by one. The battles were hard-fought each time, however, the only signs of battle on his skin were the three massive scars on his chest from his first fight.

Not only had his skills improved immensely, but so had his equipment. After seeing how sharp the creature's talons were, he hafted one onto a small handle and made what resembled a curved dagger. Uunga also replaced the stones on his club with the teeth of the beast and used its hide to make durable clothing.

While on the topic, most of the humans in my realm had made simple clothing out of chicken skin and feathers. They provided a bit of comfort yet were terribly fragile. The mountain chicken skin on the other hand was both extremely durable and warm. Uunga saw this firsthand through his many encounters with the creatures.

His clothing itself was a bit crude, though it more than served its purpose. He fashioned what appeared to be a long kilt and draped a large piece of hide over his shoulders which covered his chest, stomach, and back. It was tied to guarantee it did not restrict his arm movements.

In addition to this, he also made a small pouch in which he stored things like flint and extra mountain chicken teeth for when those on his club needed to be replaced.

This guy isn't just a bit more advanced than the other humans... he's leagues ahead of them.

We had managed to find a prodigy in this primitive world. Not only was that amazing, but we were lucky enough to come across him right when it was time to choose an oracle.

I watched as the time in the domain changed to 1pm and glanced over to Mr. Flippers.

"It's finally time- are you ready?"


A new icon appeared on the screen, which I immediately clicked on.


You Are Eligible To Select An Oracle

Select Now?

Yes      /      No


I unhesitantly clicked yes and was then instructed to point out with lifeform I wanted to make into an oracle.

After focusing the screen on Uunga, another confirmation window popped up.


Lifeform - Human

Eligibility - Confirmed

Give Oracle Status?

Yes      /      No

*Warning: This choice is irreversible and
the ruler will allocate divinity.


I clicked yes again and the window disappeared.

"... Did it work? It doesn't look like anything is- urghwgrlkgjlkr"


A sudden and terrible feeling washed over me. It felt like someone shoved a straw in my back and was sucking the energy out of my body. I fell into the chair as my divinity was rapidly drained.

Luckily, the whole process didn't last long and the extremely unpleasant extraction soon came to a stop. My body was still tingling and felt heavier than before, but nothing else seemed too out of the ordinary afterward.

"You're okay, right Mr. Flippers?" I checked on the confused penguin next to me.


"Alright, good," I turned my attention back to the screen after making sure the tiny guy was fine, "Hey- do you see that?"


"Those clouds-"

I pointed at the screen where dark clouds were suddenly forming over Uunga. Although their extent was much less severe than what the two of us were faced with back near Antarctica, the sight was extremely familiar.

Even Uunga seemed to be uneasy at this irregular event and quickly began looking for cover as the wind rapidly intensified. Rain started to pour down onto the cherry tree forest and leaves were swept up in the gusts.

Isn't it a bit weird how these storms keep forming whenever someone's about to get divinity? I never heard Julia mention it... then again, I don't think I ever really brought it up either.

The storm was still gradually intensifying and a small chicken was blown into Uunga's face as he continued to dash through the forest.

It would only be a matter of time until those beams started coming.

Once he gets hit, I should be able to talk to him according to the sheep instructor... ah-

A sudden realization washed over me.

Shoot! I didn't even think about what to say! Okay, okay- there's still time. Obviously, I need to give him the basics of the situation and explain the whole Oracle thing, but how should I talk?

This dilemma might seem trivial, however, it could make a monumental difference in how I was viewed and treated by my lifeforms.

If I was too nonchalant or relaxed I might risk the Oracle not taking me seriously. On the other hand, if I was extremely demanding or condescending, I would quickly become hated.

'Condescending' was not a term that I'd really think of when describing myself, but the point still stands.

I needed to find some middle ground where I could be a strong leader, while still being respected and likable.

As I was trying to figure this all out, I witnessed the first beam being shot out of the clouds.

Yellow? Wasn't the one that hit me more green-ish?

