I reincarnated as a vampire, what’s the plan? Act II

Vampire vs Water Hydra – Part 3

I'm fed up, OK?

It's one thing after another, and I can't relax at all.

Doesn't anyone know that dying and being reincarnated in another world is too tiring no matter who we're talking about?

This is already the second time I've had to change my clothes with [Recreation] to make it as cool as possible. And I certainly still think it's unnecessary that I'm making myself part of this conflict.

- - -

[The skill "Resistance to Intimidation" comes into play]

- - -

I'm actually shitting myself in fear... because this megalithic beast that I had only imagined thanks to light novels, manga and video games was present in front of me. It looks perfectly like a [Dragon], but it's much more than that.

I can't stop sweating now...

Seriously, what's with all this development?

Now I'm destined to face things that are impossible for a single person or something?

Please... don't bother me...

You already know the reasons why I couldn't have a peaceful life before...

At least I was waiting for some time to get used to this, to this new perspective and above all to this new reality in which I will be living for eternity.

I have rules to follow...

And I promised to abide by those rules to the letter.


-Just because you're a big deal doesn't mean you're going to make me back down. -. I say those words while smiling.

The [Hydra] looks at me intently.

The next moment-

{You know this is a fight you can't win, right?}

A voice echoes in my head.

I know it is none other than the [Hydra], for this is a voice I have never heard before.

I then see the monster open its great wings, a strong air blows and whirlwinds begin to form around us.

I'm doing my best... to keep calm...

I'm really going... going to kill you...

A myriad of warnings begin to ring through my head.

All right...

I start walking, holding a freshly made sword in my hands. With this thing I won't be able to lose in any way.

Step by step, I advance towards the battle...

----[Third person perspective]:

Elise advances step by step towards the [Water Hydra]. Holding nothing more than a simple sword.

She doesn't know how to wield it at all. It is quite large for her young girl hands, and at the same time, heavy without any doubt of it.

The blonde girl is showing insurmountable determination to prostrate herself in front of a gigantic enemy. And even knowing that it is almost impossible for her to do anything like beat him.

It is practically impossible, but she will have to push herself beyond her limits.

She is fully aware of the difference between the proportions, and knowing that at any moment her life could slip through her fingers, she does not retreat a single step with what she does.

The [Water Hydra], who was once an ancient dragon knows how dangerous she is. She cannot be confident even though her stats are so different, she can still fail in this fight if she is careless.

She is able to read the thoughts that go through the girl's mind...

- - -

[I'm going to die... I'm going to die...]

- - -

It is a line of thought from someone terrified, as if it were a human.

The [Hydra], hearing this, feels confused.

A [Vampire] afraid of death?

That's... not... normal, let's say.

During his long life of a thousand years, all the [Vampires] the [Hydra] met were beings full of inexhaustible pride who had no fear of death. It was the first time he had ever seen a [Vampire] fear another race.

But what doesn't matter is the present fear... the hydra knows it won't be like that in the future. Her ability [Future Prediction] see the future of its targets.

It is already predestined.

The [Hydra] knows it. This was the worst mistake he could have made in his life. For through this fight, the one who will die is herself, not the [Vampire] whose legs are currently trembling.

The future of the girl with the sword... is so dark, deep, terrifying and repulsive, that it would make anyone recoil, even the [Gods] themselves if they have no knowledge of what is in store for this individual in question.

Though many people suffer because of her, though the worst wounds have been inflicted upon her, though she has faced foes impossible to defeat under ordinary means.

She remains a [Vampire].

At some point in her life, everything will go awry to give birth to one of the greatest misfortunes Gamma has seen in centuries.

Ceasing to care about anything but herself, she will trample entire lives while despising every other species in this world. Watching it all from a gigantic hall decorated with a golden throne, a place where beings just as grim as herself prostrate themselves on their knees, awaiting their queen's orders.

It will provoke fear in those who have never felt it. She will bring pain even to those who cannot feel it. She prostrates herself at the apex of supremacy.

No one will be able to oppose her, and no one will be able to deny any of her desires.

The future is... like an abyss of despair.

However. To defend his pride as an ancient dragon, the [Water Hydra] will do everything in her power to stand up to that girl with the terrifying red eyes.

----[Elise's perspective]

I take a deep breath.

To this day I don't fully understand the way this body is made. I also don't know the rules in it, but I know that there is only one thing to do...

Voice in my head. Take control of the body.

- - -

[As you request. The "System" will take control of the body for an indeterminate time.]

- - -

As soon as I let the [System] take over in my place, my body begins to move at a speed I would never have imagined in my previous life.

Seeing my run, the [Hydra] shoots in my direction the swirling torrents of water that had not moved until now. And along with the whirlwinds came compressed water in the form of blades, increasing the lethality of the whole thing.

But now...

I just don't feel anything.

Because now, no matter what I do, I'm not going to die.

It's true, I forgot while the fear was overcoming me, but after [Complete Evolution] I was told.

[The player will not be able to die].

That statement was my sentence. And now, without any trouble at all, I swung the sword and in doing so, raised a colossal mountain of sand that I would use as a shield to stop the whirlwinds of water.

Having blocked those things, that mountain of sand collapses. A few drops of water and several piles of sand stick to my clothes, skin and hair. But I can't get angry about something like that.

But the [Hydra] wastes no time and shoots out from the depths of its maw a stream of poison. Knowing that I wouldn't be able to block that after the mountain of sand.

No problem.

