I really don't want to be a trainer.

Chapter 854 This trainer is obviously dirty but too real

Chapter 854 This trainer is obviously dirty but too real
Thanks to the help of Latias, Mr. Lu shuttles between various alliances, which is very convenient.

There is still some time until the start of the race.

The next day, Lu Ye rode Latias and arrived in the Hezhong area.

Aindo Oak Kingdom, Castle of the Sword of the Earth.

As the hometown of Victini, the local customs and customs are still there. Xiao V ran to play with familiar friends, and Meloetta held a concert in the castle garden, attracting a large number of wild elves.

Geng Gui knew he couldn't grab the microphone, so he took out a full set of DJing equipment from his four-dimensional pocket, and put on headphones.

"Mouth Jie! (★★)"

Little Luo DJ, grab your ass!

If you want to ask where the disc playing equipment comes from... Mr. Lu said, who is not a musician!
Underground enchantment.

The legendary white dragon, the real dragon.

Reshiram spread his wings like white clouds, overlooking Luye, with a strange tone:
"Let me follow you to participate in the human Pokémon competition?"

Lu Ye nodded and said, "Just this time."

After all, as a mythical beast with dragon attributes, Reshiram is a professional counterpart to the Dodo.

Reshiram said: "Aren't you afraid...causing a commotion?"

"There is already a precedent for the legendary Pokémon to appear in the World Championship, and it is the Three Sacred Pillars."

Lu Ye said forcefully: "Besides, Zekrom followed N all over the world. As a "true hero", what's wrong with pulling you into a game? ! "

As we all know, the true hero, symbolizes the pure white, like Rashiram.

Reshiram's clear blue eyes stared at the righteous Lu Ye, and deep doubts suddenly surged in his heart.

Is this trainer really the "White Hero" I picked?
Why was I so blind...

Thoughts were interrupted.

Lu Ye said: "How about this, you help play the game, and I will provide you with the "Power of Waveguide" and energy cubes, how about it? "

Reshiram was taken aback.

My choice is really wise!
The so-called truth is to combine reality, be serious and pragmatic, and seek truth from facts!

Reshiram flapped his wide white wings, looked down at Luye, and said:

"I have penetrated into your heart, this is the truth of your pursuit, so..."

Reshiram lightly closed his eyes and said flatly:

"Only once, never again!"

Lu Ye was slightly taken aback.

Translated into adult words, it is the truth in my heart to play the game with Reshiram and Dodo.

According to the description in the illustrated book, "Dragon of Truth" Reshiram is willing to help those who are brave enough to pursue truth.But if he despises the truth and indulges his desires, Reshiram will mercilessly spit out fire and burn everything.

Teacher Lu never despises the truth, he has always been very real!
Lu Ye: "Then what, the fact that you didn't come to the desert city team last time..."

Reshiram looked slightly annoyed, closed his eyes and said:

"The power of the waveguide will be eliminated, and the energy cube will do!"

There is no need for general health care, just take care of the food!
Lu Ye looked up at Reshiram, who was as white as a cloud, and felt kindness inexplicably.

So real, Dragon of Reality!

Reshiram still reserved and didn't score the elf ball.

The relationship with Lu Ye is similar to the relationship between N and Zekrom, which belongs to partners and partners.

There are not a few Pokémon who are sent to the field without scoring a goal in the World Championship.

For example, Mr. Lu's Geng Gui, Xiaozhi's Pikachu, etc.

Reshiram will rush to the airspace near Galar in advance.

When it is time for Reshiram to appear on the stage, Teacher Lu only needs to use the "Super Overpower" to sense, and Reshiram will soar down from the sky.

In the clear and blue sky, the white dragon figure of Reshiram breaking through the clouds is also a romantic myth of Hezhong since ancient times.

Lu Ye walked out of the castle and murmured:

"Rashiram agreed... Next, we only need to submit the starting lineup information to the organizing committee."

In order to avoid the phenomenon of temporarily changing the lineup during the game, the organizing committee requires the eight masters to submit the starting lineup before the game.

The first Pokémon to appear is also confirmed in advance, and changes are not allowed, otherwise it will be regarded as a violation.

Except for the first starter, the order of appearance of other Pokémon can be adjusted during the game.

Lu Ye clicked on the backstage of the players, edited the starting lineup of "Fairy Ibrahimovic, Reshiram...", and clicked upload.

Confirm upload is complete.

