I Didn't Get Into The Warrior High School And Had No Choice But To Draw My Sword.

Chapter 94 Even If A Strong Wind Rises From The Ground, I Want To Ride The Wind And Travel Thousands

"Now that I've made this decision, I won't talk nonsense anymore."

Wu Fan flicked the animal blood on his long knife and turned towards the convoy leaving the bridge. But before leaving, he said to Wang Chong and others: "I hope to hear the news that you are still alive in the future."

Watching Wu Fan leave with more than 20 team members, a young soldier couldn't help but said: "They are so strong. If they stay, they can help us relieve a lot of pressure. But if we only rely on us now, many comrades will be sacrificed." .”

"Why let them leave?"

After hearing what this soldier said, Wang Chong pulled down his military cap, looked into the distance and said:

"Because they are students from China Wuhan University."

"They will become high-level warriors in the future. They will kill more and stronger high-level monsters and can protect more people."


"We can't let them die here."

Wang Chong patted his chest, which was still a little painful. It was the wound left by resisting the B-level giant white shark before. Then he summoned a weapon in his hand and killed the monster that climbed onto the bridge.


In the domain space, Li Muyun stepped on Qian Yu Ling from the air to the ground, and a thousand-meter gap opened in the ground!

Although the two had only fought for a few minutes, Qian Yu Ling's sealed space was already crumbling.

However, Li Muyun wanted to fight quickly, but Qian Yu Ling just wanted to delay the fight and did not fight him at all.

At this moment, a kilometer long sword energy slashed through the air, tearing Qian Yu Ling's space blockade to pieces.

"Governor Li, I will deal with the cult saints, and you quickly go to Ninghai Prefecture to stop the critical demon!"

The person who came was the seventh adjudicator Fang Hanyao. His spiritual pressure surged and he was killing Qian Yu Ling.

The moment the space blockade was torn open, a space crack appeared in front of Li Muyun. He stepped into it, and the next second, a terrifying giant monster appeared in front of him!


The spiritual pressure of the two collided under the clouds. In an instant, the sea water with a radius of thousands of miles in the sea turned into water droplets and began to rise slowly!

Countless warriors and sea monsters were trembling with fear from the terrifying spiritual pressure.


The sea anemone demon let out a sharp scream from nowhere.

The sound waves mixed with the spiritual pressure, forming more than a dozen ripple circles of different sizes, and then these sound wave circles, like rays, lined up in a straight line and pressed towards Li Muyun.

Li Muyun raised one hand in front of him, and his powerful body protection directly resisted Hai Anemone's attack.

"If you don't listen to your advice! Then I will kill you today!"

Li Muyun is level 85, while Hai Kui is only level 83. Although there is only a difference of two levels, the difference in spiritual pressure between the two is a full 14 million!

This is also the reason why the higher the level, the more difficult it is to fight beyond the level. Each level leap is a gap of millions of spiritual pressure.

The star ring behind Li Muyun lit up, and then he pulled it with one hand and used the strong wind to tear apart several of the body-protecting spiritual pressure of the sea anemone demon from a hundred meters away!

Monsters and warriors can have body-protecting spiritual pressure outside their bodies at E-level. The higher the level, the thicker the body-protecting spiritual pressure, with dozens or hundreds of layers overlapping each other.

Therefore, against high-level warriors or monsters, the human sea tactic is completely useless, because you can't even break through their first layer of body-protecting spiritual pressure.


The sea anemone twitched its tentacles with soft spines and slapped them at Li Muyun. These tentacles were so powerful that every stroke had the power to break the A-level protective shield!


Li Muyun did not dodge, but went straight towards the sea anemone itself.


Li Muyun punched Haikui's huge body.

Bang! Bang!

The two spiritual pressures continued to confront each other, refusing to give in to each other.

But Li Muyun's offensive continued unabated and he exerted force in the air, pushing the sea anemone from an altitude of 1,000 meters to the depths of the ocean!

Boom boom boom!

The sea was divided by a huge force, similar to the scene where Moses divided the sea!

The seawater swung to both sides, revealing the deep seabed land. Li Muyun pressed the sea anemone and continued to move farther. The body of the sea anemone carved a deep ravine in the flat sea mud!


Just when Li Muyun was taking the sea anemone to the distant sea, a shining golden spiritual core suddenly appeared in its transparent body!

I saw a flash of light from the spiritual core, and the spiritual pressure particles in the surrounding space instantly collapsed.

