I Regressed and the Genre Changed

Chapter 42 – Return

Chapter 42 – Return

[Translator – Peptobismol]

Chapter 42 – Return

“Young Master! I heard a rumor that you had been separately invited to the Imperial Palace for the Founding Ceremony? It’s said that His Majesty the Emperor values you so much…”

Inside the carriage returning to the Winfred estate, a familiar face of the old butler was shaking with excitement.

“What about Luna?”

“The Young Miss has arrived first and is currently preparing the mansion.”

Preparing the mansion?

What could there be to prepare in that mansion?

“Tell me more.”

“After you left the mansion, a few days later, Miss Luna dismissed all the servants of the mansion.”

“What? She dismissed all the servants?”

“Yes, Young Master. Consequently, the management of the mansion was neglected for a while. It took time to hire reliable servants, so now we are renovating the mansion along with various repairs.”

The butler nodded with a knowing smile.

Seeing him praise the efficiency of the newly hired servants, I couldn’t help but chuckle inwardly.

‘So they really did turn the mansion upside down.’

Luna had definitely told me.

She had cleared away all potential threats to me and asked me to return to Winfred.

At first, I thought it was nonsense.

But it seems it wasn’t just empty boasting.

‘Well, it’s laughable.’

Making a fuss over just replacing the servants.

There are real threats out there.

‘The Duke never cared about Kyle anyway.’

The Duchess.

And Ian Winfred.

Even without Luna, the Winfred estate is like a minefield to me.

My head is already throbbing.

The only hopeful fact is that my return is imminent.

[ Scenario Progress: 60% ]

I didn’t wish for it, but anyway, reaching over half completion is quite satisfying after all the hardships.

Of course, there’s still a long way to go, but just reaching this point is motivation enough.

Obtain the Holy Blood, complete the scenario, neutralize the system with the Dagger of Tranquility.

And then secretly revive, kidnap Rudine, and steal the Relic. Once that’s done, all preparations will be complete.

At that moment, the butler’s voice broke through.

“Oh! I almost forgot to mention. The Duchess and the Little Duke have also vacated the mansion.”

“Why did they leave?”

“Both of them suddenly went on vacation as guests of Viscount Drietta.”

“On vacation to the in-laws? So suddenly?”

“I’m not sure of the exact reason myself.”

The butler blinked dumbly.

He truly didn’t know anything.

The Duchess, Winfred’s confidant, has left for her home?

And with Ian Winfred?

There are only two possible scenarios.

Either my constant meddling has changed the future.

Or Luna took action before my arrival.

Well, it doesn’t matter.

Either way, the fact that those damned people aren’t in the mansion is good news to me.

Lost in thought, I felt the carriage slow down gradually.

With a grating sound, the carriage came to a complete stop, and the butler opened the door and got out first.

“Young Master, we have arrived.”

Diana and I took the butler’s offered hands and got off the carriage one by one.

Raising my head, I took in the familiar scenery.

“Welcome back.”

Duke Winfred.

Returning to this damned place again.

I barely managed to swallow the sigh that rose to my throat, and as the luggage carriage arrived shortly after, servants who seemed to be welcoming us rushed forward to start moving the luggage.

As the butler had mentioned, except for a few, all of them were unfamiliar faces due to the recent turnover.

“The mansion… has changed a bit.”

“Of course. You’ll be even more surprised when you see the interior.”

It’s all useless.

I barely managed to swallow my retort.

That’s when it happened.


Luna’s voice softly drifted.

Turning my head in the direction of her voice, I met Luna’s eyes as she emerged from the front door.

“You’ve arrived.”

Luna slowly began to approach.

The butler confirmed Luna’s approach, bowed, and quickly stepped aside.

I looked at Luna with a grimace on my face.

Luna looked back at me with a smile.

“Welcome, my little brother.”


“Young Master, what about the woman who came with us…?”

“She’s a personal guard, so take good care of her. Give her a suitable room and make sure she’s well-fed.”

I entrusted Diana, who had come with me, to the butler.

Diana looked at me with round eyes, then bowed her head and followed the butler.

‘To come back here again…’

Although I was feeling dizzy from the mounting frustration, the fact that I wouldn’t have to see the detested Duchess and Little Duke in the mansion was somewhat comforting.

The newly hired servants moved silently without any fuss.

Having given all the instructions for the mansion life for the time being, I went up to my room.

“What the hell?”

My room had expanded.

It wasn’t just an illusion, but the room had actually expanded.

Without any exaggeration, it was spacious enough for five people to live comfortably.

I looked around and burst into a bitter laugh.

