I really don't want to be a trainer.

Chapter 826 Teacher Lu's Journey to the Top

Chapter 826 Teacher Lu's Journey to the Top

The next morning.

Luye and Sirona are eating in the cafeteria on the second floor of the hotel.

Sonia wisely did not disturb the two of them, and asked the waiter to deliver the breakfast to the room, and read a book by herself in the room.

Sirona held a knife and fork, her posture was dignified and elegant, her eyes fell on the snow-white porcelain plate, her eyes showed hesitation.

"Not to your liking?" Luye chewed the crispy French fries with a 'crack'.

Sirona rested her chin on one hand, looked sideways at the row of silver dinner cups, and said lazily:
"Because there's only fish...and chips."

We all know Galar can't lose his fish and chips any more than King Carp can lose his water splash.

That's where their souls are!
"It's the Galar region after all." Lu Ye nodded and said, "It's understandable."

Sirona turned her face to the side, stared at Lu Ye with great interest, and said, "You were in a gigantic battle last night?"

"Well, with Mary in Spike Town, I also specially pointed out her tactics about the long-haired troll."

Lu Ye didn't realize it, but saw Sirona smiling slightly, her gray eyes sparkling, and immediately realized something was wrong.

It's really inappropriate to fight Pokémon with the cute Mary at night.

If it was the trainer Sirona knew, there should be no problem.

"I was wrong." Lu Ye said sincerely, "The next time we practice Gigantic battles, we will contact Dawu or Emperor Dan in advance."

"Hmm..." Sirona said in a deep voice, "I've always felt that there are some stories between you and Dawu."

"A story between men."

For example, save the tree of the beginning of the world together, go to the city of Oludran together, fight against the two gods of Fengyuan together, go to the Forest of Oruans together...

A life-and-death friendship is nothing more than that.

"Or." Lu Yetu hesitated, "I invite Daye and Dianci to come to Galar and play qualifying matches with me!"

Sirona was slightly taken aback, nodded and said: "They did sign up for the World Championships... I will pass on the invitation."

Daye and Dianci have always been eager to fight against the strong, so in the Champions League, Daye often challenges me and Lie Bite Lu Shark.

Lu Ye...should be able to meet their requirements for a 'strong man'.


Geng Gui swaggered through the restaurant corridor on the second floor, passed the marble terrace, stopped, and walked slowly.

It heard the 'rustling' sound of the woods, and went over to see, in the bushes in the small garden downstairs, a black-haired girl in a black jacket was standing here alone.

Mary stretched out two fingers, put them against the corners of her mouth, and slowly pulled them up, practicing smiling constantly.After a while, she was discouraged and subconsciously glanced upstairs.

"Koujie~( ̄▽ ̄)/" Geng Gui waved his hands carelessly.

Alora~ Good morning!

Mary was slightly startled, her cheeks were flushed red, she turned around mechanically, and left in a hurry.

In the famous scene of Sword and Shield, Miss Mary is practicing smiling!
After the morning episode, Lu Ye and Sirona left the Mimosa Hotel, led by Sonia, and went to Caolu Town to inspect the murals.

The town of Grass Road is famous for its line of boulders, known to tourists as 'Stonehenge', from which the murals were discovered.And on the hill to the west, there is also a huge ground painting.It is rumored by the residents that the painting was done by an 'alien' Daewoo, but in fact the creator is an ancestor who lived here, so he deliberately said so for the sake of tourism economy.

The weather is refreshing, and the steel-clad crow soars through the blue sky.The wilderness is covered with green grass, and braided sheep crawl among them.The large pastures smell of green grass. This is the Grass Road Town of Galar, and the owner of the museum is Arlo, a grass expert.

"Ahead, there is Stonehenge in Caolu Town!"

A group of people stood on a high slope outside the town. Sonia was wearing a brown coat, carrying a handbag in her arms, pointing to the eye-catching white boulder.

