I have Nine Lives

Chapter 143: We invite you with open arms

Felix's silhouette was flickering imperceptibly through the woods of the uninhabited forest.

If he remembered right, this was the forest that was used as a transit channel by humans.

He still knew the location vividly, where he was spat out by the tube, so he easily made his way back to it.

The tube came out of a tree when he was spat out, so he started to knock around all of the trees that resembled the one in his memories.

He knew this was a crude way of doing things, but they didn't really leave him any other way to contact them.

It took him little time to find the tree he knew about and knock on it a few times until a small compartment opened up.

The tube that spat him out beforehand started to make a suction force as it tried to absorb him inside itself.

Felix didn't resist the suction force.

His small body was absorbed into the tube as the similar sensation and sound of wind quickly running around his ears was heard again.

Back then, he hadn't been able to open his eyes due to the strong centrifugal force and sucking power which left him powerless until the process of transportation was over.

But now, his strength had reached new heights, and he could easily open his eyes to look around during the transportation process.

His green irises expanded as he opened his eyes and looked around, he could see countless tubes just like the one he was in, and they were all transporting different things.

Some of them were transporting people just like him, some of them were transporting important items, and as Felix looked a little bit to the left, he even saw some of the trees from the Sparron continent, with some items that he didn't recognize at first glance.

Willie, who was still perched at the top of his head even though quite a lot of time passed, felt a disturbance in the force as it started to shake, seeing the special trees that were housing for his kind.

He wanted to jump away from Felix and save the trees, knowing that they wouldn't end up well from the looks of it, but he knew it was impossible, so he just growled to himself as he just stood there weakly.

Felix continued to look around, and he realized he wasn't the only one that did that, humans were being transported just like he was right now, and they looked curiously at him.

Felix's incident was top-secret in human society, so they didn't know who he was, but everyone liked a cute cat.

Since Felix had been able to find the transportation tube and no alerts were shown on their portable communication devices, it showed that it was intended for him to be here.

Felix continued to travel through the tube and saw different things happening all around him. Some of the tubes were even being removed and changed with different colored ones.

Human society was always improving, always doing its best to evolve.

Even though they were doing it for selfish reasons, it was still admirable.

Felix's travels through the tube didn't last very long as he was spat out back into the cold concrete city of the humans.

However, he wasn't alone as Vangar slowly clapped and walked towards him from the shadow of a tall building.

"I didn't think you would come to us so soon. However, we welcome you to our federation with open arms!"

Felix didn't even sense Vangar approaching him.

But that changed when Vangar revealed himself by using his voice.

Felix could sense that Vangar's strength was as mysterious as before.

Even his stealth techniques were superior to Felix, and Felix could be considered an expert in stealth.

Felix could see from the man's built that he wasn't a stealth expert, but his stealth skills were still above his!

Felix prided himself as the invisible person of the planet as no one could find him now if he wanted to disappear, but it seemed he was wrong.

"I see. My sudden appearance gave you quite the shock, I'm sorry for that."

"No, No, I'm ok."

Felix quickly excused himself as he blanked out a few seconds while he analyzed everything.

"There's no problem young Felix. I understand you are quite surprised to sense how big the gap in strength is between us. And that your training didn't push you closer at all."

"Was my expression that detailed?"

"Not really, but it's easy to read you."

"So, with what business have you come around?"

Felix went directly to the subject as he said:

"I have heard from someone that you have collected all of the breathing techniques, and I would like to join your army to get them."

"Really? That someone of yours must be quite strong to know such confidential information."

Vangar didn't seem surprised that Felix knew about the breathing techniques, seemingly as if he predicted this already.

Seeing that Vangar didn't say anything for a while made Felix rather awkward.

Vangar smiled while he looked down at Felix and said:

"I remember you being taller? I wonder what happened to you, that you became this short. And you seem to also have a friend from the Sparron continent on your head."

Willie, who was staying down while he cooled his anger after he saw what was happening to his brethren, immediately looked up at Vangar.

"Oh, little guy? Why are you feeling so angry?"

Willie was as red as a boiled lobster which showed that he had a bellyful of anger.

"It seems you have seen that we have gotten a new batch of trees from the Sparron continent. I hope you don't mind that as they are being put to good use, I assure you."

Felix tried to soothe Willie as he gently sent him some good vibes through their connection to lower his anger.

He was going to work with these people from now on, and he needed Willie to cooperate.

Considering the contract Willie took, he quickly calmed down, but he didn't say anything as he went back to hibernating. So he could absorb the natural energy discharged by Felix's body and create his fleshly body.

"Ok, now that we have gotten that out of the way, I can help you enroll in the army and get your hands on the breathing techniques free of charge, of course."

"Really? So easily? I don't have to do anything for them?"

Felix was used to having to finish some tasks first.

It was the first time someone wanted to give him something with relatively no strings attached. Not considering the fact that he had to join the army academy first.

"Well I can't really say you wouldn't have to do anything for them, there is one requirement, and that would be to join the military academy that we have created in outer space just for people like you."

"Military academy? I don't think I have ever heard of this term before."

"Oh well, it's translated from our language to yours, and I'm sure yours didn't contain it before, after all, the outer tribes' training methods are rather primitive."

"So what do you say? Do you want to join?"

Vangar didn't even mention the fact that their planet was in imminent peril. But he pushed Felix towards the military academy.

"You won't regret it, that's where your potential will bloom and reach its maximum, no matter how much you search through this small planet, and no matter where you go on the 4 continents, there will be no one as good as us in unearthing your potential and making you reach your full strength."

Felix was already convinced. And combined with the fact that if he didn't go, there was a huge chance he would meet his doom at the hands of the invaders, it was easy to pick.

"I guess I will join."

"Splendid, I knew you would say that. We shall leave right now!"

Before Felix could even give an ok as a response, he felt himself being picked up while not even realizing it.

Then his surroundings started to change at speeds invisible to the eye, and when he came to, he found out that he wasn't in the same place anymore.

Vangar let Felix down while he put his hands up showing around:

"Welcome to the first military academy of the human race!"

As Felix looked around, he could see gigantic buildings over 20 meters tall, made of a metal unknown to him.

They were very dark as they didn't reflect any light but absorbed it, as he looked more around, he realized that they weren't on solid ground anymore because he saw glittering stars beyond the arches of the tall buildings.

Where had Vangar taken him? Was he really in outer space? Felix thought that the man was bluffing at first. Why would he create an academy somewhere so dangerous?

Felix thought that the academy was a place of learning through books and experiments, at least, that's how he imagined it after Vangar's explanation, but it seemed this was another type of academy.

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