I have a sign-in system when I go to the Siheyuan

Chapter 11

The leader saw this and knew that they had encountered a tough guy, but they were afraid because they were in large numbers. "Brothers, come together and clean up this guy." Although the other people were a little scared, they still had to listen to the eldest brother, otherwise they would not have a good time when they returned. They rushed towards Li Chenyu. Li Chenyu also tangled with several people. He knocked the man A who rushed over first to the ground with one punch, dodged the knife stabbed by another person, quickly grabbed his arm and twisted it behind his back, snatched the knife and slashed his throat. The man's blood immediately spurted out and sprayed the man opposite, scaring the man's face pale. Li Chenyu also tangled with several people. He knocked the man A who rushed over first to the ground with one punch, dodged the knife stabbed by another person, quickly grabbed his arm and twisted it behind his back, snatched the knife and slashed his throat. The man's blood immediately spurted out and sprayed the man opposite in the face, scaring the man's face pale. Li Chenyu threw the dead man to the ground. He did not intend to let the remaining people go. Soon, they all lay on the ground.

Now only he and the leader were standing. The man took out his gun despite his weak legs and was about to shoot Li Chenyu, but he missed because of his shaking hands.

Li Chenyu passed by sideways at an incredible speed for ordinary people, ran to the leader in two steps, did not give him a chance to react, and killed him with a knife without saying anything.

Then he threw all these people into the space as nutrients. He had to leave quickly. There were gunshots just now. He had to leave quickly. Maybe the joint defense team and patrol people would come soon.

Li Chenyu began to clean up the scene, and then jumped over the wall to leave immediately after seeing that there was nothing missing.

Just as he jumped over the wall and left, a group of people came to the alley. They looked around and found nothing. There was only some blood on the ground, and nothing else.

The patrol team found that they had not found anything, so they all left and went to other places.

On the way home from the black market, Li Chenyu successfully avoided several waves of patrol soldiers and returned home safely.

He returned home, bolted the door, sat on a stool and drank a glass of water. He felt that he was still careless. He spent more than 100 yuan on things tonight, which was equivalent to spending two or three months' salary of other people. Don't show off your wealth.

The money came out after a few days of signing in, so he didn't feel distressed. But he forgot that this is not the era he has been in, and this money seems to be a lot to others.

I'd better be low-key next time I go to the black market. I'm not afraid of thieves stealing, but I'm afraid of thieves thinking about it. I'd better be more careful! So that others won't treat him as a fat sheep to be slaughtered.

Thinking back to what happened tonight, it seems that I'm still not cautious enough! I just came to this era, and it still feels a little unreal. This era is different from the world I live in.

There are enemy spies and extremely vicious criminals here. Killing and robbing treasures may be common, and you may not be able to find who the murderer is.

The world I live in is peaceful. Although there are criminals, the police are very fast in handling cases because there are cameras and sky eyes everywhere.

It will make your crimes nowhere to escape. It seems that I still need to truly integrate into this era, instead of thinking that I am just a spectator, and this is my life.

Li Chenyu adjusted his mentality and thoughts.

He thought that the things he bought tonight were not yet organized.

He had to plant all the seeds he bought, and then build fences for the animals to prevent them from running around and eating the vegetables he planted.

Li Chenyu was shocked when he just entered the space. The original space changed again.

What happened, so that the space seemed to have evolved, and then the space changed.

He wondered what the reason was.

Oh, by the way, ask the system if it knows.

"System, do you know how my space suddenly changed?"

Then the system said: [Host, the space rewarded by the novice gift package is just the initial space. The space has levels. The higher the level, the greater the change in the space, and more things will appear. 】

Li Chenyu asked the system again: "Tongzi, what does the level of the space rely on to upgrade? Is there anything specific?"

[Host, there is no specific thing, and there are many things that can provide upgrades to the space.

For example, the plants, animals, and antique jade and calligraphy and paintings that are missing in the space can promote the changes in the space. Other functions still need to be explored by the host. 】

Li Chenyu asked again: "Tongzi, can I go back to my world after the space is upgraded to the end?"

[Host, you can't! Because your body in that world has been cremated, and there is no carrier to carry the host's soul. 】

"System, do you know the situation of my father and sister?" Li Chenyu

Yu asked the system anxiously.

After listening to Li Chenyu's question, the system replied to him after a while.

[Host, you were hit and killed by a drunk driver. The other party's family is very rich. In order to prevent their son from going to jail, they paid a large sum of money to your father. ]

[With this compensation, your father later married a young wife. Your sister was afraid that your father would give all the money to his current young wife, so she asked your father for a sum of money to buy a house for herself. ]

[And your father's current young wife gave birth to a little son for him. So host, you don't have to worry about your father and sister. ]

Li Chenyu listened to the system's answer silently, just staring blankly at the stream in the distance, not knowing what he was thinking.

After a while, he came back to his senses and said to the system: "This is good. Since my mother passed away, I really want my father to find another one. This way I have nothing to worry about, which is good.

After my sister has her own house, she will also be protected. In this way, I will be relieved. And I am the real Li Chenyu in the 1960s, and I will start my new life."

"Tongzi, thank you for letting me know about them and letting me get rid of my worries in my previous life. You and I will start our new life together in this world, let us grow together, and welcome our good days in the future together."

[Okay, host. The system will always be with you. ]

After talking to the system, Li Chenyu carefully observed the changes in the space.

He saw that the land area of ​​the space had increased by 2 acres, the creek had widened, and a small kitchen had appeared next to the thatched house.

Having this small kitchen is the happiest thing for Li Chenyu now.

Because he can make delicious food in the space at will, and he doesn't have to worry about the smell of meat spreading out, causing trouble, and then being reported by the beasts.

There are always some people with twisted minds. They are jealous of you because you live a good life, and they also want you to live the same life as him in the abyss.

After observing the changes in the space for a while, Li Chenyu planned the layout of the space in his mind.

He walked to the edge of the land and tried to concentrate on planting trees with his mental power to see if it would work.

It really worked, but after a while his head hurt a little.

But he had already planted three apple trees, and used his mental power to plant two more apple trees and two apricot trees.

"No, my head hurts too much. It seems that my mental power is too weak. Let's take a break before planting!"

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