I really don't want to be a trainer.

Chapter 822 World Championship, successful registration

Chapter 822 World Championship, successful registration
October 4, Wednesday.

Lu Ye walked out of the principal's office, looked at the bright sunshine and laughing students outside the window, and sighed a little.

He set the goal of getting Kiraqi to stay, and planned to go to the Galar region to investigate the "Wishing Planet" and "Cosmic Energy" related to Wuji Taina.

It coincided with the expiration of Alora's three-month employment period.

Rikuno stepped down as a teacher to become the honorary principal, and entrusted the students to Nariya Oki and Dr. Kukui.

Kukui followed out from behind the door and asked to stay:

"Are you really not going to stay for a few more days?"

"The spring is just right, suitable for traveling, but when it comes to summer, I don't want to move around."

Lu Ye declined, "Besides, Zhulan and I have made an agreement to participate in the World Championships... we must get ready."

The World Championship is a grand competition for trainers from all over the world, and all trainers can participate.

According to the ranking system, it is divided into Poke Ball, Super Ball, Advanced Ball and Master Ball.

The top eight seats in the master ball class, known as the "eight masters" by the world, is a hall-level trainer that countless people admire and yearn for.

This year's World Championship is scheduled to be held in the second half of the year. The Galar Alliance, as the main organizer, allows a series of battle mechanisms such as extreme giantization, mega evolution, and Z moves.

Teacher Lu can't wait to play the Baby Cup... (cross out)

"The World Championships... are indeed approaching."

Kukui smiled, clasped his shoulders, and said, "No matter what, you are always welcome back to Alola as a guest."

"Of course, I'm still waiting to come to the Alola League Conference to watch everyone's battle."

Lu Ye instructed: "Remember, you must find a professional referee, otherwise people will question the gold content of the Alola League."

Kukui did not think about this, and nodded seriously:

"Well, I'll keep that in mind."

leave school.

Lu Ye went to Interpol's countermeasure department and met with Lila and the "handsome guy".

"I will stay in Alola, closely monitor the cases related to the Ultra Beast, and continue to lead the Ultra Defense Team."

Lila is meticulous and authentic.

"Then...Mr. 'Handsome'?" Lu Ye asked sideways.

"For me, the superior didn't arrange it, and I haven't thought about it yet." The 'handsome guy' rubbed his stubble and laughed, "Maybe I will go back to Miare City during the holidays. I miss Maggie'er a lot."

"Yes, we can go together at that time." Lu Ye smiled and said, "I also plan to go back to Miare City."

First, I miss the group of Pokémon in the coffee shop.

Secondly, the second Ptcg World Championships is about to open, and the final will be held in Miare, so Lu Ye needs to show up in person.

Although Mrs. Lu is a hands-off shopkeeper, Olivia's business ability is unquestionable, and she manages the Pokémon Company in an orderly manner by herself.

After nearly two years of development, Ptcg (Pokémon Trading Cards), coupled with the support of holographic imaging technology, has gained a large number of player groups.

The "Holographic Image Communicator" in the Carlos area has become Ptcg's "Duel Disk", which can not only be used to play cards, but also provide holographic projection.

In the Galar region, the "Trainer Card" under the Ptcg category has become more popular than the "Alliance Card" issued by the Galar Alliance.

Trainers are proud of making their own "Trainer Cards" and collecting "Trainer Cards" from gym owners—Internet celebrity Chibana and model Lulina are all loyal supporters of "Trainer Cards". Barna even called the company himself to ask for an increase in the rarity of his cards.

This is like a star calling a game company, asking to increase the personal ability value in the game, the popularity can be seen.

As one of the masterpieces of Pokémon Company, Ptcg is still very concerned about the second offline world championship.

Say goodbye to Lila and 'Handsome'.

Lu Ye finally returned to the villa on the cliff of Karawei Bay, packed his luggage, and prepared to leave tomorrow.

To sum up this trip to Alola, Fairy Eevee, Blastoise, and Wind Speed ​​Dog arrived at "Battle Legend" in turn.

Pokby was blessed by Arceus, and luck cannot be measured by ordinary levels, so Mr. Lu didn't count it in the team ranking.

Rotom also has a legendary power - the power of a legendary kitchen utensil.

The eldest brother and second brother at the bottom of the gradient are Onion Youbing and Bankiras.

Bankiras has just turned one year old, and it is rare to have the current strength.

This is so one year old·jpg
On the contrary, it was Cong Youbing. Although Lu Ye didn't know its real age, he could be called an 'old duck' no matter what he thought.

Lu Ye said to himself:
"You can try to eat meteorites such as wishing stars for the cultivation of Bankiras, and continue to develop towards the template of Gulardo."

"As for Duck, go to Galar and try your luck, for example, find poles "Scallions +10", "Sharp Scallions", "Perfect Scallions"..."

With the help of Solgaleo, "Ghost Z" and "Evil Z" merged into one, forming Mr. Lu's exclusive "Geng Ghost Z".

Afterwards, under the reward of the Ether Foundation, Mr. Lu harvested two more Z pure crystals, and put them on the ice Z, successfully collecting a complete set of eighteen Z pure crystals.

Sitting on the sofa, Lu Ye opened the box on his lap, in which eighteen pure Z crystals glowed with different colors.

While performing the Z move, it can also be kept as a souvenir.

Lu Ye closed the box and murmured, "The next step is to register for the World Championships..."

"I'm a retired champion now, is there still a place to advance directly to the Masters?"

Lu Ye rubbed his chin: "Call President Tang and ask."