"It looks like Pokémon 'Big Rock'." Sonia laughed. "There are also examples of 'Big Rock' found in Stonehenge."

While talking, Sonia's caller Wang ran from the hillside to the small town with short corgi-like legs.

"Wait for us, Wang!" Sonia exclaimed and stepped forward.

The breeze was warm, and the smell of green grass and soil wafted in. Lu Ye looked around and saw a field scenery of Galar.

A heavy industrialized city like Jiqing City is in stark contrast to Caolu Town, where steam and cooking smoke coexist, and the past borders the future.

Looking into the distance, Lu Ye saw someone camping in the wilderness, setting up a tent while cooking simple curry, and white smoke rose.

Plus, there's a plethora of wild Pokémon: cottony white puffs blown by a breeze.Snow-white braided sheep gather in flocks.An ancient moon bird flew over the lake.

"I'm very fortunate to be able to live with so many Pokémon." Lu Ye suddenly said, "Each of them may travel with a certain trainer in the future, continue to grow, and even become a champion .”

"It's like Geng Gui met you." Sirona folded her arms and smiled softly. Behind her stood a dark purple biting land shark.

Lu Ye turned his head and glanced at the little purple fat man, who was floating and blinking: "Kou Jie?"

"It's like Geng Gui met me." Lu Ye smiled.


Sonia had already walked down the hillside, with her back to the town, waving from a distance:
"You two, come here quickly!"


Lu Ye threw a luxurious ball, flaxen-colored mane and light movements, flipped over a huge wind speed dog, stretched out his hand and said:
"I have the honor to take a journey with you, Zhulan Champion."

Sirona's gray eyes shimmered, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, the hem of her black clothes swayed in the wind, her slender palms stretched out, and the black velvet on her wrists swayed slightly.

There was a rustling sound, her hands were already wrapped around her waist, and there was a charming touch from behind, the gentle body temperature on her shoulders, and the weight of the blond hair as it brushed past.It was the weight of this strand of blond hair that made the scales of the balance begin to shake, and finally fell without hesitation.

"I hope this journey never stops," she said.

"As you wish," he replied.

"You, you, two, two!"

Sonia seemed to have tasted a piece of fresh lemon fruit, her face was slightly red, and she exaggerated:

"This slope is only less than 200 meters, there is no need to share the wind speed dog, hey!"

Riding a wind speed dog, Lu Ye slowly went down the slope, explaining:

"This is to save energy, and it should be used for the inspection work of the conference."

Sirona showed her head from behind, and said solemnly: "That's right."

Sonia: "..."

Even Geng Gui wouldn't believe this!

Having said that, where is Geng Gui... Sonia looked around.

In the pasture ahead, Geng Gui, wearing a cowboy hat, swung a rope and quickly put it on the braided sheep's head.

"Baa~~" The braided sheep avoided, curled up into a ball, and rolled.

Geng Gui threw away the rope and cowboy hat, leaped, stepped on the top of the rolling braided sheep, staggered, and looked flustered: "Koujie! ┌(.Д.)┐"

No, no, I'm going to fall!
Sonia: "..."

Geng Gui is playing a prank!

It was not easy for the inspection work to go smoothly.

Teacher Lu and Sirona entered the working state with serious expressions and a clear division of labor.

One is responsible for consulting the source of historical materials of the murals, and the other is responsible for on-site translation of ancient texts.

While recording the photocopy, Sonia said, "By the way, have you two heard the legend about the King of Galar?"

"King Leiguan?" Lu Ye lowered his head to extract the text, and said casually.

Sonia: "!?"

Sonia: "You, you, which book did you read it from!"

My grandma and I searched ancient books for more than half a year and rummaged through the library before we were able to confirm the name of the King of Galar, and it has not been announced to the academic community.

However, where did Teacher Lu know about it?

I know it from the Champion Snowfield DLC... But I can't say it clearly.

Lu Ye: "The inscription here happens to be written, look, I'll read it to you."