It might even resemble lightning from a distance, but its altered color did not change its target. Just as the beam was about to hit Uunga, he reflexively jumped to the side leaving the beam to meekly disperse into the ground.

Man... they really do take after me.

A smile naturally formed on my face from the nostalgia.

Uunga stared at the ground where the beam had vanished with a face of confusion before looking up at the clouds.

Another beam launched towards him; he moved his club in front of his body to block it.

Oof- bad move.

The yellow beam went right through the club and hit Uunga directly in the chest.

He touched his chest in confusion- there was no impact on his club nor was there pain on his body. A strange warmth seemed to flow through his blood instead.

On my screen, a new notification was displayed.


Oracle Selection - Complete

Establishing Link...

Oracle Link - Complete


A strange feeling, almost like a faint tingly sensation, welled up in my chest signifying that the oracle process had concluded.

I guess I'll just act like Sky? I mean, the sheep instructor vaguely has this whole authority thing down. Well, whatever- here goes nothing.

"Hongo. Sun hus ru?"

Uunga immediately flinched with my voice and got into a battle stance- steadily looking around for where my voice came from.

"... Ru hus. Urgu cag sun?"

I nodded to Mr. Flippers to signal the success.

There shouldn't be a problem, but let me check anyway.

"And can you understand my words when I speak like this?"

Uunga hesitated for a moment seemingly processing what I had said.

"... I can."

Perfect! It looks like the system will translate everything between us automatically if we need it.

'Translating' wasn't too accurate of a description as to what was happening. It was more like we could understand the intent of our words, but the actual sounds did not change.

Although I understood his language pretty well since I was present during its creation, it was still extremely limited in the details that it could express. Giving orders in English would make things much easier for the competition.

"Greetings, Uunga. You may be confused about what is going on. You are at no risk, so please listen to what I say."

His tension lessened a bit with my words, yet he still stood silent with his club gripped in his hand.

Well, that's to be expected. So far so good-

"I am the creator of the world you reside. The air you breathe, the chickens you eat, and the ground on which you stand were all made by my hands. I have been watching over you for a long time- I have seen your knowledge, your bravery, and your might. You have made me proud, and so, I have come to you with a mission.

This world is in danger. There are creatures set on the destruction of everything you see. Although I am using my power to thwart their advance, I will need you to be ready to protect this world if the need arises. To compensate you for following my orders, I have given you a portion of my power to assure that you have the strength needed to defend against any creature that you may encounter. Will you accept this mission and become my Oracle?"

Uunga did not move nor speak at first as he processed everything that I had said.

It was a lot to take in, and for someone with as great of a mind as him, his 'agreement' would not come without questions.

"... You say that you have created this world. How do I know you are honest?"

Just the question I was expecting.

"I am telling the truth- I created everything that you see. Unfortunately, I have used up all of my power in the process of doing so. I am unable to touch the world, but I can still see it clearly. I saw your first successful hunt, I witnessed your victory over the mountain chickens, and I watched over the settlement where you grew up. The proof of my creation is in my words, though I know someone like yourself may have some doubts."

"I do have doubts. You know my past. I do not know yours. I can not trust a person who I can not see."

While we were talking, a golden opportunity started to present itself to me on the screen. Although I was originally going to prove what I said by giving him information about the world, it seemed there was an easier way.

"I understand your weariness, Uunga, so how about I prove my words another way? I have given you a portion of my power for my task- you might as well test it out."

Uunga immediately tensed after hearing my statement and quickly looked around.

"While we were talking, a few mountain chickens came to see what the noise was about," I continued as a group of four mountain chickens advanced through the trees, "If you really do not trust me, you have the ability to run away. However, with my power, you can easily defeat these beasts."

The group of mountain chickens finally spotted the lone human who tightly gripped his spiked club.





"... I will accept this challenge," Uunga declared staring down the beast that sprinted toward him, "Let me see the power you have granted."