Lu Ye put his phone back, looked down at the fairy Ibrahimovic who was holding his arm with a ribbon, and said with a smile:
"Meloietta seems to be holding a concert in the garden, do you want to go and see it?"

"Bu Yi!" (I don't want it!) Fairy Ibrahimovic turned her head arrogantly.

"Then don't listen to Meloetta, you can sing it to me alone."

"Bu, Bu Yi...()"

"Wait a minute, forget it..." Lu Ye looked complicated.

My champion Pokémon-like physique can't handle the high-pitched moves with the "fairy aura" bonus!
Sensing the resentment emanating from his side, Lu Ye hurried away, went to the garden to find Rotom, and prepared to "exchange places" with it.

Die Rotom, never die poor!
Fairy Eevee ran behind, long ears dangling and ribbons waving:
"Buyi! (*`盘*)"

Offended Xianbu and wanted to run away!


5 minutes before Mr. Lu uploaded the "Starting Lineup" information.

World Championships, Tournament Committee.

President Tang of the Donghuang Alliance took over the responsibility of the "chairman of the organizing committee" from President Luoz, and was responsible for a series of tasks including reviewing the first release data.

The incumbent champion has been eliminated and stopped at the round of [-], so help share the pressure.

In the office of the organizing committee, looking at the newly refreshed data on the screen, Shang Ren let out a light sigh:
"Has Yulongdu's starting lineup been determined yet?"

[Yulongdu, starting lineup. 】

[Gyarados (different color), Fossil Pterosaur, Charizard, Hack Dragon, Hack Dragon, Fast Dragon. 】

President Tang stood behind Shang Ren, muttering:
"Yulongdu, I chose two hackrons to start at the same time."

Shang Ren stared in amazement at President Tang, who had approached him unconsciously.

Could it be that leaders all over the world have this ability to 'quiet'? !
Shang Ren clenched his fists and coughed, and said: "As far as I know, Champion A'Du has bred a large number of miniature dragons and Hack dragons, so he calls himself the messenger of the 'Legion of Dragons'."

"And his two hakrons." Shang Ren recalled, "have many special abilities, such as controlling the weather and so on."

President Tang nodded and said:
"After all, he is a genius envoy of the Dragon Clan, but..."

President Tang changed the topic: "Comparatively speaking, I am still more optimistic about Lu Ye."

Shang Ren felt the same way.

After all, that is the legendary trainer who killed the super demon god Hoopa!
President Tang said: "According to the time, Lu Ye's starting lineup should be determined soon."

"Hmm... wait a minute, it seems that the background data has been refreshed!" Shang Ren clicked on Lu Ye's profile picture.

[Lu Ye, starting lineup. 】

[Fairy Ibrahimovic, Bankiras, Gengar, Blastoise, Rotom (cleaning form), Reshiram. 】

After a cursory glance, Shang Ren guessed:
"It's because most of the A'Du champion's team is of the flying type, so there is no starting combat-type Onion Ranger."

"Well, Wind Speed ​​Dog and Bobbi are probably adjusting during the offseason... Wait a minute!"

President Tang stopped Shang Ren from clicking the mouse to close, and his voice was slightly disordered.

"Just now, Lu Ye was the last one to start. What kind of Pokémon?"

The two looked at the same time, and the data of Dr. Oki's illustrated book popped up where the mouse hovered.

[Leshiram, the dragon of truth, dragon and fire attributes.It is a legendary Pokémon that believes in truth and leads the world to be filled with goodness. 】

President Tang and the still champion were in a daze for a moment.

Luye's debut is Hezhong's legendary Pokémon, Reshiram?

It's just a quarter-final match, and you just brought the Dragon God here?
This, this is reasonable!
The still-champion looked at President Tang for help: "This..."

President Tang said in a daze: "I remember that Lu Ye did indeed have the title of "Hero of White". "

Shang Ren was in a complicated mood.

You call this master of dirty routines "Heroes of White"?
Is there still the law of heaven, is there still the law of the king!
President Tang has returned to normal, calmly said:
"Anyway, this is the bond between Lu Ye and Reshiram."

"Since he's sure of getting Rashiram's backing and he's signed up for the starting lineup, let him do it."

Shang Ren said: "But, this is the dragon god Reshiram, a legendary Pokémon!"

Hitting A'Du, isn't it hitting the baby?