Sonia approached suspiciously.

Pointing to the unknown totem on the inscription, Lu Ye moved his finger and said word by word:
"King of Galar, riding the horse of night and snow, his name is 'Lei Crown'."

Sonia: "...But there are only two lines of inscriptions, and you read three lines."

Lu Ye: "This is called grammatical abbreviation, which is very common in ancient languages."

Sonia: "Oh... I seem to understand a little bit."

Lu Ye: "The one who lied to you actually found it from the Shuimai City Library."

Sonia: "???"

The collection of books in the library of Shuimai City is vast, coupled with Mr. Lu's gags, Sonia did not delve into it.

"Back to the topic of 'King of Galar'."

Sonia pretended to be serious and coughed lightly: "According to my research with grandma, the relationship between King Lei Crown and Dark Night is not close. On the contrary, it is the King of Sword and Shield who defeated Dark Night head-on."

"This also means that if the dark night strikes again, as long as the 'King of Sword and Shield' can reappear, the dark night can be defeated again!"

"Why are you so sure that the dark night will come?" Sirona asked.

Sonia: "Because..."

Before the words were finished, thick mist rose behind Lu Ye, and a Darkrai rose from the shadows, calmly saying:
"Because Lu Ye is here."

Luye, Sirona, Sonia: "..."

Darkley finished brushing the sense of existence, sank again, and gradually disappeared into the shadows.

Lu Ye clenched his fist and coughed dryly, "Don't pay attention, please continue."

Sonia opened her mouth, coughed, and said:
"Because, recently, there have been cases of abnormal extreme giantization in many places in Galar. A large number of Pokémon have turned on extreme giantization without the command of the trainer, causing huge damage to many places in Galar."

"I haven't seen relevant reports on TV." Lu Ye said.

"President Roz suppressed the relevant news despite all the arguments." Sonia smiled wryly, "But Dandi and I both know that the source of this abnormal phenomenon must be solved—so I am so eager to investigate the truth of the myth. Use this to find the real 'King of Sword and Shield'!"

Sirona frowned and said, "I still don't fully understand...what is the so-called dark night?"

Sonia patted her forehead, squatted down and fumbled in her handbag, found a thick manual, got up and flipped through the notes and sketches, and explained:

"The so-called dark night refers to a legendary Pokémon from the universe. It is said that he is the source of all extreme energy, and whenever he appears, darkness will cover the earth. This phenomenon is called 'dark night' '."

Sonia took a deep breath and said, "And this legendary Pokémon, Dr. Mulan named it, Promise Taina!"

Sirona listened quietly, her eyes flickered, and she glanced at Lu Ye with a penetrating look.

The cosmic energy of Wuji Taina...may be used to maintain Kiraqi's awakening!
Lu Ye fell into deep thought.

In the original plot, Wuji Taina was taken in by President Roz in the underground energy research institute of Quanguan City, and Wuji Taina was used to provide Galer with energy.

But judging from the current situation, President Luoz does not have the assistance of his assistant Olivia, he is busy managing the company every day, and has no time to pay attention to Wujitai... but he has avoided a prison disaster.

It is not impossible for Wuji Taina to follow the meteorite and come to the Galar region on his own.

However, since Dandi, Cang Xiang, and Zangmarante are leading the battle, I just need to prepare for the World Championship with peace of mind.

After all, when the dark night happens, according to Emperor Dan's character, he will definitely rush to the front line at the first time, and I really may not be able to catch up...

The sun was shining brightly, and the research work in the morning came to an end.

Lu Ye set up a simple terrace to cook curry rice with Galar's special flavor, and easily made the highest grade of curry rice "charizard grade".

Sonia tugged Sirona's clothes, her eyes widened:
"Did you see it? Miss Zhulan, the shadow of a super giant fire-breathing dragon appeared in the curry rice just now!"

Sirona smiled and said, "Well...sometimes even the shadow of the original Gulardo appears."

Sonia: "???"

