I Possessed a Character in an Academy Without a Protagonist

Chapter 257

*Ugh. What the heck is this?*

A carriage headed for the institution.

Lying on the straw pile in the cargo compartment, Hertlocker let out a groan.

His side still hurt from being hit by Trie, and it felt like he might die.

Thinking about it now, it was still a mystery.

How could such power come from that frail body…?

*“The continent is so small.”*

How on earth could he run into the daughter of a general he killed during a war here?

It was so absurd that Hertlocker could only let out a hollow laugh.

He never thought he would be chased out during an operation because of such a coincidence.

Schlus Hainkel must have also found it a difficult decision, but he must have had no choice to protect Trie’s mental state.

*Was I that hated?*

No matter how much they were allies now, did she really hate facing the enemy of her father so much?

Was I that loathsome?

*’No. That doesn’t seem right.’*

Hertlocker’s answer was ‘no.’

Certainly, when he first drew his sword, it felt like he lost his reason and acted on impulse.

But later, things were a bit different.

His breath had stabilized a lot, and the focus in his eyes seemed to have returned, which clearly showed he had regained his reason.

If so, then was Trie just lacking in patience and self-control, leading to her giving him the order to be thrown out?

The answer to that question was also ‘no.’

No matter how talented she was, to reach such a level would require a discipline that would cut to the bone; she couldn’t possibly be lacking patience.

The emotions governing Trie at that time weren’t hatred.



Edengard Trie von dem Schulzenburg was definitely jealous of him at that time.

She wanted to confirm that she was more important to Schlus by forcing him to choose between her and Schlus.

No matter how many times he thought about it, that was the only conclusion he could come to.

*“Jealousy? Seriously…? Ha…!”*

It was ridiculous.

To be envied by a woman over a man’s interest.

Did Trie really think Schlus Hainkel cared for him in any special way?

That couldn’t be.

He was merely one of the many pawns of that guy.

Currently useful, yes, but just a pawn that could be discarded whenever it no longer mattered.

*“Is that right?”*

As Hertlocker pondered while sifting through his memories, doubts began to arise.

Certainly, Schlus Hainkel was strange.

Specifically strange to the point of being suspicious whenever it involved him.

In situations where he should have been killed, he kept sparing him.

He didn’t hand over the enlightenment found at Gorgan’s Rock to him.

He even went so far as to get engaged to Emilia to pull him onto the side of the allies.

If he wanted to ally with the Trud Kingdom, it would have been much more strategic to woo the princess…

*“Is there something special about me…?”*

Hertlocker came up with a hypothesis and spread his hands.

His palms were filled with faint scars and marks.

These hands that had wielded a sword with a rough grip until his skin was shredded, without even having enough money to buy gloves.

Even in a weakened state, these hands had defeated the legendary hero, Gawayn.

Could there be something special about them?

*“No way.”*

Hertlocker shook his head, quickly denying it.


*“I, love Schlus.”*


Honestly, he was quite taken aback.

It came out of nowhere…

If there had been any prelude, it might have been better, but there was no time for that.

The situation and atmosphere made it clear that it was definitely not a joke, and it wasn’t something said as a friend or comrade either.

A serious declaration of love.

It was undoubtedly the last stage of showing interest as a rational being.

*“Trie. I—”*

*“Ah, I know. It’s too sudden, right? Sorry. I just felt like I had to say it before I lost the chance. Don’t worry about it.”*

*“How can you say not to worry about it?”*

*“What I mean is… there’s no need to feel burdened. I didn’t say it expecting a response. I just wanted to convey my feelings. It’s fine if you didn’t hear it. You can forget it. As long as we can maintain this distance…”*


Trie forced a smile as she said that.

Trie knew he had promised to marry Emilia.

Although she didn’t know about Iris, she was aware that there was one more person he was engaged to.

Still, Trie decided to confess her feelings to him.

He understood how difficult that was.

Knowing it would be impossible yet having the courage to confront it was admirable.



He gently swept aside Trie’s hair that was trembling as she looked up at him.

The strongest knight who would never falter even against two inquisitors was nowhere to be found, leaving just a cute girl standing in front of him.

As if waiting for the upcoming verdict.

Hanging on the tiny thread of hope.

This time, he confirmed once again that he was indeed weak against tears.

Who wouldn’t be, but he seemed especially vulnerable.