"Didn't the Pyramid Pharaoh start the Three Sacred Pillars first and be recognized by the alliance?" President Tang said calmly, "The most important thing is that he can send Reshiram on the scene—if Reshiram can't make an appearance, Then we can only let him play 5 against 6 and continue the game."

Shang Ren opened his mouth and nodded slightly.

Immediately, looking at the lineups of the two sides on the screen, comparing each other, Shang Ren muttered:

"Who is the envoy of Yulong..."


Two days later, the Rockets inquired from various sources, but still did not receive any leaked news about the starting lineup.

In the grass on the outskirts of Gongmen City, Kojiro sighed:
"There is no way to obtain information for the cadres."

"Then start Plan B Meow." Meow said with folded arms.

"Plan B?" Kojiro and Musashi looked at Meow at the same time.

"Idiot, just go to the Gongmen City Arena to set up a stall to earn money for the cadres meow!"

"One day, I will take the position of Fairy Ibrahimovic and let the cadre touch my gold coin..."

Looking at Miaomiao who was intoxicated in their own fantasies, Musashi and Kojiro drooped their shoulders and said in shame:

"You've already said it, Meow Meow."

"I suggest you don't do it in front of Fairy Eevee, otherwise we will all die miserably!"

Palace Gate Arena.

The world-renowned master ball battle will be held here soon!
The first round of the game will be a duel between Sirona and the Age of God.

Lu Ye rushed to Gongmen City early to meet the Sinnoh champion, Sirona, who had finished the alliance work.

On the outskirts of the city, a biting land shark galloped from the sky, and the hem of the blonde beauty's black clothes swayed in the wind.

When Lie Bite Lu Sha hovered in front of Lu Ye, she slowly handed her hand to Lu Ye.

Lu Ye took the little hand from him and heard the sound of high-heeled shoes. Sirona's pretty face was close at hand, with a gentle smile on her face.

"I'm back." He exhaled like blue.

"I miss you very much." Lu Ye whispered.

Sirona pushed Lu Ye's chest lightly, pushed aside the golden hair on her cheeks, her gray eyes were deep, showing her queen-like aura:
"If you confide, wait until I win the game..."

She needs a little personal prep time.

Sirona's blond hair hangs down, the black velvet on her neck is fluttering in the wind, her hands are on her slender waist, her aura is cold, and the biting land shark beside her is not angry and majestic.

"Also." Sirona glanced back, "I miss you too."

Lu Ye smiled in relief.

If he wins this victory, he will be able to face Lu Ye in the final of Group A.

I have imagined such a scene many times, but I don't know how the battle will evolve.

But now, that predestined battle is just around the corner.

Sirona turned her back to Lu Ye, leaving him with the back of the black coat, brushing her blond hair blowing in the wind to her ears, revealing her delicate snow-white neck and slightly upturned corners of her mouth.

At the end of the line of sight is the Gongmen City Arena.

Sirona's gray eyes narrowed.

"Come with me to see Mr. Jindai's Three Sacred Pillars!" Sirona shouted sideways.

"my pleasure!"

The vendor area of ​​Gongmen Arena is located in the square directly in front of the stadium.

When Lu Ye and Sirona arrived at the square, they were surrounded by crowds of people, full of enthusiastic shouts, and the hustle and bustle of tourists.

Once the champion couple made their debut, they attracted countless attentions.

"It's Teacher Lu and Sirona's champion!"

"I can't think of any other adjectives other than well-matched."

"Just like me and Miss Mary!"

"Huh? You're the Shoutout too?"

"There are Geng Gui and Fairy Ibrahimovic dolls here, don't miss them!"

The two walked towards the player passage, but it didn't cause congestion, after all, the biting land shark beside them had too strong aura.

"Crack! (〝▼皮▼)" (I will smash those three pillars later!)

When passing by the vendor area, Xiaolan greeted with a smile:
"Ms. Lu, Miss Sirona, happy wedding!"

"Not...not married yet." Sirona whispered.

"Blessings~" Xiaolan laughed.

Lu Ye said, "I'll take care of everything you have here!"

Xiaolan was stunned for a moment, and said pleasantly, "Boss is so bold!!"

Lu Ye thought:

"Anyway, there are meows and they are here... This may be your last deal for opening this year..."


"Gentlemen and ladies, welcome to the master ball class, the battle scene!"

The commentator said passionately: "The two sides in this match are Sinnoh Alliance champion Sirona and Pyramid Pharaoh God Generation."

"Next, let's invite players from both sides to come on stage!!"

