I have Nine Lives

Chapter 41: What's your reason to live?

The questions started to move inside Felix's head and they all moved onto the same topic, what was his reason to live?

What was he supposed to believe in? What were his convictions?

Felix asked himself these questions for a while, he seemed to be concentrating so Lindo waited for him.

Felix started to remember Tsuru, she was a kind lady that was the closest thing he had to family, he didn't really remember what happened to her, the shock from that time combined with the fact that he had his eyes closed made him unable to know.

But he knew that he cared about her a lot, but he also realized that he wouldn't be able to find her again, things were too different compared to his previous world, people here could morph into different animals and had tails and ears in their human form, Tusur didn't have a tail or animal ears as he remembered her.

He didn't know anything about interdimensional traveling but he knew that he won't be able to meet her again, he just had that feeling from his gut.

Now he didn't have many friends or any true family, he felt both empty and with no dreams, was it due to him not having any convictions, or was he missing the concept of family?

Felix looked at Lindo and decided to answer:

"I don't know... I truly don't know, I'm ok with the fights to the death and war, I'm ok with killing those that I don't pity, and I'm ok with stealing to help others or myself, even though I can't say that I would do these things normally, but I don't find them wrong, what do you think Lindo?"

Lindo shook his head as he laughed:

"This is pretty much the thinking of a soldier, he does what he is supposed to, but he doesn't think further, he doesn't think that his actions have consequences, he only thinks about those he has to protect, let me ask you something, do you know because of your actions back then when we escorted the tiger tribe, a lot of black bears will starve to death, both young and old?"

Felix nodded:

"I thought about it, I don't care about the fate of the black bear tribe, some of their people killed someone who was a friend of mine when I came to join the lion tribe."

Lindo shrugged:

"Well you had a grudge with them, but what if you didn't? Would you let the tigers starve or steal from the black bears again?"

"Of course I would steal again regardless if I had a grudge with them or not, even though I would do it more reluctantly, I empathize, was this the correct word, empathize? I empathize with the tigers, they have been through similar situations to mine and I wanted to help them at the time."

"Don't you think that's rather selfish of you?"

"I could care less about this type of stuff Lindo, why are you asking so many questions now?"

Lindo didn't know to laugh or to cry, Felix never talked about anything besides the missions or when he needed help or train, he was pretty secluded and all he did was train eat, and sleep, and he wasn't sure if he was sleeping well either because from time to time when he came to visit him at the inn, he would hear from the owner of the inn that he would be resting.

One time Lindo came to his room because he just learned a new technique and wanted to use it on Felix during a spar, but he saw Felix running in his sleep, this wasn't normal as only war veterans would have this type of actions in their sleep, Lindo didn't bother him from there on when he slept as he realized he had a troubled past compared to him.

Now that they were in the middle of the talk Felix decided to ask his own questions:

"What are your answers to your questions?"

Lindo took a pondering expression for a few seconds before he easily answered:

"I believe in myself and the tribe, I want to protect the tribe and see it flourish, my dream for the future is to have a nice house and mate with one of the stronger females to have a talented child and when I grow old, I just hope I will find a good place where to live my last moments when I will be thrown out of the tribe."

Lindo was a thorough loyalist to the tribe, and he didn't seem to be brainwashed, he just hoped the best for the tribe even though when he would grow old the tribe would abandon him, Felix found him to be strange.

Lindo understood that Felix couldn't understand his thoughts as he couldn't understand his, they were both two different persons with different beliefs and experiences, but they were still friends due to their positions in the army.

Felix stopped talking about this type of stuff, he wasn't really interested in it and it made his head hurt as well, he would rather go and sleep than talk about these things.

Felix launched himself at Lindo who was still in thought trying to break him out of his reverie.

He could think about this stuff when he went to bed, right now Felix wanted to spar with him!

Lindo chuckled as he stopped thinking and took a stance, he wanted to fight as well, he just learned a technique that he wanted to use on Felix but couldn't previously due to the events he saw.

He took a horse stance as a magnificent aura started to engulf him, but Felix didn't let him charge his attack as he easily started to slash at his body, but surprisingly Lindo didn't stop the charge of his attack nor did he defend!

He cocked his right arm backward for a big haymaker that could be easily dodged by Felix, but as Felix continued his attacks he could actually feel Lindo's aura increasing and multiplying at a high speed!

It seemed Lindo was absorbing Felix's blows and redirecting them through his body where they were absorbed by his Hex energy, enhanced then sent towards his right arm to create a gigantic shockwave attack!