He could handle blood or screams without being shaken, but tears always struck a chord.

At first, he thought all women’s tears were the same.

But that wasn’t it.

The problem was beautiful women’s tears.

To be more precise, it was the tears of a woman to whom he had given even a little of his heart.

*In that case, am I a fool who cannot resist a pretty woman?*

Am I a dummy who confuses all his primal instincts drawn to beautiful faces as love?

Am I just a trash who indulges in anything outside the morals and ethics of modern life?

Who knows?

All of them could be right or wrong.

While he covered it up saying that Schützenburg’s power and money seemed to help, by that logic, he would have to marry Aria and all of the dukes too.

But there was something much more critical.

Something far more important than his feelings.

*“I won’t pretend I didn’t hear it. I won’t forget it.”*


*“There won’t be any awkwardness, distance, or you being excluded from missions. Our relationship won’t change.”*

*“Oh… I see… That’s a relief. It’ll stay…”*

Trie replied with a bittersweet smile, nodding her head.

He wanted to meet her eyes.

Although her optic nerve seemed to be dead, making her gaze vacant, there was still something special about meeting someone’s eyes.

He cupped Trie’s face to gently lift it up.

Her beautifully sparkling eyes looked up, seemingly surprised.

*“It’s not that it won’t ever change. I just want to hold off on answering until this operation is over. I don’t know how it would affect either of us.”*

*“Oh, no. You don’t have to answer. There’s no need to force it…”*

*“I’m not forcing it.”*



Trie suddenly shouted.

He felt her body tremble along with her cheeks.

*“I get it. You don’t have to say. If you’re going to hold off, just put it off forever.”*


*“No. I won’t listen until the end. I’m… Really happy right now. I want to feel this way forever. Okay?”*

She was being very willful.

She suddenly threw a confession and now asks him not to respond?

He was starting to get annoyed as well.

Unable to hold back, he flicked Trie’s forehead.


*“Who says you can’t listen? I’m going to make you wait for a response. So just wait. Prepare to be happier.”*

*“Huh? Uh-huh?”*

*“For now, I’ll just give you half an answer. I was really glad to hear your confession. At first, I was shocked, but then I got a bit annoyed because you’re being so willful…But still, I was glad.”*

He tilted his head slightly toward Trie, whose expression was dazed.

Seeing her close her eyes tight in confusion was adorable.

He gently held her cheek and kissed her forehead.

Right on the spot where he flicked her, leaving a slight red mark.

That tiny injury looked unbelievably charming.

*“W-What’s this holding off…?”*

*“It’s exactly what it is. I need permission from someone else too.”*

*“Ah… uh, yeah. That’s true…”*

Greedy, foolish, trash.

It seems all three descriptions fit.

Emilia would be furious.

Or she might be sulking for over a month.

Who knows?

He decided to think about it later.

*“Wait a minute.”*

*“Huh? Why?”*

*“There’s a rat—”*

Someone was eavesdropping on them.

Startled by that strangely familiar sensation, he turned around to find the door slightly ajar.

As soon as their gazes met through the crack, the door slammed shut.


There was no need to recognize who it was.

There couldn’t possibly be two people in the world who would sneak around like that.

*“It’s Erika, right? Isn’t it?”*


As he recalled the words he just said, he felt himself turning red from embarrassment.

He had just been publicly embarrassed in front of Erika.

This is going to drive him insane.

*“Let’s step back for now.”*


The hand wrapped around his waist suddenly dropped.

Trie, blushing, stepped away from him, stuttering.

He should have deployed the Recognition Interference Barrier.

That was his mistake.


He sighed deeply and opened the inner door.

He was looking for Erika.

But it was silent inside.

Too silent.

As if no one were there.

Just then, a faint sound seemed to come from the inner room.

He opened the door wide and stepped in with Trie following closely behind.


*“Schlus, look at that…”*

Erika stood on the balcony, staring blankly at something.

He was puzzled and stood next to Erika, peering in the direction she was gazing.

What could she be looking at?

*“What the… is that…?”*

A sandstorm was approaching.

It was a fairly common weather phenomenon in the desert.

But the problem was that this didn’t seem to be natural.

*“It’s coming.”*

*“What is?”*


There were things creating that sandstorm.

In front of the rushing sandstorm, countless cavalry were charging forward all at once.

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