Cheers shook the sky, screams one after another.

Teacher Lu and Geng Gui were already sitting at Sirona's table of relatives and friends.

When the robotic arm turned around with the camera on it, Mr. Lu smiled generously at the camera.

"Kou Jie! ()" Geng Gui stuck out his tongue and sucked Lu Ye's cheek.

Looking at the expressionless Teacher Lu, the world was shocked!
This man ignores the damage and paralysis effects of Geng Gui's "tongue licking"!
In the contestant channel directly in front of Lu Ye, a stern-faced Shendai walked out of the military green archaeological suit.

Obviously, Jindai also saw Teacher Lu sitting in the auditorium, and was slightly taken aback.

Lu Ye generously waved at God, and Geng Gui moved in unison: "Kou Jie! ( ̄▽ ̄)/"

Jindai recalled the Xuefeng Temple that had been broken many times in his mind, with a strange expression on his face.

Calm down, this must be his tactic, don't fall for it!
Lu Ye Shuzi, how dare you mess with my Dao heart!
The cheers when Sirona appeared on the stage were obviously more enthusiastic than that of the Age of Gods.

Deng Pei still served as the referee, and the players stood on both sides of the command seat.

Jindai crossed his arms, and Sirona smiled at the corners of her mouth and put her hands on her slender waist.

"This is an exchange game between archaeologists and mythologists." Shendai said in a deep voice.

"It is my honor to fight the legendary Three Sacred Pillars." Sirona said gracefully.

Referee Deng Pei held up the flag and waved it down:

"Battle begins!"

Jindai yelled: "Go, Regis Chill!"

Blooming with white light, Regis Chilu is made of steel, known as the "Pillar of Steel", with amazing dual resistance.

Sirona threw the elf ball and said loudly:

"Please, Pokkisi, use Tailwind!"

Pokkisi rushed to the blue sky, and immediately flapped his wings, blowing a violent air current!
Lu Ye hugged Bo Kebi in his arms, feeling a little emotional.

As we all know, the first Huayan monster, leaving room for the opponent to strengthen, is Mengmeng's last tenderness!

But now, Sirona started to take advantage of the wind, and was about to attack at high speed, defeating the proud defense of the Three Sacred Pillars!

Pokby stared at Pokkisi in the sky seriously, his small eyes flickering slightly.

The summer promotion was too bad, and I didn't buy a single game.

Or... the game hasn't changed, it's just me~
Amidst the enthusiastic cheers of the audience, the competition was fierce.

Pokkisi slashed out air slashes continuously, and 'jingling' split a series of sparks on the surface of the Steel God Pillar.

The crystals on the surface of the Steel God Pillar flickered, "locking" the fast-moving Pokkisi in the sky, and the bright blue electromagnetic gun suddenly blasted out!
呲呲! !
In the first round of the battle, Sirona did not have any advantage. She took the lead in rotating Pokkisi, threw the poke ball, and said in a concentrated voice:
"Please, Lucario!"

White light bloomed, Lucario slowly opened his red pupils, his eyes suddenly became serious, he closed his palms, and blue light bloomed in the palms.

Sirona straightened her arms: "Use wave missiles!!"

boom! !

The light beam penetrated the field and swallowed Regis Chilu straight away.

Although the double resistance is amazing, Regis Chillu's strength and speed are worrying. After a long battle, Lucario takes the lead!
Looking at Regis Chill who fell to the ground, Lucario panted to adjust his breath, wiped the scar on his cheek, then raised his right palm high and roared to the sky:


The audience responded like an upsurge.

"God slaughter, Lucario!"

"The dog is so handsome!"

In the auditorium, Lu Ye's eyes flickered.

Sirona has both the Bite Land Shark Mega Stone and the Lucario Mega Stone.

If she were to fight me, she should choose Lucario as the Mega player.

Because she commanded to bite the land shark more smoothly than commanding Mega to bite the land shark, this needs to be paid attention to in advance.

The "Pillar of Rock God" Reggie Locke, who appeared later in the Age of Gods, improved his status in an all-round way by virtue of his "primitive power", and defeated Lucario and the Huayan Monster one after another.

Teacher Lu in the auditorium, although he believed in Mengmengda's strength, was still a little nervous in the atmosphere of the arena.

Afterwards, after being consumed by the Huayan monster, Sirona's Roseredo found an opportunity to launch a crystal "energy ball" that exploded on the body of the Yanshen Pillar with a 'boom'.