Road to Champions, Donghuang Alliance.

Chairman Tang received a rare call, recalling Lu Ye's champion deeds in Alola, feeling a little bit emotional, and connected immediately.

Lu Ye got straight to the point:

"President, I would like to ask the World Championships, what are the registration criteria for the master ball class?"

President Tang thought for a moment, and immediately understood, and said:

"Master ball cannot be declared online, relevant documents must be submitted to the organizing committee, and only after review can they be directly promoted to master ball."

"If a player who has participated in the World Championships before and successfully reached the master level, it will be much easier to pass the review to participate in the next World Championships-I remember, you have not participated in the World Championships before, right?"

"Um... no."

"That's okay, there are special regulations..."

Lu Ye patiently listened to President Tang's various regulations on the registration mechanism, and only felt that the application procedure for the master ball was extremely cumbersome.

"Will it be much easier to play directly from the advanced level?" Lu Ye asked.

"Theoretically, this is the case, but..." Chairman Tang hesitated to speak.

"Battle Legend" starts from advanced balls, will it seem a bit overkill...

"Then I'll play all the way up from the senior level."

Lu Ye smiled heartily: "This is also to contribute to the cultivation of the next generation of trainers."

President Tang was stunned for a moment.

As one of the few "Battle Legends", no matter how cumbersome the procedures are, he can always go straight to the master level.

But... Lu Ye seems to have a soft spot for advanced balls?
Among the high-level players, most of them are gym owners, and there are also a small number of king-level trainers among them.

Why didn't Lu Ye directly advance to the master ball level, but why did he choose the advanced ball level?

President Tang thought for a moment.

Thinking about it, like two years ago, he has cultivated a new batch of teams.

Directly promoted to the master ball level, facing the kings and champions, it is quite stressful.

Starting from the advanced ball level and playing steadily step by step, the new team can also get better performance.

"I understand."

President Tang didn't try to dissuade him any more, and said gently: "I will arrange the process and procedures for you to sign up for the advanced ball level."

"Compared to directly advancing to the Master Ball level, there will be three to four more battles, but I believe that these will not be a problem for you and your newly cultivated Pokémon."

Indeed, Bankiras is more than enough to play at the advanced level.

"Then I will trouble you, President Tang." Lu Ye smiled.

"Well, looking forward to your performance in the World Championships."

Successful entry to the senior ball level of the World Championships.

Lu Ye remembered that Dianci and Daye were the top players in the senior ball class.

They have the level of kings... Well, they can be handed over to Rotom.

As he continued to pack his luggage, a long-lost notification sound suddenly came from Lu Ye's ears.

【Ding!Large mission 'World Championship' detected]

【Mission Objective: Obtain at least eight master seats in the World Championships. 】

[Task Reward: Dimension ∞ Energy Chip*1]

Who are you?Why did it come to my mind!

Lu Ye complained silently, and a little curiosity was born again.

The so-called "dimension ∞ energy chip" is a technological means developed by Devon Company in "Gems of Origin".Using ∞ energy to drive the dimensional transmission device, objects and even energy can be transmitted to different dimensions.

Devon tried to use ∞ energy to transport the incoming super-giant meteorite. Zvokki Dawu also participated in the plan. As a result, the plan was destroyed by the 'inheritance' Sijana, and finally Rayquaza smashed the super-giant meteorite .

Lu Ye felt that he had vaguely come into contact with the truth about the "tree fruit stand", but if he wanted to confirm his guess, he had to participate in the World Championships.

Early the next morning.

Teacher Lu was alone, dragging his suitcase, to the airport in Hau Le City.

Unexpectedly, Kukui led Liliai, Shuilian, Mao, Kaqi, Mamane, and Xiaozhi to wait here early.

"Didn't I say, don't tell them?" Lu Ye said helplessly.

"Having said that, how could he not see him off!" Kukui said with a hearty smile.

The students stood in a row, their eyes were shaken, and their eyes were flushed.

"All right."

Lu Ye said gently, "It's time to say goodbye."

The students rushed forward, surrounded Lu Ye, and choked up: "Teacher..."

With a smile on his face, Lu Ye stroked the tops of their heads, the sun shone through the glass window, and a golden Solgaleo galloped across the sky, shedding brilliant brilliance.

Lu Ye turned around while dragging the small box, and looked at Kukui and his party who were waving.

"Alola." Xiaozhi said loudly.

"Alora!" The students called out together.

No matter when and where, this warm greeting can always bring people a different feeling.

With a smile, Lu Ye said softly:



Lily of the Valley, Sinnoh Alliance.

Sirona's gray eyes flickered slightly, holding the phone, thinking:
"Investigate the myth of Galar..."


On the other end of the phone, Sonia in a white coat smiled and said:

"You are a well-known mythologist in the academic world, and Mr. Lu is quite accomplished in ancient languages."

"I heard that Mr. Lu plans to go to Galar in the near future, so I want to invite you two to participate in the investigation of the myth of Galar."

"Of course, we will try our best to give rewards including wishing stars..."

After listening patiently, Sirona pondered and said:

"Although I am personally interested, I don't have a deep understanding of the Galar myth... If I want to understand the Galar myth, where should I start?"

"First of all, there is the stone tablet in Caolu Town... and the legend that Galar was saved by the sword and shield hero that has been passed down to this day."

Sonia said softly:

"That legend is called, Dark Night."



Volume five, "The King of Leisurely Alola", is over.

The final volume, "The King's Ceremony", to be continued.

 The last volume!ヽ(°▽°)ノ
(End of this chapter)

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