Felix realized too late but he still dodged to the side, only for the shockwave from Lindo's haymaker to hit him, even though he dodged successfully, the middle side of the shockwave which had the strongest fluctuations, the area of the shockwave was very big and some of the remaining waves still hit him and injured him a bit!

Felix could feel that the shockwave clipped his left hind leg and he couldn't stand on it properly anymore, the bones weren't broken but it hurt really badly to the point that he might need to snort a pill to heal it quickly or else he wouldn't be able to use 100% of his power due to the pain.

Lindo chuckled as he fell on his back, his body was bloody and the rebound from the technique injured his insides a bit, but most of the damage came from Felix's slashes, he lost a bit of blood.

Felix came closer to him before he took out two pills which he crushed, one he snorted himself, and the other pill he gave to Lindo which he used to seal most of his bloody injuries, his internal injuries remained as the pill wasn't that advanced.

Felix helped Lindo up and decided that he was done for today, Lindo frowned as he asked:

"You aren't going to ask me about the technique? What I went through to learn it? How much time it took me to craft it to this state?"

Felix shook his head:

"Not really, I have my own things to do, I can say that your technique is pretty good but too slow, you should also learn something that would defend your body because you leave too many open spots, if I wanted to kill you would have died before you could launch your attack, but because it was a spar I could only slash at the non-vital spots, and you still lost!"

Lindo was speechless, he liked the constructive criticism but couldn't he at least acknowledge his hard work?

Felix turned back towards Lindo as if he sensed something and said:

"Oh yeah, your technique could be called rather strong."

Then he left towards the inn so he could rest and enter his mindscape.

Lindo shook his head seeing Felix's receding silhouette he didn't know he had such good analyzing abilities.

Felix entered his room at the inn and had a hearty meal before he went to sleep.

When he woke up he was at the top of the train station looking towards all of the memories, the gods voice from before could be finally heard in his head again:

"Finally the transmission is getting better! I guess that mortal understood that he should train his soul after my comments, haha I'm such a genius!"

Felix waited for the voice to address him, the voice then realized that Felix's consciousness could hear him as a cough was heard then he addressed Felix:

"My dear champion, I have watched your progress for the future intercontinental battle and I can say that I'm pleased with your progress, I have come to answer some of your questions as it could be said that you are still rather confused about why you are here."

Felix's eyes started to shine as he asked:

"How come I'm here, actually where is here? What's with my ability, why would you give it to me? Also what happened to my previous home?"

"Ah the basic questions that every transmigrator asks when they find themselves talking with a god, I guess to answer them."

"You are in the Jade universe currently, you have been transported from the Dirt universe, the god that created it abandoned it after he realized that he couldn't get faith from his creations if he didn't intervene directly. And due to the contract between the other gods and him, it made him unable to act, thus after a while passed and he didn't gain enough faith, he decided to leave the universe to its own fate."

"You lived on a small planet called Earth, one of the many that had intelligent life on it, yours was the most backward considering energy training and your planet focused more on technology, they were at a very shitty stage in technology as well."

"Anyways I'm rambling here, your old home was destroyed by a meteorite."

Felix's heart cracked a bit hearing that, he got the confirmation that Tsuru was truly dead and so his last family was broken. He shook his head and cleared his feeling, he already thought about it, and getting the confirmation only steeled his heart.

"As for why have I summoned you? I actually didn't, you see, you were quite lucky, I'm not sure how you entered an interdimensional portal, or how it was created, but you were there and you landed in my universe, transmigrators are unique people that can get special abilities when they move from a universe to another due to the energy of the tunnel that seeps into their beings and souls, your ability is to grow your physical attributes through the ingesting of content with high Hex energy inputs. It's one of the most basic but strong abilities that transmigrators get."

"As for your other ability, I saw the potential in you and considering how dumb and weak you were when you first started, you would have surely wasted your transmigrator status so I blessed you with the ability to revive!"

"As the intercontinental battle gets closer I should be able to talk with you more and more, the contract with the other gods let's more conversation with their champions as the battle approaches. Anyways you have one more question before the connection will be cut, I can also inform you that the next time you will be able to talk with me would be 1 month before the battle."

"Last question?"

Felix didn't take much time to think as he asked:

"What God are you?"

A laugh could be heard in his head:

"Aren't you quite basic and vanilla my young cat, what's with these questions? I know you have gained intelligence recently but... Whatever..."

Felix didn't know if to feel insulted or not.

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