I Gave Up on Conquering the Heroines

Chapter 70


At the top of the Cologne City Hall spire.

On the right side of the main gate, the flag of the Holy Kingdom is hoisted.


The important thing is not the position or height of the flag.

The direction of the hoisting carries no particular meaning.

But for Cornelia, the direction of the hoisting had great significance.

It was because of the promise made with Yoo Jin.

If the flag is hoisted to the left, all is well.

If it is hoisted to the right, it meant the Priestess should not be approached due to the risk of being discovered.

And today was the day the Priestess was at the City Hall.

“There you are.”

“Ah, aah. This place is dangerous…”

At the gentle voice coming from behind, Cornelia’s body flinched and trembled.

Jill Diner.

The Priestess of Hameln had come up to the roof, holding onto her fluttering hair.

“Do you hoist the flag yourself every time?”

“Yes. It’s like the beginning of my day.”

“That’s impressive. I thought mayors just sit at their desks and issue orders to their subordinates.”

“Hahaha… I have only a handful of trustworthy aides.”

Cornelia hurriedly finished hoisting and shook off her hands.

Jill’s gaze was fixed high on the flag of the Holy Kingdom.

And then, Jill couldn’t take her eyes off the flag fluttering in the wind for a long time.

Feeling a sudden unease, Cornelia gently grabbed Jill’s shoulder.

“It’s dangerous, so let’s get down quickly.”

“Hehe. Alright.”

Only then did Jill smile and nod her head down.

Leading the Priestess, Cornelia began to descend the stairs.

Worried she might have trouble coming down, she looked back, but the Priestess was wearing tidy flat shoes, not high heels.

As expected, she’s definitely different from the previous Priestesses.

In the past, there were negative perceptions of the Priestess.

Criticism always existed that they were merely used as figureheads to prove the existence of the Divine and attended various events.

But Jill Diner was different.

She often refused to attend important ceremonies, claiming she needed to provide service and medical support.

She intervened in traditionally corrupt projects, causing much discontent.

This led to attempts on the Priestess’s life by her enemies whenever they got the chance, but Jill’s tenacity never wavered.

The Priestess’s choice was right.

As time went on, the number of those who envied and hated her dwindled compared to her followers.

At this point, the Priestess was no longer just a mascot of the Holy Kingdom.

She was evidence that justice lived in the world.

And proof that the Divine exists.

“Thank you once again for agreeing to provide legal advice.”

“No, no. If my limited knowledge can help the Priestess, it’s an honor for me.”

Cornelia was about to receive legal advice from the Priestess.

While she guided the Priestess to a seat and poured tea, Cornelia’s mind was a jumble.

What on earth am I doing?

Just because I studied law a little, why was I chosen?

Is she secretly pressuring me…?

The situation was strange.

The Priestess had come for advice to chase after Yoo Jin.

And the counterpart was someone who knew Yoo Jin.

Could there be such a ridiculous coincidence?

Maybe the Priestess was subtly threatening me.

I need to reveal Yoo Jin’s location soon.

Realizing this, Cornelia suddenly felt a chill run down her spine.

“Priestess, could you please first tell me the person’s details you are searching for?”

“Sure. His name is Yoo Jin. He’s human. A male. In his early twenties. About 180 centimeters tall and… relatively slender for his height. He feels firm to the touch, likely with a lot of muscle. Black hair with brown irises. And…”

As the details were enumerated one by one, Cornelia had to exert herself to maintain her expression.

She felt goosebumps.

Most were things one could know after meeting Yoo Jin, but some details were things one could only know if they were very close to him.

“And how would you describe your relationship with him?”


Cornelia finally managed to part her lips to ask.

Above all, she was most curious about the relationship between the Priestess and Yoo Jin.

A wandering mercenary and a Priestess.

No matter how one looked at it, they seemed to have no connection whatsoever.

“He’s an irreplaceable person to me. Someone I must find, to the point I’d be willing to sacrifice anything for him.”


Someone irreplaceable, huh.

That was an extremely unfriendly answer.

It offered no explanation of their connection.

It seemed she had no intention of elaborating further, so Cornelia decided to refrain from asking more.

“At least we need to establish that he exists for the court to act. For now, we’ll look for other methods…”

“I’ve tried everything. Full investigations, spot checks, various crackdowns, and so on. I’ve used every method available to the Priestess’s power. I’ve investigated every resident within the Pope’s jurisdiction at least three times, but I couldn’t find Yoo Jin. He’s clearly on the move, leaving no trace, or he must be in the territory of the cultists. Now it’s time to employ methods outside the Priestess’s authority. And I’ve come to you because I couldn’t think of any.”


Cornelia was at a loss for words.

To go this far to find a single person without a solid justification.

It was a clear abuse of power.

Yet, there was no hint of regret in the Priestess’s eyes.

What secret does she hold over him…?

Yoo Jin had said he possessed the Priestess’s weakness.

What could be so deadly that the Priestess was so desperately searching for him?

With tension causing her to swallow hard, Cornelia continued her counsel.