"Field! Expand!"

A pair of golden thunder halberds suddenly appeared in Li Muyun's hands!


With the Thunder Euphorbia as the center, the surrounding space was stripped away, and Li Muyun and Haikui instantly came to an independent space.

In the field, the sky was covered with dark clouds, and countless golden thunder fell.

The golden star ring behind Li Muyun lit up, and he waved the thunder halberd in his hand and thrust it into Haikui's head!

"The eighth star ring! Lightning from all directions!"


The thunder halberd split into ten thousand-foot golden thunderbolts, sweeping across the void in a clockwise direction!


The sea anemone's huge body was shrouded in golden thunder, causing its huge body to twitch.

But despite this, the spiritual core in its body still emits a blinding light!

Ninghai Prefecture, the battlefield between land and sea, at this time countless warriors are looking towards the distant sea.

And suddenly, from a certain space node, a hundred-meter-thick energy beam suddenly shot out!

The light beam did not fall on Ninghai Prefecture or the land, but on the ocean continental shelf a thousand meters away from the city!


The earth shook!

Just a click was heard. Like Ninghai Prefecture, it is also an A-class Thousand Island City with millions of people living in it. The continental shelf under the peninsula where it is located was shaken to pieces by the earthquake caused by the beam.

The entire continent began to float along the ocean. After moving nearly a kilometer, the peninsula where Thousand Island City was located directly faced the original land across the sea, forming a truly super-large island!


Wu Fan slashed the monster's head with his sword, and the giant sea monster more than 20 meters high fell to the ground instantly.

The blood dripped on the ground and made a hissing sound, corroding a large hole half a meter deep in the ground.


Wu Fan was surprised to find that his long knife was stained with little fluorescent substances.

He shook it hard but still couldn't shake it off!

But before he could continue to observe, a loud noise suddenly came from the direction of Ninghai Prefecture, and then the sky and the earth darkened, followed by a violent earthquake. The earthquake was no less than 8.0 on the Richter scale in the southwest!

In the fast-moving convoy, several vehicles were knocked over directly by the bumps!

After the brief earthquake, before they had time to recover, everyone saw a huge wave nearly a thousand meters high hitting the ground.

"Quick! Hide to a higher place!"

It was impossible to compete with such a high wave speed. Now the only option was to find a high place to take shelter.

Just as he finished speaking, the sea water from the side of the cross-sea bridge came over and directly submerged the trees less than 10 meters high!

Wu Fan's team led thousands of ordinary people to hide on a hill, but when the sea came in, more than half of the hill was submerged.

Before everyone could take a breath, countless sea monsters accompanied by the sea water came towards Wu Fan and the others from all directions!

"Yangguan Sandie!"

"Three views of harmony!"


More than 20 team members stood separately, each guarding a place, but this group of sea monsters seemed to be crazy and rushed forward one by one desperately.

Although they were all elite warriors from China Wuhan University, they could not withstand such a fierce offensive, and the defensive circle kept shrinking.


Fang Tianxun was pierced by a sea beast, vomiting blood and flew backwards.

On the other side, Zhang Zhibai's fingers had already developed fine scars, and the spiritual pressure on his body was nearly exhausted.

At this time, only Wu Fan's recovery speed could match the consumption speed due to his triple spiritual pressure. However, because he had no body-protecting spiritual pressure, his body was covered with scars after being surrounded by many monsters.

"Martial skills! Dianjiang!"

Wu Fan, who was fighting, suddenly felt his body lighten up. The bleeding wounds began to heal, and the energy and spiritual pressure he had consumed also recovered.

He looked back and saw that Wenren Youyue was emitting a crisp green light. She raised her hand in front of her chest and treated everyone.

With her healing blessing, everyone fought back the compressed encirclement again!

"Martial skills! Four elephant sword techniques!"

Then, Wu Fan, who no longer had any worries, clenched the long knife in his hand, powerful air waves exploded from his body, and a strong wind blew!

"Blade Storm!"

He took advantage of the wind to jump into the air, and his spiritual pressure was like a strong wind, forming a 100-meter-large storm vortex that swept in all directions!

The wind blades formed by countless spiritual pressure particles quickly spread to the outside and killed any low-level monsters that encountered the wind blades along the way, and were all torn to pieces!

Even if a strong wind rises from the ground...

I want to ride the wind and travel thousands of miles!

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