Then I realized.

“Did they merge two rooms?”

They had demolished the walls and connected two rooms.

That’s the only explanation.


It wasn’t just about being spacious.

The shabby furniture had all been replaced with luxurious ones made of top-quality materials, and the bed, which used to barely fit one person, had been replaced with a large bed reminiscent of the Imperial Palace.

Was this Luna’s doing, too?

Unexpectedly, I found myself at a loss for words.

[Translator – Peptobismol]

I flopped onto the bed.

It was soft and fragrant, and above all, the sensation that enveloped my body was so soothing.

Indeed, luxury makes a difference.

Every time I tossed and turned, a comforting comfort that made me not want to get up permeated my whole body.

Lying down, I once again recalled the purpose of returning here.

‘How am I going to raid the underground vault?’

To obtain the Holy Blood, I must deceive the Duke and breach the triple-layered security of the underground vault.

I heard that they reinforced the security of the underground vault even more after acquiring the genuine Holy Blood.

‘Should I just set the mansion on fire?’

I immediately shook my head vigorously.

That wouldn’t work.

Even if a fire broke out, it would be quickly extinguished, and above all, the materials making up the mansion were not ordinary materials.

They were all specially processed, so they wouldn’t even budge in the face of considerable flames.

‘Patience is the key.’

I’ll wait until the Duke leaves.

There’s no other viable option at the moment.

Let’s think about it slowly.

There’s no hurry right now.

Then it happened.

Knock, knock—

The sound of a knock interrupted the serene silence.

“Come in.”

The one who opened the door and entered was the butler.

He entered the room with a kind smile, taking his time.

“Do you like the changed room?”

“It’s fine.”

Even with my indifferent response, the butler maintained his smile.

He then proceeded to bring up the matter with a smiling face.

“The Duke is looking for you.”

“…Father is looking for me?”

“Yes, Young Master.”

I clicked my tongue irritably.

What could that detestable man possibly want from me?

“For what reason?”

“I didn’t hear the exact reason. He simply instructed me to quietly bring you.”

Quietly bring me? To him?

At this ambitious hour?

It doesn’t seem friendly at all.

‘What should I do?’

I pondered briefly.

There is an option to ignore the Duke’s instructions, but knowing his stubborn nature, he would undoubtedly summon me regardless.

Moreover, raising the Duke’s suspicions would only increase his guard until I obtain the Holy Blood.

It didn’t take long to organize my thoughts.

I got up with a furrowed brow.

“Lead the way.”

The butler bowed slightly and promptly led me to the Duke’s study.

Descending the central staircase and turning the corridor, we arrived at the ornate door.

Knock, knock—

“The Duke, Young Master Kyle has arrived.”

“Come in.”

As the Duke’s permission was granted, the butler opened the door.

The cozy scent of paper wafted through the gap in the door.

As I entered slowly, my eyes met with the Duke sitting at his desk.

“You may leave now.”

Following the clear dismissal order, the butler withdrew with a light bow.


A chilly silence descended upon the room.

The Duke’s azure eyes shot me a piercing glance.

I returned his gaze with an irritated expression.

After a moment, the tightly shut mouth of the Duke opened.

“I’ve heard the rumors. You were in the Imperial Palace while you were away from the mansion.”

“Well, I was.”

I nodded leisurely.

The Duke tapped his desk with his fingertips.

“The Princess, Rudine Eckhart.”


“They say you’re quite close with her. Close enough to be separately invited to the Foundation Festival due to personal friendship.”

“Is there a problem?”

“A problem? There is. And quite a lot of them.”

The Duke began to list off unknown grievances one after another.

The conversation was so disjointed that it didn’t make sense.

As I tried to swallow down the rising frustration, the Duke asked me in a lowered voice.

“Why did you come back?”

Why did I come back?

To steal the Holy Blood, of course.

But admitting that outright was out of the question, so I chose silence.

“It was strange from the beginning.”

The Duke’s eyes narrowed.

His gaze seemed to gauge my sincerity.

“You, who were just a half-hearted brat, suddenly changed your attitude. Not only did you know the exact location of the Holy Blood, which has never been discovered before, but one day you left the mansion and started visiting the Imperial Palace as if it were your own home.”

His sharp gaze felt piercing.

The air in the study suddenly grew heavy.

“How long have you known?”

“What are you talking about?”

I couldn’t understand what he was rambling about all this time.

Unable to bear it any longer, the Duke added further.

“Pretending not to know won’t work.”


“Be honest.”

Damn it.

What’s with this now?

[Translator – Peptobismol]

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