“You’ve tried even more than I expected. Not getting caught in full investigations and spot checks is impressive. However, at this point, there doesn’t seem to be any other methods that come to mind unless you cooperate further…”

“Cooperate? You say?”

“Please tell me more details about Yoo Jin. Otherwise, I can’t devise a strategy.”


She decided to take a somewhat brazen approach.

It seemed this was the only way she could hear about the relationship between the Priestess and Yoo Jin.

At that request, the Priestess paused, took a sip of tea, and after a while, let out a deep sigh and spoke.

“Okay. I believe you can keep this confidential. Yoo Jin is someone precious to me. For someone without family like me, he’s the most precious person.”


Cornelia felt her breath catch.

While she expressed it in a roundabout way, it was clear that she was talking about a beloved partner.

What had once seemed impossible was becoming a reality.

“But due to my mistake, I ended up injuring him. He’s been hiding away as if telling me never to find him… I don’t know what to do. I want to find him and apologize, but he doesn’t even give me a chance. I want to convey my apologies and return our relationship to what it was. I want to go back to the good old days…”

The Priestess muttered, her face trembling as if she might cry at any moment.

Cornelia had never seen this side of the Priestess before.

The Priestess was also someone who could fervently love and shed tears for love.

In love, she had her selfish sides, making her a very human person.

This was quite a shock for Cornelia.

And at that moment, she made a resolution.

I can’t let this woman continue searching for Yoo Jin.

She’s clearly lost her mind.

The meaning of hiding and running away was clear.

It meant she didn’t even want to face him.

Any sane person would accept that.

At this point, giving up would be the normal response.

It was essential to acknowledge that their relationship had come to an end.

But the Priestess was searching for Yoo Jin as if she’d chase him down.

It made sense why Yoo Jin was desperately fleeing.

There would be no good in getting tangled up with such a woman.

Please just give up. What Yoo Jin needs isn’t a relentless woman like you, but someone who can give him peace.

Though her heart wavered at seeing the Priestess’s desperation, Cornelia quickly solidified her resolve.

She couldn’t allow such a woman near the savior of her life.

“Don’t worry too much. I have a few ideas in mind.”


“Yes. I should be able to find him soon. Just trust me.”

Cornelia smiled gently and took the Priestess’s hand.

For Yoo Jin’s happiness, she absolutely had to keep this woman at bay.



Inside the massive cavern at the base of the World Tree.

Mia sat quietly, focusing in “the Eye of the World Tree.”

Another prophecy…?

It hadn’t been long since the last prophecy.

And already, another one was about to arrive.

This was the third prophecy in quick succession.

Originally, the normal interval was once a year.

This was an unprecedented situation.

Yoo Jin will hear two this time.

Mia felt quite disappointed.

The more prophecies she could share with Yoo Jin, the better.

That way, he would visit Elvenguard more often.

But if another prophecy arrived before she even shared the already accumulated ones, it would be pointless.

I wish the new prophecy had come after I told him the last one.

Mia grumbled to herself while seriously preparing to interpret it.


But soon, the prophecy from the World Tree stopped, and silence engulfed the surroundings, prompting Mia to realize something was off.

The air around her felt slightly cold.

“You are…?”


And at the moment she turned around, there stood someone hooded, hiding their face.

This was a strictly controlled area, the Eye of the World Tree.

There shouldn’t be anyone who could enter freely.


“Hoo. Y-yeah.”

The ousted former Priestess.

The prodigal of Elvenguard.

Yulia Petenburg pulled down her hood and revealed her face.

“How did you get in here?”

“I… dodged the guards… sneaking in.”

Though she had relinquished her Priestess position, she had once been chosen by the World Tree.

So as long as she avoided the guards’ eyes, there was nothing to stop her from entering.

“What do you want? Is there a problem with the lifespan sharing method I taught you?”

“N-no. That’s, not the issue at all…”

Yulia stammered, unable to meet Mia’s gaze.

Though they had known each other since childhood, she found it difficult to interact with her now.

Back when they were together before leaving Elvenguard, they had laughed and talked normally.

However, since leaving Elvenguard, it felt as if Yulia had completely forgotten how to converse with people.

That state had persisted for over 200 years, so her social anxiety had only worsened.

“I-I won’t talk long… A-ah, I won’t…”

Taking a deep breath and letting it out, Yulia met Mia’s eyes straight on.

Though she still stuttered, her gaze was resolute.

She was no longer the timid, socially anxious person.

The master of Petenburg.

She wore the face of a cold witch.

“Where’s the man who broke the dungeon beneath the World Tree?”


The icy cold statement was delivered without a hint of stuttering.

Mia’s body stiffened in response.

It was not a question.

It was a demand.

Yulia was now boldly demanding the whereabouts of Yoo Jin.

For a moment, Mia’s lips trembled before she spoke.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about at all.”


Then she put on a sweet smile and played dumb.

The man who might become the Priestess’s husband.

There was no way she could hand him over to a deposed former Priestess and witch like her.

“Mia you…”

At her blatant attitude, Yulia’s expression twisted.

Indeed, she should have burned Elvenguard to the ground for good measure.

Regret stirred within Yulia.

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