I Gave Up on Conquering the Heroines

Chapter 53

That can’t be true.

How can a person have absolutely no talent?

If you’re a disaster in everything else, you should at least have some talent in magic, right?

With that thought, I kept training.

And kept hitting a wall.

“Hmm? Why isn’t this working? It should work normally!”

“Give me a tip.”

“There’s no tip! Just visualize the attributes in your head and release the mana. 1st tier magic is that simple.”


Is Alicia saying that nonsense because she can’t understand a criminal?

No. Alicia is actually making sense.

According to the setting, 1st tier magic is really just crap magic anyone can use.

“I’ve never seen a case like this. Usually, people struggle with mana control, but no one gets stuck on 1st tier magic. If you know how to control mana, you should pass 1st tier in a snap… How can you be so perfect in mana control yet not able to use magic?”

Each of Alicia’s words pierces my heart like daggers.

Only then do I realize.

The old man who first taught me magic was not a quack.

“You’re hopeless at magic. If you don’t want to be embarrassed in front of others, learn some inconspicuous magic like a petty thief.”

There wasn’t a single wrong word in that old man’s advice.

I was never capable of high-tier magic to begin with.

I should just properly deal with magic that isn’t classified by attributes or that’s exclusive for thieves…

“Wow… already at 2nd tier? This kid is learning magic way too fast!”

Meanwhile, Mi Jeong is flying through the levels.

She’s already breathing fire and swinging electric whips like there’s no tomorrow.

Thank goodness, at least one of us has talent in magic.

From now on, Mi Jeong can handle magic.

“Don’t get too discouraged. Not all magic is linked to attribute magic. For example! Healing magic isn’t classified under any attribute and exists independently, you might have talent for that kind of magic!”

“What tier is that?”

“7th tier…”

“The chance of me mastering 7th tier in a single shot?”

“Unless you’re a priestess, I’d say it’s close to zero…”

Alicia, who was raising her tone to cheer me up, gradually starts to stumble over her words.

I’m already stuck at 1st tier magic.

There’s no way I could learn 7th tier magic in one go.

Thinking that way, I start to see Jill in a different light.

For elemental magic, you begin at 1st tier and gradually climb the tech tree.

But for healing magic or blessing magic, you have to learn them from scratch without any prior knowledge.

“I thought she was just a whiny, cowardly priestess.”

Turns out, she was just missing a screw.

Jill is quite the genius too.

That thought spreads a wave of powerlessness throughout my body.

“I’m going to teach Mi Jeong magic. I’m going to take a break.”


I need some time alone.

I roughly ruffle Mi Jeong’s hair while she’s engrossed in her magic and leave the training ground.

Once outside, the weather is unnecessarily nice.

The sunlight filtering through the gigantic branches of the World Tree is warm.

Birds are chirping.

The floral scent is fragrant.

It’s such a nice day that I almost want to give up everything and enjoy a stroll.


I plop down in a sunny spot.

I know every minute counts.

I know that swinging a sword during this time would be much more beneficial.

Just a little bit.

I just want a tiny break.

I’m exhausted.

Wondering if I really have this little talent…

“I should have noticed it back when they handed me that absurd skill like regression.”


If I had talent, I wouldn’t have come to the 13th round.

But letting go of my expectations makes me feel much better.

The problem is, this is the last round.

Even if I discover the limits of my talent, I can’t use regression to cover that weakness anymore.

A deep sigh escapes me.



Just then.

I turn my head at the unfamiliar voice calling me from the side.

There’s a little elf child staring blankly at me.

“I saw you! You put out the fire.”

“Is that so? Congratulations. Go tell the High Elves. They’ll probably just give you candy and ask you to be quiet.”

“Are you here to fight too?”


“My dad was an amazing mage, but he went to fight and hasn’t come back after leaving for the World Tree. Are you going to help my dad?”

What’s this kid talking about?

He must be the child of someone who died in the dungeons.

“When did he go in?”

“Ten nights ago.”

Ten days ago?

Then he’s definitely dead.

The dungeons are places where you can’t sustain yourself.

Even if he was a great mage, he couldn’t last ten days inside a dungeon.

If he even takes a nap for a moment, monsters would swarm in and tear him apart.

By now, that kid’s father is probably just a pile of bones wandering somewhere in the dungeon.

“Yeah, you’re right. I came to help your dad.”

“Really? Where is my dad now? Is he okay? Did he defeat a lot of monsters? The adults won’t answer these questions.”


That’s a tricky question to answer.

Should I harshly tell him the cold truth that he’s probably dead?

Or should I leave him with a vague hope that he might be alive?

Neither option feels right.

I can’t guarantee the survival chances of a father whose face I’ve never seen.

“Is your dad strong?”

“Yes! Super strong! He runs an academy and has many students. Many mages respect him!”

“Do you believe in him?”

“Yes! I believe! I’m sure he’s fighting bravely right now!”

“Then he’s probably fine and alive, knowing that he has a child who believes in him.”

I can only give him as much hope as he has.

Anything more would be greedy, anything less would be hopeless.

I don’t want to teach this child how to get accustomed to despair and powerlessness.

‘What was I doing, wallowing in such self-pity while people are dying all over the place?’

Thanks to this, my thoughts have become clearer.

I have no talent?

There’s no time to whine about that.

Real talentless people are still dying across the world.

Who knows?

Because I sat down for just a moment, those who might help me in the future could die.

To be more drastic, it’s possible that my future ally who would take down the final boss could die just because I was slacking off.

“I’ll save your father soon. Until then, can you hold onto this for me?”



I take out a cap from my pocket and place it on his head.

It’s the only one of its kind in this world.

My personally customized baseball cap.

Seeing it on the head of this blond elf boy feels incredibly off.

“Take good care of it. How old are you?”

