I have Nine Lives

Chapter 80: Creating combination moves

Lindo started laughing seeing his situation as he moved his finger from her neck and said:

"Ok then a draw it is, I guess I'm rather weak compared to Felix... but it was a good spar."

Manitola smiled, she was weak amongst god chosen but she was still a top tier fighter if she was compared with anyone else besides her brethren, she was basically the worst amongst the best.

Felix wanted to clap as well but he couldn't consider he had paws and there would be no sound coming from them even if he slapped them together.

So he just gave them a whistle, however made them blush at the same time.

They were rather close to each other at the moment so others might interpret something different from this.

And Felix's whistle didn't help, Lindo just felt good that his father wasn't home at the moment.

Lindo coughed then distanced himself from Manitola before continuing:

"Well, we can see what your standing is on the power level, for now, I guess we can focus on getting more familiar with each other so we can work better on the battlefield."

This type of training was done first by the normal troops so they could fight well in a formation but experts could take this one step further and combined their special attacks in a 'combination' attack leading to a devastating combo that could upturn those stronger than them if the difference between power wasn't too big.

Now that they had all of the information on their battle power they first started with the combinations between Lindo and Manitola, Felix's abilities didn't have much combo potential as he only had very few, there was one combo he could do with Manitola and none with Lindo because he had no crowd control abilities.

Since Felix wasn't needed here he decided to leave and come back later after they finished.

Felix started to wander through the capital, he hadn't visited the whole place up till now as he was always caught up with other things but considering that he would have to move for a relatively long time away from it after the war would begin he decided to visit the whole place.

He visited multiple restaurants to eat his fill at every each one of them and also wandered around looking through shops, unfortunately for him, there were few to none who sold equipment for non-humanoid beings as most people in this world fought mostly in their humanoid form and very rarely in their primal form.

While the primal form would be stronger in certain situations, the humanoid form gave them more possibilities.

He didn't really care about those things as he had the useful armor from Aaltarox but he wanted to buy something else besides food, but considering he couldn't really find anything that was either useful or interesting to him he decided to go back and see how Lindo and Manitola had been doing since around 2-3 hours had passed while he had been enjoying himself.

Both Lindo and Manitola had sweat sticking to their bodies as they breathed roughly, all around them the earth was overturned from the continuous movement and attacks they had done, Felix found their situation to be quite normal, he had already heard shouts and felt the hex energy around move when he was getting closer to the house, it seemed they had just finished one training when he had arrived.

Lindo waved his hand at Felix and said:

"Good you came back, after we take a rest you should train with us."

"I don't know Lindo, you know that my position makes me unable to work well with others, and I don't even have any techniques that I could really combo with you."

"Don't be so shy, what about that claw slash that you used to break through Manitola's shield in one blow?"

"Well it is useful but how would you make the opponent unable to dodge it so we could call it a combo?"

Lindo became silent at Felix's question, there was not much he could do if the opponent was faster than Felix, at that point he wouldn't be able to combo anything with him.

Manitola came forward and said:

"I could help you with my charm field."

"Indeed but do we really need to practice that? At the speed we fight one nanosecond your charm field brings to me would be enough for me to hit my opponent, we don't really need practice for that do we?"

What Felix was saying was understandable but the duo wanted to make him join their training, Felix just found it to be useless so he said:

"I will do my own training so don't worry about me."

Felix had his own training to take care of, he had gotten the intelligence and spirit breathing training techniques and he only finished the stamina breathing technique, he still had the endurance and strength ones to complete, after that he needed to break through to the green aura level, at that level he could be considered a veteran lieutenant ready to be promoted sooner or later to the captain as not all captains had a blue aura.

Felix waved his paw at them and left leaving them alone again, he only wanted to check on them to see their progress and from the damaged landscape he understood that they were doing pretty well for themselves.

Felix decided to leave the capital and find a wasteland to continue his training, at this point he wanted to escape from the bustling life of the city and find a corner where he could clear his mind.

Atleast those were the requirements for the intelligence breathing technique, as for the spiritual one he wouldn't be able to train in it yet as he first needed to complete the intelligence technique.

He started running at high speeds as his silhouette disappeared leaving the capital behind him easily.

Siracha looked up from his house and muttered:

"What is this little guy up to?"

He chuckled as he shook his head and decided to let him do whatever he wanted, at this point, they were the sovereigns of the continent besides the elephant tribe which was unconquerable as long as Mashi lived but they had a friendly relationship on the surface with them, so it didn't matter where Felix went as long as he wore his Lion army uniform which he mostly kept on himself.

Felix's surroundings changed continuously at high speeds as he ran randomly trying to find an empty and silent place where he could meditate.

As he wandered around he finally found a deserted mountainous region where he could train, there were no caves around so he would either live outside or he could make himself one.

He looked around and while the surroundings were windy no snow or rain was coming yet, the sun overhead was scorching hot and he didn't really need any type of housing.

Felix yawned a bit before he hoped under a stable rock where enough shade was given to get a rather cool feeling, even though the sun was hot the rocks under the shade were cool and comfortable for Felix.

He sat there as he closed his eyes and started slowly meditating while breathing accordingly to the instructions he had seen in Wu Xiao's memories, considering he had pretty much experienced everything Wu Xiao had his mastery over the technique was as good as his, and he reached the blue aura realm in it, all he needed to do was accumulate hex energy and he would easily reach the same heights as him in the technique!

Felix's closed eyes didn't move as he breathed in and out, the surrounding hex energy which of a blue color started to change as it became green, Felix's rhythmic breaths were changing the surrounding Hex energy into one that was helpful towards the brain!

Felix could feel the energy around him changing shape and color as tiny energy snake's started to enter his mouth and nose making a round through his body before charging towards his brain!

Those tiny snakes infiltrated the folds of his brain as they reached the nucleus and then exploded into green energy that started to roam around the whole brain creating a formation of runes similar to the one in his chest but also different at the same time.

The formation in his chest started to resonate with the one in his brain as Felix's thoughts started to quicken, He opened his eyes as he breathed out and stopped training, he had reached the 1st stage of tempering in the intelligence technique and as he looked around he realized that quite a bit of time passed, maybe 8-9 hours.

His stomach started to rumble as he realized one thing.

It was time to catch dinner.

Felix started to look around for food and actually ended up coming empty-pawed, thus reaching a dilemma, he had to go back for food now.

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