As was routine for him, Uunga did a hard swing at the mountain chicken's head before rolling out of the way-

or that's what he was planning to do.


The moment his club connected with the mountain chicken's head, its skull completely shattered and its neck shot to the side with a loud crack.

Uunga stared at his blood-covered club in shock as the huge beast collapsed lifeless onto the ground in front of him. Before he could finish processing what happened, the remaining predators rushed towards him, enraged after seeing their fallen comrade. 


His club collided with the body of the first of these three. Despite its tough skin and feathers, Uunga was positive that the hit broke a few of its ribs.


The wounded mountain chicken backed off and its two brothers took its place. Uunga moved to his left causing one of the chickens to get in the way of the other. He took a swing at the beast in front of him- the teeth on his club dug into the creature's neck.


Blood gushed from its wound, but before he could land another blow, the second mountain chicken shoved it out of the way and lunged toward the human.

Uunga leaped to the side landing way further than he expected. The mountain chickens paid no mind to the impressive feat and rushed towards him together.

Rather than waiting for them, Uunga sprinted toward them and jumped off the ground with his club held above his head.


He swung his club down onto the head of the middle beast- its head nearly exploding into a puddle of brain matter and blood as it slammed into the ground.

With the two surviving chickens on both sides, he lunged towards the one to his left which had the blood leaking from its neck, and tackled it to the ground. Before it could push him off, the beast's neck was slashed open with the talon knife that hung on his waist.

Uunga suddenly ducked to the ground onto the corpse as the huge body of the final beast barreled over him and brushed past his head. He rose to his feet and glared at the final chicken that regained its balance.

It was now a one-on-one...


... And there was no way that a mountain chicken would be able to win that.

The forest bursting with the sounds of battle moments before fell silent; the four attackers layed dead on the moss.

I let Uunga catch his breath before speaking.

"That was a good fight! I expected nothing less of you. I have only given you a drop of my power, yet you were able to conquer four of those beasts simultaneously. Once you get used to this new strength, that number will only rise."

"I see," Uunga looked at his fist as he clenched it a few times, "The power you granted is strong. I do not know if you made the world, but I will follow you for now."


I turned to Mr. Flippers and gave him a high five.

"Thank you, Uunga. There are still forty winters until you will need to defend this world. Until then, I have an important task for you. You are as wise as you are strong. I would like you to travel around this world and teach others your knowledge. Spread the word of your clothes, your clubs, and your fire. Make them aware of my existence and train yourself for the fight.

You may have my power, but I can not only watch you. There is a whole world that needs my attention. I will guide you when I feel it is needed, but until then, follow what I have said before to the best of your ability."

As much as I'd like to have an increased role in his actions, it wasn't very needed and would probably just annoy Uunga. I also would not be able to communicate well once I sped up the domain time, and given how I did not want to spend 300 years waiting to see Julia again, I wanted to increase the speed when I could.

"I understand," Uunga responded, "Where are the people?"

I guess the easiest route would be for him to travel east until he reaches the gulf, then stop by the temple afterward in a loop.

It was a good strategy given the numerous settlements on this path- Uunga would be able to get into contact with some of the largest groups this way. Depending on how much time is left after he reaches the temple, I could either have him cross the river or do some pit-stops at other scattered settlements more out of the way.

"After you are done with those beasts, head in the direction of the rising sun. Do not spend too much time with the people until you reach a body of water that you can not see across."

"... Does such a place exist?"

"It does. I created it."

Uunga only nodded his head and began using his sharpened talon knife to harvest the hide from the fallen mountain chickens.

The world would soon meet its first oracle. 

At long last, we finally have an Oracle!!! I know I keep saying it, but it feels crazy to me that you guys are finally reading this arc lol. Just for reference, this chapter was written in mid-October. I have been writing like crazy the last couple days and I'm addicted T.T I have so many ideas for how I want the arc I'm writing to go, but I'm not sure which one to pick~ (chapter 42 btw). Anyway, have fun reading and welcome to everyone just joining in! :D

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