I Live Forever in Memory

Page 17

It's already been done.

Keith's words made him sound the hellish experience of those two days, the blood and limbs splashed, the fear of death, the abandonment of each other... and the fear of being eaten by giants.

All, keep in mind.

"...Not even a beast!" Keith was still exhorting, "We will spend three years training you useless rice buckets! I will put the skills of fighting giants into your heads one by one. After three years, you who are standing in front of giants will still be wastes that can only serve as rations, or can become a glorious barrier to guard the kingship, or become a glorious soldier who drives out giants, these are up to you!"

Even the scolding and scolding continued, Li Lin's eyes turned slightly, and he found those key people.

The trio of Allen, Sasha Connie, Marco Jean, and... Yani, Berthold, Reiner, the three "fighters", and Ymir, the "abnormal" who took away the warrior's power.

Among them, Yani seemed to be aware of his gaze, icy blue eyes swept over, the two looked at each other, and then each withdrew their gazes.

"You boy!"

Instructor Keith walked up to Armin and stared at him. The latter immediately clenched his right fist on his chest, "Yes!"

"Who is your kid!"

"Armin Arlet from Sigancina District!"

"Yeah, that name sounds stupid! Did your parents give it to you?"

"My grandfather made it!"

"Alright, what are you here for?"

"In order to contribute to the victory of mankind!"

"It sounds very good, then you will be the bait and the giant's ration!"

Keith is going through baptism to make these soldiers deny their past selves, and start from scratch to cultivate them into talents who are qualified enough to be soldiers.

However, in this process, he can also deliberately avoid some people.

"Are some children not being taught?"

"They don't need it. They have seen hell two years ago with their own eyes."

The two soldiers passing by said, the middle-aged man paused when he finished speaking and jumped to Li Lin, "As for his words, it's even more unnecessary."


The young man of the two looked at Li Lin. Compared with the other children, this black-haired and black-eyed boy was a little shorter, even not as tall as most girls, obviously not well developed.

"Yes." The middle-aged man nodded.

"What's wrong with him?" the young man asked in confusion, "Looks like a thin child."

After hearing the words, the middle-aged man looked at him in surprise, remembered something, "Oh", "I forgot that you didn't know."


"Maria's Wall recapture battle, you should know."

"Ah, that..." Mentioning this young man's face froze immediately, his eyes were a little angry, obviously, he also knew how ridiculous this battle was. "I know...a total of 25 people, only more than 70 came back in the end...but what does this have to do with this child..."

"He was one of those 70 people."


The middle-aged man touched his chin and was a little puzzled, "Although I don't know how he went with him in the first place, after all, the child doesn't have to participate in this battle... But he did come back alive."

"How is this possible..." The young man looked at Li Lin in disbelief. "So many adults... How did he survive as a child?"

"That's not known. However, I think despite his young age, he has been outside the wall and seen that kind of hell. Do you think this 'scare lecture' has any meaning to him?"

"...It's really gone."

Chapter 014: Want to be free

The lecture ended after an hour.

Everyone looked at Keith, thinking in their hearts that after an hour of roaring, his voice was still quite powerful.

"Disband! Training will officially start tomorrow!"

Following his order, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time, they slammed their right fists into their chests.



The formation dispersed, and people returned to their assigned dormitories.Everyone didn't know each other, so they introduced each other, and there was not much to say.

As for Li Lin, after he came in, he changed into the combat uniform of the training corps and put on a sackcloth uniform. He left the dormitory and wandered around the neighborhood.

His expression was a little tired, but under the cover of tiredness, there was the pain of powerlessness.

Closing his eyes, he could still see the way those people died tragically under the giants.He said he was going to take them home, but in fact he couldn't.Even, he can't even protect himself, let alone protect others?

And he was lucky to be able to come back alive, if he didn't have that ability...

However, it was because of this experience that he wanted to understand something.Some important, some arrangements and plans for his future.

First, the training corps is a must.Li Lin kicked the stones on the side of the road, but his eyes were not focused, and he was completely in an air defense state.

The protagonist group must have a good relationship, they are the key to future battles.I also need a certain amount of combat training, at least to be able to master the use of three-dimensional mobile devices...

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