I turn about 72° on my own two feet, and shot like a cannonball, I'm now running in the direction of the poison.

At some point my magical abilities must have broken a certain limit thanks to my [Complete Evolution], and it's thanks to that, that I'm able to create a shield to protect myself from all that poison that was shot at me under pressure.

The poison is dispersed on the sand, and there's some residue that overcomes the shield itself, but it's fine.

- - -

["Longevity" will block any poison that comes into physical contact with the player]

- - -

Once the poison is gone, I undo the shield. And after having accumulated a small amount of [Magical Energy] in my legs, using [Acrobatic Aerodynamics], I am able to propel myself at maximum speed towards the [Hydra].

The beast was overcome by my sudden movement.

And it is then that in desperation, it seeks to trap me between its sharp fangs.

I will allow it.

For it is an offence against such a mighty foe. And in a second, my left arm, the one not holding the sword, was torn off with a single attack.

This was the enemy's mistake.

For when my blood falls on his body, it begins to disintegrate like pouring water on candyfloss. At an incredible speed. That's when the reptile feels the nerves.

{Acid blood?!}


None of that.

-That's what being a vampire in another world is all about! The blood that runs through my veins is a venom a thousand times greater than yours!

I'm actually improvising, I don't know if any of it's real. I don't understand how my blood started doing this... it didn't work against the [Salamanders] back then. But now that it happened, it just happened.

It could be the part of the [System] that controls me, it's likely that she knew and I just went by my intuition.

How strong can a fucking vampire be? I have no idea.

But anyway, it seems mildly useful.

To avoid free falling now, I put the handle of my sword in my mouth and making use of [Steel Claws], I dig my fingers deep into the [Hydra]'s scales and start climbing faster and faster towards its core.

The [Hydra] can't help herself. It only has one head, and besides, her front legs don't reach her chest. So the only thing she can do against me is to shake hard to get me off. But it doesn't succeed.

As I move upwards, scales are torn from the beast body, opening small, bleeding wounds from the suddenness of my actions.

All I want is to stay alive.

The best way to kill a [Hydra] is not to cut off its head, that's a rookie mistake that would only grow two or three more heads.

So, when I reach the back of the [Hydra], I rip off several of these scales in one pull and without fear of what might happen, I thrust the sword in my mouth into that freshly made opening.

{You wretch!}

I'm sorry, but you're already dead!

I grab the handle of the sword with my only available hand and thrust it deeper into her skin.

An incantation echoes in my head...

This is what decided the battle from the start.

Not caring about damaging its own body, the [Hydra] uses various methods to try and pull me out. Stakes, blades, whirlwinds, great movements of water and even trying to drown me.

But it was all useless. The dragon had already lost.

I deepen the wound much more and readjust my position on the body of the beast, so that I am able to walk over it while the sword continues to cut its skin.

The [Hydra]'s blood gushes out as the wound opens up.

It is then that I begin to recite.

-Life is insignificant...

The [Magical Energy] is flowing throughout my body. It is a feeling I have never had before. All that power is being stored in the sword, and as such devastating power accumulates, the cutting ability increases.

[Dragon's Blood] might be a very valuable item, so I'll save it if necessary. There will still be a lot of it after this.

From that point on, I start to chop up the [Hydra].

I make an upward diagonal movement, and one of the [Hydra]'s front legs is cut off at the joint.

-In the [Song of Songs], you were the sword that made [Fafnir] perish.

Finishing the second part of the canticle, it is that the thing gets totally serious. Every particle of [Magic] around us begins to accumulate on the edge of this sword. Making it glow a very dark shade of purple.

I start to run over the body of the [Hydra] that is still struggling to get off me.

Then, a stream of poison falls on my body, but this is no problem as it has not entered my mouth. I then change my grip on my hilt and move forward at a faster speed than before. Where in one fell swoop I reach the back of the [Hydra]'s neck, which is an even worse place to hit me.

The wound at this point had grown very large, to the point where I could see the torn muscles of the [Hydra] contracting as they spurted blood.

I pierce its head, and then, I finish the chant...

-I honour your dignity, dragon slayer, by proclaiming your name to the four winds! Arise, [Balmung]!

As the name of the sword -Balmung- is shouted, in synchrony, all the [Magical Energy] bursts out at the same time, creating a torrent of [Magic] that poured into the whole body of the [Hydra].

The sword that in an instant sliced the [Hydra]'s body in half, fell apart from my hands.

I descend to the sand once more, only to see from afar what it had done.

It's disgusting as the [Hydra]'s internal organs begin to spill out all over the sand, in a disgusting intermingling of dark colours.

I thought I'd relax, but then...

-* ¿#€÷( ,-£! -. An unfamiliar voice reaches my ears.

Then I panicked and let my instincts guide me. My body created a sword almost by reflex and that's when I parried a lethal attack against me.

The sound of one sword clashing with another.

But in just a second, that last defence became like air. Easy to cut.

And the one who made the attack did not desist in his actions.

For in the next second, he would throw a punch at my face.

I could not react properly, as in a single moment fear flooded me. Snow-white hair, but with a frivolous expression that makes my body tremble from the core.

This is bad, she's serious...

But she doesn't seem to be a normal person, for instead of punching me, she opted for something stranger.

-Ggh! -. My voice can't escape from my throat.

All thanks to her digging two of her fingers into it. She broke without any kind of trouble and inserted her fingers all the way to the base with a single attack.

My [Foresight] tells me she's going to rip my head off now... shit, I'm in trouble.

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