During the lunch break, Teacher Lu and Zhu Lanshui had a group chat for a while.

in the chat group.

Sirona: "@大叶, I remember, you are going to come to Galar to challenge the advanced ball competition, right?"

Daye scratched her fiery red exploding head, and said, "Yes, but it's difficult to match someone with a high-level ball. Usually, both parties need to make an appointment with each other... Big sister, do you have someone to recommend?"

"Yeah." Sirona smiled lightly, "The other party is also at the advanced level."

Daye's eyes froze, and he said, "That would be great, I'll agree on behalf of the other side first!"

As Sinnoh's Fire King, Daye even has the confidence to challenge Chibana, one of the eight masters.

Recklessness is often synonymous with fire experts, but it is this recklessness that creates the burning blood of fire experts!

Sirona continued: "You can make an appointment with Lu Ye, he is currently 94."

Teacher Lu: [Geng Gui opens his mouth and laughs gif]

Da Ye: "???"

Daye's blood froze instantly, like ice cubes in winter.

Playing against Teacher Lu, this point is not for nothing!

Ah Liu: "Hhhh ​​can't be relied on, Daye, you have already agreed to fight."

Daye's ranking is higher than that of the king of insects, Aliu. As long as this guy drops in the ranking, Aliu's ranking will rise.

For a while, the two heavenly kings seemed to have returned to the time when they played "Pokémon: Battle".

Whoever ran into Mr. Lu in the qualifying round was equivalent to losing points, and the other hurriedly gloated.

At this moment, just as at that moment.

"That's right." Wu Song arched his fire, "Since you have participated in the World Championships, you must have the awareness to face all powerful enemies."

When I was working overtime, Daye secretly got points... How could such a good thing happen.

Wu Song calmly pushed the mirror frame, his eyes lost their brightness.

VS Teacher Lu, Daye's points must be given to me!
"Ah, this..." Da Ye Mian looked embarrassed, and scratched the red-haired afro.

"Or." Qinglu said, "I am currently 13th, and you can challenge me."

Alice was shocked and said: "This, so fast! Σ(дlll) Green senior, didn't you just successfully sign up a few days ago!"

Qinglu: "After winning a few matches, the rankings will naturally go up."

A'Du: "...This is a fried fish pond, right?"

Teacher Lu said sternly, "No, this is the World Championships, the senior team."

Daye had a weird expression on her face, and she gritted her teeth and said, "Okay, I'll come to Galar tomorrow!"

Isn't it just to play a game with Teacher Lu?

Just don't get zero seals, anyway, this uncle has also fought off several Pokémon on the head of the eldest sister in the Champions League!
Fight hard, buddy!

The next match of the senior ball group will be Teacher Lu VS Daye.

Daye is currently ranked 33rd, defeating Daye, Teacher Lu can instantly increase a lot of points.

It is yes to gather the wool.

Among the group members, Xiaozhi is challenging for the league championship in Alola, while Alice is heading to the Galar region, and is currently a super ball player.

"By the way." Alice said, "When I flew to Galar, I saw a Pokémon outside the window that I had never seen before. It seemed to be a dragon-type... Does anyone know it?"

Alice: [Video]

In the video, there are thick black clouds, and a huge purple-red Pokémon that looks like a machine walks through it, and then disappears quickly.

Ah Jin had a bandage on his head, folded his arms and pondered for a moment, a light bulb lit up above his head:

After a while.

Ah Jin: "Eh? Shouldn't there be a science popularization session? @御龙渡."

Yulongdu said angrily: "I don't know! No more @!"

Xiaochun pondered: "Indeed... it gave me a sense of sight of the dragon attribute, but I have never seen this kind of dragon-type Pokémon."

Lu Ye clicked on Alice's video and was slightly taken aback.

This is so special.

Promise has already appeared! ?


 Failed to add soup (〃>dish<) abnormal work and rest, Doudouge for a day.

(End of this chapter)

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