I have Nine Lives

Chapter 72: Round 2 of fighting (2)

Bizkier concentrated on a way to break the barrier while Lindo kept a lookout through the poisonous fog trying to identify if anyone was coming through, he kept himself near Goro for protection while enhancing his eyes with Hex energy to try and see through the poisonous fog.

Felix kept Goro company so he wouldn't get bored as he wasn't as active as before now, Felix didn't know much about children but keeping him entertained was a good idea in his mind.

Bizkier frowned as he kept glancing at the barrier and deducted a way to break it, it was easier said than done to break a barrier created by one of the strongest people currently in existence, from what he understood from all the analyzing was that it was made by the shamans of the four continents and there was no way in hell someone on their level could break through it!

"There should be a trigger or condition of some sort to open it."

Bizkier thought about it for a long time but he couldn't find anything around that would look like an object of importance to him.

He sagged his head defeated and sighed as he gathered the attention of everyone and announced that even he couldn't break the barrier... he just didn't know how nor did they have the collective strength to break it.

Felix stopped talking with Goro and walked towards the barrier before striking it with his paw, the barrier started to react as Felix was pushed back by a weak forcefield with no scratches remaining on the barrier's surface.

Felix didn't use much strength in the strike it was only an attempt to see what will happen when physical force met the barrier and from what he understood was that the stronger the attack the stronger the rebound, it was like striking a car tire with a hammer, hitting the tire would create a rebound that would affect your arms thus tearing at your muscles.

But in Felix's situation, the rebound struck his whole body like a shockwave that would injure his internal organs.

Felix knew from that attempt that sticking the barrier wouldn't help at all, it wasn't as if he didn't know that already but he wanted to see if there was any way for physical force to work only for him to be disappointed.

He sighed as he tried to look through the poisonous fog and asked Lindo:

"Have you seen anything noteworthy around while you were scouting?"

Surprisingly Lindo actually found something as he responded affirmatively:

"The concentration of poison in that area is smaller than the overall territory."

Lindo pointed towards a place towards the north where if you concentrated you could see that there was a smaller amount of poison there but it was a minuscule amount that was almost invisible to the naked eye.

Felix patted Lindo's leg and then told Goro to go in that direction.

Wu Xiao frowned as he looked at everything from above, he realized that they started moving again but the formation's barrier was there, why would they move away?

Were they really so inept that they couldn't break the barrier and he had to do all the work?

Wu Xiao sighed as he indicated to his lackeys that they should follow the trail Felix's team left behind, who knows? Maybe they will truly find a way to break the barrier.

Felix made Goro stop a few kilometers away from the barrier as he looked at the surrounding poison fog and it indeed looked to be in smaller concentration here.

But he wasn't sure why? The number of trees was the same as a few kilometers back and it didn't like there was anything different around here.

Bizkier looked around as well but he couldn't find anything different that would reduce the amount of poison in the air.

Wu Xiao and the others felt something strange as they flew above Felix and the others, it almost felt like the gravity in this region was stronger than the one before... Wu Xiao frowned as he felt his wings get heavier before he plummeted into the poisonous fog along with his companions.

The other 3 immediately funneled their hex energy together along with Wu Xiao to create a shield that protected them from the poison momentarily until it started sizzling!

Even Goro had problems while he wasn't serious but what about the 4 of them?

It was obvious the shield would melt immediately and Wu Xiao gritted his teeth as his eyes started glowing, the blue shield around them turned dark as he unleashed some of the powers that God gifted him, he unlocked his potential at 100% at this point.

He fluttered down to the ground and met face to face with Felix and the others, Wu Xiao turned to his human form as he glared at Felix and the others, he thought that he had been fooled to follow them so they could kill him with the use of the poison.

Felix and the others found Wu Xiao's and his cronies appearance very surprising as they entered defensive stances, however, Goro immediately became mad as he started beating his chest while shouting:


He transformed into his primeval form as he rushed towards Wu Xiao while Felix's team had to keep up with him or else they would melt due to the poison.

"Damn it Goro!"

Bizkier muttered under his breath as he started using his force field ability to slow the ravens, he was sure that Goro would be able to withstand the forcefield with his outrageously strong body.

The ravens immediately felt that the gravity that dragged them to the ground returned but a little bit weaker, their speed decreased as one of the cronies suddenly got his head crushed by Goro leaving only 3 ravens to take care of!

Wu Xiao got angry as he saw one of his teammates get killed and he bellowed in a low voice as his aura intensified again he screeched releasing an invisible shockwave that engulfed everyone!

Felix felt his head throb as he suddenly couldn't control his body anymore, his soul was forcefully removed from his body and it hovered there looking at his downed body!

Goro became stunned as he fell to the ground but his soul remained in his body, as for Bizkier and Lindo they also got their souls removed from their bodies.

For Lindo and Felix, this sensation wasn't foreign as they had practiced strengthening their souls this way for quite a long time but Bizkier didn't know what to do!

Immediately Lindo came over to Bizkier souls and dragged it back as Wu Xiao's soul attack landed on the spot where Bizkier previously was, Bizkier didn't have any training and the pressure from the surrounding Hex energy made him unable to move!

Lindo glared at Wu Xiao as he unleashed a howl that traveled towards Wu Xiao but it didn't do anything.

Felix suddenly disappeared as he appeared above the heads of the remaining 2 cronies slashing at their heads with his soul form, immediately two screeches were heard as the two ravens souls were slashed to ribbons and disappeared into the air as Felix's ability absorbed them.

Wu Xiao glared at Felix as he started targeting him alone now that Lindo had to take care of Bizkier and Goro was stunned on the ground.

He looked towards his downed body and unleashed a lightning beam from his mouth that incinerated it into nothing!

Felix's soul started to dissipate into light that was absorbed by the earth only for a new body to pop up where the last one was destroyed and his soul to be absorbed into it.

Felix cracked his neck as he glared at Wu Xiao.

Wu Xiao chuckled as he screeched again unleashing the same shockwave hitting Felix and removing his soul from his body a second time!

Felix tried to defend his body but the lightning beam went through him to destroy his body again as he could see in the corner of his eye that only 7 heads remained!

That meant he lost 2 lives for nothing!

His body was destroyed as the same process as before happened, Wu Xiao glared at him as he tried to screech a third time but he found his strength weakening, due to the death of his teammates the poison started to seep through his fragmenting shield, now that the poison was circulating through his body his abilities were slowly getting sealed as blood started to seep from the corner of his mouth.

Wu Xiao started morphing into his raven form as he tried to fly away only for Felix to appear above him like a specter and smack him over the head with a strong paw hit!

Dizzied and poison-filled, Wu Xiao fell to the ground and didn't move anymore, Felix shook his head as he quickly returned to Goro, he couldn't stay in the poison-filled environment for much or he would end up in the same situation as Wu Xiao.

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