“51 years old.”


Suddenly, my immersion breaks.

Come to think of it, elves reach adulthood at 100 years.

He certainly seems like a kid by elven standards.

But thinking about how I was acting cool in front of someone 30 years younger makes me feel a wave of self-loathing wash over me.

“How old are you?”

“Well, that’s a bit… older than you.”

“100? 120?”

“No, it’s…”

“Michael Jackson?!”

At that moment, I hear a cheerful voice calling me.

I can tell without turning around.

That sweet voice belongs to the Priestess, Mia.

As I turn my head with the elf boy, an elf woman who looks like the boy’s mother comes rushing over and takes his hand away.

“I’ll definitely return the cap when I come back!”

“You seem to have made friends with this child already.”

“I just had a little chat. So, what brings you here? Have you made a decision on the commission?”

“Just give me a little more time. The conference is still going on.”

Mia approaches as she pulls down the veil covering her face.

This is the first time I’m seeing her face.

Her hair is a light green color.

And her face looks far younger than I expected.

However, something about her determined expression shows a strong will, so I definitely don’t want to underestimate her.

If Mi Jeong seems like she lacks emotion, Mia feels like she’s suppressing all her emotions.

“The World Tree’s prophecy is ready.”


Come to think of it, apart from the commission, I received a prophecy voucher as compensation for defeating Ifrit.

It’s like a sample before being granted a lifetime free pass.

I follow Mia, who turns with a meaningful expression, towards the World Tree.

Soon, down by the base of the World Tree, a small tunnel reveals itself.

Without hesitation, Mia enters.

The attendants and guards all wait outside the tunnel.

“What’s taking so long? Aren’t you coming in?”

“I’m going in.”

It’s a damp and dark tunnel that feels quite unwelcoming.

As my eyes gradually adjust to the dark, I see a large cavern blinking with bright lights on the other side.

“It’s been a while. The Eye of the World Tree.”

This is the place called ‘The Eye of the World Tree.’

As the name implies, it’s where the World Tree can see, hear, and speak.

In this place, the World Tree converses with the Priestess and delivers prophecies.

The air here feels different.

Unlike the outside, which is thick with mana, this place is refreshing with almost no mana.

It feels quite humid yet comfortable.

“I’ll tell you the prophecy soon, so just wait comfortably.”


Mia steps confidently over the ground filled with the roots of the World Tree and places her hand on the central wall.

Then she closes her eyes and begins to concentrate.

It seems she needs some time to fully read the prophecy.

During that time, I sit down on the ground and…

Seriously, she’s very pretty.

I can’t take my eyes off Mia’s face.

Elves are generally known for being beautiful, but she looks exceptionally stunning.

I can’t believe I never saw this face during the last 12 rounds.

I’ve lost 12 years of my life.

“What are you staring at so intensely?”

“Oh! Did you catch me?”

“The current senses of the World Tree are connected to me. Even with my eyes closed, I can see what you’re doing with the Eye of the World Tree.”

“Sorry. If it’s a disturbance, should I turn around?”

“No… You don’t need to apologize. It’s not like it’s a disturbance. I was just genuinely curious about why you were staring.”

Mia shakes her head with a confused expression.

I thought her voice sounded quite irritable, so I assumed she was in a bad mood.

Turns out her usual attitude is like this.

Then why did she avoid making eye contact with me throughout the last 12 rounds and only converse through the veil?

Actually, aside from when conveying prophecies, she didn’t engage in any small talk.

But now, Mia is the one initiating conversation.

Could it be that her feelings have changed suddenly in this round?

“I guess it’s just because I’ve never seen the face of the Priestess before.”

“I’m sorry for that. I know it’s improper to cover my face, but because of this prophecy… I just uncovered my veil since the prophecy didn’t seem to concern you.”

“Good to know. I thought you might have hated me.”

“No way! I’m really sorry for making you feel that way.”

“Then, how about you treat me to a meal later?”


“I already had a decent banquet with the Elders. Now I want to talk with you, not those old prunes.”


I feel a pang of disappointment.

During the last 12 rounds, I thought she was an emotionless extra.

Yet here I am talking to Mia in this round of all times.

I want to know about Mia as a person.

Not just the character described in the game’s settings and plot.

To actually get to know the individual named Mia, I have to meet her directly and have this conversation.

I thought I had seen all the hidden elements of the game.

But when new achievements pop up, it makes me want to clear them, doesn’t it?

Every gamer understands how I feel.

Poof. Old prunes?

I’ve never heard a human say that before. Everyone else mixes up who’s old and who’s young.

“You have no discernment. The vitality radiating from the face is completely different.”

“That’s true…”

“So, are you going to treat me or not?”


Just as Mia is contemplating with a faint smile,

“Ah! The prophecy has come!”

The flow of the World Tree is interrupted.

I still haven’t heard her answer.

What an oblivious kid.

But I decide to wait and hear what the prophecy is.

However, Mia’s expression gradually hardens.

“What’s wrong?”

“The prophecy seems strange. It’s not the usual tone of the World Tree…”

“Just recite it as it is.”

“Alright. Ahem.

Mia clears her throat and starts again.

However, when she utters the first word, I freeze.

“Belphegor…? So you are the human spoken of.”


“What does this mean? Belphegor, that sounds like a person’s name.”

I realize right away.

This prophecy cannot be from the World Tree.

That wording is definitely from Kali.


As I turn around in shock, the wooden roots decorating the walls start to writhe.

This is both the eye, ear, and mouth of the World Tree.

If this place comes under Kali’s control, it could very well be used as her eye, ear, and mouth.

I’ve been discovered by Kali.

|Die, pitiful child. |




With a loud crash, the earthen wall collapses, sealing off the entrance.

Fireflies flicker and the place plunges into darkness.

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