Amidst the smoke, the referee held up the flag and said, "Reggie Locke has lost the ability to fight!"

The score on the big screen came to 2:2.

But the three divine pillars of the Age of Gods have lost two generals, and Sirona has gained a huge lead!

Except for the "Ice God Pillar" Regiece who kept against the biting land shark, the other three Pokémon from the Age of Gods are Wandering Night Spirit, Iron Face Ninja, and Sun Rock.

After Sun Rock used the "Big Character Explosion Flame" under the sunny sky to defeat Roseredo, Menus used "Mirror Reflection" and "Self-Regeneration" to defeat Sun Rock and Wandering Night Spirits consecutively.

When the score reached 4:3, the iron-faced ninja from the Age of Gods appeared on the stage, flying around the field, and the speed continued to increase!

Sirona took back Menus decisively, her eyes froze, and she said:
"Fly in the sky, bite the land shark!!"

The trump card is on the stage, biting the land shark without any disadvantage! !

Deafening cheers sounded in the arena, and Geng Gui and Bokby followed suit:



Lu Ye glanced at the two little guys.

Could it be that you are the legendary atmosphere group?
But he also ignited himself!

Lu Ye roared loudly: "Zhulan, come on!!"

Sirona's blond hair fluttered, her eyes flickered slightly, and she said:

"Bite the land shark, dragon claw!"

Bite the land shark with double scythes to condense the green dragon shadow, dive to keep up with the speed of the iron ninja, and chop it down with one claw!

Jindai folded his arms and had a stern face. There was only one Regice left in his team.

Facing the fierce biting land shark that is four times weaker... I should be able to score another point...

But soon, the Age of God realized his mistake.


The blue light of the frozen light beam fired by Regis directly hit the biting land shark diving from the sky, but the biting land shark's speed did not slow down. He clenched his teeth and 'clicked' to chew the berries in his cheeks!

Shinji widened his eyes.

The props carried by the biting land shark are not Mega stones.

It's the anti-ice fruit, the custard apple!
Lu Ye must have done this, right?After all, he is a "man of tactics" who is proficient in bark science!
Boom! !

After the Dragon God dived, there was an earthquake, and the land shark was four times weaker than the ice. Against the huge attribute difference, he blatantly defeated Regiece.


In the boiling arena, Lie Bite Lu Sha stood in front of Sirona, roaring towards the sky.

"The first player to advance to the semi-finals has been born!!"

The commentator said: "She is the champion of the Sinnoh Alliance, Sirona!!"

Wu Song was inconceivable: "Bite Lu Shark really beat Regice."

Daye cheered and said, "Sister's head is dripping with beer!!"

Facing the camera, Sirona smiled gracefully, and glanced back at Lu Ye in the auditorium.

She smiled sweetly, with deep gray eyes.

I've won...then, it's up to you.

The camera quickly focused on Lu Ye. At some time, Victini had already flown out the precious ball, and happily compared the V to the camera:

Lu Ye smiled, and then compared Scissorhands.

At the same time, in the Hezhong area, the battle castle.

A blond girl who could not wake up all the year round, lying on the princess bed, quietly clenched her fists in her sleep.

Cattleya: "Well..."

The world famous painting, "Cattleya Sleeps"!

Sirona successfully advanced to the semi-finals of the World Series.

And what is about to usher in is another matchup in Group A.

Teacher Lu VS Yulongdu.

The winner of the two will play against Sirona, who is also the winner of Group A, to qualify for the final with the winner of Group B.

The second day after the battle between Sirona and the Age of Gods ended.

Night falls.

In the Gongmen City Arena, the beams of searchlights illuminated the night sky.

There is a lot of voices, and the enthusiasm of the arena has reached its peak!

"Xiaozhi, hurry up, the battle between Mr. Lu and Mr. A'Du is about to begin!"

Alice wore a champion robe and said loudly.

"Come on, I just met Mr. Dandi, he got lost outside the Gongmen City Arena!"

"Huh? Can this get lost?"

Under the night, the Gongmen City Arena was glowing with beautiful fluorescence. Tens of thousands of people looked up at the countdown on the big screen, and the unspeakable excitement spread in the venue.

The moment the countdown reaches zero, beautiful fireworks bloom over the arena!
"Welcome everyone, come to the scene of the master ball battle!"

"The two contestants who are about to face each other are contestants Lu Ye and contestants Yulongdu!!"


(